ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Split-plot experiments: main plots are independent, subplot measures are correlated since they are taken within the same plot. Experiments repeated across years Each experimental unit is measured repeatedly across several year. Successive measures on the same unit may be correlated. Interest in long-term effect of treatments Box: assumption is that every pair of subplot times has the same correlation. Randomization of subplot factors validates this assumption. Example (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989. Statistical Methods) Experimental data is from a study on the effect of four cutting treatments on asparagus yield. Cutting began at Year 2 after planting. There were four block, with 4 plots each. One plot within each block was cut until June 1 in each year; others to June 15, July 1 and July 15. Yields shown are the weights cut to June 1 for each plot on years 3, 4, 5, and 6. Weight (oz) is a measure of vigor, and objective is to study the relative effectiveness of the harvesting plans (cuttings). 4 4 4 Factorial Experiment in a RCBD Experimental Design: Blocking factor: Block, Random Effects, j = 1, 2, 3, 4 Treatments: Cutting, Fixed Effect Factor , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 Year, Fixed Effect Factor, k = 1, 2, 3, 4 DATA: WEIGHT_HARVEST; BLOCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. 2. 3. 4. YEAR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 CUTTING jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 WEIGHT_HARVEST 230 212 183 148 324 415 320 246 512 584 456 304 399 386 255 144 216 190 186 126 317 296 295 201 448 471 387 289 361 280 187 83 BLOCK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 YEAR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 CUTTING jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 WEIGHT_HARVEST 219 151 177 107 357 278 298 192 496 399 427 271 344 254 239 90 200 150 209 168 362 336 328 226 540 485 462 312 381 279 244 168 The linear component of the regression of yield (WEIGHT_HARVEST) on years is used to analyze time trend and the effect of cutting on this trend Calculation, on each plot, of the linear effect of time is done through the contrast Year _ Linearij 3 Weight _ Harvestij1 1 Weight _ Harvestij 2 1 Weight _ Harvestij 3 3 Weight _ Harvestij 4 20 YEAR_LINEAR measures the average improvement in yield per year. Alternatively, the calculated slope from the regression of yield on time, for each plot, is used to analyze the linear trend of time and the effect of cutting on these slopes. Repeated Measures within each plot, taken at yearly intervals are analyzed in PROC MIXED. We assume initially that pattern of correlation between timepoints is the same for each plot. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 1 ST 524 Homework 7 5. NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = UN, with no predetermined assumption about correlation between any pair of points in time, corr yijk , yijk ' kk ' 6. Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = CS, which indicates that any pair of measures on time within the same plot will be equally correlated, corr yijk , yijk ' 7. Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = AR(1), which indicates that correlation between a pair of measures on time depends on their distance on time, 1. corr yijk , yij k h h Questions What pattern of correlation best describes the time effect? -2ResLogLik AIC Variance 474.5 480.5 Components UN1 458.3 478.3 CS1 474.5 480.5 AR(1)1 471.0 477.0 AR(1)2 470.9 478.9 1 Random effects: Block Residual 2 Random effects: Block Block*Cutting Residual Best pattern: AR(1) with random effects: Block and Residual Linear Additive Model AICC 481.1 BIC 478.7 484.3 481.1 477.5 479.9 472.2 478.7 475.1 476.5 Model, RCBD: yijk bk i dik j ij eijk i i 0, j 0, i, j j dik ~ N 0, d2 eijk ~ N 0, e2 ij 2 0 , bk ~ N 0, b , and corr eijk , eijk ' k k ' , where dik represents Error (a) and eijk represents Error (b) in a split-plot design. Best model, with lowest value for AIC and AICC, indicates that the residual effects follow an autoregressive process of order 1, AR(1), eijk eij k 1 +vijk , and vijk ~ 0, v2 The Mixed Procedure Model Information Data Set WORK.A Dependent Variable Covariance Structures Subject Effect WEIGHT_HARVEST Variance Components, Autoregressive BLOCK*CUTTING Estimation Method REML Residual Variance Method Profile Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based