Sum2 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 1 NAME We are interested in studying the relationship, if any, between yield (Y, in bushels/acre), and rainfall (X, inches/yr) on corn raised in farms of similar acreage and management located in the midwest, during the period from 1890 to 1927. Our main goal is to find out an equation that will help in the prediction of corn yield for a given rainfall. We decided to run a multiple regression analysis after looking at a representation of the relationship between Year, Rainfall and Yield Model YIELD = RAINFALL YEAR YEAR*RAIN yi o 1 x1i 2 x2i 3 x3i ei X 1 Rainfall Regression model fitted X 2 Year from 1890 X 3 X 1 *X2 Y= Yield e ~ N 0, 2 i Next we present the Analysis of variance table and parameter estimates. 1. Please fill in the missing entries. Analysis of Variance DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 340.60856 113.53619 10.61 <.0001 Error 34 363.94197 10.70418 Corrected Total 37 704.55053 Source 2. Give the null (and alternative) hypothesis tested by the overall F-test for the model . 1 July 07, 2011 Sum2 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 1 Next we have the table of Parameter estimates 3. Please fill in the missing entries. Parameter Estimates Variable DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr > |t| Type I SS Intercept 1 4.48573 5.48728 0.82 0.4193 38707 X1 1 2.31128 0.50479 4.58 <.0001 114.21474 X2 1 1.08545 0.27376 3.96 0.0004 95.99361 -0.08781 0.02516 -3.49 0.0014 130.40020 X3 4. Write the estimated regression equation. 5. Calculate an estimate for the conditional mean yield of farms raising corn in year 1900 receiving a rainfall of 9 inch/year. The variance-covariance matrix for the estimates of the regression coefficients is presented next. Covariance of Estimates 2 Variable Intercept rainfall Intercept 30.110197368 -2.719640859 rainfall -2.719640859 0.2548146526 0.1197135611 -0.01120618 YEAR1 -1.320670004 0.1197135611 0.0749470666 -0.006778894 YR_RAIN 0.1195693604 -0.01120618 YEAR1 YR_RAIN -1.320670004 0.1195693604 -0.006778894 0.0006329419 July 07, 2011 Sum2 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 1 6. Show how you would calculate the standard error of the conditional mean in 5. You do not need to do the actual calculations 7. A researcher is analyzing the effect of the year by rainfall interaction, and ask your help. She needs to draw the regression line between Yield and Rainfall at each of the following years: 1890, 1915 and 1935. a. Compute the regression equation for each of these three years Year X2 = (Year-1890) 1890 0 1915 25 1925 35 Intercept Regression coefficient (Slope for rainfall) b. Explain changes in these three slopes? 8. I regressed Y on X1 and X2 getting these Type I and Type II sums of squares from PROC REG. What would have happened if I had run the regression in the opposite order (PROC REG; MODEL Y = X2 X1; ) 3 July 07, 2011 Sum2 2011 NCSU Variable DF Type I SS INTERCEP 1 90000 18000 X1 1 800 900 X2 1 700 700 ST512 QUIZ 1 Type II SS Fill missing entries Variable DF Type I SS INTERCEP 1 90000 18000 X2 1 ______ ______ X1 1 ______ ______ 4 Type II SS July 07, 2011
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