Ferromagnetic relaxation in LPEgrown EuGa substituted yttrium iron garnet films B. Uma Maheshwar Rao, P. Mukhopadhyay, and C. M. Srivastava Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 60, 3656 (1986); doi: 10.1063/1.337572 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.337572 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v60/i10 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Magnetic properties of ultrathin single crystal Fe3O4 film on InAs(100) by ferromagnetic resonance J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C108 (2012) Ferromagnetic resonance of micro- and nano-sized hexagonal ferrite powders at millimeter waves J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E113 (2012) Excessive grain boundary conductivity of spin-spray deposited ferrite/non-magnetic multilayer J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A512 (2012) High ferromagnetic resonance and thermal stability spinel Ni0.7Mn0.3−xCoxFe2O4 ferrite for ultra high frequency devices J. Appl. 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Srivastava Advanced Center for Research in Electronics and Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay-400076, India (Received 27 April 1985; accepted for publication 15 JUly 1986) The magnetization, geff and linewidth AHII and AHl for l.iquid-phase-epitaxially grown thin films ofEu" Y3 _ "Fes _ yGay0 12 (0.2 <;;;x <;;; 1.2; Y = 1.0) have been investigated in the temperature range 85-420 K. AH versus temperature curves show maxima which occur at about the same temperature as that observed in bulk single crystals of EuIG, but the width of the curves is narrower in the LPE films. The temperature and composition dependence of geff and AH have been explained on the basis of the three sublattice model and a new relaxation mechanism based on anisotropic exchange. I. INTRODUCTION Thin garnet films of compositIOn Eu" Y3_xFes_yGayOI2 (0.2<;;;x<;;;1.2, Y = 1.0) have been grown on [111 J oriented gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrates using the liquid-phase-epitaxy (LPE) technique. The dependencies of the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) Iinewidth AH andgeff on temperature and composition have been studied in the temperature range 85-420 K at 9.08 GHz. Due primarily to the presence of uniaxial anisotropy, the resonance linewidth in the parallel configuration (AHII ) is not the same in the perpendicular (tJJfl ) configuration and the temperature dependence of these two linewidths is different. The magnetization of these films as a function of temperature can be explained satisfactorily using the theory of Wolf and Van Vleck. 1 The goff of these LPE grown films increases with temperature, but not as steeply as in bulk europium iron garnet, EuIG, single crystals. The goff varies from 2.0 to 1.0 when x changes from 0 to 1.2. An explanation of the observed data ong.ff , AHII ' and MIL has been attempted based on the effect ofthe excited states on the ground state and the three sublattice model. II. EXPERiMENTAL DETAILS The garnet films were prepared using the LPE technique. A three zone kant hal A-I wound furnace has been designed and fabricated for this purpose. It is a vertical furnace designed to give a 8-cm-Iong constant temperature zone with a stability of ± 1 ·C at 11.00·C. Some of the measured material parameters at 300 K for the films of compositions Eu x Y3_xFe4,OGaI.0012 (x = 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8) are given in Table I. The magnetization of the EuGa YIG films has been measured as a function of temperature in the range 85-420 K using a F arada y balance (George Associates). A typical resuh is given in Fig. 1 for EUO.6 Y2,4 Gal.o Fe4,0 12 , The resonance measurements have been made in the temperature range 85-420 Kat 9.08 GHz using a Varian E 112 spectrometer. The g.ff has been obtained using the relation z ° (J) 3656 = reff{ [HII (1.25 HII + Hi) ]1/2 - H II /2}. J. Appl. Phys. 60 (10),15 November 1986 Here, HII and Hl are the resonance fields for the external field parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the film and r is the gyromagnetic ratio. III. IRESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results on magnetization, geff' Mill' and Mil and their analysis is presented in this section. Some of these observations like that on magnetization and g.ff can be analyzed in terms of the existing theories. The observed temperature dependence of the linewidth, however, cannot be explained on the present theories and a new relaxation mechanism based on anisotropic exchange interaction has been proposed. A. Magnetization The dependence of Ms on temperature shown in Fig. I for x = 0.6 can be explained on the basis of the three sublattice model. Following WolJ and Van Vleck, 1we assume that the temperature variation of the magnetization of the iron sublattices, Md and M a, in europium iron garnet (EuIG) is the same as in yttrium iron garnet(YIG). In the present study, when gallium is substituted on iron sublattices, the temperature dependence of Md and Ma is a function of the distribution of Ga on a and d sites. 3 For example, in {Y}c (Fe z _ y, Gay,) (Fe 3 _ y, Gay, )0 12 the magneton number at 0 K is given by4 no = 5( 1 + YI - Yz)Po, (1) and the Curie temperature, T c' is T ( c YI'Y2 ) = 50-Y';2)(1-Y2/3) T (YIG). 5 ( +) c YI Y2 (2) From Eqs. (1) and (2), we have estimated the distribution of Ga ions on a and d sites in our Eux Y3 ... " Fe s .. yGay 12 films. From the estimates of Y I and Y2 molecular field coefficients Aaa , Aad and Add have been obtained by the method described by Roschmann and Hansen.} With these A values, an iterative procedureS has been used to obtain the temperature dependence ofa and d sublattice magnetizations in these films. The magnetization of the Eu3+ ion, M Eu ' has been obtained using the iron sub lattice 0021-8979/86/223656-05$02.40 ° @ 1986 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 3656 TABLE I. Measured material parameters at 300 K for YEuGaIG LPE films. Composition Thickness Lattice mismatch h(JA.) Au(A) 12.77 '2 195 200 200 190 2.92 magnetizations, Ma and Md in the expression obtained by Wolf and VanVleck. 1 M Eu = 8N/l1 { Ed 1 + exp( - E1/kBn] X [1 + (~ EI 8 E2 -EI (Ho K. (10' erg/cm3 ) (G) -0.018 - 0.0172 -0.015 2.49 2.43 ElIo.2 Y2.8 Fe•. o Ga, 00'2 ElIo.4 Y2.6Fe4.0Ga1.0012 ElIo.6 Y z.• Fe•.oGa1.0 0 12 ElIo.8 Yz.zFe•. oGa1.0 0 4-rrM, + 2Hex ) l)exp(~)] kBT + ~ (3Ho + 2Hex )exp( - EI)} . (3) 16kBT kBT Here,E, are 0, 480, and 1330K forJ = 1,2,3, respectively,N is the numberofEu 3 + ions per unit volume, Ho is the applied magnetic field, and Hex is the exchange field given by Hex = AMFe' where A is the molecular field coefficient and M Fe is the net magnetization of iron sublattice. The M Eu values obtained in the calculation were then subtracted from (MrMa) to obtain the magnetization of EuYIGaG. The computed curve for x = 0.6 is shown in Fig. 1. The exchange constants used in the calculation have been obtained using the Roschmann and Hansen) method and are as follows: Jaa = 7.1 K, J ad = 30.7 K, and J dd = 16.5 K. The theory explains the experimental data satisfactorily for x = 0.6. The agreement is equally good for other compositions as well. In EuIG the effective magnetic moment per Eu) + ion at OK is 0.81; /lB (Ref. 1), but in the present caseit is 0.08 /lB This is due to the reduction in the magnetization of iron sublattices because of Ga substitution. When M Fe decreases because of Ga substitution it decreases Hex' which when used in Eq. (3) yields a smaller value of M Eu' yXlO 7 ilH (Oe) (rad s-'Oe-') 4 1.63 70 7.6 1.47 1.28 1.04 85 210 10.8 11.8 270 B. Effective 9 factor The effectiveg factor measured at 300 K varies from 2 to 1 when Eu 3 + concentration, x, changes from 0 to 1.2, as shown in Fig. 2. Further, the geff increases with temperature for aU values of x as shown in Fig. 3 for x = 0.6. A number of workers have attempted to explain the variation of geff with temperature in EuIG, but all have met with only partial success. As shown below, these expressions for EuIG cannot explain our data on thin films. In the three sublattice