Effect of JahnTeller distortion on the lattice vibration frequencies of nickel ferrite C. M. Srivastava and T. T. Srinivasan Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 53, 8148 (1982); doi: 10.1063/1.330276 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.330276 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v53/i11 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Direct detection of magnon spin transport by the inverse spin Hall effect Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 082405 (2012) Ferromagnetic resonance of micro- and nano-sized hexagonal ferrite powders at millimeter waves J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E113 (2012) Tuning the cation distribution and magnetic properties of single phase nanocrystalline Dy3Fe5O12 garnet J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A517 (2012) Evolution of crystallographic texture and magnetic properties of polycrystalline barium ferrite thick films with Bi2O3 additive J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A511 (2012) Field-induced magnetic transition in cobalt-ferrite J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E308 (2012) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Effect of Jahn-Teller distortion on the lattice vibration frequencies of nickel ferrite C. M. Srivastava and T. T. Srinivasan Department 0/ Physics. Indian Institute o/Technology. Bombay-400 076. India The infrared spectra of Nil_,Cu,Fe,O. (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2) studied at room temperature in the range of 250-S00 em -I show two main bands. On adding copper to nickel ferrite, the center frequency of these two bands is found to shift to lower energies. The force constants obtained using the center frequency have been observed to increase linearly with the internuclear separation for both the octahedral and tetrahedral sites. PACS numbers: 75.50.0g, 7S.90. + t, 7S.30.Er INTRODUCTION EXPERHIENTAL The effect oi the substitution of a Jahn-Teller Z ion like Cu + on the properties of Ni-Zn ferrites has shown [I,Z] interesting results. The lattice constant is significantly reduced on 10% copper substitution. On increasing the copper concentration to ZO% the lattice constant increases but is smaller than pure nickel ferrites. The curie temperature, Tc is unaffected [Z] by copper substitution upto ZO% copper concentration. The M6ssbauer spectra of copper substituted NiZn ferrite show significant change compared to those without copper substitution. The changes in lattice constant and magnetic properties have been attributed to the local distortion produced by the Jahn-Teller ion and its effect on the crystal field state of the NiZ+ ion. It has been assumed [1] that Z the local distortion created by the Cu + ion is necessarily seen by the NiZ+ ions which are on equivalent crystallographic sites, In view of these observations it was thought desirable to investigate the effect of copper substitution on lattice vibrational frequencies. The contraction is expected to increase the force constant, Our results however show that both the force constants ko and kt' related to the metal ions in the octahedral and tetrahedral sites respectively decrease on 10% copper substitution. The force constants have been obtained from the infrared absorption data using the analysis of Waldron [4]. Further increase in copper concentration to ZO% show an increase in the values of ko and kt due to the increase in lattice constant, 'a', Waldron's result, however, show that on the expansion of the lattice ko increases but k decreases. This is t concluded from his results on nickel and nickel-zinc ferrite. On the substitution of 70% zinc in nickel ferrite the lattice expands by 0.78% and his value of ko shows an increase of about 6% over the nickel ferrite and a decrease of 9% for k , In our case, t however, on 10% copper substitution the lattice contracts by 0.4% [2] and ko and k both decrease by t 6% and 8% respectively. The increase in the force constant with the increase in the inter nuclear distance agrees with similar dependence observed in the oxides of transition metals with 26 ~ Z ~ 29 [5]. 