PH Y SICAL RE VIE% VO LUME B 19, N UMBER 15 JUNE 1979 12 Electronic energy bands in P-cerium Department Rajanikanth S. Rao of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076, India Chanchal Physics Department, K. Majurndar 92 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Calcutta 700 009, India I Department of Physics, Rudra P. Singh Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076, India (Received 15 May 1978) (KKR) method for Pcalculation has been done by the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Electronic-energy-band cerium with the Kohn-Sham-Gaspar (KSG) exchange term in the crystal potential. The energy eigenvalues have been calculated at 57 points uniformly distributed over three symmetry planes in the Brillouin zone. They have also been obtained in fair detail along a few major symmetry directions. The electronic states method, as achieving this by KKR method have been classified using the symmetrized-augmented-plane-wave requires much more computational effort. It is found that the band in P-cerium lies above the Fermi level, and the s-d complex shows good qualitative agreement with the band pattern in a-lanthanum. The density of states at the Fermi level has been found to be 1.71 (e/at. )/eV. However, it appears that the conventional band picture may not describe the level in metallic cerium very accurately. Within its limitation, the bandstructure calculation, where strong correlations are not involved, explains the situation in cerium better when we use KSG exchange rather than Slater exchange. It is suggested that x-ray absorption experiments should be done to check if the, band lies above the Fermi level as found in this calculation. f - f f I. INTRODUCTION Koskimaki and Gschneidner have developed techniques to prepare pure p-cerium. ' It is no longer necessary to estimate its properties by extrapolation from data measured at several alloy compositions to 100% pure P-cerium. Experiments on pure P-cerium have revealed many interesting features. It occurs in double hexagonal close-packed structure with c/2a ratio of 1.611, which is close to the ideal value. There are two ordering at 12.45 types of antiferromagnetic and 13.7'K. The electrical resistivity is characterized by a relatively small decrease upon cooling from 300 to 50'K and a large drop below 20'K. ' Gschneidner et al. have pointed out that the high-temperature resistivity could be fitted to a Kondo-type model for the scattering of conduction electrons, and the rapid drop was due to the quenching of such a scattering by magnetic ordering which brought in strong spin correla- ' tions. In other allotropic forms of cerium, the a, e', and y phases, interest centered around the continuous y- n transition, high Pauli susceptibility, of the e' phase. The and the superconductivity band structures of the y and a phases have already been reported, ' and several models have been proposed' to discuss the continuous transition. In this paper, we report the band structure of P-cerium calculated by the nonrelativistic l9 Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method. ' There has been a relativistic band-structure calculation' on cy-Ce, and the spin-orbit coupling is expected to show some finer effects in Fermi-surface topology. But the Fermi-surface data on the cerium Phases are not available. Properties like the electronic specific-heat constant can be estimated with confidence by nonrelativistic calculations. Section II discusses the computation of the potential and the bands. Section III discusses the results and our conclusions from all the bandstructure calculations of cerium. . II. CALCULATION OF THE POTENTIAL AND BANDS Since the KKR method of band-structure calculation is well known, ' we shall only give the important details pertinent to the calculation. The atomic charge densities of the 4f'5d'6s' configuration of cerium" were kindly supplied to us by Liberman (the computationai method is described in Liberman et aI. These have been used for the construction of the muffin-tin potential by the method suggested by Mattheiss. '2 The Coulomb part of the atomic potentials have been overlapped by a technique similar to Lowdin's n expansion, and discussed by Loucks. For the exchange potential, the Kohn-Sham-Gaspar Here the (KSG) expression has been chosen. "). " " 6274 1979 The American Physical Society 19 ELECTRONIC ENERGY BANDS atomic charge densities are overlapped first by the same method, and then with this overlapped charge density we use the KSG prescription for the exchange potential. Twenty-nine nearest shells of atoms have been used to get the