ESR and proton ENDOR studies in urea oxalic acid (2:1) single crystal: Radical transformation M. V. V. S. Reddy, K. V. Lingam, and T. K. Gundu Rao Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 76, 4398 (1982); doi: 10.1063/1.443554 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see ESR and proton ENDOR studies in urea oxalic acid (2:1) single crystal: Radical transformation M. v. V. S. Reddy and K. V. Lingam Physics Department, Indian Institute o/Technology, Bombay 400 076, India T. K. Gundu Rao R. S. I. C, Indian Institute o/Technology, Bombay 400 076, India (Received 24 February 1981; accepted 14 May 1981) A radical transformation has been investigated in a single crystal of urea oxalic acid (2: 1) irradiated at room temperature. ENDOR studies (- - 160 'C) have been performed on both the initial and final radicals. The initial species has been assigned to a protonated anion radical. The results indicated that a common proton was involved in the protonation of the anion and in the subsequent transformation to R-CHOH. Two important differences in relation to the earlier studies on the protonated anions were noted. The maximum dipolar coupling values (B m ,,) for the O-Hp protons are smaller than normal and the proton transfer is not across the hydrogen bridge. A qualitative estimation of the spin densities indicated delocalization and the possible causes for small values of B "''' are discussed. A mechanism proposed earlier is invoked to understand the radical transformation. I. INTRODUCTION H-O ESR (electron spin resonance) and ENDOR (electronnuclear double resonance) of radicals in systems containing carboxylic groups have been extensively studied in view of their biological importance. 1,2 The ESR studies have focused mainly on the identification and on the structure of the paramagnetic centers. The ENDOR analysis gives more precise orientation of the radical and in favorable cases provides valuable information about the radical formation and transformations. The interpretation of the superhyperfine tensors in relation to the molecular structure is the important aspect in the ENDOR analysis. In carboxylic acid systems, it is well known that the ejected electron by ionizing radiation is captured on the carboxyl group to form anions. In many cases a proton transfer to the anion takes place and ENDOR can delineate the particular transferred proton. This protonated species decays subsequently to give stable secondary radicals. The formation of stable radicals is also strongly dependent on the environmental factors like molecular packing, hydrogen bonding, etc. Oxalates, the simplest of the dicarboxylic acid systems, are comparatively less studied and the radical mechanisms are not well understood. Among the reported cases, a stable secondary radical of the form R-CHOH was observed in urea oxalate3 {2[CO(NH2 h] . C2 H20 4}. In sodium hydrogen oxalate monohydrate, a CO2 radical was reported4• 5 whereas both these radicals were observed in potassium hydrogen oxalate. 6 A systematic study of the radicals in irradiated oxalate systems is considered to be of interest. In the present work, single crystal ESR and ENDOR studies on urea oxalic acid (2: 1) {2[CO(NH2 )2]' (COOH~} are reported. According to Harkema et ai. , 7 urea forms an addition compound with oxalic acid. Their crystal structure studies showed that the acidic proton is attached to the oxalic acid molecule as shown below and hence the name urea oxalic acid. 4398 J. Chern. Phys. 76(9), 1 May 1982 ~O ~C-C(' f7 ' 0 "O-H As the chemical formulas indicate, both the crystals viz., urea oxalate and urea oxalic acid (2: 1) [UOA], refer to the same compound 8 and the present ESR results are in accordance with this. According to Rao and Gordy, when irradiated and observed at 77 K, this system was found to give an ESR spectrum presumably due to the precursor of the stable secondary radical. 3 However, during the course of the present study (room temperature irradiation and observation), it was noticed that the character of the initial ESR Signal changed with time, and in a few days it finally transformed to the R-CHOH radical. Present results indicate that the initial radical is the protonated anion: H-O O....H )c-c/ O~ ~O-H (I) The final secondary radical is confirmed to be (II) However, the ESR spectrum of radical I is found to be different from the reported spectrum3 obtained by low temperature irradiation. The formation of the R-CHOH radical from an oxalate ion implies that one of the oxygens is replaced by a proton. It was thought that the ENDOR analysis of superhyperfine couplings of all the neighboring protons of both radicals I and II might help in identifying the proton in question. Our ENDOR results suggest that in UOA a proton transfer from a neighboring urea molecule is in- 0021-9606/82/094398-08$02.10 © 1982 American I nstitute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid H volved (radical I) and probably the same proton subsequently replaces the oxygen (radical II). II. EXPERIMENTAL Single crystalS of UOA were grown by slow evaporation of an aqueous solution of urea and oxalic acid in the stoichiometric ratio. The number of molecules in the unit cell are two and the space group of the crystal is P a Ic' The grown crystals (density 1. 