
Principal Report | September 18th, 2014
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP: The 7 Standards School Leadership UPDATES: Continuous Improvement • Teams for SY2014-­‐2015 (w/Extended Pay): Department, Course Team, Instructional Leadership Team (ILT), CARE Team, Grade Level (Bi-­‐Monthly). (*Admin. Team is building a quarterly calendar of meeting dates, objectives, and proposed projects for continuous improvement) • Proposed Teams for SY2014-­‐2015 (Voluntary): Senior Activities, STE(A)M Steering Team, Professional Problems Committee, Spirit Team (aka Social Committee), Recruitment Team, College & Career Team, Community & Family Engagement Team, Advanced Placement Steering Team, Dual Enrollment Steering Team • “Roles and Responsibilities” for many non-­‐teaching positions are in creation stages with goal-­‐setting metrics and tools to accompany the work of staff members (Security, Program Coordinator, etc.) (see Department Leader Roles and Responsibilities attachment) • Staff members participated in a 3-­‐step mission building protocol to identify shared values, gain consensus on core beliefs, and participate in a final mission statement (see Mission attachment) • Teachers and Teacher Leaders will lead the development of common assessment and curriculum with Instructional Leadership administrative support, while individualizing instruction to continuously improve student learning and § Assessment staff collaboration see Collaboration Map attached) § Curriculum • Weekly, teacher-­‐led and administrator-­‐led Professional Development will take place during the school § Instruction day alongside a structured “Collaboration Calendar” forthcoming to staff • Newly allocated and built attendance stations allow for speedier return to class for late students Student-­‐Centered alongside grade-­‐level “Town Hall Assemblies” last week to introduce students to available staff and Learning Climate review school-­‐wide social and academic expectations § High Academic Expectations •
The remodeled Main Office allows for a common swipe-­‐in and mailbox location as well as the § Personalism and Caring relocation of copiers and printers for teacher use in a common, shared space § Discipline and Order • A teacher-­‐led “FAN Program” was designed for teacher support and attendance at extracurricular activities along with a space for photos of staff and students at the event(s) • A “Call Home Campaign” was implemented to proactively reduce first period tardiness (See Memo attachment) • Attendance Rates: 9th – 92.14% | 10th – 90.54% | 11th – 93.95% | 12th – 94.65% | Avg (92.75%) Professional Development • Lunch and Learn sessions are taking place for support of Diverse Learners, Technology Use in the Classroom (forthcoming next weeks), and the use of Student Logger (a staff-­‐wide streamlined system and Human Resources for communication in support of students) Management • October 22nd – High School Fair | November 1st – Open House | November 4th & 5th – CPS Fair | Various § Professional Development Elementary School Fairs on Various Dates, too § Recruitment and Hiring • Hiring: 2 additional Sp. Ed. Teachers thanks to PARF application approved; pending 2 additional § Staff Observation/Evaluation ParaProfessionals for additional Support of Diverse Learners; Angela Newton, Assistant Principal STEM and Instructional Supervision Coordinator; hiring 1 additional Security Officer • Observations and evaluations starting in October with clear introductory communication sent to staff regarding what to expect and plan for in advance (See Timeline attachment) • Various outreach activities throughout community from local ES Visits, fests, and hosting of events on-­‐
Parent Involvement and site Community Partnership •
Ongoing meetings with Microsoft and DePaul to support partnership and learning opportunities for § Parent Involvement students and now even staff § Community Partnerships § Builds High Performing Teams § Coordinates the Work of Others § Implements the Vision School Management & Daily Operations § Daily Operations § Fiscal Management Interpersonal Effectiveness § Communications § Interpersonal Sensitivity • Meetings with Aramark leadership team have taken place to address concerns; daily emails sent to representatives to address problems and generate solutions • Staff hours taken into consideration to both support staff on a project completion basis and balance budget restrictions in SY2015 • Enrollment currently at 1349 (+45 over the projected 1314); pending budget increase for Day 15 • Weekly and daily “Staff Updates” continue to staff in support of ongoing communication and awareness in one space • Increased focus on one-­‐on-­‐one meetings between new leadership and staff members to build trust and provide support (See Org. Chart attachment) Page 1 of 2
Principal Report | September 18th, 2014
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
CIWP Priorities 2014-­‐2016 •
Priority #1: Pending LSC Approval Priority #2: Pending LSC Approval Priority #3: Pending LSC Approval Priority #4: Pending LSC Approval Priority #5: Pending LSC Approval Priority #6: Pending LSC Approval Priority #7: Pending LSC Approval Priority #8: Pending LSC Approval Priority #9: Pending LSC Approval Priority #10: Pending LSC Approval Page 2 of 2