Enhancement of (100) texture in diamond films grown using a temperature gradient E. Titusa, A.K. Sikderb, U. Paltnikara, M.K. Singha, D.S. Misraa,* a Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India Center for Microelectronics Research, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA b Abstract Diamond films with dominant (100) texture were grown with a temperature gradient across the Si (100) substrates using hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique. Deposition was carried out with 0.8% CH4 in balance hydrogen at an average substrate temperature of 880 8C. The deposition pressure was varied between 20–120 torr. Films were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). XRD shows very strong (400) reflection in all the samples. SEM results show a smooth diamond surface comprised of (100) platelets. As the (100) diamond plates were grown on top of the (100) oriented silicon substrate the faces are more or less aligned parallel with the substrate surface, resulting in a relatively smoother diamond surfaces. FTIR studies show novel features in the films. Quantitative analysis was carried out to measure the H content in the films. Keywords: Temperature gradient; Textured diamond films; FTIR spectroscopy; Hydrogen content 1. Introduction During the past few years, interest in oriented diamond films synthesized by chemical vapor deposition techniques has grown enormously w1,2x. For practical applications in optics and electronics, large area singlecrystal diamond films on silicon or other suitable substrates are very desirable. However, the lattice mismatch between the substrate and the film, dominance of the secondary nucleation and the lack of layer by layer growth has generally resulted in the polycrystalline diamond films on non-diamond substrates w3x. On the other hand, (100) ‘texture’ developed in the films during the growth when seeded with the help of bias enhanced nucleation (BEN). In BEN, the normal procedure of treating the substrate by rubbing against diamond powder is avoided and oriented nuclei of (100) diamond or SiC are generated on the substrate by biasing it. Since the first reports of the deposition of oriented films by bias enhanced nucleation w4x, the majority of studies were concentrated on the improvement of the texture and size of the (100) oriented crystals. For instance, Jiang et al. w5,6x synthesized an oriented diamond film on Si substrate via BEN. Wolter et al. w7x reported that oriented diamond films were deposited via in situ carburization prior to BEN, and Chen et al. w8x reported the synthesis of oriented diamond films on a Si substrate by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). Wild et al. w9x found that the successive control of the growth faces, {100} at the initial stage and {111} later stage, was important for the synthesis of highly oriented films. These studies have contributed significantly in the optimization of the parameter window for the deposition of (100) oriented diamond films with much improved structure and properties. The crystallinity of diamond films is strongly dependent on the orientation of the nuclei formed during the BEN. Li et al. w10x investigated the role of the BEN by means of single wavelength ellipsometry, and reported that the BEN consisted of four steps: carburization, etching, nucleation, and the growth of the nuclei. Yugo et al. w11x observed the cross-section of a diamond film and found that the diamond formed on an amorphous 1404 interlayer and also directly on the Si substrate. In another study it was reported that the interfacial strain was released by a non-diamond carbon phase that was formed between Si and diamond w12,13x. Plitzko et al. w14x however, reported that diamond film was synthesized directly on a Si substrate using bias-assisted microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD). Recently, Saada et al. w15x synthesized highly oriented diamond films on silicon substrate by the MPCVD technique using an ultra short bias enhanced nucleation process. In the present study, a new innovative method of using a temperature gradient has been employed for the growth of (100) textured diamond films by HFCVD. The temperature gradients ranging from 50 to 150 8C cmy1 are generated on the growth surface of the substrates using a thin film chromium heater deposited on the back surface of the substrates. The substrates are treated by diamond powder prior to deposition. A dominant (100) texture is observed in the diamond films. The grain size and the density of the (100) grains vary sensitively as a function of the gradient. We report the details of the morphological and structural analyses of the samples by SEM, XRD and FTIR spectroscopy. Some interesting features observed in the textured diamond samples are reported. 2. Experimental The deposition of the films was carried out in a HFCVD apparatus whose details are discussed elsewhere w16x. Mirror polished p-type Si (100) wafers were used as substrate. The substrates were treated with 2 mm diamond powder and cleaned ultrasonically in an acetone bath. Prior to the deposition of the thin film heater, the substrates were dipped in HF followed by de-ionized water cleaning in order to remove the passive oxide layer of silicon. Few depositions were done on the Fig. 1. (a)–(c): The SEM of the diamond films; deposited at 120 torr and temperature gradients; (a) at 50 8C cmy1; (b) at 100 8C cmy1; (c) at 150 8C cmy1; and (d) at 120 torr, without gradient. 