lluc12355PH’97 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE COMHlSSiO,, OFFlCEOi THESECRETARy POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 Docket No. R97-1 THE DIRECT MARKETING ASSOCIATION, INC.'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOClJ?.¶ENTS DIRECTED TO USPS WITNESS CRUM (DMA/USPS-TZS-l-9) Pursuant of Practice, submits the production 9) If Sections the Direct attached of the to and 26 of Marketing designated we request to Commission's Inc. and requests USPS witness witness the Association, interrogatories documents interrogatory, 25 is Crum unable a response to Rules hereby for (DMA/LJSPS-T28-lrespond by some other to any qualified witness. Respectfully submitted, David L. Meyer Michael D. Bergman COVINGTON & BURLING 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, 20004 Washington, D.C. (202) 662-5296 Counsel for the Association, August -.- 12, 1997 Direct Inc. N.W. Marketing - 2 WITNESS CRUN (USPS T-28) DMA/USPS -I T28-1. Please refer to Table 1 on page 6 of LR-H-108. (a) Please provide similar data for FY 1993, FY 1994, and FY 1995 showing PERMIT estimates of revenue, pieces, and weights for letters, flats, and IPPs and parcels for Standard A Bulk Regular Rate mail. (b) Please provide estimates of revenue, pieces, and weights, controlled to GFY RPW totals for letters, flats, and IPPs and Parcels for FY 1993, FY 1994 and FY 1995. Cc) Using the data provided in this confirm that the average weight pounds. If you cannot confirm, correct average weight for flats. (d) table, please Using the data provided in this confirm that the average weight of parcels is pounds. If you cannot confirm, please provide correct average weight for parcels. Table, please of flats is .2 please provide the .5 the DMA/USPS-T28-2. Please refer to page 9 of your direct testimony concerning cost differences for IPPs and Parcels in MC97-2 (USPS-T-71 in which you stated that "[blecause the volume of Carrier Route parcels is much lower than flats, I feared that the results might vary from year to year. To check for such variations, I looked at three years of data." (a) Did you testimony have in similar fears this case? (b) If your answer to check for variations of data? If yes, (cl If your answer to sub-part explain what had transpired your direct testimonies in such fears. while preparing your sub-part (a) is "yes!," did you by analyzing additional years please provide your findings. (a) is "no," please between the filings MC97-2 and R97-1 to of allay Please refer to page 9 of your direct DMA/USPS-T28-3. in which you stated that testimony in MC97-2 (USPS-T-7), weight may have an impact on cost differences within Standard Mail (A) nonletters and that you analyzed cost differences within the Carrier Route category because you were able to "isolate the cost driving effect of shape as opposed to in your direct Conversely, within that category. weight" testimony in R97-1 (USPS-T-28) (page 11, lines I6-17), you "combine[d] Regular and Enhanced Carrier Route as well as - 3 Regular [your] Rate and Nonprofit analysis." costs and volumes for of purposes (a) Did you for all testimony (b) If your answer to sub-part (a) is "no." please explain why you did not control for weight and how this absence of control affects your analysis of shape-based cost differences between flats and parcels in R9'7-1. Cc) If your explain similarly control Standard Mail (A) in R97-l? answer to sub-part how you controlled for the effect subclasses in ia) for is "yes," the effect of weight your please of weight. DMA/USPS-T20-4. Please refer page 11, lines 5-8, of your direct testimony (USPS-T-28) and page 2 of LR-H--l08 in which you state that Standard Mail (A) volumes by shape are "derived from the Permit/Bravis system" which "recorded mailing information from each bulk mail transaction." statement (a) Describe in detail how USPS expected mailers to distinguish between "flats," "IPPs," and "parcels," including without limitation the definitions of these categories that USPS expected mailers to in filling out the mailing statements employ, underlying LR-H-108. (b) Please describe whether USPS checked the accuracy and reliability of shape designations on the mailing statement information underlying LR-H--108. Cc) Please describe whether any penalties or other consequences were imposed on mailers who incorrectly classified IPPs as flats or flats as IPPs on the mailing statements underlying LR-H-108. (d) Please describe all steps USPS determine that its information categorization of Standard (A) flats or non-flats is accurate Please DMA/USPS-T28-5. based on shape applicable If you during FY 1996. in detail the nature of has taken to concerning the nonletter mail and reliable. as confirm that there was no surcharge to Standard (A) IPPs or parcels are unable to confirm, please describe any such surcharge. - 4 DMA/USPS-T28-6. Please describe nature of the activity underlying 3.la) separately for: (a) Carrier Route flats; (b) Carrier Route IPPs Rate Regular flats; (d) Rate Regular IPPs DMA/USPS-T28-7. Please nature of the activities labor and support costs the (C/S and and parcels describe in a detailed narrative underlying the carrier "in-office" (C/S 6.1 and 6.2) separately for: (a) Carrier Route flats; (b) Carrier Route IPPs (c) Bulk Rate Regular flats; (dl Bulk Rate Regular IPPs the and parcels; and and parcels. DMA/USPS-T28-8. Please describe in nature of the activities underlying route, access, elemental load, other costs (C/S 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5) (a) Carrier Route flats; (b) Carrier Route IPPs (c) Bulk Rate Regular flats; (d) Bulk Rate Regular IPPs a detailed the carrier load and separately narrative the "street" street support for: and parcels; DNA/USPS-T28-9. Please refer to Please provide similar LR-H-108. subclasses of Standard Mail iA) _---- a detailed narrative processing costs" "mail and parcels; (C) Bulk Bulk in and and parcels. Table 3 on pages 8 and 9 of tables for each of the for FY 1996. - 5 CERTIFICATE foregoing I hereby certify document in accordance Rules of Practice. Commission's that OF SERVICE I have this with Section date served 12 of ,(I [‘(>&W~~ Michael Dated: August 12, 1997 D. tirgman the the
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