Electrical Load Emulation using Power Electronic Converters Y. Srinivasa Rao Mukul Chandorkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India 400 076 Email: [email protected] Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India 400 076 Email: [email protected] Abstract—The paper presents a method of emulating electrical loads using power electronic converters. The loads include machines such as induction motors and its associated mechanical load and also more complex machine systems such as wind power generation systems. The load emulator is effectively a dynamically controllable source or sink which is capable of bidirectional power exchange with either a grid or another power electronic converter system. Using load emulation, the feasibility of connecting a particular load to a grid under various conditions can be studied in the absence of any electromechanical machinery. This paper considers the case of a power electronic Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) emulating a three phase induction motor connected to a three phase ac grid. The VSI is operated in a mode where the current drawn from the ac grid is controlled by closed loop control. Experimental results have been provided to verify the scheme. ^ L1 E Inverter under test L2 E Is I_act Converter bridge Signal cond. Modulator ADC FPGA I_ref Load Model Emulator Fig. 1. Current controller DSP Schematic diagram of Load Emulator I. I NTRODUCTION Load emulation is the concept of controlling a power electronic converter such as a Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) in such a manner that its behavior resembles that of an electrical load such as an induction machine. The load emulator can provide different load characteristics with which the control algorithms and inverter design can be tested. Therefore, load emulation allows the user to test both the hardware and the software of the inverter, thus offering a more flexible platform for testing inverters in a laboratory environment. The main component of load emulation is the algorithm that generates the desired currents to be drawn so as to mimic the actual load. The current controller ensures that the VSI draws or supplies currents that are as close as possible to the desired current references. It achieves this by connecting the inverter to a power electronic converter through an appropriate interface impedance. The power electronics of the virtual load simply consists of two back to back, three-phase, six-switch, bridge converters in conventional fashion. This arrangement allows bidirectional power to flow to and from the inverter. The power electronics is then controlled by the real time system (DSP) to draw or source the currents to emulate the electromechanical system on an instant by instant basis. The load emulation system has regeneration capability, as the power flow from the inverter can be returned to the mains supply. While testing an inverter with an actual machine, the machine uses this power for rotation and it is therefore lost. Although the converter losses will have to be practically supplied by the source, the testing would ideally be lossless as the power that the converter will draw can be fed back to another supply. This work is concerned with the issues involved in the use of power electronic converter to emulate machine type loads, and the limits within which load emulation can be achieved. For this purpose, special attention will be paid to three phase induction motor which acts as a reference load. II. P RINCIPLE OF L OAD E MULATOR The load emulator is composed of a bidirectional power converter and a digital closed loop control system. This emulator produces a programmable load or source currents, which can be connected directly to the power electronic inverter under test (or utility) as a replacement for an electrical load. Fig. 1 depicts the schematic diagram of digitally controlled load emulator. In this block diagram, the digital controller consists of ADC, DSP and FPGA. The digital controller is interfaced with the inverter through signal conditioning circuit. The sensing of real time variables and their digitization are done by the ADC. The electrical load model is coded in DSP processor and generates reference currents for the current controller. The output of the digital current controller in DSP is fed to the PWM Modulator in FPGA section to generate the switching pulses for the inverter. Therefore the load emulator is effectively a power level active impedance controlled by Magnitude (db) a digital control system. However the complexity of the emulation is limited only by the capability of the converter, interface impedances and the digital controller. III. C URRENT C ONTROLLER D ESIGN 60 40 20 0 1 400 V Vdc S1 S3 Lf (1 mH) Rf (0.1Ω) + uVdc − S4 Fig. 2. if The current if through the filter inductor Lf can be expressed in the Laplace domain as follows, (1) where Uc (s) is the Laplace transform of the continuous control signal uc that will be obtained from the controller. uc will be used to obtain the switching control signal u = ±1 shown in Fig. 2. The grid voltage vs can be considered as a disturbance signal while designing the controller. Therefore, the output (If (s)) to control signal (Uc (s)) transfer function of the system can be written in the Laplace domain from (1) as follows: G(s) = Vdc If (s) = Uc (s) sLf + Rf 