A beam ®nite element based on layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory R.P. Shimpi *, A.V. Ainapure Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India Abstract A simple one-dimensional beam ®nite element, based on layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory, is presented. The element has two nodes and only three degrees of freedom per node. Yet, it incorporates through the thickness sinusoidal variation of in-plane displacement such that shear-stress free boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam element are satis®ed and the shear-stress distribution is realistic in nature. Constitutive relations between shear-stresses and shear-strains are satis®ed in all the layers, and, therefore, shear correction factor is not required. Compatibility at the layer interface in respect of inplane displacement is also satis®ed. It is to be noted that the element developed is free from shear locking. The results obtained are accurate and show good convergence. Unlike many other elements, transverse shear-stresses are evaluated directly using constitutive relations. The ecacy of the present element is demonstrated through the examples of static ¯exure and free vibration. Keywords: Beam ®nite element; Laminated beam; Layerwise theory; Shear deformation 1. Introduction Laminated composite beams are ®nding increasing use due to their high strength to weight and high stiness to weight ratios. It is to be noted that, the topic of ®nite elements pertaining to laminated beams does not appear extensively in literature as has been noted by Abramovich and Livshits [1], Abramovich et al. [2], Maiti and Sinha [3], Eisenberger et al. [4]. Even in case of laminated plate, layerwise models have shown the superiority of layerwise approach to predict accurately static and dynamic response of thick structures [5]. In layerwise theories, appropriate separate displacement ®eld expressions are assumed for each material layer, providing a kinematically better representation of the strain ®eld in discrete layer laminates [6]. Yuan and Miller [7] derived a ®ve noded beam ®nite element but, the number of degrees of freedom is dependent on number of layers (having 3N 7 total degrees of freedom per element for an N layered beam). Davalos et al. [8] presented a one-dimensional three noded laminated beam ®nite element having 2 N de- grees of freedom at each node for an N-layered beam. The layerwise constant shear-stresses obtained from constitutive relations are transformed into parabolic shear-stress distribution through tedious post-processing operation. In the present paper, a simple one-dimensional beam ®nite element, based on variationally consistent layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory [9] is presented. The element has two nodes and only three degrees of freedom per node. Yet, it incorporates through the thickness sinusoidal variation of in-plane displacement such that shear-stress free boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam element are satis®ed and the shear-stress distribution is realistic in nature. Compatibility at the layer interface in respect of in-plane displacement is satis®ed. Present element is free from shear locking. Transverse shear-stresses are evaluated directly using constitutive relations. The eectiveness of the present element is demonstrated through illustrative examples. 2. About layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory Layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory (LTSDT) has been discussed in [9]. The theory has been 154 extended to deal with free vibration [10]. Here, essential information about LTSDT will be outlined in brief. 