USPS-T-27 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Docket No. R97-1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF LESLIE M. SCHENK ON BEHALF OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - USPS-T-27 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... i LIST OF EXHIBITS.. ........................................................................................ ii AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL I. PURPOSE II, BUSINESS SKETCH ................................................................... OF TESTIMONY ...................................................................... REPLY MAIL CHARACTERISTICS. ....................................... Ill. BIRM MAIL FLOWS .................................................................................... A. B. C. D. I. BRMAS-Qualified BRM Pieces.. ......................................................... Non-BRMAS Advance Deposit BRM Pieces ...................................... Non-Advance Deposit BRM Pieces ..................................................... Advance Deposit Accounts and BRM Permits ..................................... DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................. iii 1 2 4 .4 .6 7 7 8 II. SIJRVEY RESULTS ................................................................................. 11 .................................................................................. 12 Ill, COST ESTIMATES IV. EXHIBITS ..____.._.._._.._. 1..._..._...................................................................... V. APPENDIX VI. APPENDIX A: BRMAS Cost Survey - Data Collection and Processing B: BRMAS Cost Survey - Survey Forms and Instructions 16 USPS-T-27 Direct Testimony of Leslie M. Schenk Autobiooraohical My name is Leslie M. Schenk. Sketch I am a Senior Economist with Christensen Associates, which is an economic analysis and consulting firm located in Madison, Wisconsin. I have been employed at Christensen my 1:enure at Chrisl:ensen Associates, Associates since June, 1995. During I have worked on many research projects for the U.S. F’ostal Service. .- In 1982 I received a B. A. from SUNY College at Buffalo, with a major in economics and a minor in mathematics. in mathematics (with a concentration 1986, respectively. I received an M.A. in economics, and an M.A. in statistics) from Indiana University in 1984 and In 1995 I received a Ph.D. in economics from Miichigan State University. From 1985 to 1986 I was a research assistant on the economlic forecasting modeliing project at the Indiana University Business School. for quarterly econolmic forecasts for industry clients. demand analyst for Indiana Bell Telephone Company. There I was responsible From 1986 to 1989 I was a Among my dluties there, I helped prepare analyses for rate case filings before the Public Service Commission I also provided in-house statistical consultation. /-- From 1993 to 1995 I worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research III of Indiana. at Michigan USPS-T-27 Stalte University. IMy research there was on nonprofit organizations 1993,, I taught numerous university economics, From 1’983 to business statistics, and mathematics courses. I recently presented nonletter-size testimony to the Postal Rate Commission Business Reply Mail in Docket No. MC97-1. on the costs of My previous research for the Postal Service also involved a number of in-field surveys to support Dockets No. MC951 and MC96-2. I. Purpose of Testimony The purpose counting, rating, and beyond and billing the costs 4 were developed 5 procedures 6 of the current 7 maintenance. using for the Business attributed current information BRM fee categories, costs of counting, 10 Business Reply Mail (QBRM). 11 piece fee for advance 12 (USPS-T-39). 13 piece costs 14 deposit account 15 8-cent per-piece 16 costs of counting, 17 which My testimony of counting, rating, Needham and billing proposes 19 variable 20 currently costs associated denominated deposit the test year volume-variable as the Prebarcoded of for the Other witness rating, category per- category of advance Needham proposes the volume-variable deposit per-piece per- Needham the test year volume-variable for non-advance the counting, category by witness account an per-piece BRM, for fee. is based upon an examination with for each serve as a basis f#or the 6-cent also estimates a 30-cent costs account for the Qualified Reply Mail, for which In part, my testimony 16 and billing My testimony and accounting QBRM proposed also estimates rating, Business fee. account costs above My estimates the test year per-piece and billing These deposit Mail (KM). on operating is to estimate rating, of Reply Mail (BRM) service, and for advance of my testimony per-piece the test year costs to First-Class I will determine 9 witness is to estimate already used for BRM. One purpose 8 ,f- of my testimony of the volume- and billing of advance for what deposit is account ZIP+4 barcode, qualified and have gone through BRM currently First-Class pays a two-cent 5 with 6 for a specified 7 annual 9 a balance r‘ future compatible 11 advance 12 regular (depending account advance postage on average to the regular from BRM currently deposit account, due and per-piece daily volume), fees and pay an $205). BRM pieces barcode, due deducted deposit an advance fee (currently deposit or have a ZIP+4 postage maintain to cover the projected period deposit Non-BRMAS daily BRMAS- per piece fee, in adldition BRM recipients sufficient advance 10 process. Mail postage. BRMAS-qualified 8 a qualification may or may not be automation but, like BRMAS-qualified an advance deposit pays a ten-cent account. BRM, have the Non-BRMAS per piece fee, in addition to the FCM postage.3 Non-advance 13 14 compatible 15 postage 16 pieces are delivered 17 either (a) collected 18 (b) deducted 19 volumes 20 BRM currently 21 postage. deposit or barcoded. BRM pieces Non-advance due and per-piece from deposit fees through to the recipient by the carrier BRM recipients an advance upon payment account. of postage These due, which is clerks, Due account. Mailers low use non-advance deposit pays a 44-cent delivering deposit do not pay the this mail or by box section a Postage of BRM generally may or may not be automation receiving BRM. per piece fee, in addition ’ With the excep,tion of certain nonletter-size ERM, which currently experimental per-piece fees as a result of Docket No. MC97-1. 