On the Dispersive versus Arrhenius Temperature Activation of NBTI Time Evolution in Plasma Nitrided Gate Oxides: Measurements, Theory, and Implications D. Varghese, D. Saha, S. Mahapatra, K. Ahmed#1, F. Nouri#1, and M. Alam#2 Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India (91-22-25720408 / [email protected]) #1 Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA; #2 ECE Department, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN Abstract Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is studied in p-MOSFETs having Decoupled Plasma Nitrided (DPN) gate oxides (EOT range of 12AO through 22AO). Threshold voltage shift (∆VT) is shown to be primarily due to interface trap generation (∆NIT) and significant hole trapping (∆NOT) has not been observed. ∆VT follows power-law time (t) dependence and Arrhenius temperature (T) activation. Introduction NBTI is a serious reliability concern for p-MOSFETs [1]. Oxynitrides (required for suppressing boron penetration and gate leakage) show worse NBTI than control oxides and has attracted much attention [2-5]. It is important to correctly measure and extrapolate t evolution of ∆VT to accurately determine device lifetime. However, this extrapolation is complicated since (i) impact of delay time on measurement is not fully understood, (ii) ∆VT origin (∆NIT that predicts tn dependence or ∆NOT that predicts log (t) dependence) is still unresolved, and (iii) the nature of temperature dependence (dispersive vs. Arrhenius activated) remains controversial. It is therefore necessary to resolve these inconsistencies for correct estimation of device lifetime. Highlights of this work It is shown that: (i) in addition to t-delay, measurement voltage (VG,meas) and T strongly influence n, (ii) t-delay=0 measurements show power law t dependence for various EOT, N2 dose, stress-VG and T, (iii) recently reported large NBTI dispersion is an artifact of t-delay, (iv) for t-delay=0, short and long time degradation respectively are dispersive and Arrhenius activated (their relation is explained), (v) no ∆NOT is observed, only ∆NIT governs overall ∆VT and hence can be explained by R-D model [10-12], and (vi) measured n along with activation energy (EA) of diffusion uniquely identify neutral molecular H2 as the diffusion species. Impact of measurement delay Fig.1 shows ∆VT (t) (= −(∆Idlin/Idlin0) * VGT0) from onthe-fly [6] and normal (with delay) Idlin measurements. tdelay increases n, and is known to be due to ∆VT recovery during the stress “stopped” phase [6,7,11]. For identical tdelay, n also increases at lower |VG,meas| (Fig.1, LHS) and higher T (Fig.1, RHS). This is expected as ∆VT recovery, believed due to passivation of broken Si- bonds [11,12] is larger at higher T and lower |VG,meas| [1,7,13]. Fig.2 (LHS) shows ∆NIT (t) measured using charge pumping (CP). Increase in n with higher t-delay and higher T is clearly seen. Fig.2 (RHS) shows ∆NIT (t) simulated using R-D model with and without t-delay for different T. For tdelay=0, n~1/6 (for all T) as expected for H2 diffusion [11]. For t-delay>0, n increases at higher T, and is consistent with the measured trends. Fig.3 shows n (from Idlin and CP) versus T for various t-delay. Increase in n at higher T can be clearly seen, which is more pronounced for larger tdelay. Further, as average VG,meas for C-P (~0, mean value of pulse) is lower than |VG,meas| for Idlin, n from C-P is much larger than that from Idlin for a given t-delay and T. These results are consistent with increased recovery at larger t-delay, less negative VG,meas and higher T. Since delay contaminates all measurements and