58 gm/cm3 ) 1 7 showed pronounced cleavage (102) as reported. They were irradiated with y rays from a 60Co source (1000 Ci) at room temperature and irradiation time of about 6 h was found to be optimum for the studies on radical I. The ESR experiments were performed on a Varian E -line Century Series X-band spectrometer and TCNE (g= 2.00277) was used as a reference for the g-factor measurements. The ENDOR experiments were performed with a Varian E -1700 accessory. Nitrogen gas was passed through the heat exchanger immersed in liquid nitrogen (without the temperature controller) and the sample temperature (- -160°C) was found to be adequate for observing the ENDOR Signals. ENDOR measurements were made under the following conditions: The width of the field modulation was 2-6 G; the microwave power was 0.5 to 2 mW; the rf power was set at about 60% of the maximum output and the rf duty cycle was 10%. For mounting the Single crystal, a Teflon tube arrangement9 with a goniometer was used. The crystals could be preCisely mounted by taking advantage of the cleavage plane and a 90° wedge made of microscopic cover glass. For the anisotropy studies, the chosen three orthogonal axes were labeled as a', b, and c'; the b axis being the crystallographic axis. The c' axis is perpendicular to the (102) plane and the third mutually perpendicular axis is a'. This choice of axes is found to be convenient not only for mounting the crystal but also for the spectral analysis as the urea and oxalic acid molecules lie in the a' b plane (102). Thus, all the radical plane (102) protons can be identified easily as one of their principal axes will lie apprOXimately along the c' axis. III. RESULTS AND PROTON ASSIGNMENTS The observed radical transformation at room temperature in UOA is shown in Fig. 1. The character of the ESR spectrum changed with time, and it was confirmed that the growth of radical II was associated with the decay of the initial radical!. The stable radical II could be obtained directly with high irradiation doses (- 48 h). Some weak additional Signals were also noticed, but not analyzed. For most of the orientations, the ESR spectrum of radical I consisted of a broad unresolved line. However, a number of well resolved ENOOR signals for both radicals I and II were observed. At least Six distinguishable proton couplings could be analyzed. The ENDOR spectra were recorded for every 2° to 5° in each plane and the angular dependence of the frequencies for both the transitions (v+ and v_ with respect to the free proton frequency Vn '" 14. 4 MHz) were fitted to the following expression10 4399 ~ a - - -_________ b - - -..... c d e FIG. 1. ESR spectra of the radical transformation in urea oxalic acid (2: 1). The spectra were recorded at room temperature with the magnetic field along the a' axis under identical conditions at different stages; (a) soon after irradiation, (b) after one day, (c) after one week, (d) after one month, and (e) after two months. The g factor at the pip is 2.00277 (TCNE) ~ =(P * cos 0 + Q * sin 0 + 2R., sinO cosO) 2 2 by a least-square routine. The matrices corresponding to the transitions for each of the protons were separately diagonalized to obtain the prinCipal tensors and the respective direction cosines. The differences in the direction cosines of the two transitions were found to be within the experimental errors and the average values were taken. Due to the limitations in the frequency range of the spectrometer, only one of the tranSitions could be analyzed for some protons. Figure 2 shows the projection of the crystal structure of UOA on the (102) plane together with the labeling of the protons of interest. The structure consists of nearly planar urea and oxalic acid molecules held together by a two-dimensional hydrogen bonding network. The oxalic acid molecule lies on the center of symmetry and in Fig. 2 the unpaired electron is associated with C(2). One of the carboxyl oxygens, viz. 0(2), has two hydrogen bonds (H" and He) with the nitrogens belonging to different urea molecules. The hydroxyl proton IIp is attached to 0(3) which is also hydrogen bonded (H b ) to a nitrogen. The protons H,., Hd , and Hi are related to Hp, He, and H b , respectively, by inversion. The proton He is the nearest among the neighboring layer protons to C(2). The ENDOR