3 relatively Non-advance to the regular or deposit FCM quali-iies for lower III. BRM Mail Flows To determine 1 the counting, 2 and BRM, it is necessary 3 the destinating 4 operation, 5 operation 6 from (usually is processed operation BRMAS-Qualified As shown 10 11 goes through 12 number4 13 ZIP+4 14 sartation 15 Secondary obtained of destination. or to a manual either These in the Incoming operation in a Delivery QBRM (either At Primary sortation flovvs differ Prirnary automated Point Sequence or (DPS) (e.g., cased by the carrier),. chart in Exhibit Primary other BRMAS-qualified and then can be sorted ZlP+4) in a BRMAS this sort is equivalent in the DPS operation. that USPS-27A, operation, to a unique a Each ERM recipient is required combination Secondary to address to a BRM recipient, distribution with BRM Pieces the Incoming is unique operation, after sortation operation in the flow (corresponding at the office Due Unit or Box Section). in an Incoming or in a manual cost associated is held out from the Incoming the BRMAS FCM, which, and is then sorted and billing on operations BRM currently in the Postage nonpresort operation, Imanual), to focus and sent to either other A. office, rating, These pieces FCM pieces to have a separate received. 4 operation. BRM to permit Because to the level of avoid the lncomling receive. ERM permit for each ,shape/rate element the BRMAS 1 2 either 3 (MPBCS), a Delivery includes '4 operations vary across Barcode Sorter as determined both “primary” mail finalized 6 BRMAS-qualified mail arrives 7 sort scheme, a and the rest is sorted 9 schemes, qualified 11 Incoming 12 BRMAS some is sorted Primary facilities, pieces schemes. number Barcode Sorter operation in order to get all facilities, mixed; all on a “primary” (for the highest volume In the secondary mailers), sort for the rest of the BRMAS- BRM is sorted to BRMAS so the BRM receives finalized 14 also performs counting 15 BRM recipient of postage 16 due from the advance Even at facilities 17 number is run on the BRMAS For these operation program scheme on the only one handling in the operation. For those 13 to permit operation, number. at the BRMAS to the secondary At other sort schemes, to permit to permit the mail is sorted mail. In some cases, and “secondary” BRMAS-qualified The BRMAS (DBCS) or a Mail Processing by the facility. 5 10 facilities. 18 qualified 19 results 20 sortatian), 21 characteristics), and rating operational pieces functions, due (i.e., a bill). deposit operation, BRMAS program a report does not deduct for the the postage account. to permit limitations being rejected or diversion the BRMAS and can provide that sort BRM in a BRMAS mail gets finalized from in the BRMAS number operation, in the BRMAS (e.g., the number 5 operation,. of bins available (e.g., due to mechanical of some BRM to other not all BRMAS- problems mailstrealns This for or piece (e.g., mixing 1 with other 2 are usually FCM that sorted, counted Even when 3 4 BRMAS 5 pieces all BRMAS-qualified operation, verification Currently, have BRMAS software, a rated in a BRMAS 9 facilities operation without BRMAS using a variety IO and billed 11 manually 12 16 and 18). counting Mail stream 15 USPS-27A. These given 16 FCM pieces receive. 17 Incoming 18 Postage 14 percent 19 manual 20 billing, distribution, and accounting Deposit these advance deposit functions. Reference 13). BRM is counted, method Reference operation, Secondary can receive operations, the Postage H-l 79, Table BRM pieces Primary avoid the Incoming pieces do not and At rated being H-l 79, Tables 13, BRM Pieces after the Incoming 15, USPS Library with BRM is coulited Reference the most common or BRMAS in the many facilities of BRMAS-qualified of methods, These Due Unit. associated and because BRMAS-qualified Due Unit (see USPS Library 5 See Table above operations, pieces pieces Due Unit. non-BRMAS First-Class residual can be finalized activities (see USPS Library Advance 14 Primary for a mailer of each piece (see USPS Library Non-BRMAS In general, 13 only pieces These in the Postage and accounting for the reasons 7 in a DPS operation).5 and rated manually are done in the Postage 6 B. got distributed sortation but are typically Reference These sorted pieces are then H-l 79. 6 - in lthe in the In addition counting, picked in Exhibit manually 13). the thalt other to the mailer includes from as shown distribution H-l 79, Table Due Unit operation are diverted rating, up at the to --. F 1 Postage 2 (see USPS Library C. Non-Advance 5 instead: 6 rating, 7 section a relief involving 9 postage due unit clerks 10 Postage Due accounts). 11 shown 12 advance ,/-- D. for non-advance diversion deposit Advance Other 13 deposit functions Due Unit, by carriers or box section (for accepting workload attributable 14 of the advance deposit 15 advance deposit 16 adequate funds 17 notifying the mailer ia account, and the initial accounts (remitting H-l 79. is followed lby carriers or box and accountability fees collected) and or for deductions methocls from currently The mailflow used is for non- USPS-27B. and BRM Permits to BRM is associated This workload with includes to cover the postage of inadequate is counting, clerks, of collection funds, deducting set up of the advance 7 - pick-up set up for BRMAS-qualified mail recipients. are on deposit Due Unit, fee collections, in Exhibit Accounts distribution, clerks operation mailflow manual or box section The distribution BRM is shown distribution BRM, and the following 5, USPS Libral-y Reference Deposit Secondary at the Postage fee collection carriers in Table Incoming to the Postage and billing to customer BRM Pieces or automation avoided clerks for distribution H-l 79, Table 4). Deposit 4 clerks, or box section Reference The manual 3 .