LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL 4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613 Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 | _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal MEETING MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2014 LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL | LOCAL SCHOOL COUNCIL Present LSC Members: Brett Bildstein – Teacher Representative Diana Hershfang – Non-teacher Representative Martha Gonzalez – Parent Representative Arnold Davis – Community Representative Lisa Valentin – Parent Representative Kylie Vadnais – Community Representative Monte Luzadder – Parent Representative Ruth Curan – Parent Representative Mark Reynolds – Parent Representative Angela Wells – Parent Representative Tasha Young – Teacher Representative Eric Villalon – Student Representative Scott Grens – Principal Absent LSC Members: N/A Meeting minutes: 1. Called to order at 6:41pm 2. Approval of Agenda and meeting minutes Monte motioned to approve, Diana seconded, unanimously voted in favor to approve Approval of August meeting minutes Monte motioned to approve, Lisa seconded, unanimously voted in favor to approve 3. Public Participation (limit to two (2) minutes with prior sign-up required) No public participation 4. New Business a. Family & Community Engagement: 1. GWCA Fest (Sept. 6): LVHS students volunteered, a few LVHS staff members and Monte participated 2. All Saints Backpack Blessing (Sept. 7): Church donated paper, Scott Grens attended and had opportunity to speak to congregation 3. Green Metropolis Fair (Sept. 14): Successful event with student, staff, and parent participation 4. High School Fair (Oct. 22, 5-7pm): Hamilton, Audubon, Coonley, and Burley advocated for LVHS to host with additional high schools 5. Open House (Nov. 1, 11am-2pm): For interested 8th grade (or younger) and transfer students, opportunity to showcase LVHS. Suggestion from Monte to include video of neighborhood students talking about their experience at LVHS. Student band will play during open house. Suggestion from Diana to have flyers that LSC members can hand out at community events (e.g. feeder school LSC meetings). Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education Page 1 of 3 LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL 4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613 Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 | _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal 6. Lake View High School Partners 501(c)(3) (Oct. 2): 16 attendees at last meeting broke up into groups to start projects. Projects that were started include adopt-a-room campaign. The group will eventually need someone involved to step into leadership role. Important to note that the 501(c)(3) is not only about fundraising, but also about community engagement. Have raised enough funds to move forward with 501(c)(3) filing process. 7. Others: Recent meetings with Microsoft to identify ways to maximize partnership (e.g. extending STEM focus beyond computer science and exploring additional career options) b. Approval of SGSA Roll-over funds from SY2013-2014 o Largest portion proposed to go to extended day for grade level support teams (staff members looking at student data and identifying opportunities for mentorship to drive towards freshman on track rate), and developing service learning opportunities. The dollars would go to extended pay. Opportunities for lower cost support? Harvard club interested in facilitating college workshops Deloitte interested in tutoring o Monte motioned to approve, Mark seconded, unanimously voted in favor c. Approve Internal Accounts from July 2014 Monte motioned to approve, Diana seconded, 1 abstention, 11 voted in favor d. PAC: Principal’s Annual Meeting (Sept. 29, 6:00pm) – Opportunity to kick off PAC for the year. Diana suggested that Spanish translation will be available. Ruth suggested putting out a phone blast. 5. Reports 1. Chair: LSC Training Monte will reach out to Julissa Cruz at CPS to get further clarification on what is and is not needed for LSC members. We have until December to complete all classes and get finger-printed. 2. Student Representative Student council meeting: primary focus was homecoming dance planning 1. 25-30 students in participation at student council, they are striving for equal grade representative. National Honors Society is open for new applicants Counseling department has been guiding students to gather necessarily materials for college applications (e.g. teacher recommendations) Students have been requesting to bring back off-campus lunch 1. Council responded by requesting that the student body comes forward with a strong rationale and solutions to previous issues (e.g. attendance). They also requested that parents have a role in approving whether or not their child would be able to have this opportunity. Eric shared that there has been a challenge keeping 2nd period classes quiet during announcements 1. Mr. Grens responded by charging Eric to consider routes for engaging the announcement audience, and he will email 2nd period teachers to be more mindful of student announcements 3. Principal: School leadership: Establishing spirit team, recruitment teams, etc. In addition there are a handful of afterschool staff teams (e.g. ILT, care team). Drafted LVHS mission, core beliefs, motto, and seal. Instructional leadership: Developed collaboration map Student-Centered Learning Climate: Hosted town halls for each grade level and have remodeled the main office. Brett has started the “FAN Program”. Rolled out “Call Home Campaign” to address 1st period tardiness. Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education Page 2 of 3 LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL 4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613 Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 | _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal o Avg. attendance is higher than this time last year, but still room for improvement. Considering building in student incentive system in addition to Call Home Campaign. Eric suggested that there needs to be a streamlined process for tardy students entering the building. PD and human resources: Facilitated lunch and learn session for support of diverse learners, etc. Hiring 2 additional special ed. teachers due to PARF application approved. Completed another PARF application for paraprofessionals. Hired Angela Newton as new STEM AP. Teacher and staff observations are starting in Oct. Parent Involvement and Community Partnership: Various outreach efforts to community events. Ongoing meetings with Microsoft and DePaul to support partnership and learning opportunities. School Management & Daily Operations: Meetings with Aramark who are now receiving daily emails from Mr. Grens. Have revisited extended pay for specific teacher projects. Student enrollment is higher than projected, pending budget increase for Day 15. Interpersonal effectiveness: Sending weekly and daily staff updates and an increase focus on one-onone meetings between new leadership and staff. Developed new org chart for admin and counseling responsibilities. 4. Other 5. Adjourn at 8:22pm Motioned by Monte, Mark seconded, all voted in favor. Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education Page 3 of 3
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