Degrees of Freedom Method Containment Class Level Information Class Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 Levels Values 2 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Class Level Information Class Levels Values BLOCK 4 1 2 3 4 YEAR 4 0 1 2 3 CUTTING 4 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 Dimensions Covariance Parameters 3 Columns in X 25 Columns in Z 4 Subjects 1 Max Obs Per Subject 64 Number of Observations Number of Observations Read 64 Number of Observations Used 64 Number of Observations Not Used 0 Covariance Parameter Estimates Cov Parm Subject Estimate BLOCK 417.31 AR(1) BLOCK*CUTTING 0.6190 Residual 884.00 Fit Statistics -2 Res Log Likelihood 471.0 AIC (smaller is better) 477.0 AICC (smaller is better) 477.5 BIC (smaller is better) 475.1 Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F CUTTING 3 45 37.45 <.0001 YEAR 3 45 431.64 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING 9 45 8.46 <.0001 2. Explain how increasing the cutting time (from june01 to July15) affects the response expressed as the slope of the regression of yield on Year. Linear slopes for each plot are from regression of harvest weight on year Data Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 3 ST 524 Homework 7 Obs NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 BLOCK CUTTING _MODEL_ _TYPE_ _DEPVAR_ _RMSE_ Intercept YEAR WEIGHT_HARVEST 1 1 jul01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 130.778 250.7 35.2 -1 2 1 jul15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 95.460 203.6 4.6 -1 3 1 jun01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 96.212 262.0 69.5 -1 4 1 jun15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 151.236 295.6 69.1 -1 5 2 jul01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 117.583 249.5 9.5 -1 6 2 jul15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 110.573 180.9 -4.1 -1 7 2 jun01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 77.173 250.6 56.6 -1 8 2 jun15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 125.526 242.5 44.5 -1 9 3 jul01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 120.730 238.0 31.5 -1 10 3 jul15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 102.261 160.8 2.8 -1 11 3 jun01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 112.446 276.9 51.4 -1 12 3 jun15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 104.585 206.0 43.0 -1 13 4 jul01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 132.527 274.9 23.9 -1 14 4 jul15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 82.247 205.6 8.6 -1 15 4 jun01 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 126.473 262.6 72.1 -1 16 4 jun15 MODEL1 PARMS WEIGHT_HARVEST 147.432 232.1 53.6 -1 The Mixed Procedure Model, RCBD: sij b j i eij , where sij is the linear slope for the change of harvest weight over years of ith cutting in jth block, i = 1,2,3,4, j=1,2,3,4. 2 2 i 0 , b j ~ N 0, b eij ~ N 0, e i Model Information Data Set WORK.REGDS Dependent Variable Covariance Structure Estimation Method SLOPE_YR Variance Components REML Residual Variance Method Profile Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based Degrees of Freedom Method Containment Class Level Information Class Levels Values BLOCK 4 1 2 3 4 CUTTING 4 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 Dimensions Covariance Parameters 2 Columns in X 5 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 4 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Dimensions Columns in Z 4 Subjects 1 Max Obs Per Subject 16 Number of Observations Number of Observations Read 16 Number of Observations Used 16 Number of Observations Not Used 0 Covariance Parameter Estimates Cov Parm Estimate BLOCK 50.5185 Residual 49.6703 Fit Statistics -2 Res Log Likelihood 91.3 AIC (smaller is better) 95.3 AICC (smaller is better) 96.7 BIC (smaller is better) 94.1 Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F CUTTING 3 9 58.56 <.0001 Orthogonal contrasts to analyze linear, quadratic and deviations-from-quadratic effects on linear slope over years for harvest weight Contrasts Label Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F cutting linear 1 9 170.54 <.0001 cutting quad 1 9 3.00 0.1175 cutting Devquad 1 9 2.16 0.1759 Least Squares Means Effect CUTTING Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| CUTTING jul01 25.0250 5.0047 9 5.00 0.0007 CUTTING jul15 2.9750 5.0047 9 0.59 0.5669 CUTTING jun01 62.4000 5.0047 9 12.47 <.0001 CUTTING jun15 52.5500 