1000 10000 100000 10000 100000 -20 -40 -60 -80 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3. Frequency response of the VSI with output filter inductor Saturation Controller if r e + uc K − Fig. 4. Sine Triangle PWM u G if Closed loop current control scheme The objective of the VSI is to inject a current if that is approximately equal to a desired reference if r . A proportionalintegral (PI) current controller can be designed to achieve the objective. Fig. 4 shows the closed loop control scheme employed for the VSI of Fig. 2. The PI controller K(s) is chosen as follows, s + 1500 Uc (s) = 0.03 E(s) s (3) The controller K(s) will be implemented in digital form. The sampling time is chosen to be T = 20 μs. The controller of (3) can be expressed in the Z domain by using bilinear transformation as follows, 50 Hz Topology of the single-phase VSI with inductor filter Uc (s)Vdc − Vs (s) If (s) = sLf + Rf 100 K(s) = vs 230 V S2 10 Frequency (Hz) Phase angle (degrees) The performance of the emulator largely depends on the quality of the applied current control strategy [1]. Current control loop ensures that the converter together with three-phase line inductors draw an appropriate current from the inverter. The transient response of the current loops determines the tracking accuracy between the demanded and actual current drawn from the inverter being tested. Fig. 2 shows the diagram of a single phase VSI with its output inductor filter interfaced to a grid. The controller designed can be implemented for a three phase system with a three phase VSI as will be shown in the later sections. The system analysis and controller design are performed with respect to the single-phase system shown in the Fig. 2. The dc link of the VSI is considered to be a constant dc voltage Vdc . The switches S1 to S4 are power electronic switches such as IGBTs with their associated anti-parallel diodes. The switching frequency of the devices has been chosen to be 10 kHz. The output of the VSI is the switched voltage waveform uVdc where u = ±1 is the switching logic that controls the VSI. The resistor Rf represents the loss in the inductor Lf and the VSI. The grid has been represented by a voltage source vs of 230 V Root Mean Square (R.M.S) value and 50 Hz frequency. (2) The frequency response characteristics can be represented in a Bode plot as shown in Fig. 3. K(z) = 0.0305z − 0.0295 Uc (z) = E(z) z−1 (4) The controller output at any instant of time nT can be obtained from (4), uc (n) = uc (n − 1) + 0.0305e(n) − 0.0295e(n − 1) (5) In the above equation, T has been dropped but is implicitly present in all terms. The closed loop transfer function Gcl of the control scheme is written as, Gcl (s) = G(s)K(s) If (s) = If r (s) 1 + G(s)K(s) (6) The frequency response characteristics for the closed loop control system is shown in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5, it can be observed that the gain of the closed loop system is unity for frequencies up to 1000 Hz. Moreover, the phase lag is approximately zero for frequencies up to 100 Hz. Therefore, current Magnitude (db) 0 va ia -10 -20 -30 (50V/div) 1 10 100 1000 10000 (2.5A/div) vb 100000 ib Phase angle (degrees) Frequency (Hz) 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 (50V/div) (2.5A/div) vc 1 10 100 1000 10000 (50V/div) 100000 (2.5A/div) Vdc Frequency (Hz) Fig. 5. ic Closed loop frequency response of the system (100V/div) 4 Fig. 7. Utility voltage and 7th order harmonic current of three phase emulator Amp 2 stator reference frame with respect to the stator [2]. The system is represented using linear differential equations as follows: 0 dλds dt dλqs vqs = rs iqs + dt dλdr + ωr λqr vdr = rr idr + dt dλqr − ωr λdr vqr = rr iqr + dt 3 3 = Lls + Lms ids + Lms idr 2 2 3 3 = Lls + Lms iqs + Lms iqr 2 2 3 3 = Llr + Lms idr + Lms ids 2 2 3 3 = Llr + Lms iqr + Lms iqs 2 2 d P Tem − TL ωr = dt 2 J vds = rs ids + -2 -4 0.01 0.02 0.03 Time (s) Fig. 6. isa_ref 0.04 isa Response of current controller for 7th order harmonic λds references if r containing fundamental 50 Hz components can be tracked with negligible error. To enable the VSI to be able to inject currents containing harmonic components, the bandwidth of the controller can be increased by appropriately adjusting the gain of the controller K(s). To study the bandwidth of the proposed current controller 7th order harmonic currents are given as reference currents to the controller. The continuous time system equations for harmonic oscillator are: x = +ωy x(0) = 0 (7) y = −ωx y(0) = 1 (8) where x = sin 7ωt and y = cos 7ωt. Fig. 6 shows the tracking accuracy of current controller for 7th order harmonic current. Fig. 7 shows the experimental waveforms with respect to utility voltages. The performance of the controller for the 7th harmonic can be seen to be in accordance with the bandwidth of the controller shown in Fig. 5. IV. T HREE PHASE I NDUCTION MOTOR MODEL A three-phase squirrel-cage induction machine is modeled using a two-phase d − q model, formulated in the stationary λqs λdr λqr (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) P3 (λds iqs − λqs ids ) (18) 22 where the symbols v, i and λ represent the instantaneous voltage, current and motor flux linkage, respectively. Also the sub-script q and d refer to q-axis and the d-axis quantities respectively. The subscript s and r refer to the stator side and rotor side quantities respectively. Rotor angular velocity is denoted by ωr . The terms rs and rr are stator and rotor resistances respectively. The terms Lls , Llr and Lms are stator leakage inductance, rotor leakage inductance and magnetizing inductance respectively. The rotor inertia is denoted by J and the load torque by TL . Tem = TABLE I I NDUCTION MOTOR MODEL PARAMETERS Amp 500 rs = 2.7 Ω lls = 0.01235 H lm = 0.2485 H J = 0.025524 kgm2 LLvg = 415 Vrms 0 -500 0 1 0.5 1.5 Amp 500 rr = 2.849 Ω llr = 0.01325 H Tl = 14.247 N m P =4 F req. = 50 Hz 0 20 -500 0.5 20 Amp 0.52 Forward Euler 0.54 Adam−Bashforth 0 10 Amp 0.48 40 0 -10 -20 1.48 Fig. 8. 