Chapter 3 Power and Energy Basics Power and Energy Basics Jan M. Rabaey Slide 3.1 Chapter Outline Metrics Dynamic power Static power Energy– delay trade-offs Slide 3.2 Metrics Delay (s): – Performance metric Energy (Joule) – Efficiency metric: effort to perform a task Power (Watt) – Energy consumed per unit time Power*Delay (Joule) – Mostly a technology parameter – measures the efficiency of performing an operation in a given technology Energy*Delay = Power*Delay2 (Joule s) – Combined performance and energy metric – figure of merit of design style Other Metrics: Energy-Delayn(Joule sn) – Increased weight on performance over energy Slide 3.3 Where Is Power Dissipated in CMOS? Active (Dynamic) power – (Dis)charging capacitors – Short-circuit power Both pull-up and pull-down on during transition Static (leakage) power – Transistors are imperfect switches Static currents – Biasing currents Slide 3.4 Active (or Dynamic) Power Key property of active power: Pdyn ∝ f where f is the switching frequency Sources: Charging and discharging capacitors Temporary glitches (dynamic hazards) Short-circuit currents Slide 3.5 Charging Capacitors Applying a voltage step ER = E0→1 = CV 2 1 CV 2 2 R EC = V C d C d d d C Value of R does not impact energy! Slide 3.6 1 CV 2 2 Applied to Complementary CMOS Gate VDD PMOS A1 AN 2 E 0→1 = CLV DD iL ER = NETWORK 1 2 CLVDD 2 Vout NMOS CL EC = 1 2 CLVDD 2 NETWORK One half of the power from the supply is consumed in the pull-up network and one half is stored on C L Charge from C L is dumped during the 1→ 0 transition Independent of resistance of charging/discharging network Slide 3.7 Circuits with Reduced Swing E0 1 = VC 0 dVC dt = CV dt V VT dVC = CV (V VTH ) 0 Energy consumed is proportional to output swing Slide 3.8 Charging Capacitors – Revisited Driving from a constant current source ER = ( RC ) CV 2 T R E0→1 = EC + E R EC = I C T= CV I ∞ ∫ E R = I ( RI ) dt = RI 2T = ( 0 1 CV 2 2 RC ) CV 2 T Energy dissipated in resistor can be reduced by increasing charging time T (i.e., decreasing I) Slide 3.9 Charging Capacitors Using constant voltage or current driver? Econstant_current < Econstant_voltage if T > 2RC Energy dissipated using constant-current charging can be made arbitrarily small at the expense of delay: Adiabatic charging Note: tp (RC) = 0.69 RC t0 → 90%(RC) = 2.3 RC Slide 3.10 Charging Capacitors Driving using a sine wave (e.g., from resonant circuit) R EC = v(t) 1 CV 2 2 C Energy dissipated in resistor can be made arbitrarily small if frequency ω << 1/RC (output signal in phase with input sinusoid) Slide 3.11 Dynamic Power Consumption Power = Energy per transition × Transition rate = CLVDD2 f0→1 = CLVDD2 f p0→1 = CswitchedVDD2f Power dissipation is data dependent – depends on the switching probability, p0→1 Switched capacitance Cswitched = p0→1CL= αCL (α is called the switching activity factor) Slide 3.12 Impact of Logic Function Example: Static two-input NOR gate A B Out 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Assume signal probabilities pA =1 = 1/2 pB =1 = 1/2 Then transition probability p0→1 = pout=0 × pout=1 = 3/4 × 1/4 = 3/16 If inputs switch every cycle α NOR = 3/16 NAND gate yields similar result Slide 3.13 Impact of Logic Function Example: Static two-input XOR gate A B Out 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Assume signal probabilities pA=1 = 1/2 pB=1 = 1/2 Then transition probability p0→1 = pout=0 × pout=1 = 1/2 × 1/2 = 1/4 If inputs switch every cycle p0→1 = 1/4 Slide 3.14 Transition Probabilities for Basic Gates As a function of the input probabilities p0→1 AND (1 – pA pB )pA pB OR (1 – pA)(1 –pB)(1 – (1 –pA)(1 – pB)) XOR (1– (pA + pB – 2 pA pB))(pA + pB – 2 pA pB) Activity for static CMOS gates α = p 0 p1 Slide 3.15 Activity as a Function of Topology XOR versus NAND/NOR P XOR NAND/NOR α NOR,NAND = (2N – 1)/2 2NαXOR = 1/4 Slide 3.16 How About Dynamic Logic? V DD Pre-charge Energy dissipated when effective output is zero! or p0→1 = p0 Eval Always larger than p 0p 1! E.g., p0→1(NAND) = 1/2 N ; p0→1 (NOR) = (2 N – 1)/2N Activity in dynamic circuits hence always higher than in static. But ... capacitance most often smaller. Slide 3.17 Differential Logic? V DD Out Out Gate Static: Activity is doubled Dynamic: Transition probability is 1! Hence power always increases. Slide 3.18 Evaluating Power Dissipation of Complex Logic Simple idea: start from inputs and