Impact of Substrate Bias on p-MOSFET Negative Bias Temperature Instability P. Bharath Kumaf, T. R. Dalei, D.Varghese, D.Saha, S . Mahapatra and M. A. Ala" Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 400076, lndia 'School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, JN,USA 'Phone: +9 1-22-25764483, Fax: +91-22-25723707, Email: [email protected] "TRODUCTION Negative Bias Temperature Tnstability (NBTI) of p-MOSFET is an important reliability issue for digital [ I ] as well as analog [2] CMOS circuits. Till date, characterization [3-91 and modeling [IO121 efforts to analyze NBTI mechanism involve devices stressed with zero substrate bias (ITB).However, many circuits utilize nonzero V, to vary the device threshold voltage (VT), (e.g., for dual VT CMOS,standby leakage reduction, etc.) [ 13-161. This paper aims to systematically study NET1 for VB>OV stress, which to the best of our knowledge has not been done so far. It is shown that NBTI increases for VB>OV stress. This i s attributed to enhanced interface (") and bulk (Nor) trap generation due to impact ionization and hot-hole (HH) generation. The role of gate bias (VG), VB,temperature (T) and oxide thickness (TPHY)is studied. This work would help all efforts in determining (i) reliability budget for any operating VB, (ii) proper choice of stress VB during accelerated aging tests, and (iii) suitable TCAD and SPICE models. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiments were performed on p-channel non-nitrided gate oxide MOSFETs having TpHyof 20A0 through %A0. Fig. 1 shows AVT (t) for stress at different VB but identical oxide field (Eox). AVT increases with VB and shows a power law in time whose exponent n also increases, seriously affecting extrapolated NBTI lifetime. Fig. 2 shows the impact of T on AVT (t) for stress with and without VB. For VB=OV stress, long-time AVr increase seen at high T is due to faster H2 diffusion in poly, as explained elsewhere [6,10]. Enhanced AVT is observed both at low and high T for VB>OV stress. However, AVT enhancement at high T shows up at a later time and has smaller n than that at RT.Therefore unlike VB-OV stress (conventional NBTI), the worst-case degradation for V+OV stress occurs at lower T. Fig.3 shows ANIT(t) for stress under different VB but identical Eox, measured by charge pumping at HOOkHz. ANir increases with VB, shows power law in time, and the exponent n increases with Vg. For VB=OV, n for ANITand AVT are identical. It is well known that ANoT= 0 for such stress conditions and hence AVTE ANIT[6,7]. For V+OV stress, Cox/q. AVT (and corresponding n) is larger than ANIT (and corresponding n), which implies the presence Of ANoT [ 5 ] . As a proof, Fig. 4 shows V+OV stress induced enhanced ANIT and AVT (differential increase from VB=OV) and ANOT(=Cox/q. AV* - ANIT) as a function o f stress time. High-VG SILC, which tracks mid-oxide AN~T [17], is also shown. VpDV stress induced AVT enhancement is larger than that of ANITand is due to ANOT, as substantiated by the presence of SILC. Note, VB>OVstress induced enhanced ANIT, ANoT (SILC) and hence enhanced AV, show t" (n-0.5) time dependence. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show VB>OVstress induced enhanced AVT and ANJTrespectively for a wide range of stress conditions. The n 0.5 power law is always observed, so is the fact that enhanced AVT is greater than enhanced ANrr (because of AN,,). Enhancement in AVT and ANITincreases with increase in Eox and VB and decrease in TPHY. Moreover, enhanced AVT and ANITis found to reduce at higher T (not plotted in this paper). V+OV stress causes HH generation due to impact ionization by electrons tunneling from gate as shown in Fig. 7 [5]. The observed Y T dependence of enhanced AVT and ANrron VG(Eox), VB, T ~ Hand can be explained by amount of HH generation, as tabulated in Fig. 7. As a proof, Fig. 8 plots enhanced AVT and ANlr versus Quantum - Yield of HH generation for different stress Eox and VB (TPHYand T constant). Excellent correlation justifies that hot-holes create ANOT [IS], enhanced ANITand hence enhanced AVTfor V+OV stress. Fig. 9 shows buildup and recovery of AVT and ANI^ during and after stress with and without V,. Identical AVT and ANn recovery is observed for VB=OV stress since