1.49 1.5 1.51 Time (s) 1.52 1.53 1.54 -20 0.1 0.2 0.3 Amp V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS A three-phase experimental setup has been built in a laboratory to verify the accuracy of the proposed system. In this setup the power circuit is rated at 30 Arms , 415 Vrms input/output line to line voltages and 750 Vdc bus with three 3300 μF capacitors. A laboratory type 3-phase 4-pole squirrel cage induction motor with the parameters mentioned in table I is taken as a reference model, and the reference currents are generated from this model. For experimentation the phase voltage for the motor model is set as 135 Vrms and reference dc bus voltage set as 360 V. 0.6 isa 2 By applying a numerical integration method the model is solved at every time step. Integration gives the evolution of the state variables with time. The selection of a solver for the differential equations is a trade-off between the accuracy requirement and the algorithm complexity [3]. Adams-Bashforth method is used to solve the motor model equations 9 to 18. This is an explicit linear multi step method that depend on multiple previous solution points to generate a new approximate solution point. Even though Euler’s method is easy to implement in real time systems, it has a serious flaw in its approach to determining the slope to use in taking each step of the iteration. The iteration step from tn to tn+1 uses only the slope at the endpoint. Adams-Bashforth method uses linear combination of earlier values like yn−1 , yn−2 , .., in order to reduce the number of times f (x, y) [4]. A two-step Adams-Bashforth method is written as 3 yi (n + 1) = yi (n) + h( fi (y1 (n), ..., yN (n)) 2 1 − fi (yi (n − 1), ..., yN (n − 1))) (19) 2 Fig. 8 shows the real time simulation of 300kW induction motor using Euler and Adams-Bashforth algorithm for a 20 μs time step. Using Euler algorithm the error varies for the time step 10 to 100 μs. However for time step <10 μs the results are identical. Therefore, for larger time steps Adams algorithm is more accurate and reasonably stable. 0.5 isa_ref 4 Real time simulation using Euler and Adams-Bashforth Method 0.4 0 -2 -4 0.5 0.51 Fig. 9. 0.52 0.53 Time (s) 0.54 0.55 Induction motor a-phase stator current The interface impedance chosen to be L = 4 mH. Fig. 9 demonstrates the performance of load emulator for steady state and transient conditions of the stator a-phase current. The model is simulated in real-time to obtain the free acceleration characteristics of the machine when started directon-line with no load. While the motor is running under no load steady state, an 80% rated torque is suddenly applied at t = 0.5 seconds to the rotor in order to observe the transient behavior of the system. From Fig. 9 it is observed that the measured currents are nearly identical to reference currents. Fig. 10 shows the experimental waveforms of rotor mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque and active power drawn by the emulator. The oscillogram 11 shows the a-phase stator current. For the given parameter values shown in table I, the transient and steady state currents of the emulator are as desired. The current waveforms have nominal ripple and the control system is stable. The digital signal processor which is currently used to perform the simulation has a clock frequency of 75 MHz, which gives it an instruction cycle time of 13.33 ns. The entire load emulation software is driven by an Interrupt service routine (ISR). The main code (background loop) consist of simply peripheral initialization (Timers, ADC, Interrupt control and buffer). The remainder of the code is taken up entirely by Timer 0 ISR. This ISR is invoked every 20 μs by the period event flag on Timer 0. Calculation of reference currents from model, sampling of ADC and generation of PWM waveforms for power switches are done within 20 μs. Table II shows the tasks performed and time taken by each task. The tasks carried out by DSP take 9.8 μs in total for a time step of 20 μs. Three analog to digital converters sample TABLE II P ROCESSOR EXECUTION TIME FOR rad/sec 150 rotor mechanical speed 100 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 20 Nm Integration Time Step (rate of execution) Control cycle (total process time) Motor model Current controller ADC Sample time Transformations FPGA Buffer 50 0 0 30 0.5 0.6 0.7 electromagnetic torque 10 0 4000 0 0.2 0.4 Watts active power 1000 i dc Pcc 2000 Reverse flow converter 3Φ 0 0.2 Fig. 10. 0.4 time (sec) 0.6 Transient response of the emulator (5A/div) a−phase stator current Fig. 11. 