ARTICLE IN PRESS Effect of preculturing conditions on growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosus on medium containing glucose and citrate B.D. Jyotia, A.K. Suresha,b, K.V. Venkatesha,b,* a Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, India School of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, India b KEYWORDS Flux analysis; Lactobacillus; Multiple substrates; Preculturing; Microaerophilic Abstract Lactobacillus rhamnosus can metabolize citrate through a citrate inducible transport system. The growth curves of L. rhamnosus on medium containing glucose and citrate was found to be highly dependent on preculturing conditions. It exhibited diauxic growth when precultured on glucose, but demonstrated simultaneous consumption when cultured on citrate. The maximum specific growth rate for cells growing on glucose þ citrate was 0.38 h1, which was higher than the growth rate on individual substrates (0.28 h1). Simultaneous consumption also yielded higher net flavour compounds, diacetyl and acetoin. Flux analysis indicated that L. rhamnosus requires oxygen for balancing excess NADH through NADH oxidase. The flux analysis provided insights into the metabolic network of L. rhamnosus. Introduction Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a heterolactic acid bacterium and is extensively used in food industry. Several studies indicate that this organism is a possible candidate for industrially synthesizing flavour compounds such as diacetyl and acetoin (Lee, 1991; Anuradha et al., 1999). The use of multiple substrates in the medium, especially citrate or pyruvate with glucose, has been reported to increase the yield and productivity of diacetyl and acetoin (Jyoti et al., 2003). Various lactic acid bacteria utilize citrate, either directly or by co-metabolism, for the production of aroma compounds (Figueroa et al., 2000). Montville et al. (1987) have suggested that the citrate transport system was inducible by citrate and the level of induction depends on the strain. The use of ARTICLE IN PRESS 36 citrate and lactose in the medium increased the specific growth rate of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subspecies cremoris (Schmitt and Divies, 1990). The diacetyl and acetoin were produced as soon as the citrate consumption began resulting in a better productivity of diacetyl and acetoin as compared to glucose alone in the medium. The co-metabolism of glucose and citrate by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis indicated that 65% of the carbon source was converted to flavour producing compound (Goupry et al., 2000). The co-metabolism of xylose and citrate gave high yields of diacetyl and acetoin, 11.5% in batch culture and 17.4% in chemostat culture by Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (Schmitt et al., 1997). It was found that in the case of L. rhamnosus, the presence of lactose does not allow the utilization of citrate at high concentrations, while the presence of glucose does not allow the utilization of citrate at low concentrations (Benito de Cardenas et al., 1992). It has been seen that the preculturing in different media affects the fermentation greatly. The cells utilize the different substrates either simultaneously or sequentially depending on the preculturing conditions. When E. coli was grown in a medium containing glucose þ lactose, due to catabolite repression glucose was always the preferred substrate without being affected by the preculturing conditions (Bailey and Ollis, 1986; Narang et al., 1997). Kompala et al. (1986) reported a diauxic growth on glucose and xylose with xylose as less preferred substrate with preinoculum being grown on glucose. Doshi and Venkatesh (1998) observed that when the cells of E. coli were pre cultured on glucose and grown in a medium containing glucose, acetate and lactate, a diauxic growth was observed with lactate as less preferred substrate, while glucose and acetate were consumed simultaneously in the first phase. Figueroa et al. (2000) have shown that L. rhamnosus grows on citrate only when cultured on citrate and glucose þ citrate. Thus, it is clear that preculturing conditions does have an effect on the growth of L. rhamnosus. In L. rhamnosus, if citrate permease is an inducible enzyme, what is the effect of preculturing on this induction? Here, a comparative study was carried out to study the effect of preculturing on the growth of L. rhamnosus on citrate. The analysis was based on growth curves and flux