The enhancement of Fe hyperfine field with Mn addition in a Fe(80−x−y)NiyMnxB12Si8 alloys Nirupama Sharma, A. K. Nigam, Shiva Prasad, S. N. Shringi, Girish Chandra et al. Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 69, 5364 (1991); doi: 10.1063/1.348030 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Spin-lattice dynamics model for magnon-phonon-electron heat transfer on a million atom scale J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D114 (2012) Reduction of switching current density in perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions by tuning the anisotropy of the CoFeB free layer J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C907 (2012) Dynamic hysteresis modeling of silicon steel having nonuniform magnetic property J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D110 (2012) Anisotropy in collective precessional dynamics in arrays of Ni80Fe20 nanoelements J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D503 (2012) Effect of pressure loading rate on the crystallographic texture of NdFeB nanocrystalline magnets J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A717 (2012) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see The enhancement of Fe hyperfine in a-Fe(~o--x-~~NiyMn,B,,Si, alloys field with Mn addition Nirupama Sharma Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, (400076) India A. K. Nigam Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Bombay, (400005) India Shiva Prasad and S. N. Shringi Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, (400076) India Girish Chandra Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Bornboy, (400005) India R. Krishnan Laboratoire de Magnetisme, C. N. RS., 9219.5 Meudon Cedex, France Amorphous Fecgo- x -u) Ni ,M n,BlaSis alloys with O<x<l and 2O<y<50, have been studied using Mijssbauer spectroscopy at 77 K. It has been found that the sharp rise in the alloy magnetic moment for certain specific values of x and y can be best explained if both pi+ for those particular samples. However, the increase in PNi ( -80%) is and PNi increase much larger than that in &e ( - 5%). Ii. EXPERIMENTAL I. INTRODUCTION The presence of Mn in amorphous ferromagnetic alloys gives rise to many interesting features as far as magnetic properties are concerned. For example, in a-Fe-M alloys (Mmetalloid), the addition of Mn gives rise to a large decrease in the magnetic moment, an effect which is invariably found when early 3d transition metals (TM) are included in Fe-based amorphous alloys.’ However, in Cobased alloys the addition of Mn does not cause any decrease in the magnetic moment and shows a rather small increase.L This behavior is contrary to the addition of other early 3d transition metals like Cr, in the same Co-based alloys. In an Fe-N&M system containing about 50% Ni also, the presence of Mn does not show any significant decrease in the magnetic moment. On the other hand, it is found that in a-Fe!~o_x_y~NiSMnxB1ZSi8, for y=40 and 45, the presence of around 0.2%-0.5% of Mn becomes responsible for a sharp increase (-20%) of the magnetic moment.3 This phenomenon is not clearly understood. Since the concentration of Mn is very small in these alloys, the increase in the alloy magnetic moment has to be attributed to an increase in magnetic moment of either or both Fe and Ni. But it is not clear which of these moments is actually increasing. On the basis of a room-temperature Miissbauer study,4 Krishnan et aL3 predicted that the sharp increase in the magnetic moment of a-Fe(sa _ L _ ,+Ni,MnXBr2Si8 for a certain small concentration of Mn, could be caused by an increase of both the Ni magnetic moment (PNi) and the Fe magnetic moment (pi+). In this paper, we report the low-temperature (77 K) Mossbauer study on Ni n,B&Sis (with O<x<l and 2Oc;y<50, a-F%0 - x-y) yM expressed in at. % ) . An attempt has been made to combine this data with the magnetic-moment results in order to yield information about pFe and pNi* 5364 J. Appl. Phys. 69 (8), 15 April 1991 DETAILS The alloys were prepared by the melt-spinning technique. The samples were in the form of ribbons about 3 mm wide and nearly 35 pm thick. Miissbauer measurements were carried out in the standard transmission geometry, at 77 K. The source used was 57Co (in Rh matrix). A natural Fe absorber was used for calibration. The analysis of the spectra was done using Window’s Fourier series method.5 An H,,,,, of 400 kG was used. The intensity ratio of the second to the third line, linewidth of the subspectra, quadrupole splitting, and the isomer shift gradient were the parameters optimized to give minimum x2. The details of the fitting procedure are similar to those in our earlier publication.’ Ill. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Mijssbauer spectra and the corresponding P(H) for some of our samples, viz., y=45 and x=0, 0.2,0.5, and 1.0, are shown in Fig. 1. The linewidth at half-maximum of the hyperfine field distribution P(H) ranges between 35-45 kG. These values are comparable to the values obtained by Whittle and Stewart,7 for a-Fess -,Ni,B,, alloys. We do not observe any bimodality in the P(H) curves which is usually found in early 3d TM-containing alloys. However the small Mn concentration in these alloys may not be enough to give rise to this effect. Figure 2 shows the hyperfine field values, obtained from P(H), as a function of Ni concentration for x=0. From the figure one finds that the average hypertine field H,, shows a broad maximum as a function of Ni concentration. This result is somewhat surprising noting the fact that the addition of Ni always caused reduction in the magnetic moment of the alloy;3’8 for example, the alloy magnetic moment drops by -25% as Ni concentration increases from 20 to 40 at. %.8 Mossbauer studies in FeNi-M alloys, on the other hand, do not indicate such a 0021-8979/91/085364-03$03.00 @ 1991 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 5364 [FeBO-x-y bilk* b:-xj E:2 S:a - 77~ 0 0 0 0.06 0 y=3! 