
UPDATED Principal Report | December 15th, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE The 5 Competencies UPDATES for the LVHS Local School Council: Continuous Improvement COMPETENCY A: CHAMPIONS TEACHER AND STAFF • Staff was provided a survey to share input on the use of morning “Flex PD EXCELLENCE THROUGH CONTINUOUS Meetings.” Results shared school-­‐wide and used by Department Leaders and ILT IMPROVEMENT TO DEVELOP AND ACHIEVE THE in planning next steps for Quarter 2. VISION OF HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR ALL STUDENTS • “Data Wall” protocol implemented in Department Offices to ensure school-­‐wide data is used in achieving collective responsibility and staff-­‐wide input. • Senior Leadership Team (APs, Health/Case Manager, Community/Athletic Director, and Data/Program Coordinator) meets every other week. • Administrative Team (APs and Principal) meets every other week (alternating). • All meetings focus on use of data and CIWP Priority Areas as focal points. • ILT has established “Sub-­‐Committees” for the development of “Student Learning Rubrics,” etc. aligned to the Targeted Instructional Area of “Critical Thinking & Reading.” • Senior Leadership Team engaged in Round 1 of an internal “Climate Audit” to assess procedures and practices in the building aligned to safety & security. • New HOME and STEM signage apparent in various hallways, labs, and offices, with additional signage forthcoming after painting is complete. COMPETENCY B: CREATES POWERFUL • LVHS Admin. planning to share REACH summary ratings to identify trends and PROFESSIONAL LEARNING SYSTEMS THAT practice transparency with data disaggregated by school, department, and any GUARANTEE LEARNING FOR STUDENTS other possible categories of summary. o B1. Works with and engages staff in the development •
REACH almost complete for Round 1 with entire faculty being observed once. and continuous refinement of a shared vision for th
effective teaching and learning by implementing a • FX Tutoring started for 9 Grade after school (See poster). th
standards based curriculum, relevant to student needs • DePaul Tutoring starting soon for 10 Grade after school (forthcoming). and interests, research-­‐based effective practice, • New Math teacher hired, Mr. Erik Kaczynski, for position opened by retirement. academic rigor, and high expectations for student • “Student Support Plan” implemented for Diverse Learning Dept. (see attached). performance in every classroom o B2. Evaluates the effectiveness of staff and holds • ILT Leaders meeting bi-­‐monthly to plan for development of “Student Learning individuals accountable for meeting their goals by Rubrics,” “Powerful Instructional Practices,” and “Teacher Engagement w/ TIA” conducting frequent formal and informal observations (see handouts). in order to provide timely, written feedback on instruction, preparation and classroom environment as • Department Leaders Meeting bi-­‐monthly to engage in providing feedback/input part of the district appraisal systems to the instructional priority of “Assess to Grow” at LVHS and to learn from one o B3. Implements student interventions that differentiate another through “Case Consultancies” together (See Meeting Agendas and instruction based on student needs Handout). o B4. Selects and retains teachers with the expertise to deliver instruction that maximizes student learning • “Data Wall” protocol in place in department office to provide time for data o B5. Ensures the training, development, and support for review for staff and input from staff. high-­‐performing instructional teacher teams to support • On 12/8, teacher-­‐led “Course Teams” volunteered to share learning in staff-­‐wide adult learning and development to advance student meeting related to “Assess to Grow” to share celebrations and concentrations. learning and performance o B6. Supports the system for providing data-­‐driven • Room 322 construction nearly complete to restore lab equipment. professional development and sharing of effective • Microsoft “R&D STEM Challenge” kickoff took place last week with a focus this practice by thoughtfully providing and protecting staff year on “The Internet of Things” and students’ use of data and creativity to solve time intentionally allocated for this purpose problems. o B7. Advances Instructional Technology within the Learning Environment • LVHS featured in CS Week from Ms. Franco and Mr. Grens. o B8. Conducts difficult but crucial conversations with • Ongoing conversations taking place with Course Teams, Department Leaders, ILT individuals, teams, and staff based on student Members, PPSC Committee, and individual teachers to ensure collective performance data in a timely manner for the purpose of enhancing student learning and results responsibility and feedback of solutions to continuously improve LVHS. COMPETENCY C: BUILDS A CULTURE FOCUSED ON • Care Team meeting bi-­‐monthly/weekly to review SEL data and focus on tiered COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS interventions. o C1. Leads a school culture and environment that •
