March 2005

March 2005
Jeremy Mayall
I am pleased to welcome all the inaugural Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars selected
for the scholarship programme launched by the University of Waikato this year.
Jeremy is currently in his Honours year
for his degree majoring in music. Last year
he released his debut album ‘A Typical Day
in Suburbia’, by the artist One Fat Man.
He spends his time writing as many
musical pieces as possible to learn new
skills and styles. Jeremy’s pieces have been
performed in the Lilburn Trust Composition
Competition for the past three years, and
in 2004 he came second in both the
acoustic and electroacoustic/ multimedia
sections. In 2004 his ‘Symphony No.1’ was
one of only eight pieces selected for the
Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra’s Jeremy Mayall
Rehearsed Readings workshops. Jeremy’s philosophy is to create music that
other people can enjoy, and has plans to one day write an opera and a musical
I am confident that this programme will pave the way for your continued
development as all round achievers as you pursue excellence in your academic
studies, and in your sport or creative and performing arts activities.
There will be challenges and hurdles to overcome as you work through the year,
but by meeting the criteria for entry into this special programme you have already
shown that you have the ability to succeed at the highest level. I encourage you
to work hard on all fronts, and at the same time make sure that you enjoy the
wonderful experience the University environment will provide for you. Don’t
forget the contributions that families, friends, teachers and coaches have made
to helping you on your way so far. Behind you there is a strong network of support
that the University and its partners are building upon through this programme.
I wish you every success.
Sir Edmund Hillary
The Inaugural 2005 Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars
Jisun Kim
Callum Hall
Erin Tolhurst
Sarah Gibbs
Ani-Marie Waitai
Paula Twining
Joshua Powell
Scott Calder
Aimee Whitley
Sasha McLaren
Jeremy Mayall
Natalie McKelvey
Janine Betts
Peter Shand
Sarah Devoy
Graeme Aldridge
Victoria Brown
Thomas Lane
James Gill
Tim Smith
Benjamin Gilby-Todd
Paul Hartley
Tanya Wakefield
Kimberley Lewis
Sarah Ho
Andrea Dance
Thomas Greensill
Bernard Law
Gabrielle Rogers
Paul Duynhoven
Natalie Curtis
Michael Bill
Emma Twigg
Hayley Gould
Emma Hodges
Arts – Music
Arts – Music
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Management Studies (1st Year)
Bachelor or Law
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
Master of Science
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Management Studies (1st Year)
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor
of Social Sciences
Arts – Screen & Media Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Arts – Music
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Arts – Screen & Media Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Arts – Theatre
Bachelor of Arts
Arts – Graphic Design Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design
Master of Science
Bachelor of Teaching
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
and Bachelor of Teaching
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor
of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies
Table Tennis
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor
of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Teaching
Bachelor of E-Commerce
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Commerce (1st Year)
Bachelor of Computers and Graphic Design
Bachelor of Management Studies
Hillary Scholarships
Kahurangi Waititi
Simon Addison
Anna Bourke
Kwon Jin
Jamie Carroll
Stacey Brannigan
Arts – Dance
Arts – Music
Samuel Messam
Thomas Malcolm
Laurelle Borck
Sara Kelly
Tennille Hill
Mark Burman
Trudy Stuart
Anna Williamson
Charlotte McCullough
Amy Tyrrell
Craig Armstrong
Dean Armstrong
Aleisha Verner
Antony Verner
Belinda Taurua-Hill
Aaron Scott
Arts – Music
Arts – Music
Rebecca Hales
Genevieve Baildon
Shane Hooks
Peter Longdill
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
Bachelor of Performing Arts (1st Year)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure (1st Year)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
and Bachelor of Teaching
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies
Bachelor of Science (1st Year)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies (1st Year)
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Management Studies
and Bachelor of Law (1st Year)
Bachelor of Teaching (1st Year)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure (1st Year)
Bachelor of Management Studies
Master of Science
PhD of Science
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure and Bachelor
of Teaching (1st year)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure and Bachelor
of Teaching
Bachelor of Science (Technology)
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure
and Bachelor of Teaching
Master of Science
The University of Waikato has 61 Hillary Scholars. The elite sportspeople and creative and
performing artists will study at the University of Waikato and be given both professional and
academic support. There are 11 creative and performing arts scholars who come from music,
screen and media, graphic design, theatre and dance. The 50 sports scholars come from a
range of 21 sports codes. The Hillary scholars come from all over the North Island, with two
from the South Island. This is the first year the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarships have been
offered by Waikato University
Natalie Curtis
Natalie is the current World DTL Shooting
Champion. Last year she was awarded the
University of Waikato’s Sports Woman of the
Year and capped off a brilliant year by being
named as Waikato’s Junior Sports Woman of
the Year. Natalie is in her second year studying
towards a Bachelor of Science.