5.0047 9 10.50 <.0001 Differences of Least Squares Means Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 5 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Effect CUTTING _CUTTING Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| CUTTING jul01 jul15 22.0500 4.9835 9 4.42 CUTTING jul01 jun01 -37.3750 4.9835 9 CUTTING jul01 jun15 -27.5250 4.9835 CUTTING jul15 jun01 -59.4250 CUTTING jul15 jun15 CUTTING jun01 jun15 Model: Adjustment Adj P 0.0017 Tukey-Kramer 0.0074 -7.50 <.0001 Tukey-Kramer 0.0002 9 -5.52 0.0004 Tukey-Kramer 0.0017 4.9835 9 -11.92 <.0001 Tukey-Kramer <.0001 -49.5750 4.9835 9 -9.95 <.0001 Tukey-Kramer <.0001 9.8500 4.9835 9 1.98 0.0795 Tukey-Kramer 0.2649 sij o bk 1C i 2C 2i 3C 3i eij , where Ci represent the cutting date interval H o : 1 0 , p-value <0.001, reject Ho Linear effect of cutting Quadratic effect of cutting H o : 2 0 , p-value = 0.1175, do not reject Ho H o : 3 0 , p-value =0.1759, do not reject Ho Dev-from-linear effect of cutting There is a significant linear effect of Cutting (cutting interval) on the linear slope of weight at harvest over years. As the cutting interval increases from June 01 to july 15, the linear slope declines. No differences were found between linear slopes for cutting intervals June 01 and June 15. sij o bk 1C i eij 3. Conclusions. Use = 0.05. Indicate supporting statistical evidence to above Claims when writing up your conclusions. i. Claim: Prolonged cutting decreased the vigor. From Table for AR(1) fitting of residual effects on time Least Squares Means Effect CUTTING CUTTING YEAR Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| jun01 356.62 15.4463 45 23.09 <.0001 CUTTING jun15 322.87 15.4463 45 20.90 <.0001 CUTTING jul01 290.81 15.4463 45 18.83 <.0001 CUTTING jul15 192.19 15.4463 45 12.44 <.0001 Cutting LSMean for weight at harvest decline as the cutting frequency increases, 356.62 when cutting until June 01 to 192.19 when cutting until July 15. ii. Claim: Annual improvement is greatest for June-1 cutting, and declines linearly with later cutting times Linear effect of cutting on linear slopes over time is significant (P<0.0001). From Tables Least Squares Means and Differences of Least Squares Means for linear Slopes over time (Yr_Slope) Effect CUTTING Estimate Standard Error sign CUTTING jun01 62.4000 5.0047 a CUTTING jun15 52.5500 5.0047 a CUTTING jul01 25.0250 5.0047 CUTTING jul15 2.9750 5.0047 b c Linear slopes changes over time indicates that as the cutting frequency increases, the linear increments over time decreases from 62.4 for Jun 01 to 2.975 for Jul 15 iii. Claim: Each additional two-week of cutting decreases the annual improvement in yield up to June 1 by the same amount. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 6 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Linear effect of cutting on linear slopes over time is significant (P<0.0001). while nor quadratic or dev from quadratic effects on linear slopes over time are significant (P=0.1175, and P=0.1759 respectively). Conclusions Analyzing the effects of cutting on the yearly response, through the use of contrasts, we have the following, Random Effects are Block and Modeling residuals as an AR(1) process on time The Mixed Procedure Model Information Data Set WORK.A Dependent Variable WEIGHT_HARVEST Covariance Structures Variance Components, Autoregressive Subject Effects BLOCK, BLOCK*CUTTING Estimation Method REML Residual Variance Method Profile Fixed Effects SE Method Model-Based Degrees of Freedom Method Satterthwaite Class Level Information Class Levels Values BLOCK 4 1 2 3 4 YEAR 4 0 1 2 3 CUTTING 4 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 Dimensions Covariance Parameters 3 Columns in X 25 Columns in Z Per Subject 1 Subjects 4 Max Obs Per Subject 16 Number of Observations Number of Observations Read 64 Number of Observations Used 64 Number of Observations Not Used 0 Estimated R Correlation Matrix for BLOCK*CUTTING 1 jul01 Row 1 Col1 1.0000 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 Col2 0.6190 Col3 0.3831 Col4 0.2371 7 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Estimated R Correlation Matrix for BLOCK*CUTTING 1 jul01 Row Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 2 0.6190 1.0000 0.6190 0.3831 3 0.3831 0.6190 1.0000 0.6190 4 0.2371 0.3831 0.6190 1.0000 Covariance Parameter Estimates Cov Parm Subject Estimate Intercept BLOCK 417.31 AR(1) BLOCK*CUTTING 0.6190 Residual 884.00 Fit Statistics -2 Res Log Likelihood 471.0 AIC (smaller is better) 477.0 AICC (smaller is better) 477.5 BIC (smaller is better) 475.1 Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F CUTTING 3 11.2 37.45 <.0001 YEAR 3 34.8 431.64 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING 9 34.8 8.46 <.0001 Estimates – lsmeans comparisons Estimates Label Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| cutting linear -5.2537 0.5182 11.2 -10.14 <.0001 cutting quad -3.2438 1.1587 11.2 -2.80 0.0170 cutting Devquad -0.6825 0.5182 11.2 -1.32 0.2142 year linear 3.5738 0.3094 44.2 11.55 <.0001 year quad -14.5875 0.4851 33.9 -30.07 <.0001 year Devquad -3.0838 0.1752 27.3 -17.60 <.0001 Contrasts Label Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F year linear 1 44.2 133.43 <.0001 year quad 1 33.9 904.15 <.0001 year Devquad 1 27.3 309.88 <.0001 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 8 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Contrasts Label Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F cutting linear 1 11.2 102.79 <.0001 cutting quad 1 11.2 7.84 0.0170 cutting Devquad 1 11.2 1.73 0.2142 cutting linear * year linear 1 44.2 55.31 <.0001 cutting linear * year quad 1 33.9 0.04 0.8503 cutting linear * year devq 1 27.3 2.14 0.1553 cutting quad * year linear 1 44.2 0.97 0.3296 cutting quad * year quad 1 33.9 17.10 0.0002 cutting quad * year devq 1 27.3 1.69 0.2049 cutting devq * year linear 1 44.2 0.70 0.4073 cutting devq * year quad 1 33.9 0.36 0.5530 cutting devq * year devq 1 27.3 0.07 0.7980 year linear in cutting Jul01 1 44.2 16.36 0.0002 year linear in cutting Jul15 1 44.2 0.23 0.6330 year linear in cutting Jun01 1 44.2 101.70 <.0001 year linear in cutting Jun15 1 44.2 72.13 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jul01 1 33.9 277.48 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jul15 1 33.9 168.30 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jun01 1 33.9 167.97 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jun15 1 33.9 307.89 <.0001 Residual Checking Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 9 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Least Squares Means Effect CUTTING CUTTING YEAR Estimate Standard Error jul01 290.81 15.4463 CUTTING jul15 192.19 CUTTING jun01 CUTTING jun15 DF t Value Pr > |t| 8.16 18.83 <.0001 15.4463 8.16 12.44 <.0001 356.63 15.4463 8.16 23.09 <.0001 322.88 15.4463 8.16 20.90 <.0001 YEAR 0 179.50 12.6324 4.07 14.21 0.0001 YEAR 1 299.44 12.6324 4.07 23.70 <.0001 YEAR 2 427.69 12.6324 4.07 33.86 <.0001 YEAR 3 255.88 12.6324 4.07 20.26 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul01 0 188.75 18.0368 14.3 10.46 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul15 0 137.25 18.0368 14.3 7.61 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun01 0 216.25 18.0368 14.3 11.99 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun15 0 175.75 18.0368 14.3 9.74 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul01 1 310.25 18.0368 14.3 17.20 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul15 1 216.25 18.0368 14.3 11.99 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun01 1 340.00 18.0368 14.3 18.85 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun15 1 331.25 18.0368 14.3 18.37 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul01 2 433.00 18.0368 14.3 24.01 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jul15 2 294.00 18.0368 14.3 16.30 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun01 2 499.00 18.0368 14.3 27.67 <.0001 YEAR*CUTTING jun15 2 484.75 18.0368 14.3 26.88 <.0001 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 10 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Least Squares Means Effect CUTTING YEAR Estimate Standard Error YEAR*CUTTING jul01 3 231.25 18.0368 YEAR*CUTTING jul15 3 121.25 YEAR*CUTTING jun01 3 YEAR*CUTTING jun15 3 DF t Value Pr > |t| 14.3 12.82 <.0001 18.0368 14.3 6.72 <.0001 371.25 18.0368 14.3 20.58 <.0001 299.75 18.0368 14.3 16.62 <.0001 Simple effects analysis year linear in cutting Jul01 25.0250 6.1876 44.2 4.04 0.0002 year linear in cutting Jul15 2.9750 6.1876 44.2 0.48 0.6330 year linear in cutting Jun01 62.4000 6.1876 44.2 10.08 <.0001 year linear in cutting Jun15 52.5500 6.1876 44.2 8.49 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jul01 -80.8125 4.8513 33.9 -16.66 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jul15 -62.9375 4.8513 33.9 -12.97 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jun01 -62.8750 4.8513 33.9 -12.96 <.0001 year quad