PHYSICAL REVIEW 0 14, NUMBER VOLUME Asymmetry in e+ e~K++ K nnd 9 q~n+y+ 1 NOVEMBER 1976 y M. P. Gokhale, S. H. Patil, and S. D. Rindani of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India (Received 19 January 1976; revised manuscript received 23 May 1976) Department y+y~K++ The final-state interaction for the ofF-shell-photon process K is discussed in terms of an "intermediate representation" where one of the photons is on shell. This allows the evaluation of the K from the two-photon intermediate absorptive part and the soft-photon contribution for e+ state. The asymmetry due to the interference between the one-photon and the two-photon amphtudes for this process, near the f'-resonance position, is found to be quite large, but goes through zero. Generalization of the analysis of the final-state interaction in the s-wave state to SU{3) allows us to predict a decay width I {q~n. + y+ y) 05 keV, which is in good agreement with the experimental number. e~K++ -0, I. INTRODUCTION The analysis of ee annihilation is important for testing the validity of quantum electrodynamics as well as for the observation of small but significant effects due to weak neutral currents' ' and higherorder radiative corrections. ' ' In particular, the asymmetry' ' resulting from the interference between the charge-conjugation C = —1 hadron states produced by the one-photon intermediate state and the C =+ 1 hadron states produced by the two-photon intermediate state is of considerable interest because of its enhancement due to (i) the infrared effects and (ii) the final-state interaction near the C =+ 1 po- sitions. These two effects may produce a large asymmetry, of the order of 20%%uq, near the 0=+1 resonance positions, in contrast to the generally expected asymmetry of the order of the fine- structure constant n, i.e. , about 1%%uo. In a recent note, ' which we will denote as (I), we discussed the results of an analysis of the asymmetry due to the interference between one-photon and two-photon amplitudes for e+e-m'+n 8+ 8 ~77 + 71' + 7T (2) J in the region of the C =+ 1 resonances with we found that the asymmetry near the f-meson resonance position for process (1), and near the A. „A., meson resonance positions for process (2), is about 15-20%%ua, but goes through zero. These are, indeed, large effects and should =0, 1, 2. There be easily observed experimentally. In the first part of our present note, we analyze the asymmetry due to the interference between onephoton and two-photon amplitudes for the process e(p, ) + e(p, ) —R'(a, ) + Z-(u, ) (3) 14 in the region of the f'-meson resonance position. Though the techniques we have used for the evaluation of the two-photon amplitude here are similar to those used in (I) for processes (1) and (2), there are some major differences and improvements. These are as follows: (i) The R-meson mass is not negligible, unlike the p-meson mass which is quite small and could be neglected at the energies under consideration. (ii) In (I), the final-state interaction for the softphoton amplitude was introduced for processes (1) and (2) in analogy with the treatment for the onshell photon amplitude. While this is plausible, it does not follow logically, and requires a detailed treatment in terms of the off-shell invariant amplitudes for a rigorous justification. Here we have analyzed the final-state interaction in terms of an intermediate representation for invariant amplitudes, with only one photon off-shell. Use of such a representation is valid for the discussion of both the absorptive