Teachers invited and strongly encouraged to attend PD focused on Classroom successfully develops the full range of students’ learning Management where applicable and/or relevant to teacher/classroom needs. capacities-­‐academic, creative, social-­‐emotional, behavioral and physical • Students held accountable to Tardy Policy (see attached for update). o C2. Builds a culture of high aspirations and achievement • HOME celebrations ongoing alongside attendance incentive (Ugly Sweater Day o A1. Develops, implements, and monitors the outcomes of the Continuous Improvement Work Plan and school wide student achievement data results to improve student achievement o A2. Creates a continuous improvement cycle that uses multiple forms of data and student work samples to support individual, team, and school-­‐wide improvement goals, identify and address areas of improvement and celebrate successes o A3. Collaborates with staff to allocate personnel, time, material, and adult learning resources appropriately to achieve the Continuous Improvement Work Plan targets o A4. Creates a Safe, Clean and Orderly Learning Environment o A5. Ensures that the school’s identity, vision, and mission drive school decisions for every student Page 1 of 2
UPDATED Principal Report | December 15th, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal, [email protected]
o C3. Requires staff and students to demonstrate consistent values and positive behaviors aligned to the school’s vision and mission COMPETENCY D: EMPOWERS AND MOTIVATES FAMILIES AND THE COMMUNITY TO BECOME ENGAGED o D1. Proactively engages families and communities in supporting their child’s learning and the school’s learning goals o D2. Creates, develops and sustains relationships that result in active student engagement in the learning process o D3. Utilizes meaningful feedback of students, staff, families, and community in the evaluation of school programs and policies o D4. Demonstrates an understanding of the change process and uses leadership and facilitation skills to manage it effectively COMPETENCY E: RELENTLESSLY PURSUES SELF-­‐
DISCIPLINED THINKING AND ACTION o E1. Creates and supports a climate that values, accepts and understands diversity in culture and point of view o E2. Demonstrates personal and professional standards and conduct that enhance the image of the school and the educational profession; protects the rights and confidentiality of students and staff o E3. Relentlessly pursues reflective behavior Today, etc.) to ensure shared awareness and positive reinforcement of student expectations and behavior. More incentives in planning from “A-­‐Team.” • Monthly Newsletter started in October with updates sent each month. • “Parent Portal Campaign” forthcoming led by Brett Bildstein to increase % of parents/guardians registered on Parent Portal at LVHS to increase communication, involvement, and student academic success • East Lake View Neighbors Group providing a donation to LVHS (forthcoming). • Graceland West Community Association provided a scholarship donation ($1,000.00). • Scott provided a letter to the LV Alumni Association to be posted in the LV Alumni Newsletter in February in an effort to re-­‐engage Alumni and celebrate successful involvement of organizations such as the Class of 1962 and the LVHS Partners (letter attached). • Staff input/feedback/survey results frequently gathered and used to gain consensus when possible, such as the planning of Flex PD Time, etc. • LVHS implementing policy on Videos during instructional time. • Mr. Grens meets bi-­‐monthly with two mentors – one from Network for College Success and one from New Leaders – to continuously improve and ensure reflective practice. • Misconduct and academic data disaggregated by gender, race, ethnicity and reviewed bi-­‐monthly for use in supporting students’ needs and ensuring an equitable learning environment. CIWP Priority Areas for SY2015-­‐2016: 1)
CCSS Literacy: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). CCSS Math: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on common formative and summative will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). Science: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on common formative and summative will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). Specialized Academic Programs: As an Early College STEM School, staff-­‐wide collaboration will identify a Targeted Instructional Areas (TIA) (TBD in August/September as one area of student need school-­‐wide); the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) will then lead the staff through a series of professional development opportunities in a “Professional Learning Cycle” centered around “Powerful Practice(s)” that support the TIA that "We will be critical thinkers and readers using claims, evidence, and reasoning (3b, 3c)." (Honor & Education). College Access & Persistence: Through the development of a Post-­‐Secondary Leadershp Team using the College and Career Lab, LVHS will increase College Enrollment, College Persistence, and Early College/Career Credentials with a focus on progress monitoring the “Post-­‐Secondary Data Tracker” so every student finds his/her “College Match.” (Education). Climate, Culture, and Social Emotional Learning: The establishment of an Advisory Curriculum will now engage all students in learning activities aligned to ASCA standards and SEL skills. The Care Team will ensure a necessary Multi-­‐Tiered Systems of Supports reaches students. The focus on Restorative Justice climate practices will increase supports for all at-­‐risk students and support staff with tired professional development. Additionally, the development of a Freshmen On-­‐Track Team will increase supports for at-­‐risk 9th grade students. (Honor & Ownership). NOTES: Page 2 of 2