results in uncertain values of n, only “on-the-fly” Idlin [6] should be used to quantify and interpret NBTI defect generation, as has been done below. NBTI time evolution Fig.4 shows ∆VT (t) for various T, plotted in log-log and lin-log scales. It is obvious that NBTI follows power-law (not log) time dependence. When plotted in log-log scale, n shows a slight increase with T for short t, indicating weak dispersive diffusion [7,9]. However, the T-dependence of n completely disappears for longer t, and n becomes (slightly less than) 1/6 for all T. Fig.5 shows the T dependence of ∆VT (t) for various EOT, N2 dose, and stress-VG. Long time degradation clearly shows an universal Arrhenius, powerlaw (n~1/6) behavior. Contrary to [8], the strong power-law time dependence suggests ∆VT is governed by ∆NIT and not ∆NOT (at least for DPN oxynitrides for these EOT range). Furthermore, strong dispersion reported in literature [7,9] is most likely a consequence of measurement delay. Finally, we believe historically measured n (~1/5 – 1/3) for NBTI with uncertain t-delay can all be attributed to this universal n~1/6 behavior (for t-delay=0), which is explained below. Explanation using “standard” R-D model The Arrhenius T activated (longer time), power-law time evolution of ∆VT (~∆NIT) can be explained by R-D model [1,10-12]: ∆NIT = (kF.N0/2kR)1/2.[D0.exp(-EA/kT)t]n, where kF, kR are the Si-H dissociation and passivation rate constants, N0 is total Si-H bond density, and D=D0.exp(EA/kT) is the diffusivity of released H species. Fig. 6 shows that long t (varying T) data can be uniquely scaled along Xaxis and Y-axis directions to universal relations, which yields EA for D and ∆VT respectively [1]. Obtained EA (D) proves neutral H2 as the diffusion species [14]. This is also consistent with n~1/6 power-law t dependence as predicted by R-D model for H2 diffusion (Fig.2) [11]. Moreover, R-D 0-7803-9269-8/05/$20.00 (c) 2005 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 3, 2009 at 00:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. model suggests EA (∆VT) = EA (D) * n if EA (kF) ~ EA (kR) [1], as also can be seen from Fig.6. Interface-trap generation dominated NBTI Fig.7 shows T dependence ∆VT (t) for devices with same EOT but various N2 dose. ∆VT for both low and high N2 dose (and their difference) show similar EA (~EA (D) * n). This proves that increase in NBTI due to increased plasma N2 dose is due to increase in ∆NIT. To show the universality that ∆NIT dominates ∆VT, a large number of samples with different EOT and N2 dose (including control oxides) were stressed at various T and oxide electric field (EOX). ∆VT (t) was obtained using on-the-fly Idlin. For few cases ∆NIT (t) was obtained (separately) from C-P on larger EOT samples. The results are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 (control and plasma N2 data plotted separately for clarity, and does not signify actual magnitude). Fig.8 shows X-axis scaling factors of T dependent ∆VT (t) and ∆NIT (t) data. Very similar T activation (EA ranges from 0.54eV through 0.62eV) of all data clearly proves that ∆VT ~ ∆NIT, and plasma N2 and control oxides have very similar T dependent kinetics. Since EA (kF) ~ EA (kR), T dependence of ∆NIT is primarily due to that of D [1,9]. Moreover, that the diffusing species is always neutral molecular H2 is also unequivocally established (consistent EA (D) and n values). Fig.9 shows EOX dependence of ∆VT and ∆NIT data. Since diffusion species is neutral H2, EOX dependence is due to ½ ½ that of (kF/kR) and has the form A.EOX exp (BEOX) [1,9]. Once again, qualitatively similar slope “B” suggests ∆VT ~ ∆NIT, and plasma N2 and control oxides have similar EOX dependent kinetics. We believe N2 incorporation impacts “A”, possibly by reducing the Si-H bond dissociation energy [15]. In short, control oxides and DPN oxides are governed by very similar reaction and diffusion mechanics. Dispersion in n The transition from dispersive (short t) to Arrhenius (long t) T activation (Fig.4) can be interpreted rigorously, and is qualitatively explained using Fig.10. In the absence of deep trapping sites, H2 would diffuse via shallow hopping sites (standard diffusion) and shows weak T dependence. ∆NIT equals total released H2 density (NH) and dNIT/dt = dFH/dx = D0 d2NH/dx2 (FH: H2 flux). In the presence of deep traps at a single energy level Ea= EA, trapping and detrapping of H2 (to and from this level) influences the T dependence of diffusion. If NHF, NHT are free and trapped H2 density (NH = NHF + NHT), then NHF/N0 = [NHT/NT] exp (-EA/kT), if fast equilibrium is assumed. N0, NT are the density of shallow hopping sites and deep traps. Therefore, dFH/dx = D0 d2NHF/dx2 = D1 d2NH/dx2 (as only free H2 can diffuse). Assuming (N0/NT) exp (-EA/kT)<<1, and by rearranging terms, D1 = D0 (N0/NT) exp (-EA/kT). Hence, Arrhenius T activation is obtained. In such a case, NIT time evolution can be explained by standard R-D model solution [1, 10-12] and the universal scaling scheme (Fig.6) will hold good [1,9]. In the presence of trap energy distribution up to infinity, trapping and detrapping of H2 to and from multiple energy levels determine T dependence of diffusion. Emission time constants of these levels are t=1/ν0 exp (E/kT), ν0 being the attempt to escape frequency. As t increases, more and more deep traps emit H2 and as a result, the energy centroid of trapped H2, EM (t), goes down in energy. Using exponential trap distribution as g(E) = NT/E0 exp(-E/E0) and assuming fast equilibrium, NHF/N0 = [NHT/E0g(EM)] exp(-EM(t)/kT), where EM (t) = kT ln (ν0t). Rearranging, NHF = NH [N0/NT] exp [kT/E0 ln (ν0t)]/(ν0t), and dFH/dx = D0 d2NHF/dx2 = D2 d2NH/dx2, where D2 = D0 (N0/NT) (1/ν0t)^[1 – kT/E0], which is a signature of dispersive diffusion [7,16]. For a real system with finite distribution of traps up to EA, diffusion is dispersive till t=t0, as long as EM(t) reduces with t. This get transformed to Arrhenius activated diffusion for t>t0 as steady state is attained [EM(t0)~EA]. The transition time is t0 = 1/ν0 [exp (EA/kT)]^[1/(1-kT/E0)], and reduces at higher T. For EA = 0.58eV, Fig.4 predicts ν0 ~ 1012 s-1 and E0 = 80meV, consistent with published values. (Accurate determination of t0 can be influenced by non-equilibrium H to H2 conversion, which can also affect short t slope). Conclusion NBTI time evolution is studied for plasma N2 oxynitride p-MOSFETs. NBTI shows power-law time dependence for a wide range of EOT, N2 dose, stress-VG and T. It is shown that delay during measurements result in inaccurate powerlaw slope, which depends on delay time, measurement VG and T. For zero delay measurements, short-time data shows dispersive but long-time data show Arrhenius T activation. It is clearly shown that strong long-time dispersion is an artifact of measurement-delay. A theory for the transition of dispersive to Arrhenius T activation is provided. NBTI is governed by interface trap generation, which follows R-D model. It is shown that DPN and control samples show very similar T and EOX dependence of NBTI. Obtained n and EA for diffusion suggests molecular H2 diffusion governs the long-time evolution of NBTI behavior. References [1] S. Mahapatra et al., p.105, IEDM 2004 [2] Y. Mitani