{Examinations Department} (MODULE EXAMINATION) (NOTICE FOR STUDENTS) 2nd Year MBBS Semester-III Endocrinology Module Examination 2016 will be held on Saturday, 14th May, 2016 at Dow International Medical College, Ojha Campus from (02:30pm to 04:00pm).

Dow University of Health Sciences
Examinations Department
Ref No.: DUHS/EXM/2016-858
2nd Year MBBS Semester-III Examination 2016
Th e Endo crino lo g y Mo dule
will be held on
Saturday, 14th May, 2016 at Dow International
Medical College, Ojha Campus from (02:30pm to
Student should reach the venue directly.
Dated: 06-05-2016
C.c to:
1. The Principal, Dow Medical College.
2. The Principal, Dow International Medical College, Ojha Campus.
3. The Dean, Basic Medical Sciences, DUHS.
4. The Staff Officer to the Vice Chancellor, Dow University of Health Sciences.
5. The Deans, Faculty of Medicine & Allied & Surgery & Allied (DUHS).
6. The Registrar, DUHS.
7. I/c Students Branch, DIMC, Ojha Campus.
8. The Centre Administrator, DIMC, Ojha Campus.
9. The Director, Q-Bank, DUHS.
10. The Director, CMS, DUHS.
11. The Web Manager, DUHS.
12. All Concerned.
Controller of Examinations