- Due Unit by carriers deposit the administration and non-BRMAS determining due for future daily post,age accounl.. whether mail received, due from These the activities 1 are generally 2 Entry administered Unit (BMEU). An annual Each Business 3 4 The administration 5 permit imprint IV. through the Postage accounting fee is charged Reply Mail recipient of the BRM permit mail of other Due Unit or the Business must obtain is similar to cover these a permit to that Mail Costs. to receive of permits ..\ BRM. obtained for classes. Data Collection Two surveys 6 7 testimony. 8 Library Reference 9 facilities across were conducted The BRM Practices Survey, H-l 79, collected the country. to support which the cost estimates is discussed data on BRM-related In a,ddition to other derivesd in this in detail practices results, in USPS at 441 this survey postal provides - 10 national 11 collection 12 deposit 13 non-advance 14 equipment. 15 facilities 16 estimates of several methods variables for non-advance BRM, and the percentages deposit) receiving As a preliminary and viewed of another survey 18 on workload 19 informed that done at selected operations. a new version BRM, delivery of non-BRMAS Iprofiles modes pieces (both to finer depth step in this survey, BRM-related in BRMAS deposit distribution The cost of BRMAS-qualified 17 used in my cost models: o,f fee for advance advance and of sort on autornation we visited several postal operations. BRM was developed postal facilities. in part using the results This survey At the time this survey of the BRMAS 8 program would collected was designed, be implemented data I was 1 nationally 2 program would 3 BRMAS currently 4 BRMAS-qualified pieces, 5 test year, have been over-estimated 6 all sites currently 7 Therefore, ,h c--. during the test year,6 and that be higher than the productivity would using if a new BRMAS I developed for BRMAS-qualified 9 currently have relatively productivity 11 reasonably 12 context 13 BRMAS. was quantified Given the results facilities of with were up and running efficient BRMAS programs in the productivity as counting BRMAS and rating of the BRM Practices postal using the BRMAS 16 of BRM (i.e., more than 14,000 17 operation day). 18 which 19 local needs 20 had made local changes had made changes program of Survey, to count site with BRMAS which BRMAS could in this of BRM using I was able to identify and rate a significant pieces sorted program high BRMAS-counted software facilities Efficiency high volumes cost average level which T~hese sites were also identified to the BRMAS ’ To my knowledge, the Postal program, and no longer expects at postal program. BRMAS-qualified to the (national) A fifth and billing and whose to the productivity in an improved on an average rating, BRM based on operations 15 better. associated had I used the average a test year counting, is likely to be similar be expected under the version the costs program under the new BRMAS., estimate 10 productivity realized Iln this cost model, being used. 8 14 ,,I- sometime (but which four volume in the BRMAS as facilities to rnake it suit their volurnes and which was not one of the Service has not yet developed a new version of the BRMAS to have a new version in place dumg the t,est year. 9 1 sites that 2 Service had responded to the BRM Practices Survey) was identified by Postal personnel. A two-week 3 4 collected 5 and accounting 6 were 7 the five sample 8 Appendix survey on workhours was conducted and volumes of BRM pieces used to determine sites. involved processed the average The BRMAS five sites; in all stages using BRMAS productivity data were of distribution, software. of BRMAS Cost Survey These operations is discussed billing, data across in more detail in A. By the time it was determined 9 at these that a new BRMAS 10 operational 11 determine 12 BRMAS. 13 cost model. This means that the results 14 BRM should be interpreted 15 test year volume 16 reasons. 17 volumes 18 count and rate BRM, the productivity 19 effect on the average 20 BRMAS. 21 counted 22 have as much during the test year, there the average Therefore, Given BRMAS was not enough productivity I used the average variable with costs of BRM, and given And because number of these productivity results operation, on overall not be to using efficient sites in my for BRMAS-qualified can be used to proxy the BRM, folr the following are those that of facilities sample ‘count and rate high now using sites would over all facilities such a low percentage and rated in a BRMAS influence sites chosen currently at these of my cost model of BRMAS-qualified the limited BRMAS productivity would time to do a survey at all facilities care, but these that the sample prclgram have a big currently of all BRMASqualified the BRMAS productivity cost as does the productivity BRMAS using BRM is does not associated with to 1 manually 2 Section 3 the workload /- counting VI below and rating this BRM (see description for more details). data previously In addition, collected these (for Docket of c(Dst estimates in data are more current than No. RSO-1 J7. 4 V. /-- Results Productivity 5 r‘ Survey estimates 6 sorter) and additional 7 handling 8 Section 9 productivities represent 10 each of these two 11 line [5] for distribution 12 BCS operations 13 verification 14 Business 15 Postage for distribution BRMAS-related of residual pieces of counts) Reply/Postage across functions all sample sites. The productivity reported in line [6] has been adjusted since these and as descl-ibed processed The productivity by the volume for additi’onal by the vcllume functions on the barcode procedLlres lines [51-[61. of pieces has been adjusted Due (0.797), operation, USPS-27C, number (sortation (verification in BRMAS in Exhibit the average ‘tasks’ (0.945). procedures not finalized Ill, Part A.) are shown functions in These per hour for reported in variability workload for (i.e., variability are performed for by Due Unit personnel. ’ Because rhe sample facilities are the most efficient BRMAS users, and were selected fo proxy the productivity under a new BRMAS program, the sample is not considl?red to be representative of the population of facilities using the current BRMAS program (with more variant levels of proficiency). Accordingly, no standard errors are reported for the productivity estimates presented here. 11 Vi. Cost Estimates The cost models 1 2 described 3 BRMAS above, were built incorporatinlg productivities the mail flows developed from the Cost Survey. 