spectra together with the labeling of lines of radicals I and II for the magnetic field along the b axis are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. Capital letters are used to label the lines of radical I. None of the observed lines (for both the radicals) could be assigned to the proton H" in the crystal structure (Fig. 2). On the other hand, for the lines T (radical I) and Q (radical II), unlike the rest of the lines, there are no associated protons in the undamaged crystal. The aSSignments of the lines to the corresponding protons are implied in the labeling. For example, line B of radical I in Fig. 3 is aSSigned to the proton 14 in Fig. 2. The results of radical II will be discussed first for the sake of convenience. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 4400 Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid L "M}- E5~ b \IV "m-G- ENDOR a' 10 20MHz 15 p Ci ~""-L,.",,, . . . . ~~ FIG. 4. ESR and ENDOR spectra (at - -160°C) of the radical II (R-CHOH) in urea oxalic acid (2: 1) with the magnetic field along the b axis. FIG. 2. The projection of the crystal structure of urea oxalic acid (2: 1) in the 102 plane (a 'b) with the labeling used in the present study. The unpaired electron is assumed to be centered on C(2) for both radicals I and II. The numbers with signs in the brackets are the coordinates along the c ' axis for the protons belonging to upper and lower layers indicated by dotted lines. A. Radical II The ESR results of radical II including the spinHamiltonian parameters are essentially the same as reported earlier. S The triplet seen in the ESR spectrum of Fig. 4 (1: 2 : 1 intensity) was understood in terms of two equivalent protons, viz., C-H", and C-OH/I protons. However, its ENDOR spectrum shows that these proton couplings are not quite equal (lines a and p). The splitting of the line a is due to slight misorientation and, in general, this line is found to be broader (~150 KHz). The complete ENDOR analysis of this proton could not be made because of the limitations mentioned earlier. However, it was confirmed that in the a' b plane, the C-H", direction makes an angle of about 9° with respect to the b axis, in agreement with the ESR results. This direction corresponds to C(2)-0(2) in the crystal struc- ture (Table I) and is consistent with the conclusion that 0(2) is replaced by a proton. The complete ENDOR analysis was made for the line p mentioned above and its precise direction cosines were determined (Table II). A number of weak couplings, not resolved in the ESR, were also analyzed. The angular variation of the ENDOR lines in the three planes are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 5 illustrates a typical anisotropic behavior of the hydroxyl protons in UOA. The assignments of the 14 and Hq protons could unambiguously be made from their expected behavior mainly in the be' plane (Figs. 5 and 6). The proton having larger coupling is associated with H, on the basiS of the spin density anticipated on C(2) and 0(3). The sign for its isotropic coupling value is chosen to be negative so that the observed direction of the maximum dipolar coupling (Bmu) is in agreement with the crystal structure. However, the following pOints, which will be discussed later, may be noted. The dipolar tensor is not quite axially symmetric and the Bmu direction deviates slightly from the direction connecting the radical car- TABLE 1. The distances and direction cosines (with respect to the a '. b. and c' axes) of the vectors calculated from the crystallographic data. Direction cosines Distance Vector C(2)-O(2) C(2)-H.. O(3)-H, C(2)-H q O'(3)-Hq C(2)-H a 11 13 115 17 19 MHz FIG. 3. ESR and ENDOR spectra (at - - 160 ·C) of the radical I (protonated anion) in urea oxalic acid (2 : 1) with the magnetic field along the b axis. (In labeling. the ENDOR lines of radical I capital letters are used). C(2)-H b C(2)-H c C(2)-H d C(2)-He C(2)-H, (A) 1. 20 1. 87 0.96 3.21 0.96 2.90 3.35 3.23 4.02 3.08 3.53 a' 0.069 0.984 0.858 -0.992 -0.858 0.684 0.373 -0.133 -0.228 0.278 -0.734 b 0.987 -0.175 0.501 - 0.117 - O. 501 0.729 - O. 926 0.991 - O. 973 - 0.122 0.679 J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see c' - 0.144 - O. 007 - 0.118 0.043 0.118 - O. 002 0.057 - O. 002 0.033 - O. 952 -0.018 4401 Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid TABLE II. The principal values (A) and direction cosines of the hyperfine coupling tensors of the radical II. al 80 and B are the isotropic and dipolar components, respectively. The direction cosines are given for one of the two sitesa • (MHz) Direction cosines B al 80 (MHz) A (MHz) a' b c' P - 21. 