2.1. About the beam The beam under consideration consists of two layers, layer-1 and layer-2. Layer-1 occupies the region: 0 6 x 6 L; b=2 6 y 6 b=2; h=2 6 z 6 0: b=2 6 y 6 b=2; 0 6 z 6 h=2; 2 2.2. Stress±strain relations Based on the assumptions made in respect of LTSDT [9], the stress±strain relations for the layers can be written as: rx 2 E 2 e 2 x ; 1 1 szx G 1 czx ; 2 2 szx G 2 czx ; where superscripts (1) and (2) refer to layer-1 and layer2, respectively. Elastic moduli E 1 ; E 2 and shear moduli G 1 ; G 2 can be expressed in the notation used by Jones [11] as follows: E 1 E1 and G 1 G31 if fibers in the layer-1 are along x-direction: E 1 E2 and u 1 u 2 where, x; y; z are right-handed Cartesian co-ordinates, L is the length, b is the width and h is the total depth of beam. The layers of beam are perfectly bonded to each other. Local principal material axes (Cartesian) for each layer are denoted as 1, 2 and 3. Direction 3 is such that it coincides with transverse z-direction, and direction 1 is parallel to the ®bers. The material densities of layer-1 and layer-2 are denoted by q 1 and q 2 , respectively. Material used for layers of beam is specially orthotropic and obeys Hooke's law [11]. The beam is subjected to lateral load q x; t on the top surface (i.e. surface z h=2), where t denotes time. rx 1 E 1 ex 1 ; The displacement ®eld of the present layerwise beam theory is given as follows: 1 Layer-2 occupies the region: 0 6 x 6 L; 2.3. The displacement ®eld G 1 G23 ow z ah ox p z=h a h C1 C2 sin / x; t; 2 0:5 a ow z ah ox p z=h h C3 sin 2 0:5 a a 3 / x; t; w w x; t; 4 5 where u 1 and u 2 are the in-plane displacements in the x-direction, superscripts (1) and (2) refer to layer-1 and layer-2, w the transverse displacement in the z-direction, t denotes time, and / is unknown function. Transverse displacement w and unknown function / are same for both the layers. C1 ; C2 ; C3 ; a are constants as given in Appendix A. 2.4. Governing equations and boundary conditions Using the principle of virtual work, variationally consistent dierential equations and associated boundary conditions for the beam under consideration at any instant of time are obtained. Governing dierential equations are: " # o2 M x ou 1 ou 2 q x; t; I1 I2 w 6 ox2 ox ox i oMs h 1 I3 u I4 u 2 7 Vs 0; ox where overdot denotes dierentiation w.r.t. time t, and Mx ; Ms ; Vs ; I1 ; I2 ; I3 ; I4 are as given in Appendix A. And, associated boundary conditions at x 0 and x L are: i oMx h 1 I1 u I2 u 2 0 OR w is prescribed; 8 ox ow is prescribed; 9 OR Mx 0 ox Ms 0 OR / is prescribed: 10 if fibers in the layer-1 are along y-direction: E 2 E1 and G 2 G31 if fibers in the layer-2 are along x-direction: E 2 E2 and G 2 G23 if fibers in the layer-2 are along y-direction: 3. Finite element formulation The ®nite element formulation of two layered crossply laminated beam (based on LTSDT) using Galerkin weighted residual method is outlined below. 155 3.1. Domain of the ®nite element under consideration The domain of the beam is divided into number of elements (say n 1 to N ). The typical nth beam ®nite element under consideration consists of two layers, i.e. layer-1 and layer-2. Layer-1 occupies the region: 0 6 x n 6 Ln ; bn =2 6 yn 6 bn =2; hn =2 6 zn 6 0: Layer-2 occupies the region: 0 6 x n 6 Ln ; bn =2 6 yn 6 bn =2; 0 6 zn 6 hn =2; where xn ; yn ; zn are element local co-ordinates (Cartesian), Ln is the length, bn is the width and hn is the total height of the nth beam ®nite element. Element local coordinates are related to global co-ordinates by xn x x for n 1; n 1 X Lm for n 2; 