5 shown 6 and rating 7 Ibecause 8 operation,’ 9 the test year. in Exhibit of the cost estimate USPS-27C. of BRM is included a percentage 11 pieces 12 manually-sorted 13 coverage (with The productivity direct is expected equal to the BRMAS pieces (with weight to receive volume-variable average BRM pieces with manual for BRMAS-qualified is not processed and indirect mail is a weighted weight associated in the cost model percentage The total BRMAS-qualified for BRMAS-qualifiesd of this mail currently and a similar 10 14 here as well as the average The derivation 4 presented is counting BRM im the BRMAS such processing in co,st associated with of the cost for BRMAS-sorted coverage factor) equal to 100 percent ancl the cost for minus the BRMAS factor).g The BRMAS 15 pieces that 16 BRM Practices coverage are counted Survey factor is the percentage and rated in the BRMAS indicate a See USPS Library Reference that 14.24 percent of all BPIMAS-qualified operation. The results of all BRMAS-qualifiied of the BRM H-l 79, Table 13. ’ The automation coverage factor included in Docket No. R90-1 and R94--1 is not needed in this model, because the BRMAS coverage factor was determined from a reprr!sentative sample of all Postal facilities (see USPS Library Reference H-l 79). and so takes into xcount the ‘extent of automation at Postal facilities. 12 /-- f-- 1 is counted 2 expected 3 percentage 4 paribus. 5 reduced 6 32). 7 qualified 8 PRM, the BRMAS 9 BRMAS-qualified BRM. IO BRMAS-qualified volume 11 of BRMAS-qualified 12 percent, 13 across 14 PRM), the resulting 15 r-- and rated in the BRMAS to be in place during is the applicable However, This service would As shown 16 BRMAS-qualified 17 $0.0785. 18 additional 19 piece processed 20 operation. If there According to witness is projected factor USPS27C, BRM piece, This cost includes piece-related volume all distribution functions at the BRMAS to PRM. operation avoids factor by 34 has migrated is 5.87 to percent. with of 5.87 operation, pieces”. Incoming of the volume cost associated the Incoming in an automated the cost of mail, and weighting 66 percent coverage to 66 percent operation after this migration on these affect Multiplying in the BRMAS performed The cost of distribution (after the attributable lusing a BRMAS volumes testimony, of all BRMAS-qualified coverage BRMAS- would and rated in the BRMAS BRMAS-qualified in Exhibit Fronk’s to migrate the percentage BRMAS which with fee (see USPS-T- of BRMAS-qualified change, ceferis has been proposed, for some high-volume would is coverage to use in this model, fee, and no per-piece is migration factor mail counted by total factor BRMAS Reply Mail (PRM) service accounting coverage determining coverage be advantageous BRM recipients. strata BRMAS a monthly Since a new ISRMAS program the test year, the current a Prepaid postage, operation. a percent, ,as well However, as a BRM Secondary Secondary ” As dIscussed in Section III, Part A. above, piece-related functions are performed I” the Postage Due Unit on BRMAS-processed BRM. These activities include vserificatlon of machine counts, pulling rrlissorted or overweight pieces, and compiling all piece counts for a permit number from other mall streams. 13 is 1 operation for BRMAS pieces 2 for a nonpresort 3 derived 4 cost of a BRMAS-qualified barcoded in USPS-T-25. to the cost for that Mail piece. That cost is $0.02211, out this cost avoidance, which productivity BRMAS 7 the average 8 the best data available. This means that, 9 coverage in the test year, the estimated productivity 11 BRMAS-qualified estimate in Exhibit all facilities. assuming for non-BRMAS shown 14 non-BRMAS USPS-27D. 15 manually, 16 barcode 17 for a finer depth 18 that 19 manual 20 since the activities do not change. 21 volume using advance deposit Two in the Incoming of sort. used in Docket BRM pieces: variability, the current than represent BRMAS cost Ipresentecl rating the rather data do however Primary affect most pieces operation, estimate USPS-T-23; here is a and billing The productivity variability BRM pieces are the cost estimates for are czounted and rated equipment or in the t3RMAS (on operation) used in this cost analysis productivity such as this one does not change the volume deposit on automation The productivity No. R90-1, advance productivities but some pieces get distribution operation These facilities, from BRM. 13 sorters are those the most efficient of the test year cost of counting, The cost derivations 12 represents across rate continues conservative as the lnet volume-variable data available 6 IO operation BRM piece is $0.0554. BRMAS Cost Survey, be comparable First-Class Netting The only current 5 should is of an essentially substantially over time, has been adjusted for Business fileply/Postage for Due __ 1 of 0.797. 2 piece is $0.0701. .-. The cost derivation 3 .- The net attributable 4 USPS-27E. In addition 5 non-BRMAS BRM pieces 6 associated 7 carriers 8 distribution 9 Survey with results 11 Exhibits clerks, The derivation 14 account is shown 15 was obtained 16 to believe 17 differ methods Reference and billing deposit These fees are either from BRMAS-qualified that incur other costs collected Postage 13ue accounts. from EIRM Practices H-l 79, Table 5). deposit the derivation by The The net attributable USPS27F. associated of the advance The productivity of the BRMAS with of cost components BRM models. of the cost for the maintenance from the results BRM in Exhibit costs BRM pieces was determined 271 show and non-aldvance in Exhibit deposit BRM piece is $0.2250. through that the workload between non-advance advance BRM is shown rating, or are deducted deposit USPS-27G for the non-BRMAS deposit and fee collection. (USPS Library cost of a non-advance 13 incur, of fee collection 10 12 for non-advance to the distribution, postage or box section cost of a non-BRMAS Cost Survey. the advance and non-BRMAS cleposit used in this model There deposit is no reason account would accounts. 