part of the amplitude as well as the soft-photon contribution to the amplitude. (iii) We have calculated the radiative corrections leading to the K'K state with charge conjugation C =+ 1 as well as C = —1. However, the radiative corrections leading to the hadron state with C = —1, which were neglected in (I), are calculated only in the soft-photon limit. Any improvement over this would require a very sophisticated treatment of the strong interaction. The main result of the analysis is that the asymmetry in the forward and backward events for process (3), near the f'-meson resonance position, is of the order of 35%, but goes to zero within about half a width from the resonance. In the second part of our note, we consider the decay rate for the process g~7t +p+p In some of the earlier attempts' to evaluate this decay, one used either the vector-dominance mod2250 ASYMMETRY IN 14 e+ e ~ E'+ E AND q ~ n + y+ 2251 y el or an effective Hamiltonian. These models lead to a rather small rate for this decay, though the latter model, which is cutoff-dependent, can give a larger rate. Here we assume that the two photons are in an s-wave state. We relate the amplitude for process (4) to that for y+y-R" +K in the I = 1 state by crossing and SU(3) symmetry, which is then evaluated by saturating it with the 5 meson. We predict a partial width I'(q-m +y+y) =4. 8x10 ' keV, which is in good agreement with the average experimental value' of 8. 15&& 10 ' keV, though our prediction tends to support some of the larger" exvalues. perimental (0) e(p, )+e(p2) K'(k, )+K (k~) With the assumption of vector-meson dominance and &u-$ mixing, the one-photon amplitude for proII. ASYMMETRY IN cess (3) is T, = e' mp m p ' —s-~I' Pm P m -KK . J with 1 FIG. 2. The diagrams for (a) vacuum polarization, and (b), (c) vertex corrections for the process ee evaluation of this asymmetry, we will need to calculate (i) the two-photon amplitude corresponding to Fig. 1, including the I = 0, = 2 term for the K'K state with the final-state interaction, and the background amplitude, (ii) vacuum polarization and vertex corrections due to the electromagnetic interaction correspond- v(p, ) ( $, —P, ) u(p, ), 2 (b) my cos 9 mg' —s-zI'~m~ sin'8~ (7) where s =p', p = (p, +p, ), m, m&, and m„are the masses of the p, p, and u& mesons, respectively, I'@, and I' are the corresponding widths, and 8„ is the cu-P mixing angle. The region of major interest for the analysis of the asymmetry in this process is around the position of the f' resonance with I = 0 and 2 = 2, which is produced through the two-photon intermediate state. Therefore, for the I", Fig. 2, and (iii) the bremsstrahlung contributions, corresponding to process (3), accompanied by the emission of a soft photon, as shown in Fig. 3. In the soft-photon approximation, diagrams with the zryy point interaction do not contribute to (ii) or (iii). We begin with a calculation of the two-photon amplitude. In the following calculations, the electron mass is taken to be small compared to s' '. The two-photon amplitude Taco -Photon amplitude. corresponding to Fig. 1 is ing to / / / (o) FIG. 1. Diagram for the two-photon amplitude for the process ee K+K . (b) (c) FIG. 3. The diagrams for the bremsstrahling es associated with ee K+E process- P. GOKHALE, S. H. PATIL, M. 2252 ie T2 ~ s4 (21)') dq, dq2 J q1 2 q2 x (P where Q =-,'(k, —k, ) and B„B„andB, are the invariant amplitudes. The helicity amplitudes" are related to these invariant amplitudes by P) ™ (ql +q2 2 1 )y„yp(P, )B„„, 1 where m is the electron mass and the