Linewidth characteristics of a filterless tunable erbium doped fiber ring laser V. Deepa and R. Vijaya Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083107 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2798579 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Fiber delivered two-color picosecond source through nonlinear spectral transformation for coherent Raman scattering imaging Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 071106 (2012) Theoretical study on phase locking of the array of fiber lasers coupled by bi-dimensional mutual injection AIP Advances 1, 042178 (2011) Optical and luminescence properties of Co:AgCl0.2Br0.8 crystals and their potential applications as gain media for middle-infrared lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 201111 (2011) Tunable excitation source for coherent Raman spectroscopy based on a single fiber laser Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 181112 (2011) Plastic evanescent microlaser APL: Org. Electron. Photonics 4, 222 (2011) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 102, 083107 共2007兲 Linewidth characteristics of a filterless tunable erbium doped fiber ring laser V. Deepa Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India and VES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sindhi Society, Chembur, Mumbai 400071, India R. Vijayaa兲 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India 共Received 19 July 2007; accepted 22 August 2007; published online 19 October 2007兲 The linewidth characteristics of a continuous wave erbium doped fiber ring laser whose tunability is controlled by intracavity loss are studied in this work. The spectral linewidth of such a filterless laser is measured experimentally, and its characteristics are analyzed using the existing analytical model of fiber laser. The long length of the cavity results in lasing into multiple longitudinal modes, thus leading to a broad linewidth. The extent of this broadening is found to depend on the intracavity attenuation and pump powers. Under the given experimental conditions, for a fiber of length 12 m, the linewidth increases up to 4.5 nm corresponding to an additional cavity loss of 5 dB, while it increases up to 8 nm for a loss of 1.2 dB for a fiber of length 4.6 m. The linewidth decreases with further increase in intracavity loss for both cases. In this work, the linewidth dependence on the intracavity loss is directly linked to the spectral dependence of the threshold power for each length. The linewidth increases with pump power irrespective of the intracavity attenuation, and this is explained through the nature of the amplified spontaneous emission from the fiber at different pump powers. The experimental results and the subsequent analysis are useful for the design of a filterless tunable laser with a narrow linewidth using erbium doped fiber in the ring configuration. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2798579兴 I. INTRODUCTION Erbium doped fibers 共EDFs兲 are strong candidates for the construction of tunable lasers in the C and L bands, thus leading to several applications in communication, spectroscopy, and sensors. There are a variety of fiber laser designs possible with EDF for different modes of operation such as continuous wave 共CW兲 lasers, multiwavelength lasers, and Q switched and mode locked lasers.1,2 Erbium doped fiber lasers offer several advantages over semiconductor lasers in communication systems due to their inherent compatibility with optical networks, and hence low insertion loss, high conversion efficiency, ease of construction, and comparatively low cost. Ring cavity is the most common design for fiber lasers due to its simplicity. The primary advantage of this cavity is its ability to integrate a wide variety of fiber optic components which control the mode of operation of the laser. Tunable erbium doped fiber lasers are usually designed with the inclusion of wavelength selective elements, such as dielectric filters, tunable fiber Bragg gratings, and Fabry Perot filters, in the cavity and are operated in deep saturation to enhance the tunability.3 The effect of the length of doped fiber, reflectivity of the cavity mirror, and the attenuation in the cavity on tunability, as well as the techniques to enhance tunability, have been studied by several authors in the past.4–7 It is also possible to achieve wavelength tuning without the use of intracavity filters. In such lasers, it is typical to a兲 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected] 0021-8979/2007/102共8兲/083107/6/$23.00 observe lasing at those wavelengths corresponding to the two main peaks of the erbium gain profile, centering at 1530 and 1560 nm. Tunable action with such a laser was demonstrated by changing the wavelength independent reflectivity of the output coupling mirror.8,9 The underlying principle of designing a filterless fiber laser at a particular wavelength is to choose the fiber length and the pump power such that the round trip gain at that wavelength balances the round trip loss at that wavelength. Hence, for a given configuration, it is possible to obtain wavelength tuning with the change in intracavity loss. Such a filterless CW tunable laser operating in the L band, with bidirectional pumping of the EDF, was demonstrated