PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 58, NUMBER 1 JULY 1998 Boundary-condition-determined wave function for the ground state of positronium ion ēee S. H. Patil Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India ~Received 9 December 1997! We have developed a one-parameter, model wave function for the positronium ion ēee, which incorporates the correct cusp and coalescence properties when two particles are close to each other, and the asymptotic property when one of the electrons is far away. The predicted values for the energy and other properties are close to the exact values and generally superior to the values from a 13-parameter wave function. @S1050-2947~98!03307-1# PACS number~s!: 31.10.1z I. INTRODUCTION Ever since the discovery of positronium, the negative positronium ion ēee has attracted a great deal of attention. It was originally shown by Wheeler @1#, and by Hylleraas @2#, that the electron is bound to the positronium with a binding energy of at least 0.19 eV. Since then many elaborate calculations have been carried out to obtain accurate values for the binding energy and for other properties of the system such as the average value of the distance between the two electrons. These calculations are generally based on the variational approach with a large number of variational parameters. Some of these follow: by Kolos et al. @3# with 50 terms, by Schroeder @4# with six parameters, by Frost et al. @5# with 50 terms, by Cavaliere et al. @6# with six and ten parameters, by Bhatia and Drachman @7# with 203 terms, by Ho @8# with 125 terms, and Frolov and Yeremin @9# with 700 terms. These calculations yield for the binding energy of the last electron a value of 0.012 005 a.u. It may be mentioned that Frolov and Yeremin @9# have obtained the energy to an accuracy of 13 significant digits. However, the variational wave functions do not emphasize the structural properties of the system. It is of considerable interest to develop wave functions which illustrate some of the important properties such as the behavior of the wave function when two particles are close to each other or when they are far away from each other. Wave functions which provide a clear illustration of these properties provide a deeper understanding of the structure of the system. Recently @10#, we have developed parameter-free wave functions for the ground state of two-electron atoms and ions, based on some general local properties of the exact wave functions. These wave functions, in addition to being very simple, provide accurate values for the binding energies and expectation values of r 2n . The predictions are particularly striking for H2 where they are far better than the predictions of two-parameter wave functions, and quite close to the essentially exact, variational values of the energy. Here we extend the analysis to the case of the positronium ion, ēee. Since the mass of ē is equal to the mass of the electron, unlike the situation in H2 , the details are modified in a significant way. In particular, the center of mass not being at the positive charge brings in essential changes in the asymptotic behavior. Based on the local properties, we develop a oneparameter wave function which clearly exhibits the structural 1050-2947/98/58~1!/728~4!/$15.00 58 properties of the positronium ion in different regions. It gives a value of 20.261 03 a.u. for the total energy and also reliable values for other properties such as ^ r i j & . II. SOME LOCAL PROPERTIES OF THE WAVE FUNCTIONS Here we briefly discuss some general, local properties of the wave functions. We use atomic units. A. The Hamiltonian The Hamiltonian for a three-particle system is given by 3 H5 ( i51 3 1 2 q iq j pi 1 , 2m i i, j r i j ( ~1! where rW i j 5rW i 2rW j . After separating out the center of mass term, the kinetic energy can be written as T5 1 1 p 2i j 1 p2 , 2m i j 2m i j,k i j,k ~2! m im j , m i 1m j ~3! where mi j5 m i j,k 5 ~ m i 1m j ! m k . m i 1m j 1m k ~4! Here, p i j is the relative momentum of the particles i and j, and p i j,k is the relative momentum of particle k and the center of mass of particles i and j. The kinetic energy can also be written as T5 1 1 1 p2 1 p 2 1 pW •pW . 