analysis of the data obtained form experiments with different culturing conditions. The flux analysis provided insights into the metabolic network of L. rhamnosus. Materials and methods Fermentation and product analysis: The methodology for fermentation and analysis of substrates, biomass and various products followed was same as reported by Jyoti et al. (2003). To study the effects of culturing, the inoculum was grown in presence of glucose, citrate and glucose þ citrate along with all other ingredient mentioned in the above reference. The cell O.D of inoculum was maintained at 0.5 in all cases at the time of inoculation to the main fermentation medium. The initial concentration of glucose and citrate in the main fermentation medium to study the effect of culturing medium were as follows: (1) for the inoculum grown in glucose alone: glucose, 5.6 g/l and citrate 2.2 g/l; (2) for the inoculum grown in citrate: glucose, 5.3 g/l and citrate 1.8 g/l; and (3) for the inoculum grown in glucose þ citrate alone: glucose, 6.3 g/l and citrate 2.2 g/l. The substrates (glucose and citrate) and the other metabolites (lactate, diacetyl, acetoin and acetate) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography using a Shimadzu HPLC system and Biorad Aminex HPX-87 H column with guard columns in series. In this paper, the data has been presented as absolute accumulation rates (mole/l/h) at 12–14 h of fermentation (that is for a metabolite M; as dM=dt; slope of the formation of metabolite at 12–14 h). Results Fluxes in L: rhamnosus Stoichiometric balance method is a well-established technique used to evaluate intracellular reaction rates. Metabolic balancing is carried out based on steady-state approximation with respect to intracellular metabolites. The methodology requires the knowledge of metabolic network and accumulation rates of the key extracellular metabolites (Varma and Palsson, 1994). The balances yield a set of algebraic equations for a network, A X ¼ R; ð1Þ where, A and R are the matrix and vector, respectively, represents the biochemistry of the reaction network and accumulation rates of the extracellular metabolites. X is the vector containing the flux value for each reaction in the metabolic network. By knowing A and R, X can be evaluated by solving the set of algebraic equations (Venkatesh, 1997). ARTICLE IN PRESS 37 Table 1. Biochemical reaction network used for flux analysis in L. rhamnosus (Xi represents the flux associated with the respective reaction) Glycolysis GLC þ 2 NAD þ þ 2ADP þ 2Pi-2PYR þ 2H2O þ 2NADH þ 2ATP X1 Biomass formation PYR þ 0.3ATP-BIOMASS þ 0.3ADP X2 Pyruvate breakdown PYR"PYRE PYR þ NADH"LACT þ NAD þ PYR"ACEN þ CO2 PYR þ ACCOA þ NAD þ -DIA þ NADH þ CO2 þ COA DIA þ NADH-ACEN þ NAD þ PYR þ COA þ NAD þ -ACCOA þ CO2 þ NADH X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 Acetate formation ACCOA þ ADP þ Pi"ACET þ COA þ ATP X9 TCA Cycle ACCOA þ OAA þ H2O-CIT þ COA CIT þ H2O þ 4NAD þ þ ADP þ Pi-OAA þ 2CO2 þ 4NADH þ ATP X10 X11 Citrate uptake CITE"CIT X12 Citrate breakdown CIT-ACET þ OAA X13 Decarboxylation reaction OAA"PYR þ CO2 X14 Oxidation reaction 4NADH þ O2-4NAD þ þ 2H2O X15 The biochemical reaction network of L. rhamnosus and balance equations are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Glycolysis is represented by a single reaction to yield 2 mole of pyruvate. The conversion of citrate to oxaloacetate (as a single reaction) and the combination of oxaloacetate with acetyl CoA to citrate represents the TCA cycle. Citrate is transported into the cell by citrate permease and later converted to OAA and acetate (Lee, 1991). Further, OAA undergoes decarboxylation reaction to yield pyruvate. Lactate dehydrogenase converts pyruvate to lactate and also converts lactate back to pyruvate in the absence of glucose. It was assumed that the biomass with 46% of carbon was entirely balanced by pyruvate. Also, 0.3 mole of ATP was assumed to be required for the formation of biomass (Benthin et al., 1994). Acetate was formed from acetyl CoA and was a source of ATP. At the pyruvate node, the flux was channelled to various metabolites. Pyruvate is converted to lactic acid for recycling of NAD þ . Pyruvate is enzymatically converted to acetoin by decarboxylation. Also, pyruvate stoichiometrically combines with ACCOA to yield diacetyl. It is clear from the table that fifteen unknown fluxes have to be determined to quantify the metabolic network of L. rhamnosus. Table 2 shows the balance equations for the metabolites