in cutting Jun15 -85.1250 4.8513 33.9 -17.55 <.0001 lsmeans Obs Effect YEAR CUTTING Estimate StdErr DF tValue Probt cdate 1 YEAR*CUTTING 0 jun01 216.25 18.0368 14.3 11.99 <.0001 06/01/60 2 YEAR*CUTTING 1 jun01 340.00 18.0368 14.3 18.85 <.0001 06/01/60 3 YEAR*CUTTING 2 jun01 499.00 18.0368 14.3 27.67 <.0001 06/01/60 4 YEAR*CUTTING 3 jun01 371.25 18.0368 14.3 20.58 <.0001 06/01/60 5 YEAR*CUTTING 0 jun15 175.75 18.0368 14.3 9.74 <.0001 06/15/60 6 YEAR*CUTTING 1 jun15 331.25 18.0368 14.3 18.37 <.0001 06/15/60 7 YEAR*CUTTING 2 jun15 484.75 18.0368 14.3 26.88 <.0001 06/15/60 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 11 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Obs Effect YEAR CUTTING Estimate StdErr DF tValue Probt cdate 8 YEAR*CUTTING 3 jun15 299.75 18.0368 14.3 16.62 <.0001 06/15/60 9 YEAR*CUTTING 0 jul01 188.75 18.0368 14.3 10.46 <.0001 07/01/60 10 YEAR*CUTTING 1 jul01 310.25 18.0368 14.3 17.20 <.0001 07/01/60 11 YEAR*CUTTING 2 jul01 433.00 18.0368 14.3 24.01 <.0001 07/01/60 12 YEAR*CUTTING 3 jul01 231.25 18.0368 14.3 12.82 <.0001 07/01/60 13 YEAR*CUTTING 0 jul15 137.25 18.0368 14.3 7.61 <.0001 07/15/60 14 YEAR*CUTTING 1 jul15 216.25 18.0368 14.3 11.99 <.0001 07/15/60 15 YEAR*CUTTING 2 jul15 294.00 18.0368 14.3 16.30 <.0001 07/15/60 16 YEAR*CUTTING 3 jul15 121.25 18.0368 14.3 6.72 <.0001 07/15/60 Contrast Estimates for linear combination of lsmeans cutting linear * year linear -10.2900 1.3836 44.2 -7.44 <.0001 cutting linear * year quad 0.4125 2.1696 33.9 0.19 0.8503 cutting linear * year devq 1.1450 0.7834 27.3 1.46 0.1553 cutting quad * year linear -3.0500 3.0938 44.2 -0.99 0.3296 cutting quad * year quad 20.0625 4.8513 33.9 4.14 0.0002 cutting quad * year devq 2.2750 1.7518 27.3 1.30 0.2049 cutting devq * year linear 1.1575 1.3836 44.2 0.84 0.4073 cutting devq * year quad -1.3000 2.1696 33.9 -0.60 0.5530 cutting devq * year devq 0.2025 0.7834 27.3 0.26 0.7980 Quadratic effect of Cutting on weight at harvest is significant (0.0170), Interaction effects cutting linear * year linear (p<0.0001) and cutting quad * year quad (p=0.002) are significant. Weight at harvest show a convex quadratic response over time that depends on the cutting interval. For cutting interval (until) July15, response on time is the lowest, while for June01 response is the highest, with no significant difference with respect June 15. Cutting interval Jl01 show the second lowest response, being significant from all others on average of years. There is a significant as the cutting interval increases, the weight at harvest decreases significantly. There is a significant linear trend over years with cutting Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 12 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 2. Strip-Split block Referencia: Example 7.6.5 A Split Strip-plot Experiment for Soybean Yield (Schabenberger, O. and F. Pierce, Contemporary Statistical Models for the Plant and Soil Sciences. 2001) Please refer to handout with above example and to results from statistical analysis of data to support the following conclusions. You should make reference to relevant parts of the SAS output, indicating p-values. Frame the answer as the results section in a scientific article. This exercise looks to the use of Slice option on LSMEANS statement and Pairwise Mean Comparisons to reach similar conclusions as the one summarized in the example 7.6.5 Conclusions 1. Yield responded to soybean population in a quadratic fashion. 2. Cultivars differed significantly, but no interactions between cultivar and population treatments were evident, 3. There were no significant differences between row spacing levels. 4. Averaged across population densities, only variety AG3601 shows a significant yield difference among the row spacing levels. 5. Only for cultivar AG3601 is row spacing of importance for a given population density. 6. For Cultivar AG3601 there is no (row) spacing effect at 60,000 plants per acre, but there are significant effects for all greater population densities 7. For the other cultivars the row spacing effects are absent with two exceptions: AG4601 and AG4701 at 120,000 plants per acre. 8. At 9-inch spacing there are significant differences among the cultivars at any population density. 9. For the 18-inch row spacing cultivar effects are mostly absent. 10. Yield is a linearly increasing function of population density for AG3701. Optional (Bonus points) 11. Cultivar AG4601 shows a slight cubic effect in addition to a linear term 12. AG4701 shows polynomial terms up to the third order. 