overlapped quantities. One can, however, limit to the 13 nearest shells with negligible loss in accuracy. The radius of the muffin-tin sphere is fixed at 3.4463 Bohr units with the lattice constants a = 6.9562 Bohr units and c =22.407 Bohr units. With these values the muffin-tin spheres of nearest-neighbor atoms just fail to touch one another, and this ensures rapid convergence. The average potential in the interstitial region is found to be -1.2464 Ry, and the discontinuity at the boundary of the muffin-tin sphere is 0.01860 Ry. The relative smallness of this discontinuity shows that the muffin-tin potential obtained is a good approximation to the actual potential. This aspect is expected from the fact that the c/2a ratio for P-cerium is very close to the ideal value. We have used the terms up to l = 3 in the KKR expansion of the one-electron wave function in our calculation. This gives the energy eigenvalues accurate to 0.001 Ry. However, if one is interested in very accurate eigenvalues of the band, one may have to go to f =4 terms, because the f-band levels are densely clustered together. (For a gross property such as density of states, the higher accuracy is not necessary. ) In our calculation with the KSG exchange, the band lies about 0.09 Ry above the Fermi level (Fig. 1), and we could limit ourselves to within l = 3 f f for satisfactory results. Since there are four atoms per unit cell, we get energy levels quite close to one another even in the s-d hybridized region. Hence it is difficult to label the electronic states and also to trace them accurately whenever they cross by the KKR method by a reasonably limited expenditure of computational time. Symmetrization is much simpler in the augmented plane wave method, and we have therefore employed the symmetrized augmented plane wave method" for this purpose. One may have to take terms up to l = 12 in this method, and it is computationally convenient to fit the logarithmic derivatives of the radial functions in the form of polynomials in energy variables. Following Loucks, the derivatives can be put in the form [R,'(r„, E))/R, (r„, E) = Q, (E)/P, (E) +1/r„, (1) where P, (E) and Q, (E) are separately fitted for each l into polynomials in E and their degrees may be different for different l values. Here r& IN P-CERIUM 6275 3Logarithmic derivative --- Phase dR3 ~ Lg= shift ( ~3 R 3 df ) 2- «D 0 I I I -1.0 -0-9 -0.8 -0.7 -0-6 -0-5 -0.4 -0.3 ENERGY ( RY) FIG. 1. Phase shifts and the logarithmic derivatives of the radial functions of p-cerium for /=3. The bottom of the band lies near the point & indicated in the figure, which is about 0.09 By abov'e the Fermi level E~. f is the muffin-tin radius. For higher l values the polynomial fit matches very well with the actual value mainly because the I/r„ term dominates. Even the fifth-degree polynomials give logarithmic derivatives accurate up to as many as ten significant figures. For small l values we have found that we have to go to the ninth-degree polynomials for a satisfactory fit. The energy eigenvalues below the Fermi level. are calculated at 57 points in the 1/24th part of the Brillouin zone for the construction of the histogram density of states. The energy eigenvalues have been calculated at larger number of points along the major symmetry directions in order to trace the curves accurately. One has to have the k points. as uniformly distributed as possible while constructing the histogram, so these additional points were not utilized in it. An averaged histogram of bar width 0.004 Ry has been obtained by averaging over 5 histograms, each with energy bar width of 0.02 Ry but different starting energy. The structure of the histogram depends on the starting point, and an averaged histogram hides the detailed fine structure of the density of states, a small spike in its shape. e~, RAO, 6276 MA JUlg BAR, AND SING H 3' -07 -07t 1 CL QJ FIG. 2. Energy band of P-cerium along I'M, I"A, 3 CD C3 ~ -08 and AL, . 