The MAX-CUT of sparse random graphs Hervé Daudé∗ Conrado Martı́nez† Vonjy Rasendrahasina‡ 1 Abstract Vlady Ravelomanana§ Introduction 1.1 Context and previous results Let G = (V, E) be a graph. A k-cut of G is a partition of its vertex set V into V1 , V2 , · · · , Vk . The size of a cut is the number of edges connecting vertices in Vi and Vj for i 6= j. The MAX-k-CUT problem asks for an optimal cut that is a cut of maximum size. The particular case k = 2 is denoted MAX-CUT and has received the most attention. The last decades have seen a growth of interest in MAX-CUT. Solving exactly MAXCUT is NP-hard and Hastad [14] showed that it is not approximable to within a 16/17+ε factor of the optimal cut unless P = NP. When random graphs G(n, m) (see Janson, Luczak and Ruciński [16]) are considered this maximisation problem exhibits a transition as the density of graphs 2m/n increases above 1. More specifically, Coppersmith, Hajiaghayi, Gamarnik and Sorkin [4] studied the expectation of MAX-CUT by means of method of moments, algorithmic analysis and martingale arguments, showing that DistBip (G) jumps from Θ(1) to Θ(n). Scott and Sorkin [20] proved that random instances of µn2/3 MAX-CUT can be solved in expected linear time as long 2 ) we show that DistBip (G(n, m)) is a.a.s about as G(n, m = n2 + O(n2/3 )). For dense cases i.e. large (2m−n)3 1 1 + 12 log n− 4 log µ for any 1 µ ≤ O(n1/3−ε ). densities, probabilistic 6n2 and algorithmic techniques are preferred too, see for instance [11] and [3]. In the last eighties, seminal works of Flajolet, Janson, Knuth, Luczak, Pittel on random graphs ([9] and [15]) opened a new road to reach very precise informations on various parameter of random graphs G(n, m). Using powerful analytic combinatorics techniques (see [15]), these authors gave deep and fruitful results on the cyclic structure of random graphs in the so-called scaling window, specifically when 2m − n n. More recently these techniques has been successfully applied [6], [18] to get new insights on the phase transition associated to random 2-XOR formula [5]. Recall that a 2-XOR formula is a conjunction of Boolean equations ∗ LATP - UMR CNRS 6622, Université de Provence. 13453 or clauses) of the form x ⊕ y = 0 or x ⊕ y = 1. Then, in Marseille Cedex 13, France. Email: † Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics, Universitat the context of maximisation Rasendrahasina and RavPolitècnica de Catalunya, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain. Email: elomanana [19]. obtained first and precise information on the distribution of the maximum number of clauses ‡ LIPN - UMR CNRS 7030, Université de Paris Nord. 93430 which can be satisfied by any assignment of the variables Villetaneuse, France. Email: § LIAFA - UMR CNRS 7089, Université Denis Diderot. 75205 in a 2-XOR formula, namely on he MAX-2-XORSAT A k-cut of a graph G = (V, E) is a partition of its vertex set into k parts; the size of the k-cut is the number of edges with endpoints in distinct parts. MAX-k-CUT is the optimization problem of finding a k-cut of maximal size and the case where k = 2 (often called MAX-CUT) has attracted a lot of attention from the research community. MAX-CUT —more generally, MAX-k-CUT— is NP-hard and it appears in many applications under various disguises. In this paper, we consider the MAX-CUT problem on random connected graphs C(n, m) and on ErdősRényi random graphs G(n, m). More specifically, we consider the distance from bipartiteness of a graph G = (V, E), the minimum number of edge deletions needed to turn it into a bipartite graph. If we denote this distance DistBip (G), the size of the MAX-CUT of a graph G = (V, E) is clearly given by |E| − DistBip (G). Fix ε > 0. For random connected graphs, we prove that asymptotically almost surely whenever m = n + (a.a.s) DistBip (C(n, m)) ∼ m−n 4 O(n1−ε ). For sparse random graphs G(n, m = n2 + Paris Cedex 13, France. Email: 265 Copyright © SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. problem. Observe that if we restrict the above clauses to the form x ⊕ y = 1, the associated maximisation problem is equivalent to MAX-CUT. In this work we give new and precise information on the distribution of the minimum number of edges that has to be cut in order to produce a bipartite graph from a random graph G(n, m). Based on analytic tools mentionned above, we thus consider the MAX-CUT problem in the scaling window 2m − n n. 3. For m = (1.4) Theorem 1.1. Let C(n, m) be a random connected graph built with n vertices and m = n + ` edges. For any fixed real number ε ∈ (0, 1) if m = n + O(n1−ε ) but ` = m − n → ∞ as n → ∞, we have i h P 4` − O(`1−ε/4 ) ≤ DistBip (C) ≤ 4` + O log` ` DistBip (G) − q log n 12 D −→ N (0, 1) . 4. For m = n2 (1 + µn−1/3 ), with 1 µ = O(n1/3−ε ) for any ε > 0 fixed, (1.5) 6 DistBip (G1 ) D −→ 1, µ3 where G1 denotes the complex part1 of G. Moreover, if log n ≤ µ ≤ n1/12 then (1.6) DistBip (G2 ) − q log n 12 − log n 12 + log µ 4 D −→ N (0, 1). log µ 4 where G2 = G \ G1 is the non-complex part (trees and unicycles) of the graph G. MAX-CUT(G) = |E| − DistBip (G) . Pittel and Yeum [18] have quantified the probabilities that random graphs are 2-colorable at their phase transition; the current paper deals with the related hard optimization problem MAX-CUT in the same range. More precisely, we consider here the MAX-CUT of random connected graphs C(n, m) and of ErdősRényi random graphs G(n, m) for values of m in the same ranges as Pittel and Yeum. Our results rely on enumerative and analytic combinatorics [10] and we obtain the following two theorems, which give a very precise characterization of the asymptotic behavior of DistBip (C(n, m)) and DistBip (G(n, m)). + Θ(n2/3 ), log n 12 1.2 Our contribution and results Rather than investigating the MAX-CUT proper, we have analyzed the (edit) distance of a graph G = (V, E) from bipartiteness, denoted DistBip (G). This distance is the minimum number of edge deletions needed to turn it into a bipartite graph. It is immediate from the definition of MAX-CUT and DistBip (G) that for any given graph G (1.1) n 2 Remark. Observe that (1.2)–(1.6) show that the random variable DistBip (G) has a “continuous” behaviour during the evolution of random graphs in the subcritical phase. These results are more accurate and complete those given by Theorems 19 and 22 in [4, Section 8.2]. The rest of the paper focuses in the proof of the two theorems above. This extended abstract omits many of the technical details and thus it only provides a highlevel description of these proofs. 2 Proof of Theorem 1.1 We start with a few definitions that we will need in the sequel. Definition 1. An `-component is a connected graph with n vertices and n + ` edges (` ≥ −1). The excess 1−ε/2 ) ≥ 1 − e−O(` . of a connected component is the number of its edges minus the number of its vertices (thus an `-component Theorem 1.2. Let G = G(n, m) be a random uniform has excess `). graph with n vertices and m edges. Then the following holds Definition 2. A cactus (also known as an Husimi 1. For any constant c, 0 < c < 12 if m = c.n then tree [13]) is a connected graph in which any two cycles (1.2) have at most one vertex in common. 1 1 + 2c D DistBip (G) −→ Poisson log −c . Definition 3. A smooth graph is a graph without 4 1 − 2c vertices of degree one. 2. For m = n2 (1 − µn−1/3 ) where 1 µ = o(n1/3 ), (1.3) n DistBip (G) − log 12 + q log n log µ 12 − 4 log µ 4 D −→ N (0, 1) . 