13. For cultivar AG3601, at 9-inch row spacing, yield depends on population density in quadratic fashion. At 18-inch row spacing, yield is not responsive to changes in the population density. Note. Pairwise mean comparisons are at alpha = 0.05 (default value). What is (are) the possible consequence(s) in the use of this alpha level? Conclusions – pvalues – statistical evidence 1. Yield responded to soybean population in a quadratic fashion. pairwise mean comparison for tpop main-effect lsmeans Effect=tpop Method=LSD(P<.05) Set=1 Obs cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 1 _ 60 20.2542 1.0529 D 2 _ 120 23.8877 1.0529 C 3 _ 180 25.2194 1.0615 BC 4 _ 240 26.5046 1.0615 B 5 _ 300 28.1906 1.0490 A As the size of population increases, the increment on yield mean tends to be smaller, 3.6365, 1.3317, 1.2852, 1.686 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 13 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 2. Cultivars differed significantly, but no interactions between cultivar and population treatments were evident, Type2 Test of Fixed Effects, p= 0.2749 for Cultivar*TPOP 3. There were no significant differences between row spacing levels. Type2 Test of Fixed Effects, p= 0.0795 for Rowspace 4. Averaged across population densities, only variety AG3601 shows a significant yield difference among the row spacing levels. Slice =cultivar for lsmeans Cultivar * rowspace, for Cultivar= AG3601, p= 0.0008, indicating that rowspace effects are significant for this cultivar, lsmean for 9” is 30.1667, while for 18” is 25.5774. 5. Only for cultivar AG3601 is row spacing of importance for a given population density. Except for tpop=60, row spacing is significant within each population density cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3601 60 1 54.4 0.02 0.8804 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3601 120 1 45.7 7.66 0.0081 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3601 180 1 45.7 11.59 0.0014 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3601 240 1 51.6 13.19 0.0006 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3601 300 1 45.7 14.51 0.0004 6. For Cultivar AG3601 there is no (row) spacing effect at 60,000 plants per acre, but there are significant effects for all greater population densities See above. For Cultivar AG3601, row spacing is significant within each population density, except for tpop=60 (p=0.8804) (see Tukey’s test for row spacing when cultivar is AG3601 at each population density.) Effect=cultiva*rowspac*tpop Method=LSD(P<.05) Set=1 cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 1 AG3601 9 60 24.4000 1.6645 A 2 AG3601 18 60 24.1336 1.8134 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 3 AG3601 9 120 28.2250 1.6645 A 4 AG3601 18 120 23.7750 1.6645 B cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 5 AG3601 9 180 31.6000 1.6645 A 6 AG3601 18 180 26.1250 1.6645 B cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 7 AG3601 9 240 33.8084 1.8376 A 8 AG3601 18 240 27.1784 1.8380 B cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group AG3601 9 300 32.8000 1.6645 A Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs 9 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 14 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group AG3601 18 300 26.6750 1.6645 B cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 11 AG3701 9 60 20.4250 1.6645 A 12 AG3701 18 60 19.6500 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 13 AG3701 9 120 22.1000 1.6645 A 14 AG3701 18 120 22.4515 1.8134 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 15 AG3701 9 180 23.1669 1.8377 A 16 AG3701 18 180 21.4883 1.8380 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 17 AG3701 9 240 24.7500 1.6645 A 18 AG3701 18 240 26.4500 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 19 AG3701 9 300 26.5000 1.6645 A 20 AG3701 18 300 27.7250 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 21 AG4601 9 60 19.0000 1.6645 A 22 AG4601 18 60 17.6000 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 23 AG4601 9 120 20.8750 1.6645 B 24 AG4601 18 120 25.9250 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 25 AG4601 9 180 23.6000 1.6645 A 26 AG4601 18 180 22.7250 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group 27 AG4601 9 240 23.4750 1.6645 A 28 AG4601 18 240 25.7500 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group AG4601 9 300 27.0750 1.6645 