8148 J. Appl. Phys. 53(11), November 1982 The samples with compositions Ni _ CU Fe 0 l x Z4 x [x = 0, 0.1 and 0,2] were prepared using the normal conventional ceramic technique. All the samples were found to have densities higher than 97% of their X-ray density. The x-ray analysis showed single phase and spinel structure. The cell constants are given in Table-I. To have uniform dispersion in the KBr pellet the ferrite samples are powdered to 100 mesh size and mixed with KBr in the ratio 1:250 by weight. The mixed powder is then placed in a cylindrical die of 20 mm dia and pressed at 30 TSI. The clean discs of approximately 1 mm thickness are obtained. I The spectra in the range of 250-800 cm- are recorded at room temperature on a SP ZOOO Infrared Spectrometer [P1E UNICHE~I MAKE]. These are shown in Fig.l. DISCUSSION From Fig.l it is observed that the spectra of x=O and x=0.2 are similar and have narrow bands while that of x=O.1 has broader bands. Moreover, the shift in the centre frequency on copper substitution is larger for 10% compared to 20% copper substitution. From Table-I it is observed that the difference between the lattice parameters of X=O and x=0.2 is small compared to X=O and x=O.I. The larger change in 'a' on 10% copper substitution is responsible for larger shift of the centre frequency and also for the broadening of the bands. From the lattice parameters the internuclear separation between metal and oxygen ions has been calculated for the octahedral and tetrahedral site. The variation of k and k with r is shown in Fig.2. o Both k o and k t t e are found to increase linearly with reo This is unexpected since the increase in re should normally lead to decrease in ko and kt • However, a similar dependence of ko with r e has been observed for transition metal oxides within the range 26 ~ Z , 29 [5J. This type of dependence is attributed to the fact that oxygen can form, under favourable ca:es, stronger bonds with metal ions at even larger lnternuclear separations. 0021-8979/82/118148-03$02.40 © 1982 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 8148 80 80 60 60 !: '0 ~ w o 20 20 800 1000 __ 1000 800 - 600 '00 600 WAVE NUMBER 250 '00 (C",') 250 WAVE NUMBER lem· l ) ~--------------------------,8Q 80 601 60 >in ~ '0 1000 800 - - WAVE Fig.l. 600 '00 z w <:> 250 1000 800 NUMBER I em-I) '00 600 WAVE 250 NUMBER Ie m' l ) Infrared Spectra for Nil_~cu~Fe204 (x=O, 0.1 and 0.2) and ZnFe 204 • The spectrum of ZnFe Z04 given in Fig.l, shows one additional absorption peak at about 338 cm- l This is a common feature of most normal spinels which show three bonds while inverse spinels show only two. The origin of the third band in normal spinels has not yet been explained. fe(OBlxl0 8 cm 2.07 f .. ~ 2.3 GO ""'" '"S! -0 2.2 2. I 2.08 2.09 1·08 -If• ...E 1.06 '- ... C '.01. .On ~ubstituting copper in nickel ferrite, NiFe 0 a shIft In the lattice vibrational frequencies has 2 4' b:en observed. From this shift it has been found that t e force con~tants for the ions on the octahedral and tetrah~ral sItes depend linearly on the internuclear separa hons. 8149 J. Appl- Phys. Vol- 53, No. 11, November 1982 II> 2 \.02 0 -" .>< CONCLUSION ...""" \.79 1.80 fe ( OA) • 10 8 cm Fig.2. ,·81 Variation of force constants ko and kt with internuclear separation for Nil_xCuxFe204 (x=O, 0.1 and 0.2). C. M. Srivastava and T. T. Srinivasan Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 8149 TABLE I v a x vI cm -1 cm -1 (A) 0 608 417 0.1 585 0.2 600 2 REFERENCES k x 10- 5 0 k t x 10- 5 0 C.M. Srivastava, M.J. Patni, G. Srinivasan and T.T. Srinivasan, Bull. Mat. Sci., ~, 225 (1981). dynes/cm dynes/cm 2. C.M. Srivastava, M.J. Patni and T.T. Srinivasan, J. Appl. Phys. ~, 2107 (1982). 8.335 1.059 2.342 3. 405 8.301 1.001 2.163 C.M. Srivastava, S.N. Shringi, M.J. Patoi and S.M. Joglekar, Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium (India) 24C, 457 (1981). 410 8.323 1.027 2.282 4. R.D. Waldron, Phys. Rev. 99, 1727 (1955). 5. G. Herzbag, 'Molecular spectra and Molecular structure I spectra of Diatomic Molecules', second edition, D. Van Nostrand Co. (1950) p458. Variation of lattice parameter, force constants, ko' k and lattice vibration frequencies vI' v 2 for t Ni1_xCuxFe204 [x=O, 0.1 and 0.2). 8150 I. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 53. No. 11. November 1982 c. M. Srivastava and T. T. Srinivasan Downloaded 27 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 8150
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