
Nano Res.
Electronic Supplementary Material
Multilayered electret films based triboelectric
Tao Zhou1, Limin Zhang1, Fei Xue1, Wei Tang1, Chi Zhang1 (), and Zhong Lin Wang1,2 ()
Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Center for Nanoscience and Technology,
Beijing 100083, China
School of Material Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
Supporting information to DOI 10.1007/s12274-016-1040-y
Figure S1 Stability of the surface charges on PTFE film based E-TENG fabricated by corona charging in conditions of VHV = –7 kV, DP =
1 cm and TC = 2 min. (a) and (b) Stability of the E-TENG in continuous operation. (c) Stability of the E-TENG as time goes.
Address correspondence to Zhong Lin Wang, [email protected]; Chi Zhang, [email protected]
Nano Res.
Figure S2 The relations between the output performances of the PTFE film (7 cm × 7 cm × 50 μm) based E-TENG and the corona charging
conditions. (a)–(c) ISC, SC and VOC of the E-TENG with different VHV when TC = 2 min and DP changes from 1 to 70 cm. (d)–(f) ISC,
SC and VOC of the E-TENG with different DP when TC = 2 min and VHV changes from –1 to –8 kV.
Nano Res.
Figure S3 The compared output performances of the TENGs based on three-layered PTFE electret films (E-TENG3) and single-layered
PTFE electret film (E-TENG-S) with the same thickness. (a) Structures of E-TENG3 and E-TENG-S, where E-TENG3 is consist of three
pieces of 80 μm PTFE electret film and E-TENG-S is consist of one piece of 80 μm PTFE electret film and two pieces of 80 μm ordinary
PTFE film. (b)–(d) The compared ISC, SC and VOC of E-TENG3 and E-TENG-S.
Video S1 The LEDs lighted up by ordinary TENG and the E-TENG with corona charging.∣ | Nano