3; . . . N ; for n 1; 2; 3; . . . N ; zn z for n 1; 2; 3; . . . N : 3.2. Weak forms of the dierential equations Using governing dierential equations (6) and (7) and Galerkin weighted residual method, we get the weak form of dierential equations for the nth element as Z xn Ln o2 u 1 1 ou1 2 ou1 Mx 2 I1 u u I2 oxn oxn oxn xn 0 oMx u1 q xn ; tu1 dxn w u oxn 1 xn Ln ou xn Ln I1 Mx 1 0; 11 u 1 I2 u 2 u1 oxn xn 0 xn 0 xn Ln xn 0 Ms 1 ou2 Vs u2 oxn 2 I3 u u2 I4 u u2 dxn 13 / N5 /1 N6 /2 sin xt; 14 where w1 ; h1 ; /1 are nodal degrees of freedom associated with node 1 and w2 ; h2 ; /2 are nodal degrees of freedom associated with node 2. In case of statics, the term sin xt will be absent in expressions (13) and (14). Hermite shape functions N1 ; N2 ; N3 ; N4 and Lagrange shape functions N5 ; N6 are given as: N 2 xn The element is subjected to transverse normal load q x; t on top surface (i.e. zn hn =2). The element has two nodes, i.e. node 1 and node 2. Local co-ordinates of node 1 and node 2 are 0; 0; 0 and Ln ; 0; 0 respectively. Z w N1 w1 N2 h1 N3 w2 N4 h2 sin xt; N1 1 m1 yn y shape functions for / should be dierentiable only once. Since, in reality, slope is continuous across the elements, it is better to approximate not only w but also slope to be continuous across the elements. Therefore, Hermite cubic shape functions are used for approximating transverse de¯ection w, and Lagrange linear shape functions are used for approximating function /. Now w and / can be approximated as: n Ms u2 xxnn L 0 0; 12 where u1 ; u2 are weighing functions and are functions of xn . 3.3. Shape functions Examination of Eqs. (11) and (12) suggests that, the shape functions for the transverse displacement w should be twice dierentiable w.r.t. xn , whereas the 3 xn =Ln 2 2 xn =Ln 3 ; 2 x2n =Ln x3n =L2n ; N3 3 xn =Ln 2 2 xn =Ln 3 ; N4 x2n =Ln x3n =L2n ; N5 1 xn =Ln ; N6 xn =Ln : 15 16 17 18 19 20 3.4. Finite element equations In Eq. (11), using expressions (13) and (14) and replacing weighing function u1 successively by shape functions N1 ; N2 ; N3 ; N4 (given by expressions (15)±(18)), one obtains four equations. Similarly, in Eq. (12), using expressions (13) and (14) and replacing weighing function u2 successively by shape functions N5 ; N6 (given by expressions (19) and (20)), two additional equations are obtained. These six equations can be written in matrix form as ®nite element equation for the nth element: ff g ; kn fdgn mn fdg n n 21 where kn is element stiness matrix, mn the element mass matrix, fdgn the element displacement vector, fdg n the element acceleration vector and ff gn is element force vector. It should be noted that element stiness and mass matrices are symmetric in nature. The elements of the element stiness matrix kn are given by: Z xn Ln 2 d Ni d2 Nj kij Ic1 dxn dx2n dx2n xn 0 for i 1; 2; 3; 4 and j 1; 2; 3; 4 Z xn Ln 2 d Ni dNj Ic2 dxn dx2n dxn xn 0 for i 1; 2; 3; 4 and j 5; 6 156 Z Ic3 xn Ln xn 0 dNi dNj dxn Ic4 dxn dxn for i 5; 6 and Z xn Ln xn 0 here, and these results hardly dier from those corresponding results obtained using 30 and 40 elements. Ni Nj dxn j 5; 6; 22 where constants Ic1 ; Ic2 ; Ic3 ; Ic4 are given in Appendix A. The elements of the element mass matrix mn are given by: Z xn Ln Z xn Ln dNi dNj mij Im1 dxn Im4 Ni Nj dxn dxn dxn xn 0 xn 0 for i 1; 2; 3; 4 and j 1; 2; 3; 4 Z xn Ln dNi Im2 Nj dxn dxn xn 0 for i 1; 2; 3; 4 and j 5; 6 Z xn Ln Im3 Ni Nj dxn xn 0 for i 5; 6 and j 5; 6; 23 where constants Im1 ; Im2 ; Im3 ; Im4 are given in Appendix A. The element displacement vector fdgn is such that: T fdgn w1 h1 /1 w2 h2 /2 : 24 The elements of the element force vector ff gn are