15 ----__ Appendix A: BRMAS Cost Survey In order to estimate BRMAS-qualified 1997. postal with personnel of various activities associated of five sites was conducted these BRMAS-qualified billing, and Processing sites recorded pieces times and accounting of these in April-May, spent in all operations with by all associated pieces. of Sites 7 used as a proxy 8 BRMAS 9 using the current selected pieces 11 such from 12 and an additional 13 personnel, nationwide. BRMAS represented 15 had made individual 16 program more efficient 17 adapted the program ia designed 19 bill printing billing program high volume possible without which were (USPS Library identified Reference by Postal as H-l 79) Service in my testimony. for loc:al use. software. facilities of BRMAS-qualified user was identified sample ‘to the (national) so that postal be of a new Four sites were Survey could implementation that facilities. used to select changes productivity to sort high volumes BRMAS earlier criterion with It was assumed of the BRM Practices as described average obtained the most efficient results The other so that the resulting for the productivity program 10 14 a survey weeks, counting, Sites were 6 of two working the sortation, Selection the productivities BRM pieces, Over a period - Data Collection machine Another sites was whether BRMAS program to make the For example, one of the sample counts be downloaded could site had made an equipment s,topping the facilities machine processing. sites had into locallychange to make Data Collection, Entry and Processinq Time and volumes 1 2 daily basis, 3 were returned 4 from the BRMAS 5 The sites were sampled 6 accommodate 7 sites, 9 using the forms program training Completed Excel spreadsheet. Associates, schedules. 10 volumes for each “task” 11 computed 12 the ratio of average 13 in each task. 14 average 15 BRMAS-qualified per site. Productivity The overall of productivities volume in Appendix 8. End-of-Run with staggered on a These forms (EOR) reports supporting documents. start dates to was done over the telephone for two sites. upon receipt, were done in Excel. (machine daily hours periods, were checked All calculations were collected run, and other Training for the other three forms shown along with for all schemes over two-week survey for all employees and instructions to Christensen and in person 8 by oper-ation sortation and entered Average and additional into an daily hours workload) were for each task for each site was calculated per task to the average average productivity across sites, processed. with daily volume as processed for each task is the weighted weights equal to the average daily and USPS-T-27 EXHIBITS ixhibit A: Flow Chart-Advance Deposit BRM ixhibit B: Flow Chart - Npn-Advance Deposit BRM ixhibit C: Determination of Attributable Cost of BRMAS-Qualified ixhibit D: Determination of Attributable Cost of Non-BRMAS ixhibit E: Determination of Attributable Cost of Non-Advance ixhibit F: Cost of Oversight and Maintenance BRM Advance Deposit BRM of BRM Advance Deposit Accounts ixhibit G: Cost of BRM Pick-up at Postage Due Unit ixhibit H: Colle,ction Cost for Non-Advance Deposit f3RM -- Carrier ixhibit I: Collection Deposit ElRM - Box Section Cost for Non-Advance Deposit BRM -- Exhibit USPS-27A: Advance Deposit BRM Mail Flow’ /--., 1 ~“:~e~~~~~ed; deduction from advance 1 deposit \ ICalkr Servmice ,/- ‘BRMAS and non-BRMAS advanced deposit BRM have the same flow pattern, but may differ in sorting and delivery operations. Exhibit USPS-27B: Non-Advance Deposit BRM Mail Flow ‘I -\ Postage Due Unit: postage due calculated Postage Postage Collected, Box Section Postage Settlement Postage with Due Clerk .-. deducted ’ Exhibit USPS27C: Determination of Attributable Costs of BRMAS-qualified BRM Pieces BRMAS coverage factor (net of rejects) 5.67% [I] Average productive hourly wage rate for clerk/mailhandler $25.45 [2] Average of MPBCS and DBCS Piggyback factors MODS 18 -- Business Reply Piggyback factor Marginal BRMAS processing net productivity Marginal BRMAS productivity, Postage Due Unit activities ViF-r-in-1 ,yy,yI Manua! Sedation Produc!ivi!y, Postage Due Uni! 2.077 (31 1.477 [4] Direct 8 Pieces Direct Indirect Per Hour Cost/Piece Cost/Piece 6,207 [5] $0.0031 [8] $0.0064 [I I] 9,361 [6] $0.0027 [9] $0.0040 (121 454 (71 $0.0560 [lg] WV.” C” “697 L ]I 3; Weighted cost per piece (direct & indirect) Cost avoidance (Inc. Sec. for automation $0.0785 [14] compatible FCM piece) ($0.0231) 115) Net direct and indirect weighted cost of BRMAS processing Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77. volume variabilities [I] [2] [3] 111 ,‘, [5] [6] (71 ]8] [9] [IO] $0.0554 [16] from LR-H-113): Percentage of BRMAS pieces finalized to mailer using BRMAS for all sites using BRMAS software to sod ERM (LR-H-179, Table 13), adjusted for migration to PRM (see text for description of adjustment process) FY98 before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail processing (see LR-H-146) Average of FY96 Cost Pool Disaggregate MPBCS and DBCS piggyback factors = (1.719+2.434)/2 r\mn : _^__ ?,^_I _^_. ___I __. L--I_ ‘^_A__ r IJO -D”>ll,C‘33 “c‘ply L”SL IJ”“’ _: p’yyy”“b” lc¶Ll”I Pieces processed in BRMAS operation (TPH) per hour 1997 (fr. BRMAS Study); marginal productivity = productivity/O 945 (volume variability for BCS) BRMAS pieces (TPH) per additional hour 1997; marginal productivity = productivity0797 (volume variability for Business Reply/Postage Due) Productivity fr. R90-1; marginal productivity = productivity/O.797 (volume variability for Business Reply/Postage Due) ]2] divided by [5] [2] divided by [S] [2] divided by [7] l31'[81 IllI 1121WI91 1131 [41'[101 1141 ([~1'([111+[1m + (I131 *(1-(w) [15] Cost of incoming secondary automalion 11'311141+[151 basic IC presort (from USPS-T-25) Exhibit USPS27D: Determination of Attributable Costs of Non-BRMAS Advance Deposit BRM Manual Clerical Processing Marginal Productivity at Postage Due Unit Average Productive Hourly Wage Rate (ClerkslMailhandlers) 454 (I] $25.45 [2] MODS 18 -- Business Reply Piggyback factor Average of MPBCS and DBCS Piggyback factors 1.477 [3] 2.077 (41 Per piece direct cost