models, the effective gyromagnetic ratio, refT is given by reff = M S (4) (Mdlrd) - (Ma1ra) - (Mc1rc) For EuIG, Le Craw et al. 6 find that rc is very large due to the damping associated with the Eu 3 + ions. In that case, one has geff =g(YIG) [Ms (EuIG)IMs (YIG)]. (5) 7 It has been shown by Sekerka that the temperature depen- dence of geff in EuIG is described more satisfactorily by an equation (6) Here, me (n is the temperature dependence of the reduced c-sublattice magnetization. Sinha and Le Craws have modified Eq. (6) on the basis 2.4 - 2 Theoretical curve E_perimental points 1.6 200 4 TTMs 0.8 (G) 100 o 100 200 o 300 T 'K) FIG. 1. Variation of Ella.• Yz.4Fe•. oGa1.00'2 film. 3657 magnetization with temperature J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No. 10, 15 November 1986 0.4 0.8 1.2 x- for FIG. 2. Variation of geff with Eu 3 + ion concentration at 300 K. Rao, Mukhopadhyay, and Srivastava Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 3657 oftheir theory of magnon-phonon interaction for the relaxation in EuIG, according to them golf =g(YIG)[1 - 0.45 Z(n-I), (7) TABLE II. The values of g, and gJ obtained as a function of x in Y,_ ,EuxFe4oGaI.OO.2 films. x -gc gJ where Z(T) = 1 + 3 exp( - 5OOIT). (8) The best fit among Eqs. (5), (6), and (7) is obtained with Eq. (6) for EuIG. None of these expressions agree with the data on EuGaYIG film shown in Fig. 3 for x = 0.6. To explore the applicability of the three sub lattice model, Eq. (4) was used relaxing the condition of Le Craw et 01. 6 that Ye is very large. It is possible to have a reasonable fit to the experimental data with Eq. (4) for EuIG if we assume a temperature independent Ye and gc = 15. The temperature variation of geff will then come from the temperature dependence of a and d sublattice magnetization. The ge values which fit the present data for different values of x are given in Table n. It is significant that the experimental values of ge for thin films are negative. In fact, on account of strong LS coupling the c sublattice will have an effective g factor given by ge = 2(gJ - 1). Using this relationgJ as a function ofx is calculated and given in Table II. A theoretical curve based on Eq. (4) is drawn in Fig. 3. The sublattice magnetization Mo, M d , Me have been obtained as discussed above, ga = gd = 2. ge has been taken to be independent of temperature and its composition dependence is given in Table II. The agreement of experiment with theory is satisfactory. C. Linewldth The theory of ferromagnetic resonance in rare-earth iron garnets has been extensively discussed by several workers. 9 - 12 This has been compared with results on bulk single crystals. Very few studies on thin films have been reported so far. The relaxation mechanisms operative in these systems are broadly classified into two groups, one based on the transverse or so called fast relaxation mechanism and the other on the longitudinal (slow) relaxation mechanism. The former was developed by de Gennes et 01.,9 while the latter has been developed by Clogston,10 Teale and Tweedale, II 1.8 1.6 - Thea. curve! o Exp. points o o 1.2 100 300 400 T (K) FIG. 3. Variation of gdr with temperature for EIlo. 6 Y2 .• Fe•.o GaI.OO.2· 3658 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 60, No.1 0, 15 November 1986 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.25 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.85 0.88 Van Vleck and Orbach, 12 Le Craw et 01., \3 Galt, 14 and Hartman-Bourtron. 15 In both mechanisms low temperature peak is expected in the linewidth versus temperature curve. However, the frequency dependence of these curves is different for the two mechanisms. In case of the fast spin relaxation the resonance linewidth llH is proportional to the frequency w over the entire temperature range, whereas in the case of the slow spin relaxation mechanism, llH is proportional to 11w below the temperature T m, where the peak in llH occurs and is proportional to w, above T m • Le Craw et 01.13 have studied the ferromagnetic relaxation in bulk single crystals of EuIG, between 4 and 300 K. The data above 300 K are not available. They have observed Tm close to 240 K and have made an attempt to explain their data on the basis of the slow spin relaxation mechanisms, although they have not completely ruled out the presence of the fast relaxation process. The two physical processes considered by Le Craw et 01. 