AN07 is negligible. AVTrecovery is larger than ANITrecovery for vB=2v stress due to detrapping of holes trapped in generated NOT.Fractional recovery in both ANn and AVTis lower for V+-OV compared to VB=OV stress. Fig. 10 and Fig.1 I show ANlT generation (for VB=OV and VB>OV stress) and recovery respectively for various stress VB and post-stress VG.ANITbuildup during stress increases with stress VB (Fig. lo), but the magnitude of recovery (generated remaining) is identical for all stress VB (identical to that for VB=OV stress). The amount of ANIT recovery for both VB=OV and VB>OVstress is weakly dependent on post-stress VG (Fig.] 1). The above results clearly show that VB>OV stress induced enhanced ANIT does not recover. NIT buildup during VB=OV stress is believed due to broken Si-H bonds with subsequent release and diffusion of neutral H2[5,11,12]. Nor buildup during V+OV stress is believed due to broken 5-0 bonds at the oxide bulk due to hot hole injection [I 8,191. While ANIT recovers after the stress is removed due to reformation of Si-H bonds [7,11,12], no known mechanism exists for the recovery of ANoT. We postulate that due to their non-recoverable nature, enhanced ANrrfor VB>OV stress is due to broken Si-0 bonds at the Si-Si01 interface. We realize that enhanced ANITduring VB>OV stress can also be due to broken Si-H bonds with subsequent release and diffusion of H+ [ 121. However the lack of recovery, and more importantly, its weak dependence on post-stress VG(Fig.] 1) suggests that & release is not likely to be involved in creating additional ANlTfor V,>OV stress. ~ CONCLUSlONS To summarize, NBTI of p-MOSFETs is studied under presence of V,, It is shown that NET1 increases due to increased Nlr and N O T generation for V+OV stress, and is correlated to hot-hole generation under such condition. ANOTand enhanced ANIT follow a power law in time with n 0.5, increase with increase in Eox and Vg, strongly increase at lower TpHY, and decrease at higher T. For V+OV stress, both AVT and ANIT show lower fractional recovery while AVT shows higher absolute recovery than ANrr compared to VB=OV stress. Due to its differences with conventional NBTI, p-MOSFET degradation under VB>OV stress needs careful attention. - REFERENCES [ I ] V. Reddy et. al., IWS, p.248, 2002. [2] C. Schlunder et. al., IRPS, p.5, 2003. [3] K. Uwasawa et. al., IEDM, p.87 I , 1995. [4] N. Kimizuka et. al., VLSI, p.73, 1999. [5] S. Mahapatra et. al., IEDM, p.505, 2002. 161 S. Mahapatra et. al., IEDM, p.337, 2003. [7] S. Rangan et. al., IEDM,p.341, 2003. [3] A. Krishnan et. al., IEDM, p.349,2003.[9] S. Tsujikawa et. al., IRPS, p.28, 2004. [IO] M. Alam et. al., IWGI, p. 10, 2001. [1 I] M. Alam, IEDM, p.345, 2003. [12] S . Chakravarthi et. al., IRPS, p.273, 2004. [I31 A. Keshavarzi et. al., Int. Symp. LPED, p.207, 2001. [I41 S. M. Martin et. al., Int. Conf. CAD,p.721, 2002. [I51 J. Tschanz et. al, ISSCC, p.422, 2002. [16] S. Narendra et. al., ISSCC, p.270, 2002. [I71 M. 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E,& 8.8 - 10 MVlun V,: 1 . 5 - Z S V + Figure 7. p-MOSFET energy band diagram in inversion under high VE showing impact ionization. Dependence of HH generation on experimental parameters is also shown. open: recovered at next 1Ks - rr E 20 t 2 I . , . , . , . , , , 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Quantum yield = IsD / f, NITand VT to QY of HH generation. 1000 2000 3000 4000 stress / recovery time (s) Figure 9. Generation and recovery of ANl, and AVT for stress with and without VE. 0 V,(V):stress/post-stress 18 0 : -2.4/0.0 O 15 & A Q V : -2.7/0.0 : -2.4/1.0 + b * 14 N ? 6 0.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 .+ 128 5 6- & 4 $ H 4 open: recovered at next 1Ks Figure 11. Generation and recovery of ANIT 4 1 4 2for different post-stress V ., 0 ' Stress V, (V) 4 A v,=~.ov W 1 -. hashed: generated at 1Ks 10-• ? ' 0 Stress: VC=-3.0b l6 v - 1 0 v,:o.ov Figure I O . Generation and recovery of ANITfor stress at different VB. -2.55/0.0 T=27'C, T,=22A0 " 0 4 3 Ei B e T=27OC, TM=26A0 Post-stress VB=OV " " Post-stress 701 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 31, 2008 at 01:39 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. VG (V) "
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