given by: Z xn Ln fi q xn ; tNi dxn Q i xn 0 for i 1; 2; 3; 4 Q i for i 5; 6; 25 where expressions for Q i (i 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6) are given as: oMx u 1 I2 u 2 u1 u1 ; Q 1 I1 oxn xn 0 ou ; Q 2 Mx 1 oxn xn 0 oMx 1 2 u ; u I2 u u1 I1 Q 3 oxn 1 xn Ln ou Q 4 Mx 1 ; oxn xn Ln Q 5 Ms u2 xn 0 ; Q 6 Ms u2 xn Ln : 4.1. Example 1: Flexure of two layered simply supported beam A two layered cross-ply beam with layer-1 (90° layer) and layer-2 (0° layer), occupies the regions given by expressions (1) and (2), respectively. Both the layers are of unidirectional graphite-epoxy. The beam is subjected to transverse normal sinusoidal load q x q sin px=L acting along z-direction, where q is magnitude of the sinusoidal loading per unit length at midspan. This is the same example, which was also considered by Pagano [15] and many others (e.g. [3,12,14]). The material properties of the beam material are such that: E 2 25; E 1 G 1 0:20; E 1 G 2 0:02: E 2 For the discretised laminated beam, all the element stiness matrices and force vectors are assembled using routine procedure. This assembly gives global ®nite element equation for bending: Kfdg fF g; 26 where K; fdg; fF g are global stiness matrix, global displacement vector and global force vector, respectively. Solution of the global ®nite element equation (26) is achieved after applying appropriate boundary conditions (Eqs. (8)±(10)). Results obtained for displacements and stresses at salient points are presented using nondimensionalised parameters in Tables 1±3, and Figs. 1±3. 4.1.1. Non-dimensionalised parameters The results in respect of transverse displacement, inplane normal bending stress, transverse shear-stress are presented in the following non-dimensionalised form in this paper. w 100 E 1 b h3 w ; q L 4 rx brx ; q szx bszx : q The percentage dierence (% Di) in results obtained by models of various researchers with respect to the corresponding results obtained by the LTSDT±CFS are calculated as follows: % Diff f value obtained by a model 4. Illustrative examples The eectiveness of the present element is demonstrated through following examples of static ¯exure and free vibration. It may be noted that for obtaining numerical results of the examples, the beam was divided into 2, 4, 10, 14, 20, 30 and 40 elements. For the sake of brevity, results obtained using 20 elements are given value by LTSDT±CFS = value by LTSDT±CFSg 100: 4.2. Example 2: Free vibration of two layered simply supported beam A simply supported two layered cross-ply [90/0] composite beam is considered. The two layered beam 157 Table 1 Comparison of non-dimensionalised maximum transverse displacement w of Example 1 At x 0:5L Source and model S4 S 10 w Beam bending models Present LTSDT±FEM Shimpi and Ghugal [9] LTSDT±CFS Manjunatha and Kant [12] HOSTB5±FEM Maiti and Sinha [3] HST±FEM Vinayak et al. [14] HSDT±FEM Euler-Bernoulli ETB Cylindrical plate bending models Lu and Liu [13] HSDT±CFS Pagano [15] Elasticity a a % Di w % Di 4.7437 0.00 2.9744 0.00 4.7437 0.00 2.9744 0.00 4.2828 )9.71 2.8986 )2.55 3.5346 )25.49 ) ) 4.5619 )3.83 ) ) 2.6281 )44.60 2.6281 )11.64 4.7773 0.71 3.0000 0.86 4.6953 )1.02 2.9569 )0.59 a % Di i.e. Percentage dierence quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT±CFS. Table 2 Comparison of non-dimensionalised transverse shear stress szx of Example 1 For S 4 at x 0:0 and z ah Source and model Beam bending models Present LTSDT±FEM Shimpi and Ghugal [9] LTSDT±CFS Manjunatha and Kant [12] HOSTB5±FEM Maiti and Sinha [3] HST±FEM Vinayak et al. [14] HSDT±FEM Euler±Bernoulli ETB Cylindrical plate bending models Lu and Liu [13] HSDT±CFS Pagano [15] Elasticity a szx CR % Di 2.9951 a szx EQM % Di 0.19 ) ) 2.9895 0.00 2.6784 0.00 1.9270 )35.54 2.8240 5.44 ) ) 2.4252 )9.45 ) ) 2.7500 2.67 ) ) 2.9453 9.96 2.7925 ) )6.59 ) ) 2.7000 a ) 0.81 % Di i.e. Percentage dierence quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT±CFS. with layer-1 and layer-2, occupies the regions given by expressions (1) and (2), respectively. The layer properties of the beam material under consideration are: E 1 9:65 GPa; E 2 144:80 GPa; G 1 3:45 GPa; G 2 4:14 GPa; 1 q 2 q 3 1389:23 kg=m : For the discretised laminated beam, all the element stiness matrices and force vectors are assembled using routine procedure. The assembly gives global ®nite element equation for free vibration f0g; Kfdg Mfdg 27 are global stiness matrix, glowhere K; M; fdg; fdg bal mass matrix, global displacement vector and global acceleration vector, respectively. The global ®nite element equation (27), after applying appropriate boundary conditions (Eqs. (8)±(10)), is solved for eigenvalues 158 Table 3 Comparison of non-dimensionalised in-plane stress rx of Example 1 Source and model For S 4, at x 0:5L and z h=2 rx Beam bending models Present LTSDT±FEM Shimpi and Ghugal [9] LTSDT±CFS Manjunatha and Kant [12] HOSTB5±FEM Maiti and Sinha [3] HST±FEM Vinayak et al. [14] HSDT±FEM Euler-Bernoulli ETB Cylindrical plate bending models Lu and Liu [13] HSDT±CFS Pagano [15] Elasticity a z h=2 % Di a rx % Di )3.9589 0.11 30.6167 0.17 )3.9547 0.00 30.5650 0.00 )3.7490 )5.20 27.0500 )11.50 )2.3599 )40.33 25.7834 )15.64 )4.0000 1.15 27.0000 )11.66 )3.0386 )23.16 27.9540 )8.54 )3.5714 )9.69 30.0000 )1.85 )3.8359 )3.00 30.0290 )1.75 a % Di i.e. Percentage dierence quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT±CFS. Fig. 1. Plot of maximum non-dimensional transverse de¯ection w at x 0:5L versus aspect ratio S. Fig. 2. Variation of non-dimensionalised transverse shear stress szx through the thickness at x 0 (for aspect ratio S 4). using general solution procedure. Results obtained for natural frequencies are presented in Table 4. 4.3. Example 3: Free vibration of single layered simply supported beam A simply supported single layered orthotropic beam, which is a special case of two layered orthotropic [0/0] composite beam, is considered here. This is the same example, which was also considered in [16,17]. This example can be posed as a two layered beam example. Layer-1 and layer-2 of the beam occupy the regions given by expressions (1) and (2), respectively. The layer properties are: Fig. 3. Variation of non-dimensionalised in-plane stress rx through the thickness at x 0:5L (for aspect ratio S 4). 159 Table 4 Comparison of natural frequencies x of (90/0) beam Example 2 S 10 15 120 Mode no. Natural frequency x in kHz Present LTSDT FSDT ETB 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0.2096 0.7410 1.4382 0.1436 0.5393 1.1115 0.0184 0.0734 0.1649 0.2093 0.7395 1.4340 0.1435 0.5386 1.1093 0.0184 0.0734 0.1648 0.2106 0.7509 1.4647 0.1440 0.5434 1.1264 0.0184 0.0734 0.1650 0.2192 0.8604 1.8782 0.1467 0.5817 1.2906 0.0184 0.0735 0.1654 Table 5 Comparison of natural frequencies x of orthotropic beam, Example 3 S Natural frequency x in kHz Mode no. 15 120 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Present LTSDT [10] FSDT [17] HSDT [16] CLT [16] 0.753 2.548 4.740 7.048 9.404 0.051 0.202 0.451 0.795 1.230 0.753 2.548 4.740 7.048 9.403 0.051 0.202 0.451 0.795 1.230 0.755 2.548 4.716 6.960 9.194 0.051 0.203 0.454 0.804 1.262 0.756 2.554 4.742 7.032 9.355 0.051 0.202 0.453 0.799 1.238 0.813 3.250 7.314 13.002 20.316 0.051 0.203 0.457 0.812 1.269 E 1 E 2 144:80 GPa; G 1 G 2 4:14 GPa; 3 q 1 q 2 1389:23 kg=m : Following similar procedure as that of Example 2, natural frequencies of the simply supported beam can be obtained. Results obtained for natural frequencies are presented in Table 5. 