off-shell photon process (8) = —q1'q 2B1 —2 &1 I'(q1 1 I B„,describes +q, 'f(l, T1 K" (k, ) + K (k, ). y (q, ) +y„(q,) S. D. RINDANI AND The general structure of B„„is quite formidable with five invariant amplitudes. ' However, there are two parts of T2 which are important for the discussion of asymmetry in K R production for process (3). One is the absorptive part of 7'„resulting from on-shell photons, which gives the dominant contribution to asymmetry at the C =+ 1 resonance positions. The other is the soft-photon contribution, which is important because of the enhancement due to infrared effects. Both of these contributions can be evaluated in terms of what we call an "intermediate representation" of B„„, where one of the two photons is on its mass shell, say ql 0 This representation has the form 1 = 2q1'q2~ )& q q 2g» 1 —q. (&2)„„=(q2'Q)'z, ,q + s'~'(Q, ~k, ( sine')B, ], ~ ql Qq2)&q2 q2 Q)(q11 & ) (0 ) =- (q2), I&, =2(s = j2I = (s 14&I (0, l I 1 *, 0), o q2O) (2k. -q1). (-2k1+q. ). Ql are helicity amplitudes ~k, ~'( sin'0') ) ) ) —2 + Ql , =e'g(e, ') (2, ('(sis'0') ( . —4u')'~', q, —q2')/2s'~', )(), is the kaon mass, and 8' is the scattering angle in the center-of-mass (c.m. ) frame. Here we have used the representations «y„(q1) andy, =(s+q, ')/2s'~' exchange diagrams and the sea-gull diagram, which we designate by I3~„, is 2 1 &', ~ of T describe the helicities where the subscripts for the photon polarization vectors, where the subscripts denote the helicities. The Born approximation for B„„due tothe kaon & (2»-q1). (-2k2+q2). r, , = —e'g(q2') cos g ' pe sin'0 1 e.(q2)=(q2') "(-1421 o q2'Qq22Q( +q2 q1'Qk2p and the corresponding 1 (10) 2 2. (sin 8 )B2 (12) —q1'q2Q„Q. ql q2Q))q2 ' cos'8') B, 1&& & . +q2'QQ)(q1(& (f3)2 I f 21~ 0 21|1& $, (co«')B„ / 1/2 ~ s,(e, (f 1))) q, sin'8'+ 1 1 71 e 1 slee For incorporating the effect of the Ql (14) 91 02 ) 0 f' 2 0 ) meson, one first obtains the 8=2 projections of these amplitudes: ASYMMETRY IN 14 T, , (J = 2) = —,'(3 cos'8' —1) T, , (J=2) = 'TY2 sin'8' " -1 ~ K'+ d cos8(3 cos'8 —1)TB d cos8( sin'8) T, ,(J=2) ='~ sinG' cos8' e + e AND q K ~ go + y+ 2253 y „ (15) TB, d cosG( sinG cosG) TB, These integrals are carried out, and then, using relations (11), one obtains the corresponding amplitudes B„B„andB,. invariant %e define B,(J=2)=-a, (s)+a, (s) cos'8', B,(J = 2) = a, (s), B,(J = 2) =- a, (s) cosG', for which the Born approximations 15e'g(q, ')s 2( ) B( ) , 30e'g(q, ')s 2)2(~ (s 4 2) 30e g(q2 )8 (s —q. ')'I&, I a„a„a„a,are (4g' —s/2) 10 Oe'g(q2'), for 2p'(p. s(-', q, '+ 3p, ') „s r 2fk f2 5s 8fk, f' '+ 4 f%, f'/3) (~zp'q2'+ sq2'+ 2s fk, f'+ 2p' 1/2fk s'/'+2fk, f3 p'(s+ p') (s —q, ')' f a, (s) = ~,j. a, (s), I ' 2)2 a, (s), (s 2 s'/'+ 2 f%, s- ~ and f f s'/'+2fk, f for the amplitude for KK -yy scattering with the KK intermediate state, in the Logunov-Tavkhelidze The effects of the final-state interacequation. tion in both these approaches are rather similar though there are some relatively minor differences " ( )]I~ ( ) 1 t' Drr(s') i The Born approximations as 1/s for 3sp') 2fg —q2')' i/2 a, (s). fg xl s (s a2(s) = f between them. In the 8-matrix approach, one writes" dispersion relations for [a&(s)]I=oDr&(s) where [a,. (s)] = are the 1 =0 projections of a, (s) and D«(s) is the D function for the I=0, J= 2 partial-wave KK scattering amplitude. Approximating the left-hand discontinuity by its. Born approximation, we get il (s —q,',')' 1/2 2 fk, 2s' 'fR f' The analyticity properties of these Born terms indicate that the amplitudes which are free from kinematic