1405 substrates without treatment with diamond powder for comparison. Chromium thin film (of 1 mm=10 ˚ was deposited as heater by thermal evapmm=200 A) oration on the backside of the substrates for the generation of the gradient The gradient was created across the sample by applying DC power to both ends of the heater using chromel wires. The gradient was measured by measuring the temperature at both ends of the sample using chromel-alumel thermocouples attached to the substrate holder. The reactant gases were methane and hydrogen at the flow rates of 1.6 and 200 sccm, respectively. The substrate temperature was measured at the center of the substrate and was held constant for all depositions at 880 8C. The substrates were treated with hydrogen plasma for 0.5 h prior to the deposition. Self-standing diamond sheets were used for IR analysis by making a window of diameter 6–7 mm in the center. In order to make the window, the diamond films grown on silicon substrates were mounted on a glass plate with the diamond facing the glass. Subsequently the whole assembly was covered by wax. Wax was then removed from the center and the assembly was dipped in a mixture of HF and HNO3 (1:3) in the fourth step. The above procedure resulted in silicon etching and the window was then removed from the glass plate and cleaned thoroughly using de-ionized water, trichloroethelene and acetone. Since there is no interaction between diamond surface and the etchants, the chemistry of this surface should be unperturbed. The infrared spectra were recorded by a Nicolet Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer in the transmission mode. Spectra were recorded on all the samples in the range of 400– 4000 cmy1. 3. Results and discussions Fig. 1(a)–(c) shows the SEM micrographs of the diamond films deposited at 120 torr applying different temperature gradients. A typical SEM micrograph showing the morphology of the sample deposited without temperature gradient at 120 torr is shown in Fig. 1(d). It is evident from these micrographs that the films contain dominantly (100) textured grains. Moreover, the size of the grains increases significantly with the increase in temperature gradient. At lower gradients the crystal size was less than 1 mm. As the gradient increases further the crystal size exceeds 1 mm subsequently increasing to approximately 3.6 mm for a gradient of 150 8C cmy1. The density of the grains, however, decreases as a function of the gradient. Any further increase in the gradient resulted in reduction of the density of the textured grains. The sample deposited at 120 torr without gradient shows a surface morphology typically observed in very poor quality diamond films (Fig. 1d). The quality of the film can be gauged from the color of the self-standing diamond window as well Fig. 2. SEM of diamond film deposited at pressures (a) 20 torr with temperature gradient 1508 cmy1; and (b) 20 torr without temperature gradient. as from the IR results. The good quality films will be white in color and transparent in IR region. The grains in poor quality films typically have a cauliflower structure evidently containing a large concentration of nondiamond carbon impurities. We could grow continuous film at pressure 20 torr and at a temperature gradient 150 8C but the crystals were not (100) textured. Fig. 2(a),(b) shows the SEM micrographs of the films deposited at 20 torr with and without temperature gradient. It is evident that the crystals grown are of very high quality but (100) texture is absent. In order to understand the mechanism responsible for the formation of (100) textured grains, we deposited the films on the silicon substrates for various deposition times with and without the gradient. Bare untreated silicon (100) substrates were subjected to hydrogen plasma etching at 880 8C with and without the gradient with an objective to reveal the structural transformation on the surface of the substrate that might lead to the 1406 Fig. 3. SEM of (a) Si substrate subjected to hydrogen plasma etching without temperature gradient across the substrate; and (b) in the presence of the temperature gradient 150 8C; (c) and (d) show respectively the (100) oriented diamond grains deposited for 1 and 2 h. orientation of the grains. The results of the SEM studies on the above samples are shown in Fig. 3a–d. It is interesting to note that the silicon surface develops micro-pores when subjected to hydrogen plasma etching in presence of the temperature gradient (150 8C cmy1) (Fig. 3a). The size of the pores on the surface ranges from submicron to 1–2 micron. In contrast, no pores can be seen on the silicon surface subjected to hydrogen plasma etching without the gradient as shown in Fig. 3b. Fig. 3c,d shows the micrographs of the (100) textured diamond grains deposited for 1 and 2 h, respectively. The growth mechanism of (100) and (111) oriented diamond facets has been debated in the