ز ن ه و ه - دا ل دوّم ل !١٣٨ درس$%&ا : ا$%& • M. Sipser, ”Introduction to the Theory of Computation,” 2nd Ed., Thompson Learning Inc., 2006. :)* $%• &ا P. Linz, “An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata,” 3rd Ed., Jones and Barlett Publishers, Inc., 2001. J.E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani and J.D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation,” 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001. P.J. Denning, J.B. Dennnis, and J.E. Qualitz, “Machines, Languages, and Computation,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه ,ده درس • ت ١٠% • *53ه31& 3* 4ط 01ت ١6% • * 53ه &37 4درس %86 • <ز&3ن :ن ل ٣٠% ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ @=>?: 0 • دا Eرد 1 CD& 4>1اس A& B • 1ا3 & 0G =>?: 1 0AH 4ان *د؟ – – – – I: 0J& Kاز * * C&7 0د3ار< 4ن MNزدن را 0J& CL ارا 0Dروش ه * 0در )7 Q3& ,RLد 13Pدار>؛ اUد از روش ه 4دT • *ر1ده – 37 01ان &Yل در ر&5ر ،4ه>ف ا Vا 0* ,ر&3 1 =5ان &.>1 V)&H Z%[& A ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ 7و3& Vرد ]1 • • • • • • • @=>?: 0 @4^: 0A& 0 @ V& 0ه & Aر_ اAUR ر 0ه ز1ن ه ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ @4^: 0A& 0 • & Vه D& 0Gرا & 3ا> >* CL؟ • رد CD& 4>1در دو =و ` 0A& C1و 0A& C1`H • &>ل ه1 4@ 4ا V& 4ه – >` ,7 01ر>>& 4ل ه &> 3 V& RAMر bاAaت ا0G 0* V & Dرا & 3ا> >* CLد3ار ا., ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ @ V& 0ه • و و =cه>& 4ل ه 4ر_ &0A – &>ل && ,RL Vه • در :دازش &e&* ،Vه و dا ,B Lا5Tار *ر1د دارد. – &>ل & 0: Vا4 • در ز1ن ه 0&1 4ز 4و ه3ش &* 73ر1د دارد. ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ Logic fg& اع3ا C&* fg& 4>ُ& fg& Propositional logic • Predicate logic • fg& Syntax ه7 اع3ه و اK& اي از073k& هK& {p, q, r, …} و ه7 {┐, ^, ν, →, ↔ } Semantic 01 ،ر1 >اد &>ود01 اي از ده0RAاي د1 q>ول در% Q3 0* q& .د3 q& ،صP Syntax r ها ر • 3&Tل :د 0RAاي &>ود از ده > 01اد &>ود 1ر 01ها P Syntax rص • 073k& :Logical Systemاي از ا 3ل و `3ا >7اج • ا 3ل )5= :(axiomsار ه qاز &3& fgرد @ * 0ه0 در ,ا> ،,اد <[ &3 qا> &>ود &>ود .>1 • `3ا >7اج3` :ا>7ي * 0از 3 q& [< fdان از دو =5ارۀ در5= r 01 ,ارۀ در ,د ر>. ادا&0 • اAaت :د 0RAاي ا ,از =5ار هي 03= 01 p1,p2,…,pkاي * q) >1 p1 0از ا 3ل و q) >1 p2از ا 3ل 1 >1 اUد از p1و ) qاز `3ا >7اج اAaت &3 qد و p3ه... Z * 01 0ا& Vا r CLاAaت 1اي 3 q& 0U= pkد. • `5= : (theorem) 0xار اي ا 0* ,در &1 ،fgاي <ن ا qAaو3%د دا.>1 0 • &3&T : C&* H fgل ه qو3%د دارد *3 q 0ان <[ را اAaت *د. > اج7ا3` Modus ponens P هن1 Conjunction رد3& 1 تAaا اءNا .١ .٢ .٣ .8 .6 & 073kه • • • • • • &3[Uم &3x7 ،073k Mو )ار اه> ,ارد. در & 073kه) ،(multiset)0=>G 4ار اه ,دارد. ز& ،073kز &(proper subset){& 073k & 073k& ،[ 073kه& 4ه ا7ل رو 073k& 4ه :ا%ع ،اا|Z& ، ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ Intuitive (Naïve) Set Theory There are three basic concepts in set theory: • Membership • Extension • Abstraction ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Membership Membership is a relation that holds between a set and an object to mean “the object x is a member of the set A”, or “x belongs to A”. The negation of this assertion is written as an abbreviation for the proposition One way to specify a set is to list its elements. For example, the set A = {a, b, c} consists of three elements. For this set A, it is true that but ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Extension The concept of extension is that two sets are identical if and if only if they contain the same elements. Thus we write A=B to mean ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Abstraction Each property defines a set, and each set defines a property • If p(x) is a property then we can define a set A • If A is a set then we can define a predicate p(x) ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Intuitive versus axiomatic set theory • The theory of set built on the intuitive concept of membership, extension, and abstraction is known as intuitive (naïve) set theory. • As an axiomatic theory of sets, it is not entirely satisfactory, because the principle of abstraction leads to contradictions when applied to certain simple predicates. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Russell’s Paradox Let p(X) be a predicate defined as P(X) = (X∉X) Define set R as R={X|p(X)} • Is p(R) true? • Is p(R) false? ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Gottlob Frege’s Comments • The logician Gottlob Frege was the first to develop mathematics on the foundation of set theory. He learned of Russell Paradox while his work was in press, and wrote, “A scientist can hardly meet with anything more undesirable than to have the foundation give way just as the work is finished. In this position I was put by a letter from Mr. Bertrand Russell as the work was nearly through the press.” ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Power Set The set of all subsets of a given set A is known as the power set of A, and is denoted by P(A): P(A) = {B | B ⊆ A} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Set Operation-Union • The union of two sets A and B is A ∪ B = {x | (x ∈ A) ∨ (x ∈ B)} and consists of those elements in at least one of A and B. • If A1, …, An constitute a family of sets, their union is = (A1 ∪ … ∪ An) = {x| x ∈ Ai for some i, 1≤ i ≤ n} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Set Operation-Intersection • The union of two sets A and B is A ∩ B = {x | (x ∈ A) (x ∈ B)} and consists of those elements in at least one of A and B. • If A1, …, An constitute a family of sets, their intersection is = (A1 ∩ … ∩ An) = {x| x ∈ Ai for all i, 1≤ i ≤ n} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Set Operation-Complement • The complement of a set A is a set Ac defined as: Ac = {x | x A} • The complement of a set B with respect to A, also denoted as A-B, is defined as: Ac = {x A | x B} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Ordered Pairs and n-tuples • An ordered pair of elements is written (x,y) where x is known as the first element, and y is known as the second element. • An n-tuple is an ordered sequence of elements (x1, x2, …, xn) And is a generalization of an ordered pair. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Ordered Sets and Set Products • By Cartesian product of two sets A and B, we mean the set A×B = {(x,y)|x∈A , y∈B} • Similarly, A1×A2×…An = {x1∈A1, x2∈A2, …, xn∈An} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Relations A relation ρ between sets A and B is a subset of A×B: ρ ⊆ A×B • The domain of ρ is defined as Dρ = {x ∈ A | for some y ∈ B, (x,y) ∈ ρ} • The range of ρ is defined as Rρ = {y ∈ B | for some x ∈ A, (x,y) ∈ ρ} • If ρ ⊆ A×A, then ρ is called a ”relation on A”. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Types of Relations on Sets • A relation ρ is reflexive if (x,x)∈ ρ, for each x∈A • A relation ρ is symmetric if, for all x,y∈A (x,y)∈ ρ implies (y,x)∈ ρ • A relation ρ is antisymmetric if, for all x,y∈A (x,y)∈ ρ and (y,x)∈ ρ implies x=y • A relation ρ is transitive if, for all x,y,z∈A (x,y)∈ ρ and (y,z)∈ ρ implies (x,z)∈ ρ ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Partial Order and Equivalence Relations • A relation ρ on a set A is called a partial ordering of A if ρ is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive. • A relation ρ on a set A is called an equivalence relation if ρ is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Total Ordering • A relation ρ on a set A is |of A if ρ is a partial ordering and, for each pair of elements (x,y) in A×A at least one of (x,y)∈ρ or (y,x)∈ρ is true. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Inverse Relation • For any relation ρ ⊆ A×B, the inverse of ρ is defined by ρ-1 = {(y,x) | (x,Y) ∈ ρ} • If Dρ and Rρ are the domain and range of ρ, then Dρ-1 = Dρ and Rρ-1 = Rρ ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Equivalence Class • Let ρ ⊆ A×A be an equivalence relation on A. The equivalence class of an element x is defined as [x] = {y ∈ A | (x,y) ∈ ρ} • An equivalence relation on a set partitions the set. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Functions A relation f ⊆ A× B is a function if it has the property (x,y)∈ f and (x,z)∈ f implies y=z • If f ⊆ A× B is a function, we write f: A → B and say that f maps A into B. We use the common notation Y = f(x) to mean (x,y) ∈ f. • As before, the domain of f is the set Df = {x∈ A | for some y∈ B, (x,y) ∈ f} and the range of f is the set Rf = {y∈ B | for some x ∈ A, (x,y) ∈ f} • If Df ⊆ A, we say the function is a partial function; if Df = A, we say that f is a total function. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Functions (continued) • If x ∈ Df, we say that f is defined at x; otherwise f is undefined at x. • If Rf = B, we say that f maps Df onto B. • If a function f has the property f(x) = z and f(y) = z implies x = y then f is a one-to-one function. If f: A → B is a one-to-one function, f gives a one-to-one correspondence between elements of its domain and range. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Functions (continued) • Let X be a set and suppose A ⊆ X. Define function CA: X → {0,1} such that CA(x) = 1, if x∈ A; CA(x) = 0, otherwise. CA(x) is called the characteristic function of set A with respect to set X. • If f ⊆ A× B is a function, then the inverse of f is the set f-1 = {(y,x) | (x,y) ∈ f} f-1 is a function if and only if f is one-to-one. • Let f: A → B be a function, and suppose that X ⊆ A. Then the set Y = f(X) = {y ∈ B | y = f(x) for some x ∈ X} is known as the image of X under f. • Similarly, the inverse image of a set Y included in the range of f is f-1(Y) = {x ∈ A | y = f(x) for some y ∈ Y} ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Cardinality • Two sets A and B are of equal cardinality, written as |A| = |B| if and only if there is a one-to-one function f: A → B that maps A onto B. • We write |A| ≤ |B| if B includes a subset C such that |A| = |C|. • If |A| ≤ |B| and |A| ≠ |B|, then A has cardinality less than that of B, and we write |A| < |B| ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Cardinality (continued) • Let J = {1, 2, …} and Jn = {1, 2, …, n}. • A sequence on a set X is a function f: J → X. A sequence may be written as f(1), f(2), f(3), … However, we often use the simpler notation x1, x2, x3, …., xi ∈ X • A finite sequence of length n on X is a function f: Jn → X, usually written as x1, x2, x3, …., xn, xi ∈ X • The sequence of length zero is the function f: → X. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Finite and Infinite Sets • A set A is finite if |A| = |jn| for some integer n≥0, in which case we say that A has cardinality n. • A set is infinite if it is not finite. • A set X is denumerable if |X| = |j|. A set is countable if it is either finite or denumerable. • A set is uncountable if it is not countable. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Some Properties • Proposition: Every subset of J is countable. Consequently, each subset of any denumerable set is countable. • Proposition: A function f: J → Y has a countable range. Hence any function on a countable domain has a countable range. • Proposition: The set J × J is denumerable. Therefore, A × B is countable for arbitrary countable sets A and B. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Some Properties • Proposition: The set A ∪ B is countable whenever A and B are countable sets. • Proposition: Every infinite set X is at least denumerable ; that is |X| ≥ |J|. • Proposition: The set of all infinite sequence on {0, 1} is uncountable. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه Some Properties • Proposition: (Schröder-Bernestein Theorem) For any set A and B, if |A| ≥ |B| and |B| ≥ |A|, then |A| = |B|. • Proposition: (Cantor’s Theorem) For any set X, |X| < |P(X)|. ٨-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه &R31 fg • &Nد :R31در ،(T),در(F), • ا7ل :R31 • `3اB: ،4^: ,* ،% 01% :V ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ 1 ،0x` ،هن • )(Definition – ح &Uه *3P & 0اه ZاUد *.Z – =5ار ه 4ر_ 1اس اU& Vه1 Zن & .>3 • 1هن)(Proof – ا>ل & & 0* Ngرا & 01 >7Nدر31 ,دن 5= rار & *>. • `(Theorem)0x – =5ار ا 4ر_ * 0در31 ,دن <ن اAaت > ا., • 5= : (Lemma) ZRار ا< [ 0* 4ن را 1ه>ف اAaت =5ار ا 4د اAaت & *.Z • 5=:(Corollary) 0kار ا 0* 4در <ن I:از اAaت 01 0x` rد= `C1 در ,Tا., ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ >:ا *دن اAaت • روش E:رو> • روش &)3س • &Yل {N ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ هن1 اع3ا (Proof by Construction)اب3% دk ا1 تAa• ا (Proof by Contradiction) P هن1 • (Induction) اN• ا ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه اAUR • اAUR 1 – & 073kا& 4ه ,و [Hاز ZD7اً 3&) AUR ∑ E Гداد & 3د( – &Yل: ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ر 0ه • ر0 – – – – د 0RAا& 4ه از r ZD7اAUR &Yل: 3dل ر |ω| 1 0* ω 0ن داد & 3د >اد 3%3& ZD7د در ر0 ا., ر (λ ε)[ 0ر 0ا3d 1 4ل Uا., – rزر (substring)0زد 0RAا3& ZD7 C& 4ا Rاز ر0 ا., ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4ر 0ه • &3Nب rر0 – &Yل: • اRق ر 0ه – &Yل: ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4اAUR • :* 7 – & 073kم ر 0ه * 0از ا >R3 C1` ∑ 4AURه>. • :+ 7 – & 073kم ر 0ه 0* λ 5% 01از ا >R3 C1` ∑ 4AURه>. Tض *> }< . = {λ ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ز1ن ه • ز1ن – & 073kا 4از ر 0ه رو r 4اV& 4AUR – ه ز1ن رو r 4ا ،∑ 4AURز & 073kا 4از *∑ ا., – &Yل: ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4ز1ن ه • ز1ن ه P 73ص از & 073kه> و ا7ل رو 073k& 4ه در <ن ه C1` 5ا., – ا%ع – اا| – C_U – &Z ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4ز1ن ه • &3Nب rز1ن: – &Yل: ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4ز1ن ه • اRق) (Concatenationدو ز1ن: – &Yل: ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ ا7ل رو 4ز1ن ه • * 7 )* :(Kleene – & 073kم ر 0ه * 1 0اRق ر 0ه r 4ز1ن ` >R3 C1ه>. – &Yل: • * 7 >& 5 + 7ا 1 ,اU Vوت * 0ر λ 0در &C L 073k ., ز ن ه و ه دا*)( '&# $% ل دوّم ٨!-٨٧ Gödel Numbering • Let ∑ be an alphabet containing n objects. Let h: ∑ → Jn be an arbitrary one-to-one correspondence. Define function f as: f: ∑ → N such that f(ε) =0; f(w.v) = n f(w) + h(v), for w∈ ∑ and v∈ ∑. f is called a Gödel Numbering of ∑ . * * * • Proposition: ∑ * is denumerable. • Proposition: Any language on an alphabet is countable. ٨!-٨٧ ل دوّم # $%&' ()*دا ز ن ه و ه
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