in the wavelength range from 1587 to 1606 nm.10 Lin and co-workers recently demonstrated a coupling ratio controlled wavelength tunable erbium doped fiber ring laser 共EDFRL兲 using both 980 and 1480 nm pumpings and achieved continuous tuning from 1567 to 1612 nm.11,12 The linewidth of the output of a tunable laser is usually decided by the spectral characteristics of the filter used. Hence, for practical applications, the design of the filter is improved to improve the linewidth of the laser.13 The reduction in linewidth due to the inclusion of an air gap in the cavity is reported for a filterless laser with coupling ratio controlled wavelength tunability.11 However, in the case of filterless lasers, the lasing wavelength depends dynamically on the cavity parameters, and the linewidth characteristics of such lasers are not discussed in any of the previous works to the best of our knowledge. Since filterless lasers are competent enough for most of the applications requiring tunable lasers, it is important to study the linewidth characteristics of 102, 083107-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 083107-2 V. Deepa and R. Vijaya these lasers throughout the tuning range. Larger output power requires larger pump power, and hence the study of the dependence of linewidth on the pump power is also crucial. In this paper, we study the influence of intracavity loss on the linewidth characteristics of a filterless fiber laser, operating in the CW regime. The linewidth measured at the output of such a laser is decided by the characteristics of the fiber used, namely, reflectivity, intracavity loss, length of the cavity, wavelength response of the intracavity components, and the wavelength resolution of the measurement system. Since the filterless design considered is based on the variation of intracavity loss, the linewidth variation with intracavity attenuation for typically different lengths of the fiber is studied, and its dependence on threshold characteristics is brought out. For a given intracavity loss, the linewidth is also found to be strongly dependent on the pump power, beyond the threshold. This dependence is studied experimentally and the features are analyzed using the amplified spontaneous emission from the doped fiber. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The fiber laser considered has a short length of EDF, with an estimated dopant concentration of 3.535 ⫻ 1025 ions/ m3 in a typical ring cavity configuration, with an isolator in the cavity to ensure unidirectional traveling wave operation.2 The pump wavelength is chosen to be 980 nm, since this wavelength is reported to have the maximum influence in the fluorescence spectrum of a heavily doped fiber, and the corresponding laser transition is free from excited state absorption.14,15 The maximum pump power used is 300 mW, and all the components are fusion spliced so as to minimize the other losses in the cavity. A variable optical attenuator 共VOA兲 inserted in the cavity introduces an additional loss ␣. The output is analyzed using an optical spectrum analyzer 共OSA兲 with a resolution of 0.1 nm. With the increase in length 共L兲 of the fiber and the reflectivity 共R兲 of the coupler, the lasing wavelength 共las兲 is known to shift to longer wavelengths. On the other hand, lasing occurs at shorter wavelengths when the cavity loss is increased.1,2,16,17 Since las is the one for which the cavity gain matches the total loss, a tunable laser can be designed by changing R or ␣. Choosing a longer L would increase the tunability, assuming that sufficient pump power is available for inversion. Maximum R into the cavity will push las to the largest possible value to start with and hence result in an enhanced tunability.17 When ␣ increases, though the power fed back to the doped fiber in a single round trip decreases, the output power at las is not expected to be significantly different throughout the tunable range due to multiple passes of the field within the cavity and subsequent saturation at that wavelength. Obtaining tunability by tailoring R or by changing ␣ are conceptually the same. However, a cavity loss controlled tunable laser is a preferred filterless design due to the uniform output power at different wavelengths. Depending on L and R, the tunability is restricted to certain wavelength ranges, and is decided primarily by the spectroscopic nature of the fiber used.18,19 It is also demonstrated J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083107 共2007兲 FIG. 1. Output spectrum from EDFRL at different values of ␣ with EDF length= 12 m. experimentally and substantiated with analytical justifications that the range of tunability can be enhanced with the increase in pump power.20 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Linewidth dependence on intracavity loss The ring laser is constructed using two lengths of the EDF, namely, 12 and 4.6 m. The fiber laser is operated with a large pump power 共220 mW兲 in order to enhance the tunability. A tap coupler is used to reflect 99% of the power into the cavity. The intracavity attenuation is altered in appropriate steps, and with the increase in attenuation, the lasing wavelength is found to shift to smaller values as expected. The output observed on the spectrum analyzer at typical values of ␣ for the two lengths is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. FIG. 2. Output spectrum from the EDFRL at different values of ␣ with EDF length= 4.6 m. Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 083107-3 V. Deepa and R. Vijaya J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083107 共2007兲 FIG. 3. Linewidth measured at −20 dB below the power at las for EDF lengths of 共a兲 12 m and 共b兲 4.6 m. Figure 1 shows that for EDF length of 12 m the maximum tunability extends from 1604 to 1559.5 nm, except for a range of wavelengths 共1577– 1587 nm兲 which is not tunable for the available pump power. Simultaneous lasing at 1577 and 1587 nm is observed corresponding to ␣ = 5.7 dB, as shown in Fig. 1共d兲. With minimal loss in the cavity, the lasing wavelength for L = 4.6 m is found to be 1591.3 nm, as shown in Fig. 2共a兲. When ␣ is varied from 0 to 22 dB, the laser is found to be continuously tunable in the wavelength range between 1591.3 and 1557.3 nm for this length. For ␣ = 22.3 dB, simultaneous lasing is observed at 1557.3 and 1532 nm, while the wavelengths between them are not in the tunable range. The length and power dependence of the tunable range and the forbidden ranges in tuning are discussed elsewhere.20 It is observed in Figs. 1 and 2 that the linewidth characteristics change significantly with the change in ␣ and this dependence is not identical for both lengths. The linewidth measured at −20 dB below the power at las for different values of ␣ for both fiber lengths is shown in Fig. 3. The pump power is maintained constant at 220 mW for all these measurements. In the case of 12 m fiber 关Fig. 3共a兲兴, as the cavity loss increases, the linewidth is found to initially increase up to 4.5 nm corresponding to ␣ = 5 dB. With further increase in ␣, the linewidth is found to decrease, and beyond 10 dB attenuation, the linewidth is not found to significantly change with attenuation. A similar behavior is observed in the case of 4.6 m fiber 关Fig. 3共b兲兴. However, in this case, the linewidth increases up to 8 nm for ␣ = 1.2 dB, beyond which, it is found to decrease. The linewidth does not change significantly beyond 5 dB attenuation for 4.6 m EDF. The dependence of linewidth on attenuation can be understood qualitatively by estimating the spectral dependence of threshold power at different wavelengths for different values of ␣. The wavelength dependence of threshold power for the EDF used in our experiments is calculated for similar experimental conditions using the analytical model for fiber lasers.21 The emission and absorption cross sections provided by the manufacturer of the EDF are used for the calculations. The threshold power calculated for different wavelengths at different values of ␣ 共referred to as threshold curves henceforth兲 for both lengths of the fiber are shown in Fig. 4. Considering that the lasing wavelength is the one for which the threshold is the minimum, the linewidth characteristics of the output can be explained using Fig. 4. The total cavity length being large 共⬃20 m兲, multiple longitudinal modes are supported by the cavity. The linewidth at the output is due to the contribution from these modes. The number of modes is restricted by the homogeneous broadening associated with the gain spectrum in the active medium.1,2,22 Since the output spectrum is not strictly Lorentzian at minimal ␣, it is evident that the medium is inhomogeneously broadened at these pump powers. The extent of inhomogenity can be interpreted qualitatively using the threshold characteristics. The flatness of the threshold curves is a direct indication of broader linewidth at the output. The larger the change in the slope of the threshold curve at the wavelengths closer to las, the lesser is the linewidth. Figure 4共a兲 shows the threshold curves for a 12 m long fiber. For ␣ = 0 dB, the threshold power is minimal around 1604 nm, resulting in lasing at that wavelength, as seen in Fig. 1共a兲. As ␣ increases from zero, the threshold curves in the 1600 nm range become flatter, resulting in an increase in linewidth with ␣, as FIG. 4. Wavelength dependence of the threshold power calculated for EDF lengths of 共a兲 12 m and 共b兲 4.6 m. The arrow indicates increasing values of ␣. Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 083107-4 V. Deepa and R. Vijaya observed experimentally 关Fig. 3共a兲兴. Lasing occurs at two simultaneous wavelengths for those ␣ when a double minimum appears in the threshold curve. With further increase in ␣, the lasing wavelength abruptly shifts to the 1560 nm region. Linewidth does not increase any further since the slope of the threshold curves close to this lasing wavelength changes significantly. The forbidden wavelengths observed experimentally are evident in Fig. 4共a兲 in the wavelength range of 1575– 1585 nm due to the larger threshold in that wavelength range. Figure 4共b兲 shows the threshold curves for an EDF length of 4.6 m, and it is evident that the overall threshold power decreases for the shorter length of the fiber as expected.1 The minima of the threshold curve is found to be flatter for ␣ = 2 dB, in comparison to the case of ␣ = 0 dB. This accounts for the increase in linewidth when ␣ is increased from 0 to 1.2 dB, as seen in Fig. 3共b兲. For larger values of ␣, the flatness of the threshold curve decreases, resulting