ST 511 Fall 2015 - Syllabus

ST 511-­‐‑002: Experimental Statistics for Biological Sciences I Fall 2015 Time and Location: Tu Th 8:30am – 9:45am at G107 Caldwell Hall Course Web Site: Instructor: Eric Chi Office Hours: Tu Th 10am – 11am (Right after class; Subject to change) Office: 5228 SAS Hall Email: [email protected] Teaching Assistant: Ying Li Office Hours: Wed 1:10pm – 3:10pm, Th 2:55pm – 4:55pm Location: 1101 SAS Hall Email: [email protected] Course Goal: This course is intended to give students a background in the methods of statistical analysis that will assist them in analysis of data generated from research in the biological sciences. Students will learn methods for summarizing and describing data, and techniques for using sample data to make inferences about a larger population. Textbook (optional): An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 6th edition, by R.L. Ott and M. Longnecker, Brooks/Cole, 2010 (ISBN 978-­‐‑0-­‐‑495-­‐‑01758-­‐‑5). The 5th edition would also suffice. Note Outlines: Note outlines will be available on the course webpage at least 24 hours prior to each lecture. Please print these and bring them to class with you. Attendance and communication: • Regular class attendance is strongly encouraged. If you miss class for any reasons, please make arrangements with another student to obtain the notes and materials that were covered that day. Additionally, students should check their Unity email regularly to receive course announcements. Grades: • All grades (HWs, midterm, and final) will be stored in the WebAssign Grade Book • It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of his/her grades in the course and the appropriate level of work required. Your grades will depend on the following: Item Points HW Assignments* 35% Midterm 30% Cumulative Final Exam 35% 1
Grades will be determined by calculating the student’s percentage out of the available points. Students achieving >=90% will receive at least an A-­‐‑; students achieving >=80% will receive at least a B-­‐‑; students achieving >=70% will receive at least a C-­‐‑. Incomplete (IN) grades are given only as specified in university regulations. Homework: • HW problems will be assigned on weekly basis. Most assignments will be delivered and graded through WebAssign ( A few assignments will be collected and graded by the TA. • WebAssign HW: You will need to purchase a WebAssign license (~$30) for this class. This can be purchased online via the WebAssign website. When you access WebAssign for this class, you will be informed how you can purchase the license online with a credit card. While you will need WebAssign for your first homework, there is a 14-­‐‑day trial period. So you do not have to have your license in order to get started. • R Assignments: We will also have a handful of assignments using the R statistical computing software (https://www.r-­‐‑ These are designed to give you an introduction to how to use R to apply the methods learned in class. These assignments will be written up in knitr and graded only for completeness and effort. These assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. Each submission may contain a maximum of 4 pages; if your submission contains more than 4 pages, then TA will only grade the first 4. • Late HW: You may submit homework assignments for credit up to two days past the due date. However, your maximum total score on each assignment will be reduced by 25%. For example, if an assignment is due on Thursday, you may submit it on Friday for a maximum of 75%, and on Saturday for a maximum of 50%. Exams: • There will be one midterm and one cumulative final exam. The exams are closed-­‐‑book. For the exams students may use one 8 ½ X 11 inch page of notes (front and back). Calculators are needed on exams. Requests for re-­‐‑grading of exams must be made in writing and within one week of the date that the exam is originally returned. The exams will be held on the following dates: o Midterm: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 (In class)
o Final: Thursday, December 10, 2015
• Make-­‐‑up exams are strongly discouraged and are only given if BOTH of the following two conditions are fulfilled: (a) contacting the instructor within 24 hours of the exam given, and (b) providing suitable and official documentation of the absence. If you are aware of a scheduling conflict with an exam date, please let me know as soon as possible and no later than a week from the exam date; it is preferred that you arrange to take the exam early. Course Discussion Forum •
We will have a course discussion forum on Piazza to encourage you to ask questions and help each other. Initially, we will also enable anonymous posting to make it easier for some of you to ask questions. Please don’t abuse the forum and be respectful to your fellow students. If this arrangement doesn’t work out, we may disable anonymous 2
posting or to discontinue the discussion forum entirely. The discussion forum will only be viewable by people who sign up for it. Course documents – including lecture notes and handouts – will also be available on the Piazza site. Academic Misconduct: The Code of Student Conduct defines a university policy on academic integrity: Your signature on work submitted for grading implies compliance with this policy. Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Disability Services for Students: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 919-­‐‑515-­‐‑7653. For more information on NC State'ʹs policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (REG 02.20.01). NCSU Polices, Regulations, and Rules (PRR): Students are responsible for reviewing the PRRs which pertain to their course rights and responsibilities. These include:­‐‑04-­‐‑25-­‐‑05 (Equal Opportunity and Non-­‐‑Discrimination Policy Statement) (Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity),­‐‑11-­‐‑35-­‐‑01 (Code of Student Conduct), and­‐‑02-­‐‑50-­‐‑03 (Grades and Grade Point Average). Course Outline: The following is an outline of the course. Please note that this schedule may be adjusted. Week Topics (Subject to change) Introduction 1,2 Ch3: Data description-­‐‑-­‐‑-­‐‑graphical methods Ch3: Data description-­‐‑-­‐‑-­‐‑numerical methods 3 4 5 Ch3: Data description-­‐‑-­‐‑-­‐‑box plot Ch4: Discrete random variables and probability distribution Ch4: Discrete random variables and probability distribution Ch4: Continuous random variables and probability distribution Ch4: Continuous random variables and probability distribution Ch4: Sampling distribution 6 Ch5: Inference about one population mean-­‐‑-­‐‑-­‐‑estimation 7 Ch5: Inference about one population mean-­‐‑-­‐‑-­‐‑hypothesis testing 8 Midterm (Tuesday, September 29, 2015) 3
9 Ch6: Inference about two population means 10 Ch8: ANOVA 11 Ch9: Multiple Comparisons 12 Ch10: Categorical data analysis: inference about population proportions 13 Ch10: Categorical data analysis: chi-­‐‑squares tests 14 Ch11: Linear regression and correlation 15 Ch11: Linear regression and correlation 16 Ch11: Linear regression and correlation Final Exam (Thursday, December 10, 2015) 4