A Obs 10 Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs Obs 29 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 15 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Obs 30 Obs cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error Letter Group AG4601 18 300 27.7500 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error 31 AG4701 9 60 18.6000 1.6645 A 32 AG4701 18 60 18.2250 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error 33 AG4701 9 120 25.5250 1.6645 A 34 AG4701 18 120 22.2250 1.6645 B cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error 35 AG4701 9 180 27.1500 1.6645 A 36 AG4701 18 180 25.9000 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error 37 AG4701 9 240 25.4750 1.6645 A 38 AG4701 18 240 25.1500 1.6645 A cultivar rowspace tpop Estimate Standard Error 39 AG4701 9 300 27.5000 1.6645 A 40 AG4701 18 300 29.5000 1.6645 A Obs Obs Obs obs Letter Group Letter Group Letter Group Letter Group Letter Group 7. For the other cultivars the row spacing effects are absent with two exceptions: AG4601 and AG4701 at 120,000 plants per acre. cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 60 1 45.7 0.23 0.6321 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 120 1 54.4 0.04 0.8426 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 180 1 51.6 0.85 0.3622 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 240 1 45.7 1.12 0.2960 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 300 1 45.7 0.58 0.4501 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 16 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4601 60 1 45.7 0.76 0.3885 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4601 120 1 45.7 9.86 0.0030 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4601 180 1 45.7 0.30 0.5890 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4601 240 1 45.7 2.00 0.1639 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4601 300 1 45.7 0.18 0.6766 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4701 60 1 45.7 0.05 0.8166 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4701 120 1 45.7 4.21 0.0459 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4701 180 1 45.7 0.60 0.4410 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4701 240 1 45.7 0.04 0.8407 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG4701 300 1 45.7 1.55 0.2199 8. At 9-inch spacing there are significant differences among the cultivars at any population density. cultiva*rowspac*tpop 9 60 3 76.5 3.49 0.0198 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 9 120 3 76.5 5.54 0.0017 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 9 180 3 79.2 7.19 0.0003 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 9 240 3 79.1 9.00 <.0001 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 9 300 3 76.5 4.23 0.0081 9. For the 18-inch row spacing cultivar effects are mostly absent. cultiva*rowspac*tpop 18 60 3 80.1 3.68 0.0154 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 18 120 3 80.3 1.39 0.2530 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 18 180 3 79.2 2.39 0.0750 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 18 240 3 79.1 0.34 0.7982 cultiva*rowspac*tpop 18 300 3 76.5 0.68 0.5660 For a row spacing of 18”, there are significant differences between cultivars only at tpop=60 (p=0.0154), for tpop greater than 60, p values range from 0.0750 to 0.7982, indicating non significant differences between row spacing effects. 10. Yield is a linearly increasing function of population density for AG3701. There is a significant tpop effect (p<0.001) and although there is not a significant cultivar*tpop effect (p=0.2049), the significant cultivar*rowspac*tpop (p=0.0100) indicates that the effect of tpop within each cultivar is not the same. In the case of AG3701, tpop is significant (p=0.0115) for spacing 9” and highly significant (p<.0001) for spacing 18”, which is reflected on the positive increment for yield as a function of tpop at 9” : 1.675, 1.0669, 1.531, 1.75, when tpop increases from 60 to 120, 120 to 180, 180 to 240, and 240 to 300 respectively. For 18” these increments are more variable, 2.8015, -0.9632, 4.9617, 1.275, when tpop increases from 60 to 120, 120 to 180, 180 to 240, and 240 to 300 respectively. cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 4 80 3.47 0.0115 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 4 82.5 7.08 <.0001 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 17 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Cultivar*rowspace*tpop