1 A complex component of a graph G is a connected component of G of excess ≥ 1 (see the definitions in next Section), that is, a component which is not a tree nor an unicycle. The complex part of a graph G is the set of all complex components of G. 266 Copyright © SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Our proof makes heavy use of exponential gener- obtain exactly s fundamental cycles of odd length in the ating functions or EGFs (see for instance Flajolet and new graph G0 . These map each bipartite P`+1 constructions `+1 Sedgewick [10] or Harary and Palmer [12]). `-component to s=0 `+1 = 2 `-components. s In the rest of the paper we will use T (z) to denote the EGF of rooted Cayley trees, W` (z) for the EGF of 4 4 7 7 `-components (see [21, 1, 17]), Bi,` (z) for the EGF of `-components such that their edit distance to bipartite1 1 3 2 3 2 ness is i, Qi,` (z) for the EGF of `-components graphs which are cacti with i simple cycles of odd length, and Q` (z) for the EGF of connected cactus of excess `. 8 8 5 5 6 6 B/ A/ We will also use a tilde on top of an EGF to 4 4 indicate the EGF for the smooth counterparts: namely, 7 7 we denote by W̃` (resp. B̃i,` and Q̃i,` ) the EGF for 1 1 e2 e2 e1 2 2 3 3 the families of smooth graphs obtained by pruning, i.e., e1 c2 reducing recursively all vertices of degree 1, the families c1 c2 c01 of graphs counted by W` (resp. Bi,`P and Qi,` ). 8 8 zn 5 5 n 6 6 D/ C/ For any EGF A with A(z) = n an n! , [z ]A(z) th denotes the n coefficient of the series A(z), that is, 4 7 [z n ]A(z) = an /n!. If A and B are two EGFs, we write 1 e1 2 3 A(z) B(z) (or simply A B) if there exists some n0 e2 such that for all n ≥ n0 we have [z n ]A(z) ≤ [z n ]B(z). 0 c1 Lemma 2.1. For all ` ≥ −1, 6 W` (z) 2`+1 B0,` (z). Proof. To prove this lemma, we show that each bipartite component of excess ` can be associated to at least 2`+1 `-components. Let G be a bipartite `-component, i.e., DistBip (G) = 0. Let T be a spanning tree of G. Denote by ei , 1 ≤ i ≤ `+1, the sequence of (`+1) edges in G \ T . The graph T ∪ ei has a unique fundamental cycle ci and in graph terminology (see for instance [7]) the (` + 1) cycles ci form a basis of the cycle space associated to G. From the bipartite original graph G, we build a graph G0 of the same size but with exactly s fundamental cycles of odd length (for any s ∈ [0, ` + 1]) as follows. For each fundamental cycle ci corresponding to the edge ei = {i1 , i2 } ∈ G \ T , without loss of generality, we can assume that i1 < i2 and give the same orientation (i.e. i1 ← i2 ) to the cycle ci . For instance in the figure below in the cycle c1 (graph C/), i2 = 3 and i1 = 2. Once the orientation of ci is fixed, ci can be rewritten as [i1 → i2 → x1 → x2 · · · xj → i1 ] where the x1 x2 · · · xj are the vertices following i2 according to the order of the orientation (for example c1 = [i1 = 2 → i2 = 3 → x1 = 6 → x2 = 8 → i1 = 2] in graph C/). Next, we modify the length of ci by removing the edge between i1 and i2 and by adding an edge between i1 , x1 . Then, we have a new fundamental cycle of odd length c0i = (i1 → x1 → x2 · · · xj → i1 ) in the transformed graph G0 . More generally, we can transform as described above s cycles (with 0 ≤ s ≤ ` + 1) among all the (`+1) fundamental cycles of G, in order to c2 8 E/ 5 Figure 1: Creating a connected graph with exactly 1 fundamental cycle of odd length (graphs D/ and E/) from a bipartite component (graph A/). The graph B/ depicts an arbitrary spanning tree of the graph A/. Similar results hold for cactus graphs. Lemma 2.2. For all ` ≥ 0, Q` (z) = `+1 X Qi,` (z) 2`+1 Q0,` (z) . i=0 We also have bounds for the EGFs B̃s,` counting smooth `-components at distance s from bipartiteness: Lemma 2.3. For all ` ≥ 0 and all s ∈ [0, ` + 1] 2s X `+1 (2.7) B̃s,` (z) z −s + · · · + z s B̃0,` (z) . i i=s Proof. Denote by B̃s,` (s ∈ [0, ` + 1]) the family of connected smooth graphs of excess ` and with edit distance from bipartiteness equal to s. We want to (s) (s) build a family B̃` such that B̃s,` ⊂ B̃` , obtained as below from each element of B̃0,` by changing the parity of the length of s Wright paths2 . Let C ∈ B̃0,` and recall 2A Wright path in a smooth connected component is a simple path such that all vertices in the path have degree 2, except the endpoints which have degree ≥ 3. 