based on the stoichiometry of the reactions in the network. The accumulation rates (components of vector R in Eq. (1)) for GLC, CIT, DIA, ACEN, LACT, ACET and BIO were determined using experimental data for media containing different carbon sources. PYR, ACCOA, OAA and NADH were assumed to be at pseudo-steady state. The oxygen uptake rate (X15 ) was determined based on NADH balance. The ATP balance (Eq. (T14) in Table 2) was used to verify the feasibility of the flux distribution and a positive accumulation rate was ensured. It should be noted that Eqs. (T14) and (T15) were not used for evaluating fluxes. From Table 2, it is clear that there are 13 equations ARTICLE IN PRESS 38 Table 2. Stoichiometric balance equations for the network of L. rhamnosus (see Table 1 for description of X) q GLU ¼ X1 qt (T1) q PYR ¼ 2X1 þ X14 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X8 qt (T2) q BIO ¼ X2 qt (T3) q PYRE ¼ X3 qt (T4) q LACT ¼ X4 qt (T5) q ACEN ¼ X5 þ X7 qt (T6) q DIA ¼ X6 X7 qt (T7) q ACCOA ¼ X8 X6 X9 X10 qt (T8) q ACET ¼ X19 þ X13 qt (T9) q CITE ¼ X12 qt (T10) q CIT ¼ X10 þ X12 X11 X13 qt (T11) q OAA ¼ X11 þ X13 X10 X14 qt (T12) q NADH ¼ 2X1 þ X6 þ X8 þ 4X11 X4 X7 4X15 qt (T13) q ATP ¼ 2X1 þ X9 þ X11 0:3X2 qt (T14) q O2 ¼ X15 qt (T15) with 15 unknowns. Two more equations were required to evaluate the 15 fluxes. When the medium contained citrate, it was assumed that the acetate was formed from citrate alone (i.e., X9 ¼ 0) and pyruvate was not formed (i.e., X3 ¼ 0). Also when the growth was on glucose alone, it was assumed that acetate was formed from acetyl-CoA (i.e., X13 ¼ 0) and the decarboxylation of OAA did not occur (X14 ¼ 0). The above set of equations was solved with these conditions to give a feasible solution. Growth on glucose and citrate Experiments were carried out to study the effect of culturing conditions on the growth of L. rhamnosus on medium containing glucose þ citrate. Cells were previously precultured on medium containing glucose alone, citrate alone or glucose þ citrate. Fig. 1 shows the biomass at different time points when the cells were cultured on glucose alone. The profile is a typical diauxic curve without a long lag phase in between the phases of growth, with glucose as the preferred substrate. This may indicate that glucose might regulate citrate permease. Fig. 2 shows the biomass profile with respect to time for cells precultured on citrate alone and glucose þ citrate. The curves indicate that glucose and citrate were simultaneously consumed. This data signifies that glucose does not regulate citrate permease contrary to the result indicated by culturing on glucose alone. Table 3 shows the maximum specific growth rate for the three preculturing condition. The specific growth (of 0.38 h1) was almost same for preculturing on citrate alone and citrate þ glucose. The resultant high specific growth rate was due to simultaneous consumption of glucose and citrate. The growth rate was lower in case of culturing on glucose alone due to no citrate uptake in this phase. The specific growth rate was greater in case of growth on citrate or glucose þ citrate than growth on just glucose in the medium (0.28 h1) and just on medium containing citrate (0.29 h1). The above growth data with measurements of glucose, lactate, citrate, diacetyl and acetoin were obtained for different preculturing conditions. The slope of the curve at 12–14 h of fermentation was used to evaluate the accumulation rates of different metabolites. Table 4 lists the absolute and normalized (with respect to glucose uptake) accumulation rates for different metabolites. Flux analysis was carried out based on these accumulation rates obtained at 12–14 h of fermentation. Fig. 3 shows the flux distribution for the growth of L. rhamnosus on medium containing glucose þ citrate with different preculturing conditions. The numbers shown without brackets represent the flux distribution for the case when the cells were precultured on glucose as the sole carbon source. In this case, the incoming flux was due to consumption of glucose only because citrate was not consumed. Flux distribution for growth on glucose demonstrates that at pyruvate node, 59% of the flux coming from glycolysis was distributed between lactate and biomass synthesis. The ARTICLE IN PRESS 39 1. 8 1. 6 Biomass (g/L) 1. 4 1. 2 1.0 0. 8 0.6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0. 