2m i j i j 2m k j k j m j i j k j ~5! The form in Eq. ~2! is convenient for analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the wave function, and the form in Eq. ~5! is convenient for the calculation of the expectation values of the energy. 728 © 1998 The American Physical Society PRA 58 BRIEF REPORTS 729 B. Asymptotic behavior The ground-state eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian H in Eq. ~1! can be expanded in terms of the one-particle energy eigenfunctions: H c 5E c , ~6! c 5 ( u n ~ rW i j,k ! f n ~ rW i j ! , ~7! n S D 1 q iq j ¹ 2i j 1 f n 5E ~n1 ! f n . 2m i j rij 2 ~8! Substituting the expression for c into Eq. ~6!, and projecting out the state f n , we get for r i j,k →` S D 1 1 p 2 1q k ~ q i 1q j ! u 52 e n u n 2m i j,k i j,k r i j,k n for c→ S 1 2ar 2 ~ 1/2! r 1 rW 13•rW 23 23 11 a e 13 r 13 2 r 13 ~10! r 13→`. ~19! C. Cusp and coalescence conditions When two particles i, j with masses m i ,m j and charges q i ,q j approach each other, r i j →0, two terms in the Hamiltonian dominate. These are the Coulomb interaction between these particles, and the kinetic energy of the two particles. In the center of mass frame of these two particles, one has S ~9! ~1! for The presence of the second term in the large parentheses is just a consequence of the fact that when Wr 13 is parallel to Wr 23 , electron 2 is closer to the center of mass of particles 1 and 3 than when rW 13 is antiparallel to rW 23 . r i j,k →`, e n 5E n 2E. D 2 D 1 q iq j 2 ¹i j1 c 5O ~ 1 ! 2m i j rij for r i j →0, ~20! where m i j is the reduced mass of the particles i and j. Expanding the wave function in terms of spherical harmonics, The asymptotic form of u n is given by [2q ~ q i 1q j !~ m i j,k /2e n ! 1/221] 2 ~ 2m i j,k e n ! 1/2r i j,k u n →r i j,k k e . Clearly, the leading behavior is from the smallest value of e n , i.e., corresponding to n50. Therefore we have c →r bi j,k e 2ar i j,k f 0 ~ r i j ! , r i j,k →` a5 ~ 2m i j,k e 0 ! 1/2, b52 q k ~ q i 1q j ! m i j,k 21. a rW i j,k 5rW k j 2 mi rW , m i 1m j i j c 5 ( g lm ~ r i j ! Y ml ~ u i j , f i j ! , ~11! ~12! ~13! and projecting out an lm state, we get d2 dr 2i j @ r i j g lm ~ r i j !# 2 5O ~ r l11 ij ! r i j →0. ~15! into Eq. ~22!, one obtains W For the case of the positronium ion ēee, we use the indices 1,2 to characterize the two electrons and 3 to characterize the positron. Then when electron 1 is far away, we get 1 W W c → e 2ar 131 ~ 1/2! a ~ r 13•r 23! /r 13e 2 ~ 1/2! r 23, r 13→` ~17! r 13 a5 ~ 4 e 0 /3! 1/2, for Substituting ~18! where e 0 is the binding energy of the last electron. The second term in the exponent would be negligibly small if the ē is replaced by a proton. This is the major modification introduced by the positron mass being comparable to the mass of the electron. To understand clearly the implications of this term, we note that e 0 '0.012, and 21 a'0.06, so that expanding the second exponential, one obtains ~22! g lm ~ r i j ! 5r li j ~ a 0 1a 1 r i j 1••• ! a 15 with e 0 being the binding energy of particle k. Expanding r i j,k in inverse powers of r k j , we get W l ~ l11 ! g lm ~ r i j ! 22m i j q i q j g lm ~ r i j ! rij ~14! c →r bk j e 2ar k j 1a[m i / ~ m i 1m j ! ][ ~ r k j •r i j ! /r k j ] f 0 ~ r i j ! , r k j →`. ~16! ~21! l,m ~23! m i jq iq j a . ~ l11 ! 