Per piece direct and indirect cost Per piece Cost Avoidance, Incoming Secondary i $0.0560 [5] $0.0827 [6] ($0.0231) [7] Net incremental direct 8 indirect cost (clerical processing) Direct and indirect cost of BRM pick-up (at Postage Due Unit) Additional cost BCS Sod (to obtain more depth of sod) $0.0597 [E] $0.0098 [9] $0.0007 [IO] Total Non-BRMAS Advance Deposit BRM Attributable $0.0701 [I I] Costs Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77. volume variabilities from LR-H-113): Productivity fr. R90-1: marginal productivity = productivity IO.797 (volume variability for Business Reply/Postage 111 FY98 before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail processing (see LR-H-146) PI FY98 Business Reply cost pool piggyback factor (31 Average of FY96 Cost Pool Disaggregate MPBCS and DBCS piggyback factors = (1.719+2.434) I2 I41 151 PI / 111 A [51 * PI Cost of incoming secondary anlomnlion hasic IC presort (from IJSPS-T-25) !7] ~ PI PI 1101 [Ill Due) Fl + 171 see Exhibit USPS-T-27G (using productivity for BRMAS as proxy); ([wage] ! BRMAS pieces per hour) ‘volume variability for BCS l % BCS sod * average barcode sorter piggyback factor = ((2) I8207) * 0.945 * 0.115 * ((1.719+2.434)/2); % BCS sod from LR-H-179, Table 13 PI + PI + [I @I i i i Exhibit USPS27E: Deiermination of Aitribuiable Cosis of Non-Advance Carrier Delivery Related Cost Box Section Clerk Related Cost Daposii BRM $0.8770 [I] $0.6863 [Z] % Fee Collection Through Carrier % Fee Collection Through Box Section % Fee Collection Through Postage Due Account 12.3% (31 8.4% [4] 79.3% [5] Weighted Delivery related cost $0.1652 [6] Clerical Processing Cost at Postage Due Section Additional BCS sort (for non-advance deposit) $0.0597 [7] $0.0001 [E] Total Attributable $0.2250 [9] Cost of Non-advance Deposit BRM Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77. volume variabilities from LR-H-113): [l] See Exhibit USPS-T-27H [2] See Exhibit USPS-T-271 [3] LR-H-179, Table 5 [4] Id. [5] Id. [6] (111* ]31) + (M * 141)+ (0 * 151) [7] See Exhihil~ USPS-T-270 [S] (using productivity for BRMAS as proxy); ([wage] / BRMAS pieces per hour) *volume variability for BCS ’ % BCS sod * average barcode sorter piggyback factor = ([2]/8207) * 0.945 * 0.115 l ((1.719+2.434)/Z); % BCS sort from LR-H-179. Table 13 PI [61 + I71 + PI Exhibit USPS27F: Cost of Oversight and Maintenance Clerk/Mailhandler Productive Total Workhours(per of BRM Advance Deposit Accounts Hourly Wage Rate account; two weeks) 0.28 [Z] Total Direct Cost FY98 Piggyback factor for Accounting/Auditing Total Direct and Indirect Cost Annualized ootnotes [l] [2] [31 [51 [6] $25.45 [l] $7.14 [3] Cost Pool 1.492 [4] $10.65 [5] $276.93 [6] (all piggyback factors are from LRH-77): FY98 before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail processing (see LR-H-146) 1997 BRMAS Study PI - PI I31 * 141 [S] * 26 periods of two weeks .- ‘; \ ) Exhibit USPS27G: Cost of BRM Pick-up at Postage Due Unit 1.477 [l] 1.315 [2] Piggyback Factor for Business Reply Piggyback Factor for total IC Cily Delivery Productive Productive . I $26.08 [3] $25.45 (41 hourly wage rate for City carriers hourly wage rate for Clerks/Mailhandlers 20.70% [5] 79.30% [6] Proportion of BRM picked up by carriers Proportion of BRM picked up by box section clerks Direct 8 Pieces i Direct indirect Volume Workhours Workhour Cost/Piece CosUPiece 454.04 3,114 $0.0084 $0.0110 [7] BRM picked up by carriers 1.414,026 3,981 $0.0064 477.46 $0.0094 [E] BRM picked up by clerks 1,900.580 Weighted Cost Per Piece 3.314,606 $0.0072 $0.0098 [9] Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77): [I] FY98 MODS18 - Business Reply piggyback factor [2] FY98 City Delivery Carrier Piggyback Factor -- 1C [3] FY 98 Productive Hourly Wage Rate for city carriers (see LR-H-12) 141FY98 before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail processing (see LR-H-146) [5] LR-H-179. Table 4 [6] LR-H-179. Table 4 [7] [3] * (workhours/volume) l [2] [E] [4] * (workhours/volume) l [l] PI 151. [71 + 1’31* I81 Exhibit USPS27H: Collection Cost for Non-Advance Deposit BRM -- Carrier Productive hourly wage rate for City carriers Piggyback Factor for total 1C City Delivery $26.08 [I] 1.315 [2] BRM Volume (Pieces) [3] 1414026 Workhours 141 454.04 Examine and sign due bill (Form 3582-B) 96372 306.31 315 $0.0829 $0.1090 Collect From Customer 94125 1359.38 69 80.3767 $0.4954 Turn in Postage 94125 355.82 265 $0.0986 $0.1297 116276 447.24 260 $0.1003 $0.1319 $0.6669 $0.8770 Work Element Travel To/From Postage Due Section Accept Collections Carrier Collection Cost for Non-Advance Deposit BRM Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77): [l] FY 98 Productive Hourly Wage Rate for city carriers (see LR-H-12) [2] FY98 City Delivery Carrier Piggyback Factor -- 1C [3] Exhibit USPS23H. R90-1, page 1 [4] Id. 151 1111121 PI [II/ 131 !7] !4! * !2! Pieces I Direct Cost Direct 8 Indirect Workhour [5] Per Piece [6] Cost I Piece [7] 3,114 $0.0084 $0.0110 !’ Exhibit USPS-271: Collection Cost for Non-Advance Deposit BRM -- Box Section Productive hourly wage rate for ClerkslMailhandlers Piggyback Factor for Business Reply Work Element Travel To/From Postage Due Section I $25.45 [l] 1.477 121 BRM Volume (Pieces) 13) 1900580 Workhours Pieces I Direct Cost Direct & Indirect Workhour ]5] Per Piece 16) Cost / Piece ]7] 141 477.46 3981 $0.0064 $0.0094 Examine and sign due bill (Form 3582-B) 30569 100.79 303 $0.0839 $0.1239 Prepare Call Slip and Place in Lock Box 30569 90.95 336 $0.0757 $0.1118 Collect From Customer 29535 114.68 258 $0.0988 $0.1459 Turn in Postage 25935 103.93 250 $0.1020 $0.1506 116276 447.24 260 $0.0979 $0.1446 $0.4646 $0.6863 Accept Collections Box Section Clerk Attributable Delivery Related Cost Footnotes (all piggyback factors are from LR-H-77): [I] FY98 before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail processing (see LR-H-146) (21 FY98 MODS18 - Business Reply piggyback factor [3] Exhibil USPS23H, R90-1, page 2 [4] Id. I51 [31/ 141 PI Ill/ [31 171 141* [21 . Appendix A: BRMAS Cost Survey In order to estimate with BRMAS-qualified April-May, spent 1997. with Selection Over a period personnel activities of five sites