
In the name of GOD.
Sharif University of Technology
Digital Signal Processing Dr. M.T. Manzuri
CE 40-763 Fall 2012
Homework 1
Problem 1
Oppenheim Problem 2.1 (a)-(e)
Problem 2
Oppenheim Problem 2.11 Repeat for signal [ ]
Problem 3
Oppenheim Problem 2.28 (a)-(d)
Problem 4
Oppenheim Problem 2.33
Problem 5
Is the cascade connection of two stable LTI systems also stable? Justify your answer.
Problem 6
Is the parallel connection of two stable LTI systems also stable? Justify your answer.
Problem 7
Prove that an LTI system with impulse response h[n] is stable in BIBO sense if and only
| [ ]|
if ∑
Problem 8
Oppenheim Problem 2.42
Problem 9
Oppenheim Problem 2.72