義守大學國際學院 102 學年度畢業專題成果發表 Graduation Project Presentation Competition in Academic Year 2013, International College, I-Shou University 一. 活動名稱:義守大學國際學院 102 學年度畢業專題成果發表 Graduation Project Presentation competition in Academic Year 2013, International College, I-Shou University 二. 活動目的:藉由總結性課程專題成果發表活動,讓國際學院各系學生回顧大學四年的學習成果。 並藉由校內專題成果發表活動增進國際學院各系之間的學術性交流。 1. Purpose: Students can review the 4-year learning outcome through this event and can also take this opportunity to improve the connections among the departments in International College. 三. 指導單位:義守大學國際學院 Host: International College 四. 承辦單位:義守大學國際學院 國際財務金融學系 Organizer: International College, Department of International Finance 五. 協辦單位:國際企業經營學系、國際觀光與餐旅管理學系、娛樂事業學系。 Co-Organizer: IBA, ITH. EM 六. 活動對象:義守大學國際學院應屆畢業生(娛樂事業學系三年級學生) Participants: IC Seniors (Juniors for EM) 七. 活動時間: Date/Time: 校內專題競賽:民國 103 年 5 月 30 日(五),13:00-17:00 校外專題展覽: 民國 103 年 6 月 6 日(五) 全日 On-Campus Presentation Competition: May 30 (Fri.), 13:00-17:00 Off-Campus Project Exhibition: June 6 (Fri.), All Day 八. 活動地點: 校內專題競賽:國際學院大樓 4 樓會議室 校外專題展覽:高雄捷運美麗島 R10 站(與管院專題成果展合辦) Venue: On-Campus Presentation Competition: IC Building Off-Campus Project Exhibition: Kaohsiung MRT R10 Station, Co-exhibition with College of Management 九. 活動內容: 1. 書面報告 5/26(一)~5/29(四):評審委員審查各參賽隊伍所繳交之海報及六頁書面報告。 2. 口頭發表 5/30(五):國際大樓 4 樓會議室口頭發表競賽 Event contents: (1) Paper presentation: May 26 (Mon.) to May 29 (Thu.) – Judges will review the six-page report from each team. (2) Oral presentation May 30 (Fri.) - Presentation competition at room 60405 of IC Building. 十. 口頭發表競賽流程 Schedule on the Oral Presentation Day: 時間 口頭發表競賽 Date &Time Presentation Competition on 5/30 13:00-13:30 13:30-13:40 13:40-15:10 15:10-15:20 15:20-16:50 16:50-17:00 報到 競賽 地點 國際大樓 4 樓 會議室 4F of IC building 國際大樓 4 樓 會議室 Speech 口頭發表競賽(一) (六組) Host Venue Reception 演說 主持人 4F of IC building 黃院長 Dean Huang 國際大樓 4 樓 會議室 Presentation I (6 teams) 4F of IC building 休息時間 Break 口頭發表競賽(二) (六組) 國際大樓 4 樓 會議室 4F of IC building Presentation II (6 teams) 頒獎 國際大樓 4 樓 會議室 Awarding Prizes 4F of IC building 黃院長 Dean Huang 收件原則: 此專題競賽項目包括書面及口頭發表。 (1) 書面報告: 六頁 PDF 檔的報告及三張與題目相關的 tif/tiff 圖片檔(至少 800 萬畫素)。書面報告 的主要大綱為介紹、方法、結果與討論等四個部分。 請參考下列網頁連結,使用 APA 格式: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx http://psychology.about.com/od/apastyle/a/apageneral.htm (2) 口頭發表: 使用 Power Point 檔 Requirements and Rules The project presentation competition comprises paper and oral presentations. (1) Paper presentation: a six-page report in pdf file and three image files related to the topic title with at least 8 million pixels in tif/tiff format. The main sections in a paper are introduction, method, results and discussion. APA format will be adopted. The following web links are listed for reference: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx http://psychology.about.com/od/apastyle/a/apageneral.htm (2) Oral presentation: PowerPoint file for the presentation 評分方式: 各系各派一名教師擔任評審,另邀請外院老師兩位,共六位評審,各系評審不得評分該系作品。 Grading: Each department assigns a faculty member to be the judge. Two faculty members from College of Management will be invited. Judges cannot grade works from the same department. 評分準則: (1) 書面報告: 六頁書面報告:內容結構與呈現形式 (20%)、專題創意性(20%) 、內容豐富程度 (30%)、專業知 能運用程度 (30%) (2) 口頭發表: PPT 檔的設計(30%)、報告內容與架構(30%)、Q&A(15%) 服裝儀容(15%)、整體表現(10%) (3) 書面分數佔 40%,口頭報告佔 60%,由各系評審取前六名發給獎狀及獎金。 第一名:3,500 元,第二名:3,000 元,第三名 2,500 元,第四名到第六名 1,000 元,其餘六名發給 獎狀。 Grading criteria: (1) Paper presentation: Six-page report: Content Structure and Presentation (20%), Project Creativity (20%), Content (30%), Use of Professional Knowledge (30%) (2) Oral presentation: Design of the PPT File (30%), Content and Structure of the Report (30%), Q & A (15%), Address & Appearance (15%) (3) Scores from the paper presentation will account for 40% of the total score and scores from the oral presentation will be worth 60% of the total score. The judges will select the top 6 for the certificates and prizes. First place: NT$3,500, Second place: NT$3,000, Third place: NT$2,500, Fourth-Sixth place: NT$1,000. Those who are not in the top 6 places will each be awarded a certificate. 十二、其他規定 1. 作品內容為各學系學術專業領域所進行之總結性課程(畢業專題)成果為主。 2. 每學系請推薦及繳交 3 件作品。 3. 5/23(五)下午五點前請各系繳交成果發表之作品六頁書面報告及圖片電子檔 至國際財務金融學 系辦公室。 5/28(三) 下午五點以前繳交決賽口頭發表 ppt 電子檔(請 email 國財系助理蔡宛庭小姐, [email protected])。 (1) (2) (3) (4) Others Project contents shall be the learning outcome of the capstone course which is in the specialty area of the department. Each department shall recommend and submit 3 works. Each department is expected to turn in the six-page report by May 23 at 17:00 to the IF office. Each department is expected to send the PPT file of the presentation by May 28 at 17:00 to Wanting Tsai at [email protected]
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