Training Document

Troy University
What is Starfish?
“I made a
difference for
that one.”
Starfish is…
A Student Success Company
A Student Retention System
Starfish believes...
The campus community engaged with a
student will lead to that student’s success.
Starfish helps…
Identify. Which students are at risk now?
Guide. Where do I go to get/offer help?
Connect. When can I get help?
Optimize. How are services performing?
Starfish Solutions
Early Warning & Student Tracking System
Educational Support Networking System
• Student concerns can be manually
flagged when observed or through
periodic surveys.
• Automatic flags are raised based on
information in Blackboard.
• Each student has personal My Success
Network of instructors and advisors.
• Recommendations can be
communicated to the student.
• Appropriate personnel are informed of
flags raised and cleared.
• Online scheduling for individual and
group appointments.
• Appointment confirmation by email.
• Documentation of contact with students
through private and shared notes.
• Success Network of available support
The Home Page
Recent Changes - shows you the recent flags that have been raised
for your students.
Flags I’m Managing - shows you the flags that are active for your
Appointments - shows you the appointments that have been
scheduled with you.
My Success Network - shows you the resources that are available
for your students.
Courses I’m Taking – shows you the courses you are enrolled in as
a student.
The Appointments Page
Add Office Hours - allows you to set up office hours for students to
schedule appointments with you through Starfish.
Add Appointment – allows you to enter appointments with
students yourself.
Add Group Session – allows you to set up a group session for
students to participate in.
Reserve Time – allows you to reserve time that you are
unavailable for appointments.
Scheduling Wizard – allows you to map out your availability for an
entire week or the entire term.
The Students Page
• MY STUDENTS – within this tab you will find a list of your students. You can
raise flags for students, send students a message, add notes to student folders,
or download a file of students. Click the box next to the student name and click
Raise Flag, Send Message, or Add Note. To view a student’s folder, click the
name of the student. When you raise a flag for a student, the student and the
student’s advisor(s) will be automatically notified via email.
TRACKING – within this tab you will find the flags that have been raised for your
students. You can resolve or clear flags, add comments or notes to student
folders, send students a message, or download a file of students. Click the box
next to the student name and click Resolve, Add Comment, or Send Message.
To view a student’s folder, click the name of the student.
ATTENDANCE – within this tab you can track the attendance of your students.
PROGRESS SURVEYS – within this tab you will find the surveys that are available
for you to complete and submit. You will receive an email reminder when there
is a new survey available for you to complete and submit. When you raise a flag
for a student using the survey, the student and the student’s advisor(s) will be
automatically notified via email. You will not see this tab unless you have a
survey available.
The Services Page
The Starfish Services page shows you the resources that are
available for your students.
A link is provided to the website of each resource.
Your students will also see this page in Starfish.
The Profile Page
• To access the Profile page, click your name in the top right corner of the Starfish
INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE – within this tab you may enter additional contact
information, your time zone, a general overview about your course or services,
and your biography. You may also upload a photo of yourself. Recommended
file formats for the photo are JPEG, GIF, and PNG. Click the Save button once
you have entered information.
APPOINTMENT PREFERENCES – within this tab you may enter preferences
regarding your appointments and office hours. Click the Save button once you
have entered information.
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS – within this tab you may enter preferences regarding
your appointment notifications and tracking item (flag) notifications. Click the
Save button once you have entered information.
System-Raised Flags
System-raised flags initiated from data in Blackboard – for fully
online courses only
Flag Name
Email notification goes to…
Inactivity for 7 The student has not accessed
course in Blackboard during
the last seven days.
• Student
• Instructor
• Advisor(s)
Inactivity for
10 Days
• Student
• Instructor
• Advisor(s)
The student has not accessed
course in Blackboard during
the last ten days.
System-Raised Flags - continued
System-raised flags initiated from data in Blackboard – for fully
online courses only
Flag Name
Email notification goes to…
Notification –
3 Days
The instructor has not
accessed course in Blackboard
during the last three days.
• Instructor
Notification –
4 Days
The instructor has not
accessed course in Blackboard
during the last four days.
• Instructor
• Academic Supervison
System-Raised Flags - continued
System-raised flags initiated from data in Blackboard – for fully
online courses only
Flag Name
Email notification goes to…
First Time
This flag is raised for students
who are taking an online
course during their first term
with Troy University.
• Student
• Instructor
• Advisor(s)
Courses Have
This flag is raised for students • Student
who do not access their online • Instructor
course(s) during the first 3
• Advisor(s)
days once the term begins or
once they have registered.
Instructor-Raised Flags
Flags available for instructors to raise for students – for all
courses in Blackboard
Flag Name
Email notification goes to…
Low Grade
The student has a grade
average in the course that is
not meeting the instructor’s
expectations for success.
• Student
• Advisor(s)
The student’s participation in • Student
course activities is not meeting • Advisor(s)
the instructor’s expectations
for success.
Instructor-Raised Flags - continued
Flags available for instructors to raise for students – for all
courses in Blackboard
Flag Name
Email notification goes to…
The student is not completing
assignments as the instructor
expects for success.
• Student
• Advisor(s)
The student’s academic
performance in the course is
• Student
• Advisor(s)
Progress Survey
The progress survey is an easy way for instructors to raise
flags for multiple students at once.
Instructors will receive an email informing them that an
optional progress survey is available for them to complete
and submit for the students in their course(s).
You will find your survey(s) by going to the Students tab and
then choosing the PROGRESS SURVEYS tab.