singularities, and which are suitable for writing partial-wave dispersion relations, are a, (s) = s'/'+ for these amplitudes go do not contain undesirable threshold factors. The introduction of the final-state interaction in the I =0, J=2 state is considered through two approaches. In the approach which is discussed here, one writes dispersion relations for the Smatrix elements and uses the N/D representation for a suitable partial-wave scattering amplitude for KK scattering. In the other approach, which is discussed in the Appendix, we analyze the solutions Im[a; (s')] s —s since the a,. (s') are quite steep near may set Dr+(s') =Dry(0) and obtain Now [a (s)]I=0 D ICE( -(0 DrB(s) [aB(s)]I& J s'= 0, (2o) the I = 0, = 2 partial-wave KK scattering amplitude by the f'-meson resonance, these expressions lead to relations between [B,(J= 2)]I~ and their Born approximations [BB( 2) ]t=o On saturating J we S. M. P. GOKHALE, 2254 (21) 1 +— = J3 — -- 2 PQfl— — --- — 2 rn&i' —s —im&&I'& —1 xP (t, )„,B, (v=2), '. . abs& = d gj.d 0 ~ P 2 x~(P. )~. (22) 9'z C2 ~ 0'i 1 ) ~ rP Cxo & 9'2 &2o my t 2, «(P. ) 2( , F [(4)) vB;(&=2)+(t, )„,B', (g=2)], ) (23) (IV). Finally, carrying out the in- i- where B; (J =1) are obtained from (16) using the Born approximations tegrals, we get 0. 6 n m&, 'cosa abs T2=e'v(P, ) (|I{, t{{,) u(P, ) — s 2myl yl s myt - for s=m&, , where n is the fine-structure cess (3). Soft-photon contribution. 2 'te ( 2)lp (2){)4s constant, ~ 2(@& ~ ) & (p, ) r. P')~)) u(p, where sp stands for soft-photon contribution. {r,)~=e' ' V{y, ){k', -g, )u{)t,) ~ 6t ' (24) is the scattering angle in the c.m. frame for pro- in the soft-photon ) B', . . limit is given by ... myI '- —, The evaluation !n ( s t +2~k~~cos8 -+ 099 cos08 x ln s't' —2 k, cos8 0. ~ and The leading contribution d~ qj s ——— ' In ' +— 1/2 T '. m m ——1+ 3 (26) (26) ~y' we include only the electron-loop (27) [Fig. 2(b)] has been calculated before s~/ — ln '., ln — +— ' a ) . The electron vertex correction Tv(ee) = F-- 1 p ( t, )„„B',. (z = 2) of the integrals gives the result where my is a small mass assigned to the photon. Vacuum polarization meed vertex corrections. For vacuum polarization, diagram [Fig. 2(a)] which gives' T = l4 where the (t,. )„, are given in (10), Bs„ is given by (13), and B{s(J= 2) are obtained from (16) using the Born approximations (17). This B „may be substituted in (8) and the integrals carried out. In the integrations, we will be primarily interested in the contributions to the integrals from two regions which are important for the discussion of asymmetry in process (3). These are the absorptive part and the soft-photon contribution. Absorptive past. The absorptive part of the twophoton amplitude T2 is generally smaller than the soft-photon contribution to (8), but gives the dominant interference term at the resonance position s=mf, ', since the resonant soft-photon term is out of phase with the one-photon term (6) at s =n)z, '. The resonant absorptive term is obtained by using Cutkosky rules'4 where m&, is the mass of the f'-meson resonance and I'&& is its width. We assume that the finalstate interaction in other states, i.e. , 0 =2, I =1, andt2, I =0 or 1, is negligible, so that the amplitudes in those states may be represented by their Born approximations. We then have for process (9) J3 S. D. RINDANI H. PATIL, AND s' — m m — + 1 —21n x/a —— m ln m mr and is' T, . (28) The kaon vertex correction is complicated by the strong interaction. However, in the soft-photon limit, the KK intermediate state dominates. The amplitude corresponding to Fig. 2(c) is Tv(KK) = 2s, ln ' —-- -1 I, +I, tBy T, , (29) ASYMMETRY IN e+ e ~ K'+ E AND ~ go + T . q y+ 2255 y where 2 Ia =2 1— S ln [S(S —4 2]1/ S12 —(S 4+2)12 — 4g2)l/2 +(S S . ~(1+F2)ln[x2j(1-x2)] x' 1 b —[(s —4p, 2)js] "o limit In the soft-photon .