Download the call for proposals

RevitaliSing our Research Relationships
He Mātai rangahau, tātai whanaungatanga
Call for Proposals
Key Dates
Proposal submission system open
Proposals due on
Decisions returned on
The Submission
NZARE Early Childhood
Education SIG Hui 2015
Hosted by the Faculty of Education,
Victoria University, Wellington
Friday 15 May 2015: 9.30am - 3.45pm
Please submit a 300 word abstract which includes the aims of the research, methodology,
main findings and implications for practice or policy. If roundtable or workshop, describe
the purpose of the session and plan for facilitation that encourages active involvement and
discussion. See review criteria below. The abstract will be blind reviewed and selected on the
basis of suitability according to the criteria and number of slots available. The decision of the
selectors will be final.
Submit your proposal online from the NZARE website
Session Types
Student researcher - 20 mins: Presentation of a single
piece of work (by either a student or student with
supervisor). Papers can be completed or in progress.
Research presentation - 40 mins: Presentation of a
single piece of work or closely related projects (by either
an individual or a team). Please indicate if research is
completed or in progress. Sessions should provide
opportunities and time for the active involvement of
participants and discussion. We encourage submissions
from all researchers including teacher researchers and
beginning researchers.
Workshop - 40 mins: Interactive presentations facilitated
by either an individual, team, or a panel focused on key
issues related to early childhood topics and research
(e.g., writing research grants, research methods, research
issues, or the dissemination of research). Topics relevant
to teacher researchers, beginning researchers, or student
researchers with opportunities for discussion and active
involvement are encouraged.
Round table discussion - 40 mins: Interactive
discussion facilitated by either an individual or a team
focused on key issues related to early childhood topics
and research. Facilitators should have expertise related to
the area proposed, a clear plan of how the discussion will
be facilitated, and identified outcomes for the discussion.
Criteria for Review
Topic/research relevant for early
childhood education.
Clear objectives or purpose for the
Session relevant for an audience
interested in research (e.g., learning
about new research, connecting
research to practice or policy, or
learning how to do research).
Clear description of research
project methods and findings
(n/a for workshops/ round table
Promotes scholarly conversations
among participants.
Clear plan for active involvement of
participants and discussion.