7 -16.3 10.2 -9.3 -12.4 -7.0 19.5 - O. 372 0.021 0.928 0.927 0.043 0.371 -0.032 0.999 - O. 036 q -7.6 -6.4 3.0 -3.7 -3.9 -2.7 6.7 - O. 211 - 0.077 - O. 974 0.976 0.031 -0.213 0.047 - O. 997 0.069 b 5.7 -2.9 -2.8 0 5.7 -2.9 -2.8 0.289 0.888 0.358 - 0.955 0.239 0.177 0.072 - O. 393 0.917 c 4.1 -2.2 -1.6 0.1 4.0 -2.3 -1.7 0 0 1 d 3.5 -1.7 -1.6 0.1 3.4 -1.8 -1.7 - 0.103 0.632 0.768 -0.992 -0.126 -0.029 0.078 - O. 765 0.640 e 4.1 -2.6 -1.6 0 4. 1 -2.6 -1. 6 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ~he hyperfine coupling tensors for the lines a <CH", proton) and f could not be determined. For the line p only one of the transitions could be analyzed. bon atom C(2) and the hydroxyl proton HI>' Similar behavior is also noted for the proton lIq. The aSSignments of the rest of the lines were mainly based on the comparison of the Bmu directions with the expected proton directions from the crystal structure (Table I). The tensors are given in Table II. The tensors for the ENDOR lines b, c, d, and e show approximate cylindrical symmetry with negligible isotropic couplings. The anisotropy of the line f could not be fol- lowed in all the planes and hence the tensor was not determined. However, an examination in the db plane showed that its maximum coupling (3.2 MHz) direction makes an angle of about 40° with respect to the b axis. Hence, the line f is likely to be due to the HI proton. For all these protons, except He, the Bmu direction lies in the a' b plane as expected from the crystal structure. As mentioned earlier, the proton labeled as Ha, which is the nearest among the protons of the neighboring molecules to C(2), remains unassigned as no ENDOR lines with the expected couplings and directions are observed. al 60· 30· b~ 60· 30·l b 60·r:.... 30· "60· Cl cl 0- 30- 30· 0'" 60- 60· I- ag q I 13 15 " FIG. 5. Angular variation for one of the ENDOR transitions of 17 19 21 23 25 MHz the hydroxyl proton lip (radical II) in the three orthogonal planes. The solid lines represent the theoretical curves and the dots represent the experimental values. aIlO 19 MHz FIG. 6. Angular variations of the ENDOR frequencies in the three orthogonal planes for the lines q, b, c, d, and e of radical II. The solid lines represent the theoretical curves, and the dots represent the experimental values. J. Chern. PhY5., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 4402 b c , Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid ~. \ 30' 60' a'L_ ... ---;i~~l.U>.*......~y;.~........ok10 11 FIG. 7. The angular variations of the ENOOR frequencies in the three orthogonal planes for the lines T, P, Q, B, C, D, and E of radical I. The solid lines represent the theoretical curves and the dots represent the experimental values. B. Radical I The ESR spectra of radical I can be seen in Figs. l(a) and 3. From the general anisotropic behavior of radical I, it appeared to have interaction mainly with two protons of comparable hyperfine couplings. The g factor was found to be minimum along the c' axis [gl (a') =2.0051, gz(b) = 2.0048, and &(c') =2. 0026]. The ENDOR anisotropy curves are shown in Fig. 7 and the proton tensors are given in Table III. The as- signments for the protons Hp and H. could easily be made from their characteristic anisotropic behavior (Figs. 7 and 5). The assignments of the remaining lines require more detailed considerations based on the expected changes in the spin densities of radicals I and II. The relative changes of the spin densities are assessed from the observed isotropic couplings of the hydroxyl protons. The spin densities on C(2), 0(3), and 0'(3) for radical II are estimated to be O. 74, 0.13, and 0.05, respectively, by uSing McConnell's relation. Similarly, for radical I, the spin densities on 0(3) and 0'(3) are found to be 0.07 and 0.04. The values used for ifcH and ifoH are 22.5 and 25 G, respectively. The spin density on 0(2) for radical I is estimated to be 0.06 and will be discussed later. This implies that the spin density on C(2) is about 0.77. As the couplings of the proton H. are relatively unaffected, the overall spin denSity in the C'(2) 0'(2) 0'(3) fragment is assumed to be unaltered. From Fig. 2 it is seen that the protons Hb and He are almost symmetrically disposed with respect to the carboxyl group C(2) 0(2) 0(3). From the estimated spin densities together with the proton distances (Table I), the expected Bmu. value for these protons is calculated to be about 5 MHz by USing point dipole approximation. 11 Hence the lines Band C are ascribed to the protons Hb and He, respectively. The lines D and E are aSSigned to the protons ~ and He mainly on the baSis of the direction cosines. The line F, which showed similar behavior to that of the line f in radical II, was also ob- TABLE Ill. The principal values (A) and direction cosines of the hyperfine coupling tensors of the radical I (protonated anion). alao and B are the isotropic and dipolar components, respectively. The direction cosines are given for one of the two sites ... A alao B (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Direction cosines a' b c' T 17.3 5. 