was conducted weeks, these sites r,ecorded BRMAS-qualified counting, associated billing, pieces in times in all operations and accountiing of these pieces. of Sites 7 used as a proxy a BRMAS 9 using program selected 10 pieces 11 such from 12 and an additional 13 personnel, nationwide. BRMAS represented 15 had made individual 16 program more efficient 17 adapted the program la designed 19 make bill printing billing program high volume Survey BRMAS for loc:al use. so that software. possible machine Another without postal which facilities of this library identified Reference by Postal program the facilities to make the one of the sample counts be downloaded site had made an equipment stopping machine H-179) Service For example, could as reference. sites was whether BRMAS were of BRMAS-qualified user was identified to the (national) be of a new (USPS Library sample could implementation Four sites were facilities. used to select changes that productivity to sort high volumes in the main text criterion with It was assumed of the BRM Practices as described average obtained the most efficient results The other so that the resulting for the productivity the current 14 of two _- and Processing of various a survey working the sortation, Sites were 6 the productivities BRM pieces, by all postal associated - Data Collection processing. sites had into locallychange to Data Collection, Entrv and Processing Time and volumes daily basis, forms were reports the forms returned documents. 6 start 7 telephone dates to accommodate sites, Completed 8 survey Excel spreadsheet. and instructions program The sites were for two and volumes 11 computed 12 the ratio of average 13 in each task. 14 average 15 BRMAS-qualified shown Associates, over two-week training schedules. forms for each “task” in Appendix with upon (machine sortation B. These (EOR) supporting with staggered was done clver the three sites. receipt, were done in Excel. on a End-of-Run periods, Training for the other were checked collected run, and other sampled and in person were along for all schemes All calculations 10 for all employees to Christensen from the BRMAS 5 9 using by operation and entered Average and additional daily into an hours workload) were for each task for each site ‘was Cahhted as ,*-.. per site. Productivity daily The overall of productivities volume hours per task to the average average across productivity sites, with processed. 2 daily volume processed for each task is the weighted weights equal to the average daily Inputs obtained (all FY98) from Postal Service for use in ERM cost estimates ? Input $25.445 $26.083 LR-H-146 LR-H-12 Wage rates: Before cost, disaggregated wage for other mail prOWSSing Productive Hourly Wage Rate for city carriers Piggyback Factors: MPBCS DBCS MOD 18 Business Reply Accounting/Auditing Cost pool City Delivery Carrier Piggyback Factor -- 1C 1.719 2.434 1.477 1.492 1.315 LR-H-77 LR-H-77 LR-H-77 LR-H-77 LR-H-77 Cost Avoidance: Automation 2.3079 USPS-T-25 Volume variabilities: BCS Business Reply/Postage basic presort incoming secondary cost (in cents) Due 0.945 0.797 LR-H-113 LR-H-113 717197 Appendix P. r- B - Survey Forms and Instructions Appendix B, USPS-T-27 Processing ERM with BRMAS Software -- Time & Volume Report Site: Tour Supervisor: Tour # Data: This form should be completed by the tour supervisor. Please include all processing of BRM on barcode sorters using BRMAS software. Enter hours for each employee engaged in BRMAS-related activities on a separate line, and also provide tour totals. Sortation of BRM Moving Sorted BRM Total time to run all BRMAS schemes: Provide the following Downtime volumes of BRM processed using BRMAS software. Volume (number of pieces) BRM finalized to mailer BRM sorted to “overflow” maker.4 BRM sorted to reject bin Number of customer or mixed bins (multiple bills printed (if applicable) in BRMAS processing: Appendix B. USPS-T-27 ,-’ “Processing Instructions for completing the form: BRM with BRMAS Software - Time and Volume Report” A. General On the ‘BRM Processing with BRMAS Software” form, record the volumes and associated workhours related to automated BRM processing (sorting and counting) using BRMAS software. Data included on this form should be collected for all operations using BRMAS software to sort and count YRM at your facility. This form should be filled out by a supervisor BRMAS software. familiar with BRM processing ulsing Your office will record volumes and workhours on a daily basis, for a two-week study period, beginning on April 0 and ending April 21, 1997. In addition to completing reports on a daily basis. B. Instructions 1. Complete ,- the form, please provide a copy of all BRMAS activity for completing the form each day the general information at the top of the form. 2. Maintain a continuing record of time spent by all personnel involved in processing BRM at any barcode sorter operation using BRMAS software. Enter the total time per tour in the designated spot on the form. Use whole hours or fractions of hours converted to decimal equivalent. For example: 5 hours and 30 minutes = 5.50 hours. Workhours should reflect total workhours for the operation, suc:h as loading and feeding mail into the barcode sorter, as well as allied labor time for sweeping, traying, strapping, and moving mail to the Postage Due Unit. Also include supervisory time as well. mnot include time scent completinql this form. 3. At the end of each tour of duty, record on the form the total number of pieces sorted by barcode sorters using BRMAS software, based on activity or end-of run reports generated by the BRMAS software. Note that you need to differentiate between number of pieces finalized to mailer, sorted to the reject bin, and sorted to ‘Overflow” bins. “Overflow” bins refer to those bins to which multiple mailers’ pieces are sorted (that is, pieces that will be finalized in an operation other than BRMAS). 