literature considerably. Early studies showed that selective hydrogen etching resulted in diamond orientation on the substrates w17,18x. Further b-SiC was considered as a transfer layer growing diamond epitaxially on Si substrates w19,20x. Jiang and Klages showed that (001) oriented diamond could grow epitaxially w3,21–23x on (001) silicon by applying negative bias. It was demonstrated w22,23x using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy that (001) diamond grew directly on (001) Si substrate. In our case, the texture changes from (111) to (100) by applying temperature gradient. Hence, it may be possible that micropores created on substrates remove the native oxide layer and expose the underline (100) Si plane for nucleation of (100) diamond which results in parallel growth of (100) faces on (100) nucleated substrates. Considerable work exists in the literature on the growth mechanism of (100) and (111) oriented crystal faces. It is well known that for a kinetically controlled growth process, the crystal morphology is determined by the appearance of facets that have the slowest growth rate in normal direction. As (110) surface is a stepped face and encounters no steric repulsion between neighboring H atoms, its growth rate is highest w24x normal 1407 spectra of (100) textured sheets contain two dominant peaks at 2860 cmy1 and 2930 cmy1 that correspond to symmetric and asymmetric stretch bands of CH2 group. A weak band corresponding to sp3 CH3 symmetric stretch band at 2778 cmy1 is also visible. Similar FTIR spectroscopy results in (100) textured diamond windows are reported by other groups as well w28,29x. In contrast, the spectra of the non-textured samples contain a broad band containing various peaks corresponding to multiple CHn modes. The integrated absorbance of each band can be used to estimate the hydrogen concentration in a particular mode. As discussed by McNamara et al. w30x, the concentration of the oscillating species is proportional to the integrated intensity of the absorption band. The total hydrogen content is: NHsAn Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of (a) (100); and (b) (111) textured diamond samples grown at 120 torr. to the substrate. In most cases, therefore, either (100) or (111) texture is present in films. According to the established growth model of Franklach w25x, the growth rate of (100) facets depends on the concentration of CH2 or CH3 species while that of (111) facets depends on both CH3 and C2H2 concentration. As in the present case, the deposition of (100) facets is dominant, we shall concentrate on growth mechanism of the same. High-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) on (100) diamond surfaces prepared at 800 8C reveal w26x that the observed loss peaks are consistent with CH2 radicals. Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) studies by Hamza et al. w24x showed that warming CVD diamond surface from 500 to 750 K showed 1=1 reconstruction pattern that was assigned to dehydrogenated surface. Annealing to 1300 K resulted in 2=1 pattern ascribed to monohydride surface. It would appear, therefore, that (100) growth mainly occurs via CH2 species. This is difficult to comprehend because the distance between two H atom on –CH2 ˚ and will bonded on diamond (100) surface is only 74 A result in strong steric repulsion. It has been shown w27x that the dimerization of –CH2 to C-H dimer with possible vacancies in structure might be responsible for (100) growth via-CH2 species. Another strong indication that (100) diamond grows via-CH2 bonded species arises from FTIR spectroscopy. In FTIR spectra, various peaks in the range 2700–3100 cmy1 corresponding to spmCHn species that are incorporated during the growth, are observed. The spectra of the self-standing diamond windows fabricated with (100) textured sheets and the sheets with poor morphology are shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that both sheets are deposited at 120 torr and 880 8C. The | aŽv.dv v (1) where An is the proportionality factor and a(v) is the absorption coefficient at frequency v. An is proportional to the inverse of oscillator strength. We have chosen An to be 1=1020 and assumed it to be constant for all the modes and samples w31x. a(v), the frequencydependent absorption coefficient, is taken to be a Gaussian function. The concentration of hydrogen is higher (0.064 at.%) in poorly textured samples as compared to (100) textured sample (0.048 at.%). 4. Conclusions The (100) textured diamond films can be grown on Si substrate by creating a temperature gradient across the substrate during growth. The size of the crystals increases with the temperature gradient. Good quality films were formed at pressure 120 torr and temperature 880 8C. The (100) texture was developed only on pretreated substrate. The films grown on untreated substrate consists of very minute crystals. The FTIR results of (100) textured sample shows prominent CH2-related peaks whereas the film without texture comprises multiple CH, CH2 and CH3 peaks. This may be due to the fact that the (100) growth of diamond proceeds via CH2 species. References J.C. 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