1 0.6 7.7 9.6 -2.6 -7.1 0.657 - O. 751 -0.061 0.624 0.588 - O. 515 0.423 0.300 0.855 P -14.1 -11. 0 9.5 -5.2 -8.9 -5.8 14.7 - O. 378 0.074 0.923 0.904 0.246 0.350 - 0.201 0.966 -0.160 Q -7.1 -6.1 3.9 -3.1 -4.0 -3.0 7.0 -0.162 0.082 - 0.983 0.986 - 0.018 -0.164 0.031 -0.997 -0.079 B 4.9 -3.9 -1.9 -0.3 5.2 -3.6 -1. 6 0.345 0.928 0.142 - O. 927 0.313 0.205 0.146 - O. 202 0.969 C 5.3 -2.4 -2.9 0 5.3 -2.4 -2.9 -0.157 0.987 0.031 0.988 0.156 0.021 -0.016 - 0.033 0.999 D 3.8 -2.5 -1. 7 -0.1 3.9 -2.4 -1.8 -0.115 0.918 0.380 - O. 985 -0.154 0.075 0.128 - O. 366 0.922 E 3.6 -2.0 -2.3 -0.2 3.8 -1.8 -2.1 0.389 0.0 - 0.921 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.921 0.0 - O. 389 "Only one of the transitions could be analyzed for the lines T and P of the radical 1. Complete tensor for the line F could not be determined. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid served, particularly in the a' b plane. The complete tensor was not determined, but the maximum coupling was found to be 3.5 MHz. Regarding line T, the direction of its Bmu was found to make an angle of about 65° with the c' axis (verified by direct mounting). This line showed larger line width and is assigned to the "transferred proton H.," as will be discussed later. It is to be noted that the position of the transferred proton H.. is different from that of Ha in Fig. 2. IV. DISCUSSION The radical products in carboxylic acid and amino acid derivatives are known to transform as secondaries either by decarboxylization or by deamination. In oxaiate systems, decarboxylization would lead to the formation of a CO2 radical, and in fact is observed. 4,5 It is interesting to note that UOA, a hydrogen-bonded system, behaves differently. The present ENDOR studies enable a systematic comparison of the intramolecular and intermolecular proton couplings of radicals I and II, whose assignments should be considered as satisfactory from the results presented. The results of both the radicals indicate no reorientation with respect to the undamaged molecule in the crystals. However, some differences were noted (in UOA) in comparison with the known behavior of the anion radicals; mainly with respect to (1) the isotropic and anisotropic parts of the O-He couplings, and (2) the proton transfer. These will be discussed presently. A. O-Hil couplings In general, the characterization of the O-Hs hyperfine couplings in the anion radicals is known to be less satisfactory as compared to the C-He couplings. Both the C-Hs and O-H8 protons show that the overall anisotropy of the hyperfine couplings is fairly constant, a feature which has been pointed out to be useful in identifying the anion radical products in radiation research. 12 The Brou, is found to lie in the range of 17.4 to 21. 0 MHz and is approximately independent of the dihedral angle which is a measure of the isotropic coupling. 13 This observation for the O-HI! protons apparently refers to the protons that are transferred to the anion. The characterization of the O-Hs couplings is particularly useful as deuteration is often used to aid the aSSignments. The isotropic coupling also depends on whether the radical is planar or pyramidal. A cosze relation (8 is the dihedral angle) has been used to describe the isotropic couplings of both the exchangeable and nonexchangeable Ha protons with appropriate proportionality constants. The observed O-Hs couplings in UOA are of significance in the above context. In the anion radical I, the Bmu values are found to be low for both the transferred proton H.. and the hydroxyl proton HI' which was originally present in the molecule. A comparison of the O-He couplings in radicals I and II is worth considering. The Brou, value for the Hp coupling of radical II is in the above-mentioned range. It may be noted here that low Bmu values of the O-He couplings were observed for the corresponding R-CHOH radical in the glycollate 15 systems 14- 17 ; the case of lithium glycollate anhydrous is an exception where the proton is not in the molecular plane due to nonlinearity of the hydrogen bond. 11l A cursory examination of the dipolar components of the hydroxyl protons in radicals I and II (Tables II and III) show a proportionate decrease with the isotropic values. It is well known that for a R -eH type of radical, as the spin density on the carbon decreases, both the isotropic and anisotropic components of the a proton decrease proportionately. For example, in UOA the isotropic and Bmu values for the a proton are - 47 and + 24 MHz as compared to the corresponding values of - 59 and + 29 MHz in malonic aCid. 19 Hence, the decrease in the dipolar components of the proton