5. Discussion The exact results in respect of static ¯exure and free vibration examples studied here, are not available in the literature to the best of the knowledge of authors. In the absence of exact results, in respect of static ¯exure, many researchers (e.g. [3,12,14]) have compared their results with the exact solution of cylindrical bending of composite plate by Pagano [15]. However, it is to be noted that the dierence between cylindrical bending and beam bending is analogous to the dierence between plane strain and plane stress in classical theory of elasticity [18]. Therefore, cylindrical plate bending results are quoted here only for the sake of information. In case of free vibration, researchers (e.g. [16,19]) have compared their results with the ®rst order shear deformation theory (FSDT) results, probably in the absence of exact results. In this paper, results obtained in various references are compared with respect to the close form solution (CFS) results obtained by layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory in [9,10] because of the following: 1. In both the layers of the beam, constitutive relations are satis®ed between: 1.1. in-plane stress rx and in-plane strain ex , 1.2. transverse shear-stress szx and transverse shearstrain czx . 2. Continuity conditions between the layers are satis®ed a priori for: 2.1. in-plane displacement u, 2.2. transverse shear-stress szx . 3. In-plane displacement u is such that the resultant of in-plane stress rx acting over the cross-section is zero. Whereas, higher order shear deformation theories (HSDT) by Maiti and Sinha [3], Manjunatha and Kant [12], Vinayak et al. [14], Chandrashekhara and Bangera [16] do not satisfy all the characteristics. From the illustrative examples studied (i.e. Examples 1±3), for bending and free vibration, following observations are made for displacement, stresses and natural frequencies: 1. Transverse Displacement w: (a) For aspect ratio S equal to 4, it is observed from Table 1, that the maximum values of non-dimensionalised transverse displacement obtained by the present approach (LTSDT±FEM) are matching (upto three 160 Table 6 Comparison of dierent beam ®nite elements in respect of degrees of freedom (dof) and method of obtaining shear stresses Source Type of element Present Shi and Lam [19] Manjunatha and Kant [12] Vinayak et al. [14] Maiti and Sinha [3] 1D 1D 2D 1D 2D ± ± ± ± ± 2 2 4 3 9 noded, noded, noded, noded, noded, C1 C1 C0 C0 C0 type type type type type dof per element Shear stress obtained by using 6 8 20 21 108 Constitutive relations ) Constitutive relations or equilibrium equations Equilibrium equations Equilibrium equations decimal places) with LTSDT±CFS. Whereas, results obtained by other researchers using higher order theories are diering by 3% to 9% w.r.t. LTSDT±CFS. (b) From Fig. 1, it is seen that LTSDT±FEM results converge to elementary theory of bending (ETB) results as the aspect ratio increases, which demonstrates, the present element is free from shear locking. 