
Principal Report | July 22nd, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP: The 7 Standards School Leadership UPDATES: Continuous Improvement • Administration facilitated the development of individual “Mission Statements” to achieve the shared “Vision” of LVHS: “Lake View High School fosters honor, ownership, mastery, and education through learning opportunities for all students in preparation for college, career, and community commitment.” • Administration is focusing this summer on using school data, student feedback, staff input, and LSC input to structure our school’s “Organizational Chart” and areas of focus for SY2015-­‐2016. • Areas of focus determined over the summer will be used in planning CIWP and school-­‐wide focus. Instructional Leadership § Assessment • Administration will be facilitating time and meeting(s) for the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) § Curriculum this summer as they continue to plan for identifying, supporting, and implementing a school-­‐wide § Instruction “Targeted Instructional Area,” or one thing we expect ALL our students to know and be able to do well in every classroom. • We had approximately 200 students attend Freshmen Orientation Student-­‐Centered • 15 internships at various locations are taking place this summer through ongoing partnership with Learning Climate Microsoft. § High Academic Expectations th
§ Personalism and Caring • Summer STEM Start-­‐Up taking place for incoming 9 -­‐grade students. § Discipline and Order • See handout for SY2014-­‐2015 “General Highlights” and “Partnership Highlights” Professional Development • Administration will be supporting staff over the summer with the “Lake View Leadership Academy,” a forthcoming leadership program for all leadership positions. and Human Resources th
LVHS is awaiting the CPS budget release scheduled to take place on Monday, July 13 , 2015 to Management determine hiring, budget implications, and necessary next steps. § Professional Development •
I recommend that the LVHS LSC reconvene on 7/22 or date thereafter. § Recruitment and Hiring •
LVHS Administration is collaborating over the summer to “norm” around the REACH observation § Staff Observation/Evaluation processes, LVHS protocols and policies, and the best practices planned for use in SY2015-­‐2016. and Instructional Supervision • We had approximately 115 parents attend Freshmen Orientation Parent Involvement and • WTTW, “We take a look at how these schools work, how partnering with corporations like Community Partnership Microsoft and IBM helps, and why learning STEM benefits students who don't want to pursue § Parent Involvement science as a profession.” § Community Partnerships th • Microsoft Parent Partnership Event is scheduled for July 28 for the parents/guardians of all th
incoming 9 grade students. • “Community Engagement Session” forthcoming regarding the question, “How can we improve our space to benefit students and neighbors?” th
• LVHS will receive a budget from CPS on Monday, July 13 . School Management & th
• LVHS “bids” due today, July 9 , to Central Office for approval and scheduling of pending capital Daily Operations improvements to approximately 20 interior locations throughout our building (see map) as well as § Daily Operations several exterior locations requiring repair (See handouts). § Fiscal Management • Work likely take place this summer and into the school year to conclude during Winter Break. • LVHS End-­‐of-­‐Year Bulletin (attached) and staff hard work ensured a strong, clean, and successful Interpersonal conclusion to the operations and communications for LVHS at the end of SY2014-­‐2015. Effectiveness § Builds High Performing Teams § Coordinates the Work of Others § Implements the Vision § Communications § Interpersonal Sensitivity CIWP (SY2014-­‐2015): 1)
CCSS Literacy: The English, Social Studies, and Focus Departments will work collaboratively to unpack Common Core State Standards and develop a scope & sequence for the departments, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. Lake View High School will work with the University of Chicago’s Network for College Success to develop the capacity of our Instructional leadership Team with the goal of the ILT leading staff through a series of professional development opportunities centered around one common targeted instructional area (TIA). The ILT will progress monitor the TIA to ensure that effective teaching and learning strategies are shared, supported, and rooted in action research to increase student achievement. CCSS Math: The Math Department will work collaboratively to unpack Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for math and the 8 Mathematical Practice Standards and develop a scope & sequence for the department, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. The department and course teams will meet every other week to perform and progress monitor this work so that effective DDI can be utilized to continuously improve math instruction that is aligned to CCSS. Page 1 of 2
Principal Report | July 22nd, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
Science: The Science Department will work collaboratively to unpack the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and develop a scope & sequence for the department, as well as common assessments & unit plans for the grade-­‐level teams. The department and course teams will meet every other week to perform and progress monitor this work so that effective DDI can be utilized to continuously improve science instruction that is aligned to NGSS, CCSS, and CRS. Attendance: Build school-­‐wide attendance policies and plan for parent/guardian engagement. Strengthen incentive program, regular communication to parents/guardians regarding student attendance, and a school-­‐wide teacher-­‐driven focus on attendance monitoring and support. College Access & Persistence: Strengthen curriculum, instructional practice, and professional development, particularly in Math and English to qualify students for college-­‐level coursework. At the same time, develop an Early College culture and structures for ensuring students are prepared for and supported in their Early College coursework. Climate, Culture, and Social Emotional Learning: LVHS has a school-­‐wide guideline that Lake View is HOME, which focuses students on the importance of Honor, Ownership, Mastery and Education and what each one entails; explicit social-­‐emotional learning on needs as identified in various data; incentives to motivate students in growth areas as seen in data; restorative justice that prioritizes learning rather than punishment; a focus on collaboration and continuous learning for staff as well as students common planning time that is prioritized, structured, and planned in advance to maximize planning around both academic and social-­‐emotional supports. NOTES: CIWP Priorities 2015-­‐2016 •
Priority #1: Pending LSC Approval Priority #2: Pending LSC Approval Priority #3: Pending LSC Approval Priority #4: Pending LSC Approval Priority #5: Pending LSC Approval Priority #6: Pending LSC Approval Priority #7: Pending LSC Approval Priority #8: Pending LSC Approval Priority #9: Pending LSC Approval Priority #10: Pending LSC Approval Page 2 of 2