HI' in radical I could be attributed to the differences in the spin density distribution in the carboxylic group. These arguments would imply a de localization of the spin density in the 71 system which is not surpriSing from the planarity of the molecule. In fact this is evident from the observed isotropic couplings for the protons Hp and Ha, and the Slight deviations of their Bmu directions are also in accordance with the above. Thus, the small values of Bmu for the O-H8 couplings in the anion product I of UOA could be due to the redistribution of the spin density. The limited range of variation of the Bnuu values for the O-H/l proton coupling in the reported anion radicals of different systems appears to be due to the similarities in the spin denSities in the carboxylic group. B. Proton transfer For the transfered protons in the anion products of glycine and a-amino isobutyric acid, 20 anomalous hyperfine couplings were also noticed in the proton transfer studies by Iwasaki et al. These studies clearly showed that the proton transfer is stereospecific. 13,20,21 The observed small values for both the isotropic and anisotropic couplings were interpreted by assuming that the proton might be jumping between the close and far positions of the hydrogen bond. Two important factors were found to control the proton transfer: (1) the hydrogen bonded proton to be in the direction of the unpaired spin orbital and (2) the shorter hydrogen bond distances. Before we discuss the present observations in UOA, the following may be noted: (1) none of the observed ENDOR lines of radicals I and II could be associated with the H" proton in the crystal structure (Fig. 2), and (2) the width of the lines T and a (Figs, 3 and 4) are somewhat larger. Regarding the first point, unfavorable relaxation mechanisms could also be the reason for the absence of a particular ENDOR line. However, the proton in question (Ha) is similar to the other NH protons for which strong ENDOR lines were seen. In view of the fact that the proton transfer is a common reaction for the anion products, it is reasonable to assume that the proton H,. which was originally in the COO plane is transferred to the anion. As pointed out earlier, the direction of its Bmu is not in the COO plane and the positive sign for the isotropic coupling is consistent with such a kind of proton. Hence it is concluded that the proton transfer is not along the hydrogen bond. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 4404 Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid To estimate the isotropic coupling constant, it is necessary to have a knowledge of the dihedral angle. Making a reasonable assumption that the unit vector along the proton direction has the same direction cosines to that of its B mu , the estimated angle is about 510. The direction of the carbon 2P.. orbital is taken to be along the c' axis as indicated by the minimum g factor. The following relation given by Muto et al. 13 for a planar molecule is used to estimate the spin density on the oxygen atom 0(2): p~(2)=a+bsinee , where a + b =O. 08 and a =O. 02. The spin density on 0(2) is calculated to be 0.06. Similarly the isotropic coupling is estimated from the following relation13 OaH =130 + Bl cos 2e , where Bo =- 2 G and Bl =16. 4 G. Hence OaH for the transferred proton is calculated to be 12.6 MHz and the observed value is 7.6 MHz. It must be mentioned that the tensor associated with the transferred proton is nonaxial and in view of the approximations made this agreement should be considered as satisfactory. Regarding B max , if the low value is caused by any dynamic motions (resulting in incomplete transfer), one would expect line width effects with temperature. As mentioned earlier both the lines a and T showed increased line widths. No dynamic motions are expected for the CHo: proton in radical II. As such, there is no valid reason for attributing the increased line width of the transferred proton (radical I) to dynamic effects. To our knowledge, there appears to be no direct experimental confirmation of the predicted dynamic nature by the line width effects. An attempt was made to study the temperature dependence of radical 1. But, detailed ESR analysis could not be made due to poor resolution. Unfortunately, in the ENDOR spectra, the signal to noise ratio was deteriorating with the increase in temperature. However, the line T showed marked temperature dependence in the observed small range of temperature (-160 to -100°C). This aspect requires a careful investigation in favorable cases. In this regard, an alternative explanation is worth considering. The fact that the proton Ha is displaced from the crystallographic position suggests that the excess negative charge on 0(2) (double-bonded oxygen of the oxalic acid