
4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
Memorandum To: Lake View High School Stakeholders From: Scott Grens, Principal Date: January 12, 2016 Re: Seeking Local School Council (LSC) Representatives for 2016-­‐2018 Dear LVHS Stakeholder, Are you a parent, community member, or school staff member who wants to strengthen Lake View High School (LVHS) and have a positive impact on student achievement? If so, then you should consider running for the Lake View High School Local School Council (LSC) by completing the attached application and handing it in at LVHS before the deadline of March 4th, 2016. No experience or formal education is required and a few eligibility exceptions apply. For more detailed information, please contact Ms. Ramirez in the Main Office at Lake View High School, 773.534.5440. Elected LSCs in High Schools consist of 13 voting members: 1 – Principal 6 -­‐ Parent representatives 2 -­‐ Community representatives 2 -­‐ Teacher representatives 1 -­‐ Non-­‐teaching staff representative 1 -­‐ Student representative Parents and community members elect the parent and community representatives. School staffs vote for teacher and non-­‐teaching staff candidates to be appointed to those positions on the LSC by the Board. Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to contribute to Chicago’s Premier Neighborhood High School, Lake View High School. LVHS is HOME, Mr. Scott Grens, Principal Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
Estimadas partes interesadas de LVHS, ¿Es usted un padre, miembro de la comunidad, o miembro del personal de la escuela que quiere fortalecer a Lake View (LVHS) y al mismo tiempo tener un impacto positivo en el rendimiento de los estudiantes? Si es así, entonces usted debería considerar correr para el Consejo Escolar Local (LSC) de la secundaria Lake View, completando la solicitud adjunta y entregándola a LVHS antes de la fecha límite del 4 de marzo del 2016. No se requiere experiencia o de educación formal y se aplican algunas excepciones de elegibilidad. Para obtener información más detallada, por favor comunicarse con la Srta. Ramírez en la oficina principal de Lake View, 773.534.5440. LSC electos en Escuelas Secundarias constan de 13 miembros con derecho a voto: 1 – Director 6 -­‐ Representantes de los padres 2 -­‐ Representantes de la comunidad 2 -­‐ Representantes de maestros 1 -­‐ Representante del personal no docente 1 -­‐ Representante estudiantil Los padres y miembros de la comunidad eligen a los representantes de los padres y de la comunidad. El personal de la escuela vota por candidatos de maestros y de personal no docente a ser nombrados para dichos puestos en la junta de LSC. Gracias de antemano por considerar esta oportunidad de contribuir a la Escuela Destacada de Vecindario, la Secundaria Lake View. LVHS es CASA, Sr. Scott Grens, Director Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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