propagate signal probabilities to outputs p1 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.045 0.99 0.989 0.1 0.5 0.25 0.5 But: – Reconvergent fan-out – Feedback and temporal/spatial correlations Slide 3.19 Reconvergent Fan-out (Spatial Correlation) Inputs to gates can be interdependent (correlated) reconvergence A X Z A X Z B no reconvergence p Z = 1–(1–pA )p B PZ : probability that Z = 1 reconvergent p Z = 1–(1–pA)pA ? NO! pZ = 1 Must use conditional probabilities pZ = 1–p A . p(X |A) = 1 probability that X = 1 given that A = 1 Becomes complex and intractable real fast Slide 3.20 Temporal Correlations Feedback X R Logic X is a function of itself → correlated in time Temporal correlation in input streams 01010101010101... 00000001111111... Both streams have same P = 1 but different switching statistics Activity estimation the hardest part of power analysis Typically done through simulation with actual input vectors (see later slides) Slide 3.21 Glitching in Static CMOS Analysis so far did not include timing effects A X B Z C ABC 101 000 X Glitch Z Gate Delay The result is correct, but extra power is dissipated Slide 3.22 Also known as dynamic hazards: “A single input change causing multiple changes in the output” Example: Chain of NAND Gates Out1 Out2 Out3 1 3.0 Out 6 Voltage (V) Out 2 2.0 Out 6 Out 8 Out 7 1.0 Out 1 Out 3 0.0 0 Out 5 200 400 Time (ps) Slide 3.23 600 Out4 Out5 What Causes Glitches? A A X B B Y C C Z D A,B A,B C,D X Z Y D C,D Y X X Y Z Uneven arrival times of input signals of gates due to unbalanced delay paths Solution: balancing delay paths! Slide 3.24 Z Short-Circuit Currents (also called crowbar currents) V DD V DD–V TH V in V in I sc V out CL I peak V TH t I sc t PMOS and NMOS simultaneously ON during transition Psc ~ f Slide 3.25 Short-Circuit Currents VDD VDD Isc = IMAX Isc∼ 0 Vin Vout CL 2.5 Large load Vin × 10−4 Small load C = 20 fF 2 Isc (A) Vout CL 1.5 C = 100 fF 1 C = 500 fF 0.5 0 −0.5 0 20 40 time (s) 60 Equalizing rise/fall times of input and output signals limits Psc to 10–15% of the dynamic dissipation [Ref: H. Veendrick, JSSC’84] Slide 3.26 Modeling Short-Circuit Power Can be modeled as capacitor τin C SC = k (a τ + b) out a, b: technology parameters k: function of supply and threshold voltages, and transistor sizes E SC = C SCVDD2 Easily included in timing and power models Slide 3.27 Transistors Leak Drain leakage – Diffusion currents – Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) Junction leakage – Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) Gate leakage – Tunneling currents through thin oxide Slide 3.28 Sub-threshold Leakage Off-current increases exponentially when reducing VTH I leak = I 0 Slide 3.29 W 10 W0 −VTH S Pleak = VDD.I leak Sub-Threshold Leakage Leakage current increases with drain voltage (mostly due to DIBL) I leak = I 0 W 10 W0 −VTH + λ dVDS S (for VDS > 3 kT/q) Hence Pleak = ( I 0 W 10 W0 −VTH S λ d VDD )(VDD 10 S ) Leakage power is a strong function of supply voltage Slide 3.30 Stacking Effect Assume that body-biasing effect in short-channel transistor is small NAND gate: VDD I leak,M1 = I 0′ 10 −VM − VTH + λ d (VDD − VM ) S Ileak,M2 = I 0′ 10 VM ≈ − I stack ≈ 10 I inv Slide 3.31 −VTH + λ dVM S λd VDD 1+ 2λ d λ d VDD 1+ λd ( ) 1+ 2 λd (instead of the S expected factor of 2) Stacking Effect 3 × 10–9 2.5 90 nm NMOS I leak (A) 2 I M1 1.5 factor 9 IM2 1 0.5 Leakage Reduction 0 0 Slide 3.32 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 VM (V) 1 2 NMOS 9 3 NMOS 17 4 NMOS 24 2 PMOS 8 3 PMOS 12 4 PMOS 16 Gate Tunneling VDD Exponential function of supply voltage IGD~ e–Tox eVGD , IGS ~ e–Tox eVGS Independent of the sub-threshold leakage ISUB VDD 0V IGD × 10 1.8 1.6 ILeak 90 nm CMOS Igate (A) 1.4 IGS 1.2 1 Modeled in BSIM4 0.8 Also in BSIM3v3 (but not always included in foundry models) 0.6 0.4 NMOS gate leakage usually worse than PMOS 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 VDD (V) Slide 3.33 0.9 1 Other Sources of Static Power Dissipation Diode (drain–substrate) reverse-bias currents p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+ n well p substrate • Electron-hole pair generation in depletion region of reversebiased diodes • Diffusion of minority carriers through junction • For sub-50 nm technologies with highly doped pn junctions, tunneling through narrow depletion region becomes an issue Strong function of temperature