0 ~24! This is essentially a realization of the Kato condition @11#. For the case of two electrons in the singlet state, the leading term is the l50 term so that 1 a 1 5 a 0 , ee in singlet state, 2 ~25! and the corresponding g 00 has the behavior g 00→a 0 ~ 11 21 r i j ! for r i j →0, singlet state. ~26! For ē getting close to an electron, one has 1 a 1 52 a 0 , 2 g 00→a 0 ~ 12 21 r i j ! for r i j →0. ~27! We now consider a model wave function for the ground state of the ēee system incorporating the asymptotic condition in Eq. ~19! and the cusp and coalescence conditions in Eqs. ~26! and ~27!. 730 BRIEF REPORTS PRA 58 S For the description of the wave function of the negative positronium ion ēee, we treat ē as the point of reference and use the notation rW 1 and rW 2 to describe the positions rW 13 and rW 23 of the two electrons with respect to the positron. Then the Hamiltonian corresponding to Eq. ~5! is given by 2 2 W 1 •¹ W 22 H52¹ 1 2¹ 2 2¹ S D 1 1 1 1 2 . ~28! r 1 r 2 u rW 1 2rW 2 u For r 12→0, this leads to ¹ 212 f 2 S S H c 5E c , ~29! 1 1 1e 2 ~ 1/2! r 2 e 2ar 1 11br 2 11br 1 D D rW 1 •rW 2 1 3 11 a 2 2 1/2 f ~ r 12! , 2 ~ r 1 1r 2 ! f 5a 0 1a 1 r 121a 2 r 2121••• FS DG 1/2 1 b5 2a, 2 ~31! ~38! S D ~39! 3 1E a 0 50, 4 which lead to 1 a 15 a 0 , 2 a 25 , ~37! 2a 1 2a 0 50, 6a 2 2a 1 1 ~30! where 4 1 a5 2 2E 3 4 ~36! Expanding f in powers of r 12 , Based on the asymptotic condition in Eq. ~19! and the cusp and coalescence conditions in Eqs. ~26! and ~27!, we propose for the ground-state wave function, c 5C S D 3 1 f 1 1E f 5O ~ r 12! . r 12 4 ~35! and substituting in Eq. ~36!, we get A. Model wave function e 2 ~ 1/2! r 1 e 2ar 2 D rW 1 rW 2 1 1 W 12 f 1 2 •¹ c. 1 f0 2 r1 r2 r 12 III. MODEL WAVE FUNCTION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ~40! S D 1 1 3 2 2E a 0 . 6 2 4 Here, the first relation is the cusp condition in Eq. ~26!. Now for the positronium ion, energy E'20.2610, so that a 2 is indeed very small and we take it to be zero: a 2 '0. ~32! and f (r 12) is a correlation function. The choice of a in Eq. ~31!, with positronium ground-state energy of 21/4, ensures that the correct asymptotic behavior given in Eq. ~19! is incorporated. The choice of b in Eq. ~32! ensures that the coalescence condition in Eq. ~27! is satisfied for r 1 or r 2 →0. The function f (r 12) is the correlation function which is introduced to incorporate the cusp condition in Eq. ~26!. ~41! ~42! Based on these conditions, we take for the correlation function f (r 12), f ~ r 12! 512 S DS 1 11l 11 D l r e 2lr 12, 2 12 ~43! which satisfies the conditions in Eqs. ~40! and ~42!. The parameter l is treated as a variational parameter. C. Calculation of the energy B. Correlation function f„r 12… The correlation function f (r 12) has been analyzed @10# for the two-electron atoms and ions, in an essentially perturbative approach. We extend this analysis to the case of the positronium ion. Consider a wave function of the form c 5 f 0 ~ r 1 ,r 2 ! f ~ r 12! , ~33! f 0 ~ r 1 ,r 2 ! 5e 2 ~ 1/2!~ r 1 1r 2 ! . ~34! This has the correct behavior for r 1 or r 2 →0. Substituting the function c in the Schrödinger equation in Eq. ~29!, we get S D 1 1 rW 1 •rW 2 2 E c 52 c 2 c 2 f 0 ¹ 12 f 2 4 r 1r 2 The wave function c in Eq. ~30! is used to calculate the energy of ēee as E5 ^cuHuc& , ^cuc& ~44! with the correlation function f (r 12) in Eq. ~43!, and the Hamiltonian in Eq. ~28!. It should be noted that the parameter a in Eq. ~31! depends on E and is therefore determined iteratively so as to yield a self-consistent E. The parameter l is determined by minimizing the energy. The calculation of the energy E in Eq. ~44! is greatly simplified by the use of the identity E W i •¹ W j !~ f f ! d t 5 ~ f f !~ ¹ E W i •¹ W jf @ f 2f ¹ W i f !•~ ¹ W j f !# d t , ~45! 2 f 2~ ¹ PRA 58 BRIEF REPORTS TABLE I. The values of the variational parameter l, normalization constant C in Eq. ~30!, and the predicted values of the total energy E and average values of different functions of the ēe and ee separations Wr 1 p and Wr 12 . l C E ^ r 1p & ^ r 21p & ^ r 21 1p & ^ r 12& ^ r 212& ^ r 21 12 & ^ d (rW 1 p ) & ^ r 41p & ^ r 412& Our results ~one parameter! 13-parameter results ~Ref. @8#! Exact results ~Refs. @7,8#! 0.262 0.014 921 20.261 03 5.452 48.31 0.3369 8.513 94.31 0.1591 0.019 39 20.261 01 5.114 38.83 0.3429 7.842 74.81 0.1639 0.019 43 20.262 00 5.489 48.39 0.3398 8.548 93.13 0.1556 0.020 73 1.0763104 2.3263104 731 asymptotic exponent a of the wave function in Eq. ~30! depends on E and our binding energy is slightly smaller, the exact results for ^ r 41p & and ^ r 412& are expected to be smaller than our predictions by about 5%. In a general way, the asymptotic properties and cusp and coalescence properties are of great importance in developing simple model wave functions for the positronium ion, which not only provide physical insight into the physical structure in different regions, but also allow us to obtain accurate values for different properties of the system. APPENDIX Some of the terms required for the evaluation of the average energy are as follows: ¹ 2 e 2 ~ 1/2 ! r 5 ¹ 2 e 2ar which follows from integration by parts. This identity is a generalization of the identity for the special case of i5 j, which was obtained by Siebbles et al. @12#. Some of the details of the calculation are given in the Appendix. @1# J. A. Wheeler, Ann. ~N.Y.! Acad. Sci. 48, 219 ~1946!. @2# E. A. Hylleraas, Phys. Rev. 71, 491 ~1947!. @3# W. Kolos, C. C. J. Roothan, and R. A. Sack, Rev. Mod. Phys. 32, 178 ~1960!. @4# U. Schroeder, Z. Phys. 173, 221 ~1963!. @5# A. A. Frost, M. Inokuti, and J. P. Low, J. Chem. Phys. 41, 482 ~1964!. @6# P. Cavaliere, G. Ferrante, R. Gercitano, and L. Lo Cascio, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 624 ~1975!. ~A1! S DS 1 rW 1 •rW 2 2 r 1r 2 S a1 D S D 1 2ab e 2ar , 11br 11br W 1 •¹ W 2 ! e 2 ~ 1/2! r 1 2ar 2 ~¹ 5 1 1 2 ~ 1/2! r 2 e , 4 r 2b 2 1 2a 2b 1 5 a 22 2 2 11br r r 11br ! ~ ~ 11br ! 1 D. Results The results of the calculation are given in Table I, along with the results from 13-parameter calculations @8#, and essentially exact results @7,8# using 125 and 203 terms. Our results with a one-parameter wave function incorporating some local properties are close to the exact results and are generally superior to the results using 13 parameters. This emphasizes the importance of the local properties of the wave function, when two particles are close to each other or when they are far away from each other. In particular, we note that if the term in Eq. ~30! proportional to Wr 1 •rW 2 is not included, the energy changes from the present value of 20.2610 to about 20.2562 which is a poor result. We also note that since our wave function incorporates the correct asymptotic behavior, its predictions for the average values of higher powers of separation r 1p between an electron and the positron and r 12 between the two electrons, are expected to be quite reliable. However, since the S DS S D S 1 11br 2 D D S ~A2! D 1 b e 2 ~ 1/2! r 1 2ar 2 , 11br 2 11br 2 D ~A3! rW 1 •rW 2 1 W 1 11 a ¹ f ~ r 12! 2 2 ~ r 1 1r 22 ! 1/2 S D rW 1 •rW 2 1 W 1 f ~ r 12! 5 11 a 2 2 1/2 ¹ 2 ~ r 1 1r 2 ! 1 S D rW 2 a ~ rW 1 •rW 2 ! rW 1 2 f ~ r 12! , 2 ~ r 21 1r 22 ! 1/2 ~ r 21 1r 22 ! 3/2 W 1 f ~ r 12! 5 ¹ rW 12 l ~ 11lr 12! e 2lr 12. 2 ~ 11l ! r 12 ~A4! ~A5! @7# A. K. Bhatia and R. J. Drachman, Phys. Rev. A 28, 2523 ~1983!. @8# Y. K. Ho, J. Phys. B 16, 1503 ~1983!. @9# A. M. Frolov and A. Ya Yeremin, J. Phys. B 22, 1263 ~1989!. @10# U. Kleinekathofer, S. H. Patil, K. T. Tang, and J. P. Toennies, Phys. Rev. A 54, 2840 ~1996!. @11# T. Kato, Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 10, 151 ~1957!. @12# L. D. A. Siebbles, D. P. Marshall, and C. Le Sech, J. Phys. B 26, L321 ~1993!.
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