= T (KK) my~o this gives — 1n w ", 2p my '. 1+ s —2p, [s(s —4g )] The differential The asymmeh'y. tions (Fig. 3), is given by Sl/2 / ln (S 4"2)1/2 , sl/+(s —4')1/ . cross section to process (3), along (30) with the bremsstrahlung correc- I d cose g coso aT g~T 1+b S+2(T2) 2+ Ted+Tv(88)+Tv(KK) gj Vg) ~ +5 (ee)+ 5 (KK)+5 (eK), (3&) where ~n' de, sin'e, s - 4p. ' '/' (32) processes. In the soft-photon approximation, are the corrections from the bremsstrahlung and where 5 these terms are 5'(ee)= )+(~ —2ln (ln )1n( (33) ) as given in Ref. 1, where ~E is the maximum energy of the soft photon emitted, and 6'(KN = 2~ my — ln zE 1+ w 5a(eg = s —2 p. 2 [s(s —4p')]'/' ln s'/' —(s —4p, 2)'/2 s' '+(s —4y. ')'/' s'/'+2~kl(' cos8 4u — +0.9 eosg ln —Re ln, /, nay PPZ~t — — Vlyt —8 g (35) Wf&I y& I The asymmetry in the K K distribution is due to the presence of the "C=+1" terms, abs T„(T2)„, and 5 (eK). lt is conveniently represented' in terms of an asymmetry parameter &-B B where I' and B are the forward and backward events, respectively. The expected behavior of the asymmetry parameter near the f'-resonance position is shown in Fig. 4. The plot is for m&i = 1516 MeV and I"& = 40 MeV. Discussion. The asymmetry in the K'K distribution for the process ee- K K is predicted to be quite large, about 35% near the f'-resonance position, but goes through zero a little below the resonance, around s X/2 = m/t —1/i j4. The asymmetry in this case is larger than in the case of 7t'7t production, ' but is sharper in distribution. This is to be expected, since the f' meson has a smaller width than the meson. At the resonance, i. e. , s'/'=m i, the asymmetry isA =0.28. Our numbers for the asymmetry at the resonances, f m'm and K"K production, are in good agreement with the estimates' based on the quark model. They agree with the prediction' for m'w production based on the universal coupling of the meson but differ from the prediction for K'K production based on the universal coupling of the f' meson. We regard our results as a support for both for f 0.40.3 0.2- 0.1- A~ — F-B FW 0 i440 &460 &480 -0.1- -0.2 -03. -04. -O.S FIG. 4. The function of s~ as~~etryA in ee E+E' plotted as a P. GOKHALE, S. H. PATIL, M. 2256 f the universal coupling" of the meson but a nonuniversal coupling for the meson, which would be plausible if were primarily a singlet. A detailed observation of the asymmetry is important for understanding the properties of and and the radiative corrections to processes ee f' f f' f K'K, m S. D. RINDANI AND 14 s7, (s) is free from kinematic singularities, and D3(s) is the D function for pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar scattering in the =0, symmetric 8 state. Approximating the left-hand discontinuity of v2(s) we get by its Born approximation, J s D, (s )Im22(s ) s —s 1 m 8 8 7r t III. DECAY RATE FOR q~no+y+y The decay process q - - n'+ y+ y is related (41) to ~„(q,) +r.