in narrower linewidths. At very large values of attenuation 共␣ ⬎ 20 dB兲, it may be noticed that the threshold power is the same for two wavelengths, such as 1530 and 1560 nm, leading to simultaneous lasing at both wavelengths. However, larger thresholds on either side of these two wavelengths ensure that the linewidth is not large, but close to the ideal Lorentzian. The linewidth becomes insensitive to attenuation beyond a certain value due to larger thresholds at the wavelengths close to the lasing wavelengths. A very precise quantitative correspondence between the results from the analytical model and the experimental data is not possible since the model used does not account for the wavelength dependence of attenuator and the other components used in the cavity. For instance, even though 1591.3 nm is a forbidden region for las according to Fig. 4共b兲, lasing is observed at that wavelength for 4.6 m 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. This is because the spectral contributions due to other passive components in the cavity is prominent for the shorter length of EDF. Similarly, the discontinuity in the region around 1605– 1610 nm in Fig. 4共a兲 is entirely due to the emission and absorption characteristics of the fiber in that region. It is also seen that though the threshold power is slightly different for different values of ␣, the output power at las is not significantly different, as seen in Figs. 1 and 2 for both fiber lengths used in the experiment. However, due to the differences in the linewidth, the integrated power from the laser is not the same throughout the tuning range. For instance, for a pump power of 300 mW, it changes from 0.7 to 0.3 mW when the wavelength is tuned from 1591 to 1532 nm for the 4.6 m fiber. For a given L and R, the change in linewidth due to a change in ␣ depends essentially on the spectroscopic characteristics of the EDF used, and hence could be different for different types of dopant fibers. Whatsoever, attenuation has a direct influence on the flatness of the spectral response of the threshold power and hence on the linewidth of emission. An ideal Lorentzian line shape is not obtained throughout the entire tuning range of this filterless laser design, but the present analysis helps in J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083107 共2007兲 FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Output spectra at different values of attenuation for pump power of 30 mW 共thin-blue line兲 and 300 mW 共thick-red line兲 共EDF length= 12 m兲. the identification of the conditions for obtaining this line shape with appropriate change of fiber length, pump power, and intracavity loss. B. Linewidth dependence on pump power The tunability of a filterless laser can be significantly enhanced with the increase in pump power.20 However, for a given ␣, when the pump power is increased beyond the threshold, the linewidth of the output starts increasing. The linewidth characteristics at different pump powers are recorded to qualitatively interpret this dependence in different wavelength ranges of operation for both lengths of EDF. It should be noted that the linewidth broadening discussed in this section is for a given wavelength of operation of the laser, originating due to the external pump power, and hence is fundamentally different from the case discussed in the previous section. The pump power is varied from 30 to 300 mW. The output spectra at both pump power levels are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 for both lengths of the fiber. Increase in pump power results in a slight increase in the power at las, associated with a significant increase in line- FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Output spectra at different values of attenuation for pump power of 30 mW 共thin-blue line兲 and 300 mW 共thick-red line兲 共EDF length= 4.6 m兲. Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 083107-5 J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083107 共2007兲 V. Deepa and R. Vijaya FIG. 7. ASE spectra observed at the output of the coupler for different pump powers for fiber lengths of 共a兲 12 m and 共b兲 4.6 m. width at the output. A simplistic explanation for this effect is that an increase in pump power saturates the gain of the lasing wavelength. Due to this, the gain of the neighboring longitudinal modes increases with further increase in pump power, resulting in a broader linewidth. The fact that the linewidth increases with pump power shows that it does not originate from spontaneous emission.23 Even though such an increase is seen throughout the tunable range of the laser, the extent of linewidth broadening is quite different for different wavelength ranges. It is found to be the largest around 1600 nm in Fig. 5共b兲 and around 1575 nm in Fig. 6共b兲. A Lorentzian line shape is retained even at the largest pump power for shorter las in each case 关Figs. 