20 μs 9.8 μs 2.04 μs 1.93 μs 3.42 μs 680 ns 1.39 μs 1.76 μs 0.6 3000 0 LOAD EMULATION Startup response of the emulator time is 3.42 μs and PI current controller execution time is 1.93 μs. Data conversion and communication between DSP and FPGA is 1.39 μs. Motor model using Euler algorithm is 1.52 μs and for Adam-Bashforth algorithm the execution time is 2.04 μs which is well justified in terms of precision. Buffer save task execution time is 1.76 μs and data transfer between PC and DSP buffer is offline. The measurements are taken with the help of external flag XF0 of the DSP processor. These results are sufficient for IM load emulation and can be more optimized when using better methods. VI. R EGULATION OF DC BUS VOLTAGE In the block schematic of load emulator Fig. 1 initially the dc bus capacitor is charged with a diode bridge rectifier, so the dc bus voltage in no case falls during load emulation. However, when the load model is regenerative in nature, the emulator draws real power from the utility. This will result in the dc bus voltage increasing to dangerous values. Since the emulator needs to draw the currents as per the load model, it Lf Inverter Ls Cf Grid / Inverter under test Emulator Vdc ref Fig. 12. Control system dc bus feed back Block schematic of lossless emulator using reverse flow converter is not possible to regulate the dc bus voltage using existing control loop. Fig. 12 shows the block schematic of a lossless emulator for high power applications. In this system the emulator dc bus is connected to the three-phase mains supply via a regeneration unit. This unit transfers power from the emulator converter back into the mains supply when the dc bus voltage of the emulator rises above a predefined value. In this way power which is taken by the converter, and usually absorbed in a load, is returned to the mains supply. The power exchange is based on instantaneous power theory using pqr transformation. The control scheme for operation of the front end converter is well elaborated [5]. The main advantage of this front end converter that is it utilizes its entire capacity to return the power to the grid. Fig. 13 shows the experimental results of bidirectional active power exchange. The figure shows the instantaneous real powers drawn by the emulator and returned by the reverse power converter. VII. DSP-FPGA H ARDWARE P LATFORM This section describes the digital hardware structure for implementation of load emulation. Fig. 14 shows the block diagram of DSP-FPGA digital hardware system. In this system separate digital controllers are employed to carry out data acquisition, communication and control [6] [7]. This system is centered on Texas TMS320VC33 Digital Signal Processor (DSP), which is a high performance floating point processor with 34 K × 32-bit on-chip SRAM. It supports 16/32 bit integer and 32/40 bit floating point operations. Communication between the host computer USB port and DSP is done using a USB controller. On board program/data transfer between the USB and the DSP is implemented using Texas MSP430F168 micro controller which acts as Communication Link Interface Manager (CLIM). The role of CLIM is to convert synchronous serial data to 8-bit parallel form. In order to get flexible I/O active +ve power Watts 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 active −ve power discussed. This technique allows implementation of more complex models. For experimentation and real time verification, the design of a 32-bit floating point DSP processor interfaced to FPGA is described. The program environment and code was set up in assembly language of processor, which best utilizes resources and results in reduced execution time. Measured control cycle time and load model time are reported. Watts -500 R EFERENCES -1000 -1500 -2000 0 Fig. 13. 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Time (s) 0.05 0.06 Bidirectional active power transfer by reverse flow converter Mixed signal controller 8−bit Data USB Controller USB PWM O/P Synchronous Serial Data Address JTAG DSP TMS320vc33 SPARTAN3 Control 12−bit Data FPGA PROM CLOCK ADC−1 ADC−2 AD7864AS−2 AD7864AS−2 CH0−3 Fig. 14. CH4−7 ADC−3 AD7864AS−2 CH8−11 Block diagram of DSP-FPGA platform interface and data acquisition, this system has three analog to digital converters and a Xilinx XC3S200 FPGA. Three AD7864-AS2 analog to digital converters are interfaced to sensor unit for data acquisition of voltage and currents. DSP is used as a processor which simulates the load model and generates the current references with a 75 MHz clock. FPGA act as a pulse width modulator and control the power switches of the converter using 20 MHz clock reference. VIII. C ONCLUSIONS This paper has discussed load emulation which is capable of simulating an electrical load in real-time with power electronic converter. The PI controller has been designed and implemented in DSP. The system was operated to simulate three phase induction motor model for steady state and transient conditions. Experimental results of emulator and reverse power converter for bidirectional active power exchange are [1] Marian P. Kazmierkowski and Luigi Malesani, “Current control techniques for three-phase voltage-source PWM converters: A survey,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 691-702, October 1998. [2] P. C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk, and S. D. Sudhoff, “Analysis of electric machinery,” IEEE Press, 1995. [3] Y. Srinivasa Rao and M. C. 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