ASTR 101 Advisor Information.pdf

ASTR 101 – Introduction to Astronomy Credits: 4 Astronomy 101 will be a lecture course with a laboratory component that satisfies the requirements of the Carolina Core and it is designed to replace the self-­‐
paced Astronomy 111. The goal of the course is to excite and inform the non-­‐
scientist about the vast nature of the universe in which we live. Astronomy 101 will cover a wide range of topics in Astronomy at a level available to students without any scientific background. The laboratory requirement will be the completion of eight exercises offered on a bi-­‐weekly schedule throughout the semester. This course will be offered each semester beginning with Summer Session 2 – 2014. Please direct any questions regarding course specifics to David Tedeschi Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy [email protected] 777-­‐1132