267 Copyright © SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. that it can be associated to its ` + 1 fundamental cycles (cf. Lemma 2.1). Note that for any Wright path: 1) either it belongs to exactly one fundamental cycle, or 2)it is shared by at least 2 fundamental cycles. The case s = 1 is described below followed by the general case. For s = 1 in the case 1), a Wright path from C is chosen and the parity of its length is modified by either deleting or inserting a vertex on this path. In terms of the EGF if C(z) is the monomial corresponding −1 to C, such transformation is given by `+1 z + z C(z). Similarly in case 2), the length of 1 a Wright path shared by at least 2 cycles is modified by the deletion or theinsertion of a vertex. In this last case, the operator `+1 z −1 + z C(z) counts more graphs 2 than those we want to enumerate since the choices `+1 2 include all pairs of fundamental cycles (whether sharing or not a path) and shared paths can be counted more z2 z3 than twice. Let E(z) = 1−z 2 and ω(z) = 1−z 2 be the EGFs of paths of respectively even and odd length, the multiplication of z ±1 means that an even path becomes an odd path and vice-versa by extending or reducing its length E(z) = (1) B̃` z3 z2 deletion or insertion ←−−−−−−−−−−−→ ω(z) = 2 1−z 1 − z2 graphs using the enumerative and analytic approaches. The lemma below follows their results (see [15, eq. (3.9), (19.13) and (19.14)]) and it will be necessary for our purposes. The details of the proof are based on saddlepoint methods (see Flajolet and Sedgewick [10]). Lemma 2.5. For any functions a ≡ a(n) and b ≡ b(n), let τn (a, b) = n![z n ] (2.8) T (z)an (1 1 . − T (z))bn As n is large, if 0 ≤ a < b 1 but bn 1, then τn (a, b) satisfies n! (1 − u0 )2 p τn (a, b) = √ 2πn (1 + a)(1 − u0 )2 + bu20 exp(nu0 ) 1 × (a+1)n 1+O , bn bn u0 (1 − u0 ) where (2.9) u0 ≡ u0 (a, b) = 1 1 1p 2 a+ b+1− a + 2 ab + b2 + 4 b. 2 2 2 The corollary below follows from well-known results due to Wright [21, 22] and Lemma 2.5. By the constructions above, B̃1,` ⊂ Corollary 2.1. If s, it followsthat ` ∈ N are such that 0 ≤ s ≤ ` 1−ε `+1 `+1 −1 and 1 ` = O n then + 2 and B̃1,` (z) (z + z ) B̃0,` (z). 1 s X 3/2 −1/2 [z n ]T (z)j W` (z) ) ≤ eO(` n . n ]W (z) [z ` j=−s The general case is very similar to the case s = 1. Starting from a bipartite graph C, the operator 2s X `+1 i=s | i z −s + z −(s−1) + · · · + z s−1 + z s {z } Lemmas 2.1 and 2.3, together with the previous corollary, are the key ingredients to get our next corollory. Corollary 2.2. Let C be an `-component built with applied to C(z) counts all the transformations of C, n vertices. For any fixed real number ε ∈ (0, 1), ` = including the insertions and/or the suppressions of s O(n1−ε ) and for all s ≤ `+1 − O `1−ε/4 we have for 4 vertices changing the parity of s Wright paths in C. large ` The details for the basic case ` = 1 are omitted in 1−ε/2 this extended abstract. P (DistBip (C) = s) ≤ e−α ` , Similar results hold for cactus graphs. for some constant α > 0. Lemma 2.4. For all ` ≥ 0 and all s ∈ [0, ` + 1], `+1 Q̃s,` (z) z −s + · · · + z s Q̃0,` (z). s The following result tells us that with high probability an `-component is at least ∼ 4` far from being bipartite. Corollary 2.3. Let C an `-component of size n. For any fixed real number ε ∈ (0, 1), as 1 ` = O(n1−ε ) , Proof. The proof is similar to the one of the previous lemma, but in this case s paths belonging to exactly s we have 1−ε/2 distinct cycles are chosen among the ` + 1 cycles. ` 1−ε/4 P DistBip (C) ≥ − O ` ≥ 1 − e−α` . 4 As shown by Janson, Knuth, Luczak and Pittel in [15] tree polynomials are very useful when studying random for some constant α > 0. 