2. Transverse shear-stress szx : To the best of the knowledge of authors, very few ®nite elements are available for beams which evaluate shear-stresses using constitutive relations. Evaluation of transverse stresses from integration of equilibrium equations is a vexing problem as per [12]. But Vinayak et al. [14] expressed dierence of opinion regarding this evaluation method. In this paper transverse shear-stresses are evaluated directly using constitutive relations only. From Table 2 and Fig. 2, the following needs to be noted about transverse shear-stress szx : (a) Results of maximum non-dimensionalised transverse shear-stress, obtained directly using constitutive relation, for the present element are typically diering by about 0.19% w.r.t. LTSDT±CFS for aspect ratio 4, whereas, results of Manjunatha and Kant [12] are diering by 35.54%. (b) Results of non-dimensionalised transverse shearstress, obtained indirectly by using equilibrium equations, by Maiti and Sinha [3], Manjunatha and Kant [12], Vinayak et al. [14] are diering by about 6.0% w.r.t. LTSDT±CFS for aspect ratio 4. Thus, it is seen that the present element gives accurate results for transverse shear-stress directly using constitutive relations (and thus avoiding the tedious way of obtaining the shear-stress indirectly by the use of equilibrium equation for evaluating transverse shear-stress). Thus, the element has the added advantage of simplicity. 3. In-plane stress rx : It is observed, from Table 3 and Fig. 3, that the maximum values of in-plane stress rx obtained by LTSDT±FEM are typically diering by 0.10% with LTSDT±CFS. Whereas, results obtained by other researchers [12,14,15] are diering typically by about 10% with LTSDT±CFS. Thus, it is seen that the present element gives accurate results for in-plane stress. 4. Natural frequency x: (a) It can be seen from Table 4, results of natural frequencies using the present element (LTSDT±FEM) are in close agreement (matching upto three decimal places) with LTSDT±CFS results for aspect ratios 10, 15, 120. Whereas, results of ®rst order shear deformation theory are matching upto second decimal point of LTSDT±CFS and as expected this dierence is increasing in case of higher modes, which indicates the eect of shear deformation. (b) LTSDT±FEM results converge to ETB results as the aspect ratio increases, which demonstrates, the present element is free from shear locking. (c) It can be seen from Table 5, among the available natural frequency results in respect of single layer orthotropic simply supported beam, present element gives most accurate results (matching upto three decimal places) w.r.t. LTSDT±CFS. It is to be noted that in Table 5 results of natural frequencies for CLT are taken from [16]. (d) From Tables 4 and 5, it can be seen that, as expected, the elementary theory of bending overestimates the natural frequencies. In addition to above discussion, it is interesting to note the comparison of present beam ®nite element and various beam ®nite elements in respect of degrees of freedom and method of obtaining shear-stresses. It can be clearly seen from Table 6 (wherein present element and various elements are compared) that: 1. The present element has only six degrees of freedom. All other elements have substantially more degrees of freedom per element. Therefore, the present element is computationally more ecient. 2. Only two references (the present one and the reference [12]) have reported obtaining shear-stresses directly by using constitutive relations. Therefore, cumbersome post-processing for obtaining shearstresses (in an indirect way by using equilibrium equations) is avoided. 6. Concluding remarks In this paper, a new displacement type beam ®nite element, which takes into account shear deformation eects, is developed for two layered cross-ply composite beams. The present ®nite element has following features: 1. It is one-dimensional, two noded ®nite element with only three degrees of freedom at each node. Yet, 161 1.1. the constitutive relations between shear-stress and shear-strain are satis®ed in both the layers, 1.2. shear-stress free boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam element are satis®ed, 1.3. compatibility at the layer interface in respect of in-plane displacement, as well as transverse shear-stress is satis®ed, and 1.4. the shear-stress distribution is realistic in nature. 