4. If any entry requested applicable). on the form is not applicable, please mark N/A (not 5. Time spent on collecting data for the survey and to complete should not be included in the workhours reported. the data forms Appendix 8, USPS-T-27 6~. Enclose with each day’s survey forms a copy of all activity generated by the BRMAS software. or end-of-run report If you have any questions concerning this survey, please contact us at the telephone number given below. The data you will be collecting are important to the Postal Service’s rate making efforts. As such, we need to receive your survey results in an expeditious manner. Please return all survey forms and copies of activity reports as follows: 4/8 - 4112: Fax or Express Mail each day’s results 4/l 3 - 4/21: Fax or Priority Mail each day’s results Leslie Schenk Christensen Associates 4610 llniversity Avenue Suite 700 Madison, WI 53705-2164 Phone: (608) 231-2266 Fax: (608) 231-2108 Appendix i J * i -, ‘USPS-T-27 BRMAS-rated BRM Counting/Billing -- Time & Volume Report Site: Tour # Tour Supervisor: Date: This form should be completed by the tour supervisor. Please include all activities associated with counting and billing of BRMAS-rated BRM. Enter hours for each employee engaged in these activities on a separate line, and also provide tour totals. I Employee 1 1 Workhours Check for missorts and overweight pieces or verify BRMAS report counts; adjusting bills for discrepancies Manually sorting, counting and rating BRMASrated pieces Prepare statement I due bill to mailer Record keeping of daily activity or Notifying mailer of low balance in advance deposit account (calls or notes) Other (please specify) 2 Total i Provide the following volumes of BRMAS-rated I BRM Volume (number of pieces) BRM pieces for which BRMAS reports were used for munts BRMAS-rated pieces manually counted BRM pieces for which BRMAS bills were used BRMAS-rated pieces manually billed Reason BRMAS counts/bills not I A,ppendix B, USPS-T-27 ‘BRMAS-rated BRMAS Survey Instructions for completing the form BRM Counting and Billing, Time & Volume Report’ A,. General On the form “BRMAS-rated BRM Counting and Billing, Time & Volume Report”, record volumes and associated workhours related to procedures for sortation, counting, and billing of BRMAS-rated mail done by the Postage Due Unit or Box Section. Data reported on this form shoulid be collected for all personnel from all tours involved in manually processing BRMAS-rated BRM at the Postage Due Unit or Box Section at your facility. No short-paid mail should be included in these figures. Only volumes and workhours associated with BRMAS-rated BRM (not all BRM) should be reported. Your office will record the information requested survey period, April 8 - April 21, 1997. B. Specific 1. Complete Instructions for completing the general information on the form for a two-week the form at the top of the form. 2. Maintain a continuing record of time spent for each one of the work elements listed on the form for all personnel involved with handling BRMAS-rated BRM. Workhours reported should be onlv those associated with BRMIAS-rated oieces, not all BRM, 3. At the end of the tour of duty, record on the form the total time spent and the number of BRMAS-rated pieces handled for each of the work elements as applicable. Use minutes or fractions of minutes to be converted to decimal equivalent. For example: 5 minutes 4. Individual and 30 seconds Questions = 5.50 minutes on the form: Item 1. Checking for accuracy of BRMAS reports - If BRMAS reports/bills accompany bundles of sorted BRM, enter the time involved in recounting, checking for and adjusting for heavy pieces and missorts. Item 2. Manually counting & rating BRMAS-rated pieces - Include any workhours used to manually count and rate BRMAS-rated pieces (instead of using machine counts from BRMAS activity reports). These would include any pieces from the reject bin, from overflow bins (pieces not sorted to customer by the barcode sorters) or pieces for mailers not included in the BRMAS software runs (because of low volume, for example). -- Appendix B, USPS-T-27 ,,,-- Item 3. Preparation of Due Bill or Statement - if bills generated by BRMAS software are not used. These include bill generated using meter strips, an IRT, a hand-written 3582-A, ‘entering piece counts into the PERMIT system and printing a bill/statement, entering information into a computer to generate a bill to be attached to the BRM bundle, etc. Any workhours associated with activities involved with creating a statement that will be given to the mailer regarding the day’s BRM charges should be included here. Item 4. Record keeping of daily BRM activity by mailer - This includes writing in manual logs or data entry (if other than for generating a daily bill) if accounting is done on a computer. Item 5. Notifying mailer of low balance in advance deposit account - Include any time spent on the phone or writing reminders for telling a mailer that more funds are needed in their account. 5. In the bottom table on the form, please record volumes of BRMAS--rated pieces for each day of the survey. Spec:ifically, we need you to differentiate between BRMAS-rated pieces which were manually counted and rated, or billed by {personnel in your unit, and volumes of BRMAS-rated pieces which were counted and billed using BRMAS activity reports and BRMAS-generated customer zstatements. If BRMAS activity reports or customer statements/bills were not rused, please explain why (for example, “we don’t receive customer bills from In-rail processing ” , “counts were f’or pieces from reject bins”). 6. If any entry required applicable). on the form is not applicable, please mark N/A (not 7. Time spent on collecting data for this survey and completing should not be included in the survey. the survey forms If you have any questions concerning this survey, please contact us at the telephone number given below. The data you will be collecting are important to the Postal Service’s rate making efforts. As such, we need to receive yoLlr survey results in an expeditious manner. Please return all survey forms as folllows: 4/8 - 4/l 2: Fax or Express Mail each day’s results 4/l 3 - 4/21: Fax or Priority Mail each day’s results Leslie Schenk Christensen Associates 4610 University Avenue Suite 700 Madison, WI 53705-2164 Phone:: (608) 231-2266 Fax: (608) 231-2108
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