MGU ISP Program Overview(Yokohama).pdf

Meiji Gakuin University International Student Program (Yokohama Campus)
Program Overview
The MGU International Student Program (ISP) provides an opportunity for English-speaking students from our exchange
partners to pursue undergraduate studies for a semester or academic year at our Yokohama campus, located in Kanagawa
The aim of this program is to provide a creative academic environment for studies pertaining to Japan and the Japanese
language for international students who have studied Japanese for a minimum of one year at the university level.
The International Student Program welcomes exchange students from partner universities located in Asia, Europe, North
America and Oceania. As of April 2015, MGU receives students from the following institutions:
University of Manchester, UK
University of East Anglia, UK
Oxford Brookes University, UK
University of Hamburg, Germany
Maastricht University, Holland
Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Aix-en-Provence, France
University of Rennes 2, France
Suleyman Sah University, Turkey
Hope College, USA
University of Rochester, USA
Washington College, USA
Texas State University-San Marcos, USA
University of Kentucky, USA
University of New Mexico, USA
San Francisco State University, USA
University of California, USA
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Monash University, Australia
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Soongsil University, Korea
University of Seoul, Korea
Yonsei University, Korea
Thammasat University, Thailand
University of the Philippines, Dilliman, Philippines
National Economics University, Vietnam
Soochow University, Taiwan
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Capital Normal University, China
Academic Program
The program follows the Japanese academic calendar of two semesters which constitute an academic year.
may enter the program in either semester.
1) Spring Semester (April to July)
2) Fall Semester (September to February).
The International Student Program consists of:
1) A mandatory Intensive Japanese Language course divided into 5 levels (6 credits: classes held five times a week)
2) A selection of elective courses and seminars offered in English by various MGU faculties with a focus on Japanese
social and cultural issues (2 credits: classes held once a week)
Though registration to the Intensive Japanese Language course is limited to exchange students only, the elective
courses offered in English are also open to full time MGU students, allowing for a truly international and integrated
academic atmosphere rarely seen in Japanese Universities.
Exchange students who have passed Level N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) are allowed to
take all courses offered at MGU upon prior permission from the instructor. Students should be aware that some
courses require prerequisites apart from the abovementioned language requirement.
ISP students must register for a minimum of 12 credits per semester to maintain their student visa.
registration will take place after the students’ arrival to Japan.
ISP students based at our Yokohama campus are required to take the Intensive Japanese Language course at their
base campus. However, they may also register for the ISP courses offered at our Tokyo campus should their daily
class schedule allow for the commute between the Yokohama and Tokyo campuses. Program participants should
note that the trip between the two campuses roughly takes 90 minutes.
As of April 2015, exchange students from the following partners are based at our Yokohama Campus:
Soongsil University, University of Seoul, National Economics University, Soochow University, National Chengchi
University, Suleyman Sah University, Monash University, University of Victoria, San Francisco State University,
University of California
Students may enter the program in either semester for one or two semesters. The designated arrival dates (though
subject to change at this point in time) are:
1) Spring Semester: April 1, 2016 (official classes to start in early April)
2) Fall Semester: September 11, 2016 (official classes to start in mid-September)
ISP-Yokohama participants are required to stay in an off campus co-ed dormitory located in Totsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Located in a quiet residential district, with easy access to both the Yokohama (approximately 30 minutes door to door on
foot) and Tokyo (approximately 60 minutes door to door by public transportation) campuses, the dormitory offers an
environment fit for academic pursuit.
The dormitory offers single occupancy en suite rooms with shared dining/lounge hall and laundry facilities. Rooms come
equipped with a desk, chair, closet, bed, linen and internet access. The rent is inclusive of a mandatory meal plan.
Applicants should note that the dormitory is not under MGU’s direct management. Residents consist of
non-students and students from universities other than MGU. As such, there is a curfew set at 12:00AM every
day, and floors are segregated according to gender.
Spring Semester (April - July)
Fall Semester (September - January)
Single Room (Spring Semester)
Single Room (Spring Semester)
Single Room (Fall Semester)
Single Room (Fall Semester)
240,000yen (for those applying for one semester only)
360,000yen (for those applying for two semesters)
300,000yen (for those applying for one semester only)
420,000yen (for those applying for two semesters)
25,000yen (a one off payment to be returned upon checkout in cash, minus any
fees needed for repair/cleaning above those considered normal “wear and tear”)
The rent is inclusive of all utility costs (electricity, gas, water, internet) and a mandatory meal plan.
of breakfast and dinner on week days.
The meal plan consists
Rent payment must be settled via bank transfer prior to the start of each semester. Further details regarding payment
methods will be provided along with the Letter of Acceptance. MGU can NOT accept rent payment in monthly
Living costs in Yokohama
The following is a very rough breakdown of minimum expenses in Yen for our international students. The estimates quoted
below assume a frugal life-style. International travel costs are not included.
Monthly Living Expenses
Dorm Rent
Local Transportation
National Health Insurance
60,000yen (single occupancy)
20,000yen (approx. figure)
5,000yen (approx. figure)
1,400yen (approx. figure)
Dorm Deposit
10,000yen (per semester – approx. figure)
25,000yen (one off payment upon arrival)
Students are required to join the National Health Insurance Scheme, as designated by Japanese law, for the
duration of their stay in Japan. Application to the said scheme will take place during orientation period. The
insurance plan will automatically cover 70% of most all medical expenses.
The dorm rent includes all utility fees and a mandatory meal plan.
Incoming students are asked to pay dorm rent for the entire semester via bank transfer prior to their arrival. Details
regarding payment will be offered in the acceptance pacakge.
The dorm deposit will be returned to the students upon checkout, minus all repair costs for any damages above those
considered to be “normal wear and tear”.
Interested students studying at one of MGU’s partner universities should contact their home
institution’s International/Study Abroad Office for further information regarding participation
to our program. MGU can only accept applications from officially nominated candidates.