
Principal Report | December 18th, 2014
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP: The 7 Standards School Leadership UPDATES: Continuous Improvement • School-­‐wide “Mid-­‐year Survey” administered Thursday, 12/18/2014, to gain staff input regarding continuous improvement. • Collaborative Meetings Taking Place (Collaboration Calendar): Department Leaders, Departments, Course Teams, ILT, Grade Level, Peer Pods, Recruitment, etc. • PPLC forming in January to be elected by staff (see PPLC handout). • “R&D Exchange” Event Kickoff with Microsoft & Northwestern University Instructional Leadership th
§ Assessment • Hour of Code Event at Microsoft Aon Center (LVHS Sophomores teaching Coonley 7 Graders) § Curriculum • School-­‐wide “Hour of Code” lesson on 12/15/2014. § Instruction • Course Teams and Departments have “Unpacked” Common Core State Standards for use during instructional planning. Continuous improvement of “Scope & Sequence” for curriculum taking place. • Lake View High School is regularly communicating with its partner, University of Chicago’s Network for College Success, for coaching, support, and best-­‐practice sharing for both teacher leaders and administrative leaders (Recent benefits include mentoring, meeting co-­‐facilitation, and visits to the University of Chicago for collaboration at the December Collaboration Event). • Year-­‐to-­‐date Attendance: 2014-­‐2015 – 89.9% Student-­‐Centered st
• Attendance Incentives: 1 Period Attendance Competition with Haunted Chicago History Tour. Learning Climate § High Academic Expectations • Attendance Consequences: New Tardy Policy to include Parent/Guardian Conferences, Detentions, § Personalism and Caring and In-­‐School Suspension. st
§ Discipline and Order • 1 Period Tardy Data: 9/29 (1058), 10/6 (995), 10/13 (996), 10/20 (1272), 10/27 (891), 11/3 (776), 11/10 (465), 11/17 (1030), 12/1 (902), 12/8 (863) • 92% FOT / 85.7% SOT • SQRP (See Data) Professional Development • Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) engaged in planning process for the development of staff-­‐wide “Professional Learning Cycle.” and Human Resources th
Reviewing Student Applications. ~1350 applications received (~200 in top 75 Percentile for Management Reading and Math) § Professional Development •
REACH observation cycles in progress at LVHS § Recruitment and Hiring § Staff Observation/Evaluation • ILT members visiting other school for teaching and learning feedback in a “Learning Walk” § Builds High Performing Teams § Coordinates the Work of Others § Implements the Vision and Instructional Supervision Parent Involvement and Community Partnership § Parent Involvement § Community Partnerships School Management & Daily Operations § Daily Operations § Fiscal Management Interpersonal Effectiveness § Communications § Interpersonal Sensitivity • Harvard Club of Chicago event took place in December th
• Lake View High School Partners 501(c)(3) meeting took place December 11 . • Ambassador’s Guide “At-­‐a-­‐Glance” will be updated for the Winter/Spring distribution • PAC Meeting took place on 11/18/2014 • New School Entrances Second Semester • Painting building interior is forthcoming • New cafeteria doors forthcoming • LVHS Partners “Adopt-­‐a-­‐Room” quotes received for room repair. • Electrical installation of Door 5 and Door 6 complete. • Increased use of “robo-­‐calls” for notices to students regarding attendance. • Bilingual communication in robo-­‐calls and letters home for all notices when possible. • Parent Conferences taking place with Admin & Youth Intervention Specialist for attendance and student intervention/support/etc. • Website Updates in-­‐progress • Staff Memos and Staff Updates shared regularly Page 1 of 2
Principal Report | December 18th, 2014
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
CIWP: 1)
CCSS Literacy: The English, Social Studies, and Focus Departments will work collaboratively to unpack Common Core State Standards and develop a scope & sequence for the departments, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. Lake View High School will work with the University of Chicago’s Network for College Success to develop the capacity of our Instructional leadership Team with the goal of the ILT leading staff through a series of professional development opportunities centered around one common targeted instructional area (TIA). The ILT will progress monitor the TIA to ensure that effective teaching and learning strategies are shared, supported, and rooted in action research to increase student achievement. CCSS Math: The Math Department will work collaboratively to unpack Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for math and the 8 Mathematical Practice Standards and develop a scope & sequence for the department, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. The department and course teams will meet every other week to perform and progress monitor this work so that effective DDI can be utilized to continuously improve math instruction that is aligned to CCSS. Science: The Science Department will work collaboratively to unpack the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and develop a scope & sequence for the department, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. The department and course teams will meet every other week to perform and progress monitor this work so that effective DDI can be utilized to continuously improve science instruction that is aligned to NGSS, CCSS, and CRS. Attendance: Build school-­‐wide attendance policies and plan for parent/guardian engagement. Strengthen incentive program, regular communication to parents/guardians regarding student attendance, and a school-­‐wide teacher-­‐driven focus on attendance monitoring and support. College Access & Persistence: Strengthen curriculum, instructional practice, and professional development, particularly in Math and English to qualify students for college-­‐level coursework. At the same time, develop an Early College culture and structures for ensuring students are prepared for and supported in their Early College coursework. Climate, Culture, and Social Emotional Learning: LVHS has a school-­‐wide guideline that Lake View is HOME, which focuses students on the importance of Honor, Ownership, Mastery and Education and what each one entails; explicit social-­‐emotional learning on needs as identified in various data; incentives to motivate students in growth areas as seen in data; restorative justice that prioritizes learning rather than punishment; a focus on collaboration and continuous learning for staff as well as students common planning time that is prioritized, structured, and planned in advance to maximize planning around both academic and social-­‐emotional supports. NOTES: Page 2 of 2