0.02 e - 0.02 e ,my=4( 0.06 0.02 A ^- - 0.02 b A A Ay=4! A A , , c A I,, -20 KG 0.0 0.2 Mn Fe 80-x-y FIG. 1. Mksbauer spectra and hyperfine field distributions Fe~s0-r-ylNi~nnB12Si8 alloys at 77 K. AyY=5l 0.6 -----ik CONCENTRATION, x Niy Mn,‘12 si8 of a- FIG. 3. Average hyperfme field, H,, vs Mn concentration. rapid fall in Fe hyperfine field. In fact, Ha, is found to be reasonably constant within 5% over a large concentration range of Ni on the Fe-rich side.8 Whittle and Stewart, on the other hand, have found a broad maximum in H,,, similar to that observed by us, in FegS-xNixBIS alloys and have discussed this effect in detail7 The presence of such a maximum with Ni concentration may be dependent on the system studied; yet, it is clear that the hyperfine field drops x = 0.0 27oi----- 1 260 Y 0 0 0 0 0250 2201 15 I I , I I I I 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Ni Fe8()-x-y CONCENTRATION, Niy Mn, 812 55 y SC3 FIG. 2. Average hyperfine field, H,, vs Ni concentration, for x = 0. 5365 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 69, No. 8,15 April 1991 much more slowly as compared to the magnetic moment of the alloy. The hyperfine field is usually given by &=AcLF~ (1) + BIA where ,u is the average magnetic moment of the alloy. In our alloys, for y=35-45, the hyperiine field is constant within the experimental accuracy (Fig. 2), while ,u is found to decrease by 30%.3 fi values have been measured at 4.2 K; Hay is, however, at 77 K. But at T=77 K, T/T, is very small, i.e., less than 0.12, so we can assume that the departure from the saturation H,, value will be nearly identical for all the samples, such that it can be taken care of by a slightly reduced value of A. Hence Eq. ( I) would indicate that if A and B are nearly constant over this concentration range, the Bp term is expected to have a smaller effect on the Ha, than A/Q+. This would indicate that in the present series, the presence of Ni up to -45 at. % does not cause any decrease in ,&i+. Figure 3 shows the variation of Ha, as a function of X. We observe that H,, goes through a maximum around x=0.2-0.5, for y=35, 40, and 45. For y=40 and 45, the rise in the Ha, values is observed for the same samples that showed an enhancement in the alloy magnetic moment. But this increase is only 4%-5% as against the 20% increase observed in p. For the present system, p per formula unit can be expressed as Y= I(80 --x --Y)PF~ + YpNi + ~~~n1/100- (2) Thus, the increase in J.Lcould be because of an increase in any of the three moments, viz., PM,,, ,++, and PNi. Krishnan et aL3s9 have used the nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) spin-echo technique to estimate ,u~ They found Sharma Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see et a/. 5365 that this moment is quite large ( -3.3 ,LL~),for all values of x in the present series. But since the concentration of Mn is quite small in these alloys, this alone cannot be responsible for the sharp increase in p. Hence, it becomes necessary to postulate that either or both ,+e and I-LNiincrease with the addition of Mn. If we assume that it is only PNi that is increasing with x, keeping &Q constant, we can fit Eq. ( 1) to the Ha, vs p data. This would be a straight line under the present assumption. In this way we can obtain the values for B and A,L+~. If we take a value of p&-2.1 PB and pMn = 3.3 PLg,we Can CalCUlate PNi, from Eq. (2) which iS found to vary from 0.39 to 0.91 pB as x goes from 0 to 0.5, for y=40 while A and B are found to be almost 80 and 96 kG/p,, respectively. This shows a rather high value of PNi when compared to crystalline alloys. On the other hand, if we try to assume that it is only pFe that increases with x, then using the procedure similar to the one adopted by Prasad et uZ.,‘~ one can calculate j+j, A, and B, which all turn out to be unrealistic. In our earlier discussion on Ha, as a function of y, we noted that the Bp term could be much smaller than A,LLF~in Eq. ( 1). Hence .we tend to make an assumption that H,, = A,LL~,.Such an assumption has been used quite commonly in the literature. ‘,* The value of A was taken to be 120 kG/pB, which is similar to the value usually found in a large number of amorphous crystalline alloys.” Using this value of A and the experimental value of H,,, one can determine ,!+ and using this in Eq. (2), YNi can be obtained. These values are given in Table I. From this table we find that both &+ and PNi show an increase for the samples that exhibit enhanced magnetic moment. Also the increase in PNi is much larger than that in ,+e. These values, specially /‘Ni, appear to be more realistic than the case when pFe was assumed to be constant. We therefore feel that the increase in the moment of the alloy is also partly because of an increase in pFe. As can be seen from Fig. 3, for y=50, no increase in H,, was obtained. The present assumption would indicate that ,$+ continuously decreases with x, for this value of y. Hence it appears that the increase in pFe is caused only 5366 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 69, No. 8, 15 April 1991 TABLE I. Mijssbauer and magnetic-moment data along with the calculated values of /+ and pm, for the a-Fe,,, _ I _ ,.,Ni@n,BlzSis alloys. x at. % y=40 0.0 0.5 1.0 y=45 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 f&v(=) PW ~Fehd pNi(pB) 255 265 25s 0.994 1.190 0.990 2.13 2.21 2.13 0.36 0.75 0.32 2.12 2.23 2.12 2.07 0.35 0.64 0.39 0.46 254 0.90 268 1.06 254 248 0.89 0.88 when a certain critical amount of Ni and Mn are present together. The reason for this is, however, not clear. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The electron probe microanalysis of the samples by Mme. Kommeluere is gratefully acknowledged. ’G. L. Whittle, A. M. Stewart, and A. B. Kaiser, Phys. Status Solidi A 97, 199 (1986). ‘R. C. O’Handley and M. 0. Sullivan, J. Appl. Phys. 52, 1841 (1981). ‘R Krishnan, H. Lassiri, P. Rougier, K. Le Dang, and P. Veillet, in Proceedings of ICPMM, Poland, edited by W. Gorzkowski, H. Szymczak, and H. 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