Introduction to Hspice How to Install and Run Saied Barati BSc Computer Engineer, SUT [email protected] Introduction to HSpice Introduction to Hspice How to Install Netlist Circuit Analysis Introduction to HSpice • Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis Developed in 1970’s at Berkeley Many commercial versions are available HSPICE is a robust industry standard Has many enhancements that we will use • Written in FORTRAN for punch-card machines Circuits elements are called cards Complete description is called a SPICE deck Introduction to HSpice 1) First Download it! Link: (Go to Course Home Page!) Introduction to HSpice 2) Now Crack it! Add “license.dat” to “environment variables” with the name of “LM_License_file” Note: HSpice (amoozesh).pdf Page 2-4 Introduction to HSpice Netlist = text-based description of circuit • • netlist does not use symbols or graphical elements makes it simple to learn but hard to visualize usually need a companion schematic netlist describes circuit elements (resistors, capacitors, etc.) power supplies, input voltages, bias currents, etc. connections between circuit elements analysis method; defines data to be calculated Introduction to HSpice Netlist Structure: Title (Required) Circuit Subcircuit(s) Device Models Analysis Output .end (Required) Introduction to HSpice Simple inverter circuit • ***** Define power supplies and sources ***** V1 1 0 10 R1 1 2 10 R2 2 0 30 R3 2 3 200 V1 VDD 0 5 VPULSE VIN 0 PULSE 0 5 2N 2N 2N 98N 200N ***** Analysis statement ***** .TRAN 1n 300n .END Introduction to HSpice First line is title of simulation → statements are ignored First character in every line specifies how HSPICE interprets the remaining line First line of a netlist: Any character Title or comment line Subsequent lines of netlist, and all lines of included files: .(XXXX): Netlist keyword (e.g.: .TRAN 0.5ns 20ns) C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, Q, R, S, V, W: Element instantiation * (asterisk): Comment line (HSPICE) Introduction to HSpice Names begin with the element key letter (exception: subcircuits) • Maximum name length: 1024 characters • First Letter Circuit Element or Source C capacitor D diode I independent current source V independent voltage source R resistor Q bipolar junction transistor M MOSFET Introduction to HSpice Resistor r<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <value> • Capacitor c<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <value> • Diode D<name> <terminal 1> <terminal 2> <model> • Ex: R1 n1 n2 20k Type: Resistor Name: R1 Connected nodes: n1, n2 Value: 20kΩ * 2= 40kΩ D1 a b DMOD Type: Diode Name: D1 Connected nodes: a, b Model: DMOD Introduction to HSpice Numbers can be Integer Floating point Introduction to HSpice Vxx/Ixx n+ n- DC=dcval tranfun Vxx: with V Ixx: with I n+, n-: DC=dcval: Voltage source element name, must begin Current source element name, must begin Positive and negative node DC source keyword and value (in volts) Ex: VX 1 0 5V Introduction to HSpice Vxx/Ixx n+ n- PULSE v1 v2 td tr tf pw per PULSE: Keyword v1: Initial value of the voltage or current v2: Pulse plateau value td: Delay to the first ramp tr: Duration of the rising ramp tf: Duration of the falling ramp pw: Pulse width per: Pulse repetition period v2 v1 td tr pw tf per Time Introduction to HSpice Comment: First letter of line is asterisk (*) → whole line is comment Dollar sign ($) anywhere on the line → text after is comment For example: * <comment_on_a_line_by_itself> -or<HSPICE_statement> $ <comment_following_HSPICE_input> Introduction to HSpice 1) .TRAN <Tstep> <Tstop> <Tstep>: time step <Tstop>: End time (duration) of simulation Ex: .tran 0.02 2.0 2) .DC <source> <vstart> <vstop> <vstep> <source>: source point <vstart>: start voltage <vstop>: stop voltage <vstep>: voltage step Ex: .DC Vin 0 1.8 0.1 Introduction to HSpice Introduction to Hspice How to Install Netlist Circuit Analysis Introduction to HSpice Useful links: lsi/hs_device.html -11.html ce.html
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