Natalie started shooting in 1999 and has
dominated the shooting scene since. Natalie
saw shooting as a challenge, it looked
interesting and was something different to
the norm. Natalie’s ultimate goal is to compete
at 2006 Commonwealth Games and the
Olympic Games in 2008
The Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarships are
founded on strong partnerships. It will be
good communication, real effort and
commitment both by scholars, and by
those who provide the special level of
personal support, that will make this
programme so different. Keeping everyone
who is connected to the programme up to
date and informed is a key part of the
communication process. The Hillary
Newsletter fulfils an important role by
covering all aspects of the programme; Geoff Balme
scheduled events, achievements, milestones, perspectives from the
University’s many partners, and from time to time comments from scholars.
Natalie Curtis
Updates from
Programme Partners
The programme has already received strong support from our new Vice Chancellor
Professor Roy Crawford. He has said the Hillary scholarships stand for so many
of the things that he regards as important to the future of the University of
Waikato. The focus on all-round excellence and scholarship, building leadership,
the strong student support culture the programme stimulates, and strong links
between the University and the community, schools, business and society in
general, are all important facets of a University which is in touch with the
modern environment.
Creative and performing arts scholars
There are 11 creative and performing artists in the inaugural Hillary
Scholars. This has already sent a strong signal to the community, and has
opened doors for new partnerships with actively supportive community
organisations like Arts Waikato.
This is an innovative programme and already it has broken new ground for the
University through the range of partnerships that have been established.
The challenges are very different from those presented by the range of sporting
partnerships. Meeting them has required creative thinking and special
The newsletters that will be produced during 2005 will keep you up to date with
progress and enable you to see how you can contribute and take advantage of
the special features that the programme offers.
For instance, these scholars may not compete as regularly as sporting scholars.
Assessing their performance levels is more difficult, although I am pleased to
report we certainly have scholars of national stature in the programme. In
some cases the University, provides the performance coaching as well as the
academic training. Some students have even sought out the University of
Waikato and the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarships because they wish to study
under our lecturers.
Geoff Balme
Chair of Hillary Parallel Development
Programme Executive and Chief Operating Officer
University of Waikato
Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarships
Scholar Assistance
Glenn Barry
High Performance Manager
Campus Services Ltd
Private Box 1326
We are breaking new ground, and look forward to reporting on our successes
and how these are evolving in future newsletters.
Michael Williams
Hillary PDP Executive and Music Lecturer
Hillary Scholarships to help retain Hockey players in the Waikato
Email [email protected]
Phone 07 838 4264 Mobile 0272211145
The Hillary programme has been
a very timely initiative for us. The
partnership between hockey and
the University will add significant
value to other initiatives we have
been evolving for our sport in the
region. It has always been
frustrating to see some of our Dean Armstrong
best talent lost from the Waikato
after considerable investment has gone into early development. While
this is not always a bad thing from a national perspective, unfortunately
it has meant that some youngsters have been lost to the sport.
Hillary Parallel Development Programme (PDP) Information
Nicola Clayden
Hillary PDP Manager
Campus Services Ltd
Private Box 1326
Email [email protected]
Phone 07 858 5139 Mobile 0274787331
Student Recruitment Office
The Gateway
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Now we have an attractive programme to enable top players to stay in the
Waikato with full support from the University and Waikato Hockey Association.
The inaugural scholars represent a balance of seniority and skills and level. As
key members of the development squad they will provide the platform for
evolving the programme to even greater heights as we identify new scholars
who meet the programme standards over the next few years.
Email [email protected]
Phone 07 838 4007 Toll Free 0800 WAIKATO
Sir Edmund Hillary Parallel Development Programme Executive Team
Geoff Balme (Chair), Mark Ingle, Frank Wood, Mike Williams, Glenn
Barry, Nicola Clayden.
Bruce Rosemergy
Sportsforce Hockey Development Officer
Hillary Scholarships
Fax 07 838 4504