molecule) might be the cause. In such a case one would expect changes in the potential minima associated particularly with the nearest neighboring Hbonded protons. In favorable cases a complete transfer of a proton to the anion can take place along the hydrogen bond. In general, it is not necessary that the proton transfer should be across the bridge as the environmental effects can be complex. Hence, the dihedral angle depends upon the transfered position and need not correspond to the crystallographic value. Under such circumstances the isotropic coupling can show deviations and low values can arise from large dihedral angles. Moreover, the delocalization of the unpaired spin on to the oxygens not only reduces the positive isotropic contribution via spin polarization but also affects the dipolar contributions. In the present system, the observed change in the direction of the transferred proton from the direction of O(2)-!f" could be caused by the asymmetric disposition of the atoms from the upper and lower layers (Fig. 2). The results of UOA suggest that the proton transfer mainly depends on the shorter H-bond distance and also on the environmental factors. Among the special features of UOA, the stability of the protonated anion radical and the observation of its transformation at room temperature may be mentioned. Such transformations are usually observed at low temperatures. The results of the analysis of radical I indicated that the unpaired electron is somewhat delocalized and this might be the cause for its stability. The formation of radical II is presumably triggered subsequent to the protonation. One expects the reaction to occur when a sufficient overlap between the unpaired electron orbital and the electron cloud of the transferred proton is achieved. When such a situation is not favorable the reaction could proceed slow enough to observe the transformation at room temperature. The actual fragmentation path leading to the formation of radical II can be understood within the framework of the mechanism proposed earlier by McCalley et al. ee It was suggested that the scission of the CO bond might be the main path for the anions to form R-CH kind of radicals. In UOA, the breakage of the C(2)-0(2) bond and the subsequent replacement of 0(2) by a proton account for the observed features. In fact, the present findings appear to illustrate directly the above envisaged mechanism in which the hydroxide ion left in the cavity can donate its hydrogen atom among the various sites about the cavity. This raises the question as to whether a common proton could be involved in the transformation process. Even though there is no direct evidence in this regard, two observations favor such a possibility. First, the ESR studies indicated that the transformation is direct but not through any intermediate species. Second, the conditions for the ready formation of radical II are favorable in UOA. The latter observation is justified by the efficient formation of the R-CHOH radical in UOA and glycollate systems 14 - 17 where the molecular geometries are similar. Hence it is suggested that radical II is formed almost concurrent with the scission of the CO bond and a common proton is involved in the process. In addition, the absence of ENDOR lines associated with Ha (Fig. 2) leads to the possibility that the common proton might be Ha itself. Finally, it must be stated that the credibility of the above suggestion lies in the internal consistency achieved from the mechanistic view point. V. CONCLUSION The present system UOA has many advantages for the study of radical transformations. The presence of both the hydroxyl protons and less interference from additional radicals permit a systematic study. 13C enrichment studies will be quite useful in determining the accurate spin denSities, etc. The observed low temperature radical by Rao and Gordy 3 is presumably the unprotonated anion product, which could be the precursor of radical I. In situ, low temperature irradiation and ENDOR studies are deSirable to confirm the same. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 76, No.9, 1 May 1982 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see Reddy, Lingam, and Rao: ESR and ENDOR of urea oxalic acid ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Professor B. N. Bhattacharya for his encouragement. We would also like to thank the referee for his valuable suggestions. tH. C. Box, Radiation Effects, ESR and ENDOR Analysis (Academic, New York, 1977l. 2L . Kevan, and L. D. Kispert, Electron Spin Double Resonance Spectroscopy (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1976). 3D. V. G. L. N. Rao, and W. Gordy, J. Chern. Phys. 35, 362 (1961). 40. Edlund, A. Lund, and R. Tellgren. Colloq. Ampere IS, 293 (1969); O. Edlund, A. Lund, and A. Grasslund