2 Q UJ UJ + 3' —09 for the density of states of n-lanthanum are available. The s-d band pattern of P-cerium III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The energy bands of P-cerium along the seven major symmetry directions are depicted in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. The density of states is shown in Fig. 5. The Fermi level is found to be 0.216 Ry above the bottom of the conduction band when one assumes three conduction electrons per atom. The density of states 2V(Ez) at the Fermi level is 1. I1 electronic states per (atom) eV. There is no direct experimentally measured number, but Burgardt et al. suggested that the heat capacity of P-cerium should be comparable to that of o. lanthanum. ' Except for the absence of the 4f electrons, n- lanthanum has physical properties, such as crystal structure, Debye temperature, and the valence comparable to those of Pcerium. Theoretical and experimental estimates from our calculation shows good qualitative similarity with the detailed band-structure calculations of n-l. antha'nuum by Ghosh, Kumar, and Das. Table I compares the density of states. Our value for P-cerium compares well indeed with the theoretical estimate for n-lanthanum. The discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical values in n-La is attributed partially to the electron phonon mass enhancement in " a-La. It is generally agreed that P-Ce is trivalent or nearly trivalent Burgardt et aL. assign a valency of 3.04. In our band pictures, the 4f band lies about 0.09 Ry above the Fermi level and has a width of about 0.08 Ry. This position is obtained with the KSQ exchange in our potential; — -2+ 2 ' JE I 1 3 -07' ) -0 70 - 071 -0-71 CL LU CD 4J K C) C3 —-0.8 g z Ul 2 1+ 1+' ~-OS IX x 1 UJ -09 3 -09 1 t K T' FIG. 3. Energy bands of P-cerium along I'K and EM. A H S' L FIG. 4. Energy bands of P-cerium along AH and HL. ELECTRONIC ENERGY BANDS 6277 f f situation implies that the level does not play a prominent role in the phase transitions of cerium, whereas one generally attributes the different allotropic forms in cerium, at least partially, to the changes in the relative occupancy of the 4f and 5d6s states. Many of the partially successful theoretical models in a y transition require the band to lie above the Fermi level with some amount of hybridization. Experimentally, the situation is not cl.ear. Older optical data indicated that the band should lie just below the Fermi level. The x-ray photoemission data of Baer and Busch (now repeated by Steiner, Hochst, and Hiifner)" were interpreted similarly to indicate that the band lies lower than the Fermi level, and Johansson's idea" that the n- y transition is a Mott transition is based on this interpretation. as Baer and Unfortunately, Busch themselves state, the separation of the structure from the broad featureless data is too arbitrary. If one puts the narrow band below the Fermi level one could expect a sharp feature; alternatively, one must have strong hybridization of the bands. The latter does not seem to be true of any band calculation done so far the levels remain in a fairly narrow group and move as a whole, and hybridization is weak. Another difficulty in trying to push the level down below the Fermi level is that the Fermi level will immediately get attracted down into the states because of their very large density of states, unless one invokes strong correlations to prevent electrons from going into these levels. In that case the band picture should not describe the behavior of metallic cerium. Since the KSG bandstructure calculations give the band higher than the Fermi level, experiments in soft x-ray absorption that can detect the density of unoccupied ~ O I-10I I l/l Z I O I I I I O I LU I ~0.5- IEF I I I I -0 85 I - 0 80 07S -0 71-070 ENERGY (RY) FIG. 5. Density of electronic states of P-cerium. energy bar width is 0.004 Ry. ' f I I I - 0 90 - f LLJ 0 P-CERIUM Fermi level would be difficult to settle theoretically. However, the Slater-exchange potential seems to be inadequate for cerium in a bandstructure calculation because it puts the band several electron volts (= 10 eV) below the Fermi level in P as well as in u and y phases. ' Such a 15- I IN The f the atomic charge-density calculations of Liberman et a/. have the same exchange term. Recall that this KSG exchange utilizes the exchange potential applicable to electrons at the Fermi level for all the electrons in the band. The position of the 4f band with respect to the s-d complex is very strongly dependent on the exchange term. As one goes to the Slater exchange, which uses the exchange potential averaged over all the occupied electron states in the band, the 4f band rapidly shifts to lower energy, narrowing in width at the same time. This behavior of the band can be estimated by the behavior of the logarithmic derivatives as a function of energy for the l =3 radial wave function occurring in the band-structure calculation. Figure 1 displays the variations of the logarithmic derivative and the phase shift with energy for the l =3 radial wave function in P-cerium in the case of KSG exchange potential. The position of the band with respect to the f f f — f f f f / f f TABLE I. Density of states N(E~) at the Fermi level. & —lanthanum Present Theoretical calculation fol Non- P-cerium relativistic Relativistic capacity Susceptibility 1.71 1.53 1.43 3.98 3.15 Reference Reference Reference Reference 16. 