Open the survey, check the appropriate boxes, and click
Submit to raise flags for your students.
Students and their advisor(s) will automatically receive an
email notification of the flags you raise.
Example Email to Student
Subject: Low Grade Concern: ETROY-PSY2200XTIA-11T1
From email address: [email protected]
Reply-to email address: [email protected]
Dear Jane,
Your success is important to Troy University! Your instructor for ETROY-PSY2200XTIA-11T1 is concerned about your grades in
the course. Please contact your instructor if you need assistance with your course.
This notification is part of a student success initiative provided by Troy University called Starfish. Resources for help, instructor
contact information, and advisor contact information can be found in Starfish on the Home page under My Success Network.
To access Starfish, login to Blackboard and click the Starfish link at the top of the page.
Again, if you have questions about this notification or need assistance, please contact your instructor.
Troy University eTROY Student Success Team
Specific Expectations
• Review email
of systemraised flags
• Submit
survey as
• Follow up
with students
as necessary
• Raise/Clear
flags as
• Add notes
• Review email
of systemraised and
instructorraised flags
• Follow up
with students
as necessary
• Add notes
• Schedule
with students
as necessary
• Review email
when flagged
• Contact
advisor when
assistance is
• Complete
your Profile
so everyone
will know
more about
• Consider
using online
How To…
Access Starfish
Find your student list
View a student folder
Configure your profile
Set appointment preferences
Set email notification preferences
Add office hours
Schedule an appointment
Use Scheduling Wizard
Find resources for questions/help
Access Starfish
• Login to Blackboard
• Click the Starfish link at the top of the page
Find Your Student List
1. Click the Students tab. Click the MY
2. Search for a student by entering the
student’s name into the Search field,
choosing your Connection, and
choosing the Term. Also, narrow your
search using the Add Filters button.
3. To organize your student list by flag,
select the TRACKING tab.
1. You can sort the list by using the
Student, View, or Connection
boxes or the Edit Filters button to
narrow your search.
2. You can resolve or clear flags, add
comments, or send messages to
To clear multiple flags at once from the Tracking
Check the boxes to the left of the
flags you want to clear, then click the
Resolve button at the top.
View a Student Folder
1. Click the Students tab. From the MY
STUDENTS tab or the TRACKING tab,
click the hyperlink of a student’s name.
2. This brings you to the student’s folder.
Depending on your level of access, you
will find…
a) Overview (summary)
b) Courses (past/current)
c) Tracking (summary of flags)
d) Meetings (past/upcoming)
e) Notes (you added/shared with
Network (contacts for students)
Anywhere you see a student’s name as
a hyperlink will take you to their
student folder.
Configure Your Profile
1. Click your name in the top right corner
of the Starfish screen.
2. Edit your contact information.
3. Upload your photo to help a student
put a face to your name.
a. Select the Upload Photo link.
b. Browse for a photo on your
desktop (JPEG, GIF, PNG).
c. Click the Upload Now button.
4. Complete the General Overview and
My Biography sections so students can
learn more about you.
5. Click the Save button.
Students will see your profile
information when they click to view your
online appointment calendar.
Set Appointment Preferences
1. Click your name in the top right corner of
the Starfish screen and click the
Appointment Preferences tab.
2. Select your Minimum Appointment Length.
3. Select your Scheduling Deadline – e.g., if
appointments must be made by 5 p.m. the
day before.
4. Establish My Locations so students know
where they can meet with you.
5. Delegate Calendar Managers – colleagues
who can see your calendar and make any
6. Click the Save Button.
When students sign up, they
see time slots for the
appt lengths you allow.
If you check the box to allow
walk-ins after the deadline,
students will see this noted
in your calendar.
Set Email Notification Preferences
1. Click your name in the top right
corner of the Starfish screen.
Then, choose Email Notifications.
2. Under Appointments
Notifications and Tracking Item
Notifications, set your
preferences for if/when you want
to be notified of appointments
and flags.
3. To receive iCal attachments,
check the boxes to receive an
individual email every time there
is a new or cancelled
4. Click the Save button.
You can change your
email notifications settings
at any time.
Add Office Hours
Click the Appointments tab. Then,
choose Add Office Hours.
Give your block a title. Indicate which
day(s) of the week this block occurs.
Specify the start and end time.
Set the location. You can set up multiple
locations by clicking your name in the top
right corner of the Starfish screen and
selecting Appointment Preferences.
Enter any special instructions, or specify a
Start/End Date if it is part of a series.
Click the Submit button.
How do I edit or delete?
Click the
icon to see options for managing your
office hours blocks.
Schedule An Appointment
1. Click the Appointments tab. Then
choose the Add Appointment link.
2. Search for a student name in the
“With” field.
3. Complete the fields to specify the
date, time, and duration of the
1. You will receive an email confirmation
for this appointment.
2. As the calendar owner, you can add
appointments at any date and time,
regardless of whether they occur within
available blocks.
4. Click Submit.
Students can never see other students’
information. If a time slot is taken, it is
marked as unavailable in your calendar.
Use Scheduling Wizard
1. Click the Appointments tab.
2. Click Scheduling Wizard.
3. The Scheduling Wizard makes it easy for instructors and advisors to schedule
multiple office hour blocks for multiple days in a single week.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Resources for Questions/Help
Cindy Peel at [email protected] or
[email protected] or submit a ticket to
the Helpdesk at
Find Help Online:
Starfish now offers built-in help. Simply go to
Starfish and click help or support in the upper
right corner of the page.