13 for relaxation are (i) the interaction with the iron lattice magnons resonant with the transitions between J = 0 and J = 1 levels of the Eu 3 + ions and (ii) the orbit lattice interactions between the three components of J = 1 level. The relative importance of (i) and (ii) has been discussed by Huber, 16 who concludes that it is difficult to decide which of the two dominates in the case of EuIG. In an attempt to study the relaxation mechanism in thin films with large uniaxial anisotropy we have carried out FMR studies in our films. On account of the presence of uniaxial anisotropy in these films, llHl! and llHl are different in magnitude for the same sample and their variation with temperature also shows differences. Representative data are shown in Fig. 4 and the general features are as follows: (i) The linewidth versus temperature curves for both AlII! and llH, general.ly contain two peaks in the temperature range 100-300 K for Eu concentrations varying from x = 0.2-0.8. (ii) The first peak T ~ for llH, ties around 215 K while second T~ is around 255 K. For all compositions (0.2<x < 0.8), T:" and T~ lie within ± 10 K of these vatues. (ii) Close to Curie temperature, Tc,llH ll and llHl both show abrupt increase in linewidth. This occurs within 30 K of Te. Just below this temperature, the linewidth is almost independent of temperature and the magnitude in this region is approximately the same for both the parallel and perpendicular configurations. The magnitude of linewidth in this Rao, Mukhopadhyay. and Srivastava Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 3658 400 Q/ (10) Here C is the ratio of Eu 3 + to Fe3 + ions and E1 is the energy of the level measured from the ground' = 0 level. In obtaining Eq. (9) we have replaced CUll the frequency of the splitting of the level due to the crystal field used by Le Craw et al. 13 by the exchange frequency splitting CUe.' which is given by '1 300 0 '1 ::I: <l 200 x = 0.8 CUe. 100 400 Q/ 0 = 300 e. Mi = <l i. m 2 ( T)tanh ( T 1.2 m (T) ) T 200 0 lC 100 = 0.-' 1SO x = 0.2 Q/ 100 o ::I: .to <l 100 (12) 1 + 3 exp( - 480/T) Equation (12) explains the observed dependence of Ml on T only in the temperature region of 0-300 K. Above the region in which the relaxation due to exchange splitting ceases to dominate the linewidth is independent of temperature. Also, near Tc there is a sharp increase in Mi. It has been shown by de Gennes et 01. 9 that the sharp increase in Mi as we approach Tc occurs because a significant fraction of spins begins to relax by the process of critical point fluctuation. In this process, the ferric spins flip locally. Contribution to the linewidth due to the spin fluctuations has been calculated by de Gennes et 01. H and is given by Q/ 0 (11) X _..:..ex...,!p...:,(_----:.4.:...80:.:.,/_T..:..}_ 200 <l (O)m(T), where CUe. (0) is the exchange frequency at 0 K and m (T) is the reduced magnetization of the resonant iron sub lattice (d sublattice). Combining Eqs. (9), (10), and (11) we obtain ::I: ::I: CUe. -t.Hl -t.HII 200 Mi _ NBI(l + 1 )S(S + 1 )YAHO MZT (13) flue - FIG. 4. The vanatJon of AHII and t:.H, with temperature for Eu xY3 _xFe4.oGaLoO,2(x =,0.6,0.8) films. plateau region varies with Eu-ion concentration and is proportional to x. Although, in the present case, the first peak at T ~ appears at the same temperature as in the case of bulk EuIG single crystals, there is a distinct difference in the shape of the two curves. The curve is sharper and shows two maxima in the LPE films while there is only one broad peak in bulk sample. An attempt to explain the present results in LPE films on the basis of the theory of Le Craw et a/. 