2. The governing dierential equations and boundary conditions, on which the ®nite element formulation is based, are variationally consistent. 3. From the illustrative examples (dealing with static ¯exure and free vibration of two layered simply supported beams), it can be seen that: 3.1. Present element gives accurate results. 3.2. Unlike other elements, transverse shear-stresses are obtained directly using constitutive relations (instead of obtaining them in a tedious and indirect manner using equilibrium equations). 3.3. The use of element results in fast convergence. 3.4. It does not suer from shear locking. In general, present element is simple, accurate and easy to use. Z Mx pa E 2 pa C1 C2 sin sin 1 2a 1 2a E 1 E 2 1 E 1 2a pa 2C2 cos 2 p 1 2a E 1 2a pa 2 cos ; p 1 2a G2 0:5 a cos 1 pa 2a ; C2 pa G1 0:5 a cos 12a C3 pa E 1 sin 1 2a E 1 E 2 pa 2C2 sin 1 2a 2 pa E 1 2a 2 cos p 1 2a E 1 1 2a pa 2C2 cos : p 1 2a Mx ; Ms ; Vs ; I1 ; I2 ; I3 ; I4 as referred in Eqs. (6) and (7) are given as: z h=2 Z Z Ms yb=2 y b=2 zh=2 Z z0 yb=2 r 2 x z y b=2 Z z0 z h=2 yb=2 y b=2 ah dy dz rx 1 z ah dy dz; rx 1 h C1 Z zh=2 Z yb=2 p z=h a dy dz 2 0:5 a z0 y b=2 p z=h a r 2 dy dz; x h C3 sin 2 0:5 a C2 sin Z Vs z0 Z z h=2 yb=2 y b=2 pC2 1 2a Z I1 z0 z h=2 Z I2 Z zh=2 z0 Z z0 yb=2 yb=2 p z=h a 2 0:5 a Z zh=2 Z yb=2 z0 y b=2 a p z=h 2 0:5 y b=2 Z 1 szx cos dy dz y b=2 Z s 2 zx cos Appendix A Constants associated with displacement ®eld (as referred in Eqs. (3)±(5)): 1 E 2 E 1 a ; 4 E 2 E 1 Z z0 a p 1 2a q 1 z ah dy dz; q 2 z ah dy dz; dy dz; yb=2 q 1 p z=h a h C1 C2 sin dy dz; 2 0:5 a Z zh=2 Z yb=2 p z=h a 2 q h C3 sin I4 dy dz: 2 0:5 a z0 y b=2 I3 z h=2 y b=2 Integration constants associated with element stiness matrix (refer Eq. (22)) are 8 9 Ic1 > > > = <I > c2 > I > > ; : c3 > Ic4 9 8 1 E zn ahn 2 > > > > h i > > > > 1 p zn =hn a > > > E h z ah C C sin Z zn 0 > n n n 1 2 = < 2 0:5a h i2 dzn z =h a n n 1 2 p > zn hn =2 > > > E hn C1 C2 sin 2 0:5a > > > > > > > > ; : G 1 p2 C22 cos2 p zn =hn a 12a2 2 0:5a 9 8 2 E zn ahn 2 > > > > h i > > > > 2 p zn =hn a > > > > Z zn hn =2 < E hn zn ahn C3 sin 2 0:5 a = h i 2 dzn : =hn a > > E 2 h2n C3 sin p2 zn0:5 zn 0 > > a > > > > > > > > ; : G 2 p2 cos2 p zn =hn a 2 2 0:5 a 1 2a 162 Integration constants associated with element mass matrix (refer Eq. (23)) are 8 9 Im1 > > > = < > Im2 I > > > ; : m3 > Im4 9 8 > > q 1 zn ahn 2 h > > i > > > z=hn a > 1 p Z zn 0 > = < q hn zn ahn C1 C2 sin 2 0:5a > h i2 dzn > 1 2 p zn =hn a zn hn =2 > > > > > q hn C1 C2 sin 2 0:5a > > > > ; : 1 hn q bn 2 9 8 2 > q 2 zn ahn > > h i > > > > > 2 =hn a > Z zn hn =2 > = < q hn zn ahn C3 sin p2 zn0:5 a h i2 dzn : > > 2 2 p zn =hn a zn 0 > > q h C 3 sin 2 0:5 a > > n > > > > ; : 2 hn q bn 2 References [1] Abramovich H, Livshits A. Free vibrations of non-symmetric cross-ply laminated composite beams. J Sound Vib 1994;176(5):597±612. [2] Abramovich H, Eisenberger M, Shulepov O. Vibrations and buckling of cross-ply nonsymmetric laminated composite beams. AIAA J 1996;34(5):1064±9. [3] Maiti DK, Sinha PK. Bending and free vibration analysis of shear deformable laminated composite beams by ®nite element method. Compos Struct 1994;29:421±31. [4] Eisenberger M, Abramovich H, Shulepov O. 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