(q, ) ~'(&,) +q(~, ) (37) crossing. Furthermore, since the phase space for the decay is quite small, it is possible to assume that the two photons a, re in the J =0, s-wave state. The representation (10) is valid for the process (37) also, except that B, and B, do not contribute to the =0 amplitude. We decompose B, into the various SU(3) (8&&8) states and write for the J'=0 by J amplitude 8 279 where 33 and 7» are contributions to (37) from the symmetric 8 and the 27 states of SU(3), respecis related to the =0 projection of tively. The the helicity amplitude T» by J 8, 1 B, = —— S / I T, , dcos8. Born approximation - K+K — it is represented as a pole at for integration ove r s' & 0. Furthe rmore, we note that there should be a zero in D, (s) at s=m6 ', where m& is the mass of the 5 resonance and we require that D, (s) —constant for s These features together determine the form of D, (s) uniquely, s sp &0 —,( — —+ k, 'sin'6 & S3/2(S dcos8 e i12 —4 i1 ) 1/2 ~ "), (42) where we expect sp to be of the order of 2mt, ". We assume that the final-state interaction in the 27 state is negligible so that 7»= 7», so that we have 1 msD, (s) „s' " s'D, (s') Im 7, (s') —s (40) Sl (S —4i12)1/2 S 1/2 + (S —4 i1 2) 1/2 2 where the factor W3/5 comes from the SU(3) projections, and p, is some average pseudoscalar octet mass, taken to be approximately the kaon mass. The final-state interaction is introduced by writing dispersion relations for s3.3(s)D2(s), where dS —73 S), (43) (39) has the quantum numbers J~ =0', and which decays mainly into mg. For introducing the final-state interaction, we first obtain the Born approximation for 7„which may be obtained from, say y+y 73 = jf function, i.e., 1 for process (37) is zero, i.e. , B, =O, though the 7; themselves are not zero. Therefore, it is the final-state interaction which will give a nonzero amplitude for (37). One expects a dominant final-state interaction for the process (37) in the symmetric 8 state, since there is the 5 resonance' which presumably Now the For the integration over the left cut, i.e. , s'&0, we represent the D function as a pole at s' = sp & 0. This is similar" to what is frequently done for the D, (s)=1 B„.=(e, e.g„, -~.„q,.)B„ j. d, where we have used the fact that v, (s) +3»(s) =0. The integral here is evaluated numerically and the B» in (38) with the B, thus obtained is used as the matrix element for the decay of g- m'+y+y. We obtain a numerical value of I (q mo+y+y) =4. 8x10 ' keV (44) for s, =2m~' and a somewhat larger value for sp & 2m, '. This number should be compared with the experimental value' of 8. 1& 10 ' keV. Actually, the experimental value quoted here is the average value. Some experiments, however, give a considerably larger value. We note that in one of the earlier attempts, Oppo and Oneda' assumed that the m' and one of the photons in the decay q-m'+y+y are in 1 state saturated by the vector mesons, thereby introducing a considerable angular-momentum barrier, which gave a very small value for the decay rate, viz. , F„„p»=0.44 eV. On the other hand, in the effective-Hamiltonian model of Okubo and Sakita' one got p» = 8 eV, though this number is cutoff-dependent. Therefore, with reference to the average experimental value for the decay width, our result (44) should be regarded as quite satis- " I'„, ASYMMETRY IN 14 e+ e ~ K'+ factory and our model for the decay g- w +y+y should be regarded as essentially correct. K AND q v, (v", v', ~ + x s) = X The final-state interaction for the process may be introduced through an integral equation of the Bethe-Salpeter type. Here we will consider the I ogunov- Tavkhelidze equation, which is an approximation to the Bethe-Salpeter equation. This equation for the partial-wave amplitude for the process y+y-K+K has the form " ') =7', (s, v')+ . — f dv II vll y/2 0 xT, (s, v")v,. (v", v', s), (Al) where T, (s, v'} is the I =0, J=2 partial-wave projection of a suitable