0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Time (Hours) Figure 1. Growth of L. rhamnosus on glucose þ citrate for different preculturing conditions (o, represents preculturing on glucose). 1.8 1.6 Biomass (g/L) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 Time (Hours) Figure 2. Growth of L. rhamnosus on glucose þ citrate for different preculturing conditions (&, represents preculturing on citrate; and, n, represents preculturing on glucose þ citrate). Table 3. Maximum Specific Growth Rate for L. rhanmnosus (h1) on medium containing different combination of carbon sources Precultured on mmax a mmax b Type of growth Glucose Citrate Glucose þ citrtate 0.29 0.37 0.38 0.01 F F Diauxic Simultaneous Simultaneous a Maximum specific growth rate for the first phase of growth. Maximum specific growth rate for the second phase of growth. b remaining 41% of the pyruvate was distributed among acetoin, diacetyl and acetate with a small flux toward TCA cycle. Out of a total flux of 344 for NADH synthesis (200, 14 and 130 from glycolysis, diacetyl synthesis and TCA recycling), 71 was recycled by lactate formation, 7 was balanced by the conversion of diacetyl to acetoin and the remaining 264 was recycled by NADH oxidase. This was balanced by an oxygen consumption rate of 66 for oxygen. ATP was synthesized through glycolysis, acetate formation and a small fraction through TCA. The numbers shown inside parentheses represent the flux distribution for the growth of L. rhamnosus on a medium containing glucose þ citrate with the cells precultured in a medium containing citrate as the sole carbon source. Both the substrates were ARTICLE IN PRESS 40 Table 4. Accumulation Rates and normalized values of fluxes for extracellular metabolites (normalized with respect to the consumption rate of glucose) Preculturing condition M A F Glucose Glucose Citrate Lactate Diacetyl Acetoin Acetate Biomass 4.2 103 0 2.4 103 3 104 6 104 7 104 2.5 103 100 0 57 7 14 17 60 Citrate Glucose Citrate Lactate Diacetyl Acetoin Acetate Biomass 2.5 103 4.5 104 1.69 103 2.7 104 6.3 104 6.8 104 2.04 103 100 18 67 11 25 27 81 Glucose þ citrate Glucose Citrate Lactate Diacetyl Acetoin Acetate Biomass 4.8 103 5.3 104 3.4 103 6 104 1.1 103 8 104 3.5 103 100 11 71 13 23 17 73 Nomenclature: M; extracllular metabolite; A; accumulation rates in moles/l/h, F; normalized flux with respect to glucose uptake. utilized simultaneously to direct a flux of 218 towards pyruvate. Out of a total flux of 218, the flux was distributed between lactate (67) and biomass (60). The excess pyruvate available due to citrate increased the yields of other metabolites. The yields of 0.09 g acetate/g glucose, 0.05 g diacetyl/g glucose and 0.12 g acetoin/g glucose were obtained. The ATP requirement for the growth of cells was fulfilled mainly by glycolysis and TCA cycle. Glycolysis (72%), diacetyl formation (6%), pyruvate conversion to ACCOA (12%) and TCA cycle (10%) contributed to NADH formation. While lactate formation (24%), diacetyl conversion to acetoin (3%) and oxygen uptake flux of 52 (73%) contributed to the recycling of NADH. The numbers shown inside square brackets present the flux distribution for the growth of L. rhamnosus on a medium containing glucose þ citrate with the cells precultured on glucose þ citrate (Fig. 3). The flux distribution in this case was almost similar to that of preculturing on citrate alone (indicated by single brackets). Both the substrates were utilized simultaneously to direct a flux of 211 towards pyruvate. 68% of the above flux was distributed between lactate (71) and biomass (73). The yields of acetate, diacetyl and acetoin were 0.06 g acetate/g glucose, 0.06 g diacetyl/g glucose and 0.11 g acetoin/g glucose respectively. Glycolysis and TCA cycle fulfilled the ATP requirement for the growth of cells. In this case, glycolysis (73%), diacetyl formation (7%), pyruvate conversion to ACCOA (11%) and TCA cycle (9%) contributed to NADH formation. While lactate formation (27%), diacetyl conversion to acetoin (2%) and oxygen uptake flux of 50 (71%) contributed to the recycling of NADH. Table 5 shows a comparison between the yields of metabolites for different preculturing conditions. The table shows that the yields of biomass and various metabolites are higher when the cells are precultured on citrate or glucose þ citrate as compared to the case when the cells were cultured on glucose alone. The highest yields of biomass (0.35 g/g of glucose) and acetate (0.09 g/g of glucose) were obtained when the cells were cultured on citrate alone. The yields of diacetyl and acetoin