13 was not successful since their theory yields a much broader curve than what is observed. From this, it was concluded that the processes (i) and (ij) described above are not dominant in the LPE films. This is likely since uniaxial anisotropy which is present in LPE films but not in bulk samples plays a dominant role in the dynamics of the spin system. It is likely that because of the anisotropic exchange interaction the' = 1 level will be split. This splitting is temperature dependent and in this case the linewidth can be written as (9) where N B and I are the number of the spins of the rare-earth ion, H 0 is the resonance field, M ;, YA , and S are the magnetization, gyromagnetic ratio, and spin of the magnetic atoms on the iron sublattice. Equation (13) can be written as MiHu• = Ocu/MiT, (14) where 0 is a constant and cu = yAHo is the resonance frequency. To obtain the existence of the plateau region in the Mi vs T curves, we have to understand how the relaxation in the 200 o o'" 100 200 T( K) 300 400 FIG. 5. The temperature dependence of AHi for ElIo.4 Y 26 Fe4.oGaI.OO'2 film. The solid line represents the theoretical curve drawn using Eq. (15). where 3659 A J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No.1 0, 15 November 1986 Rao, Mukhopadhyay, and Srivastava Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 3659 300~------------------------------~ between b.Hflux and x; but for low concentrations ofEu ions it is reasonable to assume that this term also varies linearly withx. In Fig. 6 we have plotted b.H as a function ofx at 300 K. A linear dependence as expected is observed. 200 QI o IV. CONCLUSION ..... ::I: <I 100 o 0.2 0.6 x 0.8 FIG. 6. Variation of ttil1 with Eu·ion concentration, x, at 300 K. spin system changes from that described by Eq. (12) to the one given by Eq. (13). The transition from coherent mode relaxation to an independent spin fluctuation would occur gradually as the temperature is increased. We assume that a fraction I (t) of spins relaxes by the coherent mode and [1 -I (t) 1 relaxes by the fluctuating mode at any reduced temperature t = T ITc. Here.! (t) is a function of t which can be fixed from the experiment. It is obvious that at t = 0, 1(0) = 1, and at t= 1/(1) =0. Using this approach we can express the linewidth as MI = [1 - l(t) 1tlH.x +I (t)tlHfluc • (15) ExperimentaHy, we find the best fit with l(t) = t4. Here Mlex and b.Hfluc are given by Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively. Figure 5 gives the theoretical curve based on Eq. ( 15) along with the experimental points for EUo.4 Yz.6Fe4.0GalOOI2 for MIL' The general features of the experimental curve are satisfactorily expJ.ained. The plateau in MI vs T curves near Tc occurs because the exchange contribution begins to fall in this region while the contribution from fluctuations increases, thereby making MI independent of T in this region. The composition dependence of MI is easy to explain. As we vary the Eu concentration, c in Eq. (9) increases linearly with x. We cannot arrive at any simple relationship 3660 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, No. 10,15 November 1986 The magnetization, rolf' MIll' and MIL for LPE grown thin films of composition Eu" Y3_xGal.oFe4.0012 have been studied. in the temperature range 85-400 K and with x varying from 0.2 to 0.8. The gyromagnetic ratio is found to depend on both temperature and composition and the dependence has been explained on the basis of the temperature variation of the three sublattices and the dependence of the g factor of the c sublattice on composition. The magnetization follows the usual temperature dependence based on the three sublattice analysis. The analysis of the linewidth shows that exchange splitting of the excited state J = 1 is the dominant mechanism of relaxation in thin films below Tc. Another process which contributes to the linewidth near Tc through critical point fluctuations has also been considered. Using these two contributions the temperature dependence of linewidth in thin films has been satisfactorily explained. IW. P. Wolf and 1. H. 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