Much smaller than other leakage components in general Slide 3.34 Other Sources of Static Power Dissipation Circuit with dc bias currents: sense amplifiers, voltage converters and regulators, sensors, mixed-signal components, etc. Should be turned off when not in use, or standby current should be minimized Slide 3.35 Summary of Power Dissipation Sources P ~ α ⋅ (CL + CSC) ⋅ Vswing ⋅ VDD ⋅ f + (IDC + ILeak) ⋅ VDD α – switching activity C L – load capacitance CSC – short-circuit capacitance Vswing – voltage swing f – frequency P= Slide 3.36 I DC – static current I leak – leakage current energy × rate + staticpower operation The Traditional Design Philosophy Maximum performance is primary goal – Minimum delay at circuit level Architecture implements the required function with target throughput, latency Performance achieved through optimum sizing, logic mapping, architectural transformations Supplies, thresholds set to achieve maximum performance, subject to reliability constraints Slide 3.37 CMOS Performance Optimization Sizing: Optimal performance with equal fan-out per stage CL Extendable to general logic cone through “logical effort” Equal effective fan-outs (g i Ci+1 /Ci ) per stage Example: memory decoder pre-decoder addr input word driver 3 15 CW {Ref: I. Sutherland, Morgan-Kaufman‘98] Slide 3.38 word line CL Model Not Appropriate Any Longer Traditional scaling model 1 ), 0 .7 1 1 2 × 1 . 14 2 ) × ( 0 . 7 2 ) × ( Power = CVDD f= ( ) = 1 .3 0 .7 0 .7 If VDD = 0 . 7 , and Freq = ( Maintaining the frequency scaling model If V DD = 0 . 7 , and Freq = 2 , 1 2 = CVDD × 1 . 14 2 ) × ( 0 . 7 2 ) × ( 2 ) = 1 . 8 f= ( 0 .7 Power While slowing down voltage scaling If V DD = 0 . 85 , and Freq = 2 , 1 × 1 . 14 2 ) × ( 0 . 85 2 ) × ( 2 ) = 2 . 7 0 .7 2 Power = CVDD f= ( Slide 3.39 The New Design Philosophy Maximum performance (in terms of propagation delay) is too power-hungry, and/or not even practically achievable Many (if not most) applications either can tolerate larger latency or can live with lower-than-maximum clock speeds Excess performance (as offered by technology) to be used for energy/power reduction Trading off speed for power Slide 3.40 Relationship Between Power and Delay –4 –10 × 10 1 5 4 0.6 Delay (s) Power (W) 0.8 × 10 A 0.4 0.2 0 4 V DD B 3 (V 2 ) 1 0.8 0.4 –0. 4 0 ) V ( H VT 3 2 1 0 4 A V 3 2 DD (V ) B 1 0.8 0.4 0 –0.4 V) V TH ( For a given activity level, power is reduced while delay is unchanged if both VDD and VTH are lowered, such as from A to B [Ref: T. Sakurai and T. Kuroda, numerous references] Slide 3.41 The Energy–Delay Space VDD Equal-performance curves Equalenergy curves VTH Energy minimum Slide 3.42 Energy–Delay Product As a Metric 3.5 3 90 nm technology VTH approx 0.35 V delay 2.5 2 1.5 energy–delay product 1 energy 0.5 0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 VDD Energy–delay product exhibits minimum at approximately 2V TH (typical unless leakage dominates) Slide 3.43 Exploring the Energy–Delay Space Energy Unoptimized design Emax Pareto-optimal designs Emin Dmin Dmax Delay In energy-constrained world, design is trade-off process ♦ Minimize energy for a given performance requirement ♦ Maximize performance for given energy budget [Ref: D. Markovic, JSSC’04] Slide 3.44 Summary Power and energy are now primary design constraints Active power still dominating for most applications –Supply voltage, activity and capacitance the key parameters Leakage becomes major factor in sub-100 nm technology nodes –Mostly impacted by supply and threshold voltages Design has become energy–delay trade-off exercise! Slide 3.45 References D. Markovic, V. Stojanovic, B. Nikolic, M.A. Horowitz and R.W. Brodersen, “Methods for true energy–performance optimization,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 39(8), pp. 1282–1293, Aug. 2004. J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective,” 2nd ed, Prentice Hall 2003. T. Sakurai, “Perspectives on power-aware electronics,” Digest of Technical Papers ISSCC, pp. 26–29, Feb. 2003. I. Sutherland, B. Sproull and D. Harris, “Logical Effort”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. H. Veendrick, “Short-circuit dissipation of static CMOS circuitry and its impact on the design of buffer circuits,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, SC-19(4), pp. 468–473, 1984. Slide 3.46
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