were found to increase when the cells were cultured either on citrate or glucose þ citrate. Table 5 also shows that the normalized uptake rate of oxygen required by L. rhamnosus to balance oxidation state was in the range of 50–70 irrespective of the preculturing conditions (YO2/S). Discussion The stoichiometric balance method was used to analyse the effect of multiple substrates on the network of L. rhamnosus. The flux distribution in the network was evaluated with experimentally measured extracellular metabolites for medium containing various substrates and their combinations. Unlike in a homolactic organism, L. rhamnosus cannot convert the pyruvate to lactate at a fast rate to match the rate of glycolysis. This resulted in the accumulation of pyruvate inside the cell, which is toxic to the cell. Therefore, pyruvate gets channelled to various other metabolites, such as acetate, diacetyl and acetoin. Since lactate alone cannot balance the oxidation state, thus oxygen was also essential for L. rhamnosus to balance the remaining NADH. The constraints placed by NADH recycling, ATP and carbon availability, decided the flux distribution towards different products. NADH was partly recycled by lactate formation and thus L. rhamnosus required oxygen for balancing the oxidation state. This flexibility in L. rhamnosus to balance the oxidation state was the reason for simultaneous utilization of glucose and citrate. ARTICLE IN PRESS 41 GLU BIO 200 (200) [200] 60 (81) [ 73] LACT ACEN 7 (18) [ 17] 7 (7) [ 6 ] 71 (67) [ 71] 14 (18) [ 19] DIA PYR 0 (18) [ 11] 48 (34) [ 31] 17 (0) [ 0 ] ACET ACCOA 17 (16) [ 11] 0 (18) [ 11] 0 (27) [ 17] OAA CIT CITE TCA 17 (7) [ 6 ] Figure 3. Flux distributions for growth of L. rhamnosus on glucose þ citrate for different preculturing conditions. Unbracketed numbers, numbers in parentheses and numbers in square brackets represent the flux distribution for preculturing on glucose alone, on citrate alone and on glucose þ citrate, respectively. Table 5. Comparison of metabolite yields grown on medium containing glucose þ citrate, for different preculturing conditions Precultured on Glucose Citrate Glucose þ citrate Yield (g/g of glucose) YX=S YLT=S YAT=S YD=S YAN=S YO2=S 0.26 0.35 0.32 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.66 0.52 0.50 YX=S ¼ biomass yield; YLT=S ¼ lactic acid yield; YD=S ¼ diacetyl yield; YAT=S ¼ acetic acid yield; YAN=S ¼ acetoin yield; and YO2=S represent the oxygen consumption with respect to glucose consumption. The yield of diacetyl increased for the medium which was inoculated by those cells which were pre-inoculated in a medium containing citrate (0.05 g diacetyl/g of glucose) or glucose þ citrtate (0.06 g diacetyl/g of glucose) as compared to glucose (0.03 g diacetyl/g of glucose). ARTICLE IN PRESS 42 The above analysis shows that the culturing conditions affect the growth as well as the formation of metabolites. Since citrate permease is inducible, it requires a lag time for its synthesis. It can be postulated that if this lag time is completed in the preculturing stage, then the cells consume both glucose and citrate. Thus, the diauxic growth when cells were precultured on glucose alone, was just a manifestation of synthesis time required for citrate permease. The maximum flux towards diacetyl þ acetoin was found to be higher than that for simultaneous consumption of glucose þ citrate in comparison to the sequential utilization of glucose and citrate. The flux analysis demonstrated a low oxygen uptake rates for the growth of L. rhamnosus indicating that the organism is microaerophilic. A typical aerobic organism requires about 300–400 normalized oxygen uptake rates (equivalent yield, YO2/S, of 3–4) for glucose uptake (Vallino 1991). L. rhamnosus, a microaerophilic organism, demonstrated an oxygen uptake rate of only 10–15% of that of an aerobic organism. The metabolic state in the fermenter was thus affected by the culturing status of L. rhamnosus as demonstrated by the flux balance. The above discussion indicates that to further evaluate the network of hetero-lactic organisms, perturbation experiments sholuld be planned around the pyruvate node. The experimental analysis reported here demonstrated the effect of preculturing effects on the grwoth of L. rhamnosus and also the feasibility of metabolic engineering of L. rhamnosus towards optimization of diacetyl. References Anuradha, R., Suresh, A.K., Venkatesh, K.V., 1999. 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