20. 21. 22. Experimental Heat RAO, MA JUMDAR, AND SINGH states should be performed. We must note that the Fermi-surface measurements have not been done on cerium. Theoretical calculations are available for the n and y phases and can be worked out for the P phase; the details are naturally very sensitive to the levels if we put them very near (above or below) the Fermi level, and to the relativistic spin-orbit splitting. Because of the large uncertainty, there is little point in reporting the present Fermi-surface calculation. Apart from the position of the band with respect to the Fermi level, the character of the electron, whether localized or itinerant, would be important in the computation of several physical properties measured by Burgardt et al, . Ottewell, Stewardson, and Wilson" have stated that the localized 4f level in y or P phase does not become a 4f band in the o. phase. They indicate that the electron is localized in the y and P phases, but the position of the level remained undetermined. We may thus summarize the conclusions of our f f f f f C. Koskimaki and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. , Phys. Rev. B 10, 2055 (1974). P. Burgardt, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. , D. C. Koskenmaki, D. K. Finnemore, J. O. Moorman, S. Legvold, G. Stassis, and T. A. Vyrostek, Phys. Rev. B 14, 2995 (1976). 3D. C. Koskenmaki and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. , in Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Raze Earths, edited by K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. , and L. Eyring (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976), Chap. IV. 4K. A. Gschneidner, Jr. , P. Burgardt, S. Legvold, J. O. Moorman, T. A. Vyrostek, and C. Stassis, J. Phys. F 6, L49 (1976). 5G. Mukhopadhyay and C. K. Majumdar, J. Phys. C 2, J. Phys. F 2, 450 924 (1969); G. Mukhopadhyay, (1972); B. S. Bao, C. K. Majumdar, B. S. Shastry, and R.P. Singh, Pramana 4, 45 (1975). R. Ra~irez and L. M. Falicov, Phys. Rev. B 3, 2425 (1971); see Ref. 2 for a critical review. YJ. Korringa, Physica 13, 392 (1947); W. Kohn and N. Bostoker, Phys. Bev. 94, 1111 (1954). B. Segall, Phys. Bev. 105, 108 (1957); B. Segall and F. S. Ham, Methods in Computational Physics, edited by B. Alder, S. Fernbach, and M. Botenberg (Academic, New York, 1968), Vol. 8, p. 251. ~D. 19 band-structure calculations of the P-cerium. The level of metallic cerium cannot be described wel. l by the conventional band-structure calculation; this failure in the case of a pure element is somewhat surprising. Within the limitations of the band picture, we believe that the situation is described better by the KSG exchange than by the Slater exchange, and that the bands, weakly hybridized, should lie above the Fermi level. X-ray absorption experiments and the Fermi-surface data would be valuable in clarifying the position of the band. f f f ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of us (R. S.R. ) is grateful to the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India for the award of a Senior Research Fellowship during the tenure of which this work has been done. He is also grateful to the Director of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, for providing all facilities during the progress of this work. B. Johansson, J. Phys. F 7, 877 (1977). L. Brewer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 61, 1101 (1971). "D. Liberman, J. T. Waber, and D. T. Cromer, Phys. ~ Rev. 137, A27 (1965). L. F. Mattheiss, Phys. Bev. 133, A1399 (1964). '3T. L. Loucks, Au gm, ented Plane Wav e Method (Benjamin, New York, 1967). '4W. Kohn and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. 140, A1133 (1965)-. '5L. F. Mattheiss, J. H. Wood, and A. C. Switendick, Methods in ComPutational Physics, edited by B. Alder, S. Fernbach, and M. Rotenberg (Academic, New York, 1968), Vol. 8, 63. A. Ghosh, S. Kumar, and K. C. Das, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 8, 685 (1970). ~~Y. Baer and G. Busch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31, 35 (1973); P. Steiner, H. Hochst, and S. Hufner, J. Phys. F 7, L145 (1977). ~ B. Johansson, Philos. Mag. 30, 469 (1974). ~~D. Ottewell, E. A. Stewardson, and J. E. Wilson, J. Phys. B 6, 2184 (1973). G. S. Fleming, S. H. Liu, and T. L. Loucks, Phys. Bev. Lett. 21, 1524 (1968). 2~D. L. Johnson and D. K. Finnemore, Phys. Rev. 158, 376 (1967). J. M. Lock, Proc. Phys. Soc. B 70, 566 (1957). ~
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