LSC Minutes 20141120.pdf

4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL | LOCAL SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11/20/14 Present LSC Members: • Brett Bildstein – Teacher Representative • Diana Hershfang – Non-­‐teacher Representative • Martha Gonzalez – Parent Representative • Arnold Davis – Community Representative • Lisa Valentin – Parent Representative • Kylie Vadnais – Community Representative • Monte Luzadder – Parent Representative • Ruth Curan – Parent Representative • Mark Reynolds – Parent Representative • Tasha Young – Teacher Representative • Angela Wells – Parent Representative • Eric Villalon – Student Representative • Scott Grens – Principal Absent LSC Members: The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Call to order at 6:39pm 2. Approval of Agenda a. Monte motioned to approve, Mark seconded, all voted in favor 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting a. Monte motioned to approve, Mark seconded, all voted in favor 4. Public Participation (limit to two (2) minutes with prior sign-­‐up required) a. Parent from Audubon – here to learn more about the school 5. New Business a. State of the School Address i. Review of LVHS mission, values, and core beliefs ii. Review of purpose and calculation of the School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP) • New rating system a. 1 – 3: Good standing b. 4: Provisional Support c. 5: Intensive Support • Currently waiting for 2013-­‐2014 results ii. Review of college enrollment data iii. Review of challenges • Attendance Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
• Feeder school enrollment • Budget iv. Review of CIWP and Theory of Action v. Parent/community feedback b. Fundraiser Proposals: i. Spring France/Spain Trip – 5k Neighborhood Run/Walk Fundraiser – on hold for now ii. Prom Committee Fundraiser -­‐ internal fundraiser, movie night iii. Girls Soccer Fundraiser – on hold for now as well iv. Lake View Booster Club Fundraising Proposal – currently waiting for 510(c)(3) approval, but moving ahead as booster club, Mr. Bildstein will reach out for participation and support moving forward 1. Also making progress on an apparel store – in school and online c. Approve Internal Accounts from Oct. 2014 i. Monte motioned to approve, Diana seconded, all voted in favor 6. Reports a. Chair i. Parent engagement raised as a challenge 1. Requiring 5Essentials survey participation at Spring report card pick-­‐ups 2. Considering incentivizing report card pick-­‐up (~50% participation at this report card pick-­‐up) 3. Mr. Grens shared that one major challenge is lack of contact information for parents a. Website concerns were raised as a means to gather parental information b. Student Representative i. Meetings held about students interested in trips to Costa Rica and France/Spain ii. Prom tickets are up for sale online iii. ACT prep class available to Juniors – sign up by Dec. 7th iv. Student Council 1. Accepting designs for class tshirt 2. Organizing school-­‐wide candy gram 3. Hosting holiday toy drive 4. Hosting holiday movie night – 12/10 v. Sports highlights c. Principal i. School Leadership: Introduction of admin team, engaged with PSC – they will present at next meeting, collaborative meetings taking place, HOME awards assembly on 11/25 ii. Instructional Leadership: Unpacked CCSS to improve scope/sequence, partnering with UofC’s Network for College Success iii. Student-­‐centered learning climate: YTD Attendance 92.71% (higher than last year), attendance incentives and consequences in place, FOT 92% and SOT 85% -­‐ Deloitte is starting a mentoring program with sophomore students 1. Concerns raised about SOT – 10th grade level teams will be pulling data to investigate this further Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
iv. Professional Development and HR Management: ILT meeting with staff in peer pods, hired two paraprofessionals, attended Audubon parent meet and greet, REACH observations in progress, ILT participating in ‘learning walk’ v. Parent Involvement and Community Partnership: Lake View Partners meeting coming in Dec (date TBD), 727 families attended report card pick-­‐up, will bring open house survey data to next meeting vi. School Management and Daily Operations: tuck-­‐pointing finalizing, painting interior is next, ‘adopt-­‐a-­‐room’ in progress, banners up, electrical install on doors, PSA system in counselor’s office vii. Interpersonal Effectiveness: bilingual communications in robo-­‐calls, website updates in-­‐progress, state memos/updates sent regularly d. Other: PSC (PPC), etc. i. PAC -­‐ ~12 people participated in most recent meeting (11/18) 1. Want to do phone blast in the future 2. Interested in finding intriguing speakers to draw in more participation 3. Lincoln Park HS has done an international night which drives a lot of participation e. Announcement of Next Meeting: December 18th, 2014 7. Adjourn a. Monte motioned, Diana seconded, all voted in favor b. Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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