268 Copyright © SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Proof. The proof is derived from Corollary 2.2. In fact, 3 Proof of Theorem 1.2 The proofs of (1.2), (1.3) and (1.4) are similar to those of [19, equations 1,2 and 3 of Theorem 1] by P (DistBip (C) = s) ≤ quantifying the r.v. counting the number of uncyclic s=0 components where the cycle is of odd length (instead `+1 − O `1−ε . of the cycle being of odd weight as in [19]) on random `·P DistBip (C) = 4 Erdős-Rényi graphs G(n, m). In the ranges of (1.2), Lemma 2.6. If DistBip (C) = s for an `-component (1.3) and (1.4), DistBip (all complex components) can C, the component has a cactus with at most s cycles of be neglected. In [6, Theorem 3.2], it is shown that the probability that a random graph built with n odd length as a subgraph. vertices and m edges has no complex components is n2 Proof. Recall that an `−component C contains no cycle 1 − O as n and m tend to ∞ but n − (n−2m)3 of odd length iff it has no fundamental cycle of odd 2m n2/3 . Consequently, the total excess of the length. If DistBip (C) = s, it has obviously at least s graph is4 of order Op (n2 /(n − 2m)3 ). In the critical fundamental cycles of odd length. Only s of these cycles region m = n2 ± O(1)n2/3 , the excess of the complex are disjoint3 . If at least s + 1 of these cycles are disjoint, components is Op (1) (see e.g. Bollobás [2] and Janson, they cannot be eliminated by removing at most s edges. Luczak and Ruciński [16]). To prove (1.5), we use the The following lemma tells us that in a cactus of excess fact that as the number of edges of a random graph G reaches m = n2 + µ2 n2/3 with µ ≡ µ(n) 1, almost `, roughly `/2 cycles are of odd length. surely there is a unique giant component in G. Hence, Lemma 2.7. For any fixed real number ε ∈ (0, 1), let ` we need to control the number of edge deletions in such that ` = O(n1−ε ). For an `-component cactus C, order to obtain a bipartite component by the giant we have component. We know from the results of random graph theory by Pittel and Wormald [17] that the excess of ` ` − O `1−ε/4 ≤ DistBip (C) ≤ − O `1−ε/4 P the a.s. unique giant component of G is Gaussian 2 2 (throughout the whole supercritical phase, viz. from ≥ 1 − exp −α`1−ε/2 , µ = o(n1/3 ) 1 to µ = εn1/3 ). Particularly, for any fixed real number ε ∈ (0, 1) and µ = O(n1/3−ε ), the for some constant α > 0. expected excess of the giant component is ∼ 23 µ3 (see also [15, Theorem 6]). Then, we use Theorem 1.1 to Our last lemma in this section states that an ` quantify P DistBip (Giant component) ∼ µ3 /6 . component is spanned by a cactus with 2` + O log` ` The proof of (1.6) is complete by characterizing cycles with a probability at least 1 − e−O(`) . the limiting distribution of the number of unicyclic components with cycle of odd lentgh in a random graph Lemma 2.8. Let c0 = 38 log 3 + 12 log 2 and let smax ≡ G ∈ G(n, m), for m in the corresponding range. smax (n, `) the excess of a spanning cactus of an `component of size n. For any fixed real number ε ∈ 4 Conclusion (0, 1), any x > 0 and 1 ` = O(n1−ε ), we have In this paper, we have studied the most probable ` ` value of MAX-CUT in sparse instances of random −2x` P smax ≥ + (c0 + x) ≤O e . (connected) graphs. By means of enumerative and 2 log ` analytic combinatorics [10], we have shown how one We are now almost ready to prove Theorem 1.1. can quantify the size of the MAX-CUT as the graph Proof. [Proof of Theorem 1.1] Lemma 2.8 states that is large. Our results apply to the sparse cases of both a.a.s. an `-component is spanned by a cactus with at random connected graphs (Theorem 1.1) and random most `/2 + (c0 + x) log` ` cycles for any x > 0. Then, by graphs (Theorem 1.2). They complete those given in Coppersmith, Hajiaghayi, Gamarnik and Sorkin [4] and Lemma 2.7, for such cactii DistBip (·) is smaller than in Coja-Oghlan, Moore and Sanwalani [3] and give `/4 + O (`/ log `), with high probability. 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