et al., p.509, IEDM 2002 [3] Y. Mitani et al., p.117, IEDM 2004 [4] V. Huard et al., p.40, IRPS 2004 [5] H. Aono et al., p.23, IRPS 2004 [6] S. Rangan et al., p.341, IEDM 2003 [7] B. Kaczer et al., p.381, IRPS 2005 [8] M. Dennis et al., p.109, IEDM 2004 [9] M. Alam et al., Micro. Reliability, v.45, p.71, 2005 [10] K. Jeppson et al., JAP, p. 2004, 1977 [11] S. Chakravarthi et al., p.273, IRPS 2004 [12] M. Alam, p.345, IEDM 2003 [13] S. Mahapatra et al., SSDM 2005 [14] M. L. Reed et al., JAP, p.5776, 1988 [15] S. S. Tan et al., p.70, SSDM 2003 [16] D. Monroe, Solid State Comm., p.435, 1986 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 3, 2009 at 00:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. O 15 EOT=21.4A , Dose=5.54x10 cm -VG(stress) O 10 O t-delay O delay=50ms 10 0 10 1 10 2 3 slope: 0.162, 0.189 0.177, 0.211 1 10 2 10 0.24 15 10 -2 VG(stress)=-3V Idlin VG(meas)=-1.5V 0.18 Delay=200ms VG(meas)~VT IMEC(IRPS'05) 0.16 0.14 0 50 100 150 O Temperature ( C) 10 slope: 0.221, 0.264 0.232, 0.289 1 10 10 2 Delay / slope 0ms / 0.17 (T1, T2) 250ms / 0.24(T1), 0.256(T2) 3 0 -1 O 15 -2 EOT=12.3A , Dose=2.34x10 cm stress (-VG) 1.9V O T=100 C 2.1V 10 10 15 slopes: 0.174, 0.14 0.19, 0.14 0.237, 0.14 0.07 0.06 O T( C) 50 100 150 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 t0=20-40s -2 -3 0.00 5x10 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 stress time (s) Fig.4. T dependence of ∆VT (t) measured using on-the-fly Idlin technique, showing power-law (not log) time dependence. Short time (t<t0) data shows higher slope at higher T (dispersive). Long time data shows identical slope for all T (Arrhenius activation). -1 10 O -1 EOT=12.3A stress VG=-2.1V stress VG=-2.1V slope=0.14 slope=0.14 O O T=100 C ∆VT (V) ∆VT (V) slope=0.14 O T=27 C 0 10 1 2 10 10 10 stress time (s) 3 O 15 10 O T=27 C -2 10 0 0 2x10 -2 O -2 2 On-the-fly Idlin VG(stress)=-1.9V t0=2-4s T=27 C 10 10 EOT=12.3A , Dose=1.44x10 cm -1 T=100 C ∆VT (V) 1 10 10 stress time (s) 0.01 200 Fig.3. T dependence of power-law time exponent from Idlin and C-P measurements. Higher dispersion (increase in n with T) is seen for higher measurement delay. C-P slopes are greater than Idlin slopes for same T and t-delay. 10 O T=T1 C O O EOT=21.4A , Dose=5.54x10 cm 50ms (delay) 350ms 350ms C-P 500ms 0.22 0.20 O T=27 C ∆VT (V) time exponent 0.26 1 10 Fig.2. (LHS) T dependence of ∆NIT (t) measured using C-P for different t-delay. Increase in slope at larger T is more pronounced when delay is high. (RHS) Numerical solution of R-D model with and without delay. T-dependent slope observed for non-zero delay. ∆VT (V) 0.28 10 1 Delay 350ms 500ms 2x10 0 10 3 Fig.1. ∆VT (t) from Idlin measurements without and with delay. (LHS) Different measurement bias, (RHS) different measurement T. Slope increases for higher delay time, higher T and lower measurement VG. 0.30 O 0 0 10 10 10 stress time (s) O T=T2 C -2 -2 -VG(meas) / n 3.0V/0.138 1.5V/0.162 1.0V/0.189 T2>T1 D: 100X kF: 3.1X kR: 3.5X 9 O T=50 C 2 10 R-D simulation, H2 molecule CP (f=800kHz) VG=-3.0V (stress) T=150 C 9 On-the-fly 10 2 -2 ∆NIT (x10 cm ) T=150 C Delay 50ms 350ms T=50 C VG=-3.0V (stress) 15 EOT=21.4A , Dose=5.54x10 cm Delay Idlin, VG=-3.0V (stress) VG=-1.5V (measure) -VG(meas) ∆VT (V) -2 -2 -1 ∆NIT (x10 cm ) 10 1 Dose (x10 cm) 1.44 2.34 2 10 10 10 stress time (s) 3 -2 EOT(A ), Dose (cm ) 15 10 21.4, 1.44x10 -2 10 15 12.3, 2.34x10 0 1 2 10 10 10 stress time (s) 3 Fig.5. T dependence of ∆VT (t) for various stress-VG, N2 dose and EOT, measured using on-the-fly Idlin technique. Nondispersive power law behavior is universally observed. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 3, 2009 at 00:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. -2 10 O 15 Control, EOT=12.8A scale factor (a.u.) scaled along X axis VG=-2.1V O 27 C O -2 50 C 10 O 75 C O 100 C scaled along Y axis O 8x10 O Plasma N2, EOT=12.3A -2 Dose=1.44x10 cm On-the-fly Idlin ∆VT (scaled, a.u.) 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 X-scale EA=0.58eV Y-scale EA=0.085eV 10 -2 O 15 O 15 O 15 O 15 -3 15 IDlin / 21.4A / 5.54x10 / 8.5 15 C-P / 21.4A / 5.54x10 / 8.5 EA ~ 0.58eV 1 10 Control O IDlin / 12.8A / - / 8.0 -1 26 C-P / 26A / - / 9.1 28 30 NH 38 40 Ea = EA (single level) D1 = D01 exp (-EA/kT) NH O time (log scale) O C-P / 21.4A / 5.54 / 125 C 10 -2 B=0.4 Control O O IDlin / 13.6A / - / 125 C T2 T1 (b) time (log scale) O C-P / 26A / - / 125 C 6 7 8 9 Oxide field, EOX (MV/cm) 10 Distance in oxide Distance in oxide 0 < Ea < ∞ 0 < Ea < EA D2 = D01 (1/ν0t)^ [1 - kT/E0]NH D = D2 (0 < t < t0) D = D1 (t > t0) Ea ∆NIT (log scale) (a) ∆NIT (log scale) ∆NIT (log scale) T1 O IDlin / 21.4A / 5.54 / 125 C Fig.9. EOX dependence of ∆VT and ∆NIT data, measured on films having different EOT and N2 dose. Very similar EOX dependence is observed for all films. Line is best fit to control oxide data, and can be used as eye-guide for plasma oxynitride data. EA T2 O O 10 5 Distance in oxide EA=0 D = D0 = µ. kT/q O O IDlin / 16.4A / 4.29 / 150 C -3 32 34 36 -1 1/kT (eV ) Distance in oxide O IDlin / 16.4A / 4.29 / 100 C O Fig.8. X-axis scaling (like Fig.6) factors for T dependent ∆VT and ∆NIT data, measured on films having different EOT and N2 dose. Very similar T dependence is observed for all films. Line is best fit to control oxide data, and can be used as eye-guide for plasma oxynitride data. NH 10 -1 O 10 O O O IDlin / 12.3A / 2.34 / 125 C Plasma N2 0.5 10 O IDlin / 12.3A / 1.44 / 125 C IDlin / 12.3A / 2.34 / 90 C 15 O O O O ∆VT / [A. EOX ] (a.u.) X-axis scale factor (a.u.) 10 IDlin / 16.4A / 4.29x10 / 7.5 2 -2 IDlin / 12.3A / 1.44 / 100 C 0 IDlin / 12.3A / 2.34x10 / 8.0 O Fig.7. T activation of ∆VT data for various N2 dose. Lower and higher N2 dose (and their difference) show identical EA, similar to that of control oxide. 15 IDlin / 12.3A / 2.34x10 / 8.9 O On-the-fly Idlin stress: VG=-2.1V, t=10s O IDlin / 12.3A / 1.44x10 / 8.2 3 10 EA~0.085eV -2 Probe/EOT/Dose(x10 cm )/T IDlin / 12.3A / 1.44x10 / 9.1 10 -2 4x1028 30 32 34 36 38 40 -1 1/kT (eV ) 1028 30 32 34 36 38 40 -1 1/kT (eV ) Probe/EOT/Dose(cm )/EOX(MV/cm) Plasma N2 -2 15 2.34x10 cm Difference Fig.6. (LHS) Universal scaling scheme: ∆VT (t) data for various T is scaled along X and Y-axis directions to universal relations. (RHS) T activation of X and Y-axis scale factors. Obtained EA from X-axis scaling suggests molecular H2 diffusion. EA (Yscale) = EA (X-scale) * n as predicted by R-D model [1]. 4 15 1.44x10 cm 0 -3 0 Plasma N2 O 125 C 3x10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 time (s) 10 -2 ∞ T2 T1 time (log scale) (c) ∆NIT (log scale) EOT=12.3A ∆VT (V) 7x10 t = t0 (T2) T2 T1 t = t0 (T1) (d) time (log scale) Fig.10. Schematic of H2 diffusion process: (a) without trapping, (b) with single energy trap at EA, (c) with distribution (shape factor E0) of traps up to ∞, and (d) with finite distribution of traps up to EA. Resulting T dependence of ∆NIT: (a) weak (Einstein relationship), (b) Arrhenius activated (c) dispersive, and (d) dispersive at short time (t< t0), non-dispersive Arrhenius-like at longer time (t>t0). Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 3, 2009 at 00:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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