LSMEANS for cultivar AG3701 188 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 60 20.4250 1.6645 25.5 12.27 <.0001 189 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 120 22.1000 1.6645 25.5 13.28 <.0001 190 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 180 23.1669 1.8377 34.8 12.61 <.0001 191 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 240 24.7500 1.6645 25.5 14.87 <.0001 192 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 9 300 26.5000 1.6645 25.5 15.92 <.0001 193 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 60 19.6500 1.6645 25.5 11.81 <.0001 194 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 120 22.4515 1.8134 33.9 12.38 <.0001 195 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 180 21.4883 1.8380 34.8 11.69 <.0001 196 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 240 26.4500 1.6645 25.5 15.89 <.0001 197 cultiva*rowspac*tpop AG3701 18 300 27.7250 1.6645 25.5 16.66 <.0001 Pairwise differences for rowspacing 9” are 1.675, 1.0669, 1.531, 1.75, While for 18”, differences are 2.8015, -0.9632, 4.9617, 1.275. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 18 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Optional (Bonus points) 14. Cultivar AG4601 shows a slight cubic effect in addition to a linear term 15. --- Effect=cultivar*tpop cultivar AG4601 AG4601 AG4601 AG4601 AG4601 rowspace _ _ _ _ _ Method=LSD(P<.05) tpop 60 120 180 240 300 Estimate 18.3000 23.4000 23.1625 24.6125 27.4125 Set=3 -------- Standard Error 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 Letter Group C B B AB A Overall, on average of row spacing levels, there are no differences on means for tpop 120, 180, 240, and between 240 and 300. while there are significant differences between 60 and 120 and between 120 and 300, and 360 and 300. Cubic trend is more evident at spacing 18”. This cubic effect may be caused by uncontrolled effects (?) 16. AG4701 shows polynomial terms up to the third order. See above. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 19 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 --- Effect=cultivar*tpop cultivar AG4701 AG4701 AG4701 AG4701 AG4701 rowspace _ _ _ _ _ Method=LSD(P<.05) tpop 60 120 180 240 300 Estimate Set=3 -------- Standard Error 18.4125 23.8750 26.5250 25.3125 28.5000 Letter Group 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 1.4574 C B AB B A Overall, on average of row spacing levels, there are no differences on means for tpop 120, 180, 240, and between 180 and 300. while there are significant differences between 60 and the rest of tpop; and between 120 and 300, and 240 and 300. Cubic trend is evident at both spacings, 9’ and 18”. This cubic effect may be caused by uncontrolled effects (??) 17. For cultivar AG3601, at 9-inch row spacing, yield depends on population density in quadratic fashion. At 18-inch row spacing, yield is not responsive to changes in the population density. Effect=cultiva*rowspac*tpop cultivar rowspace tpop AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 9 9 9 9 9 60 120 180 240 300 - Effect=cultiva*rowspac*tpop -cultivar rowspace tpop AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 AG3601 18 18 18 18 18 60 120 180 240 300 Method=LSD(P<.05) Set=1 ----Standard Letter Estimate Error Group 24.4000 28.2250 31.6000 33.8084 32.8000 1.6645 1.6645 1.6645 1.8376 1.6645 Method=LSD(P<.05) Estimate 24.1336 23.7750 26.1250 27.1784 26.6750 Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 Set=2 ---- Standard Error 1.8134 1.6645 1.6645 1.8380 1.6645 Note. Pairwise mean comparisons are at alpha = 0.05 (default value). What is (are) the possible consequence(s) in the use of this alpha level? Since the number of pairwise mean comparisons is large, we increase the chances of comparisonwise Type I Error, which was set at =0.05. Tukey test aims to control this Error and set the experimentwise Type I Error at 0.05. thus greater pairwise mean differences are required to claim significant differences. Note that for AG4701 at tpop=120, Row spacing was found significant (p=0.0459, Table of Slices for LSMEAN), but Tukey test did not find significance 20 C B AB A A Letter Group A A A A A ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 between these lsmeans. An intermediate empirical solution is to use a = 0.01 instead of 0.05 for the pairwise Student ttest. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 21
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