5共f兲 and 6共d兲兴. Since the analytical model used for the fiber laser does not predict pump power dependence for the las and the linewidth, the above feature can be understood by estimating the amplified spontaneous emission 共ASE兲 at different pump powers. The ASE spectrum can be considered as a measure of the gain at different wavelengths to start with, and the lasing wavelength is the one for which the gain matches the cavity loss in multiple roundtrips. The ASE spectrum is observed experimentally at the output of the coupler, with the cavity open, so as to include the spectral effects of maximum number of elements in the cavity. The spectra observed at different power levels are shown in Fig. 7. The undulations seen at lower pump powers are an artifact of the OSA. The stray peaks at higher pump powers in Fig. 7共b兲 are due to lasing, with the ferrule connectors acting as reflectors of very low R. The inflexion observed in Fig. 7共a兲 for the wavelength range of 1577– 1587 nm indicates the inaccessible wavelengths in the tuning range for an EDF length of 12 m, as seen in Fig. 5共d兲. The extent of inflexion for this wavelength range has reduced considerably in the case of shorter length of EDF 关Fig. 7共b兲兴, resulting in lasing around 1575 nm, as seen in Fig. 6共b兲. For both lengths of EDF considered, the degree of flatness of the ASE spectra in the longer wavelength range 共⬎1570 nm兲 increases with the increase in pump power. This results in more number of longitudinal modes balancing the intracavity loss, leading to larger linewidth at larger pump powers in the longer wavelength range. Particularly, the extent of linewidth broadening is significantly larger around the 1600 nm region in the case of 12 m fiber 关Fig. 5共b兲兴 and around 1575 nm 关Fig. 6共b兲兴 for the 4.6 m fiber. This can also be directly associated with the flatness of the corresponding ASE spectra in those wavelength ranges. For both fiber lengths, the linewidth broadening progressively decreases for las less than 1570 nm, for the same variation in pump power, since the gain changes significantly with wavelength in this region, thus resulting in lesser number of longitudinal modes. It is documented in the literature that larger linewidths at higher pump powers could be due to multiple four wave mixing processes between the longitudinal modes in the system.24 The contributions due to intermodal four wave mixing cannot be isolated in our measurements. The wavelength regions for which the ASE response is flatter would provide larger number of “seed” wavelengths for four wave mixing and hence would further enhance the line broadening effects. Since the wavelengths studied are significantly different from the expected zero dispersion wavelength of the active fiber, the consequent dispersive phase would be a deterrent to the nonlinear process. The lack of a dispersion-free mixing medium in the cavity leads to imperfect phase matching for the various four wave mixing processes.25,26 Hence the contribution due to four wave mixing, if at all existing, is not optimal. The phase matching occurring, if any, is due to the contributions from the nonlinear phase due to the large intracavity field.27 IV. CONCLUSIONS The linewidth characteristics of an intracavity loss controlled tunable erbium doped fiber ring laser are analyzed for its operation in the continuous wave mode. It is found that for a given pump power the linewidth of the output is a function of the attenuation in the cavity. The change in linewidth with attenuation is interpreted from the nature of the spectral dependence of threshold pump power. More number of longitudinal modes is supported in those wavelength regions which have a flatter response of the threshold curves, resulting in larger linewidth. For a given intracavity attenuation, linewidth is found to be strongly dependent on the pump power, and the nature of ASE curves at different pump powers is an indicator of this dependence. A flatter region in the ASE spectrum implies a larger linewidth for that wavelength region. Though the flatter response also indicates an increase in the number of seed wavelengths for multiple wave mixing processes, the consequent linewidth broadening is not optimal due to the absence of an efficient nonlinear mixing medium in the cavity. Since both intracavity attenuation and the pump power influence the linewidth characteristics, it is important to control both quantities in conjunction for obtaining an ideal line shape. This analysis is useful for the design of continuously tunable filterless fiber lasers with a spectral output of an ideal Lorentzian line shape. Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 083107-6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the financial support from the University Grants Commission Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 共CSIR兲 and the Department of Information Technology 共DIT兲, Government of India. 1 M. J. F. Digonnet, Rare Earth Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers 共Marcel-Dekker, New York, 1993兲. A. Bellemare, Prog. Quantum Electron. 27, 211 共2003兲. 3 A. Bellemare, M. Karasek, C. Riviere, F. Babin, G. He, V. Roy, and G. W. Schinn, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 7, 22 共2001兲. 4 S. Selvakennedy, M. A. Mahdi, M. K. Abdullah, P. Poopalan, and H. Ahmad, Opt. Fiber Technol. 6, 155 共2000兲. 5 S. Yamashita and M. Nishihara, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 7, 41 共2001兲. 6 H. Chen, M. Leblanc, and G. W. Schinn, Opt. Commun. 216, 119 共2003兲. 7 X. Dong, H. Y. Tam, B. O. Guan, C. Zhao, and X. Dong, Opt. Commun. 224, 295 共2003兲. 8 T. Rosadiuk and J. Conradi, IEEE Photonics Technol. 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