helicity amplitude for y+y -K+K, Ts(s, v') is the Born approximation for T, (s, v'}, v&(v", v', s} is the "potential" or the Born approximation for the I =0, J =2 partial-wave amplitude for KK scattering, i.e. , the Born approximation for [(v+g')/v]'~'e' 2sin6„and v =s/4 We take v' =v and assume T, (s, v")=T, (s, v) to obtain T, (s, v) =T~s(s, v)/D(s), —~" 1 D(s}=1 — 1( i~ Jo „, „— dv" v —v v v" +i(, ~ (A2) v, (v", v", s). This result is qualitatively similar to the result (20) in that the final-state interaction multiplies the Born. term by a "resonant factor. " For the analysis of this effect, we assume that the denominator produces a resonance corresponding to the ' meson with the observed width. Therefore, if we expand the denominator at the point s =s„=m& ' —iF& m&. , we get f D(s) =[(s —m~. ')+ il'q m~ dD(s) ] ds s=s . (AS) The determination of dD(s)/ds ~, , requires a dynamical model for v, (v", v', s). A simple model for v, (v", v', s) is to assume that it is generated by the exchanges of particles with =1, 2, 3. We evaluate the numerator of the pole terms at the pole positions, so that the potentials are asymptotically well behaved, and obtain the off -shell potential J ~ J. Godine and A. Hajokey, Phys. Rev. D 6, 3301 (1972); V. K. Cung, A. Mann, and E. A. Paschos, Phys. Lett. 41B, 355 (1972); A. Love, Lett. Nuovo Cimento 5, 113 (1972); D. A. Dicus, Phys. Rev. D 8, 338 (1973); 8, 2257 y g f„(s) APPENDIX 1',. (s, y+ m ll 2+vI+vlf 2 (A4) 2(v vn)lip where the summation is over particles with spins 1, 2, and S. The functions f„(s) for exchanges of 4 =1, 2, 3 particles are f, (s) =SC»y, (—,'m, '—lP ) J', (I + m' —4p2 I 2s ( f, (s) = 5C„y, (-,'m, '—u') &, 1+ I f, (s) = 7C„y,(-,'m, '—v'(P, (I 2 +. 4 ~' 2, A5 2s m 32 —4p2 respectively, where Col are the crossing matrix elements for the exchange of a particle with isospin I, for KK scattering in the isospin-zero state: (A6) The values of y'„are related to the coupling constants of these particles with the KK system and are related to the experimental widths' of these particles. For the 4=1 case, we have actually two exchanges, one with I =1 corresponding to the p exchange, and another with I =0 corresponding to the exchange of the unmixed co, meson. . Together they give an effective contribution of C„y, =1.4. For the J =2 exchange, we have the f' meson which gives C»y, =2.0/m' where m =1 GeV. The widths of the = 3 resonances are not so well established and we adjust it to produce the required zero in D(s) at s =2. S (GeV)'. This gives us a value of C,Iy, =1.1/m4 corresponding to the partial width I'(g- ((w) =150 MeV. This determines the v, (v", v", s) needed for the calculation of D(s} in (A2). The value of dD(s)/ds~, , obtained from this D(s) is approximately -1.S/mz ', so that J T, (s, v)=, 0 ' 75m ~ . —s —zmyi Ts(s, v), (Av) which is similar in form to the result (21), but is smaller by a factor of 0.75. Even. this can be traced to our taking a rather large width for I w((} so that one may conclude that there is consistency between the two approaches. (g- 890 (1973); R. Budny, Phys. Lett. 45B, 340 (1973); A. McDonald, Nucl. Phys. B75, 343 (1974); R. Budny and A. McDonald, Phys. Lett. 48B, 423 (1974); C. H. Llewellyn Smith and D. V. Nanopoulos, Nucl. Phys. 2258 M. P. GOKHALE, S, H. PATIL, AND S. D. RINDANI B78, 205 (1974); R. S. Patil, S. H. Patil, and S. D. Bindani, Phys. Rev. D 10, 3070 (1974); E. Lendvai and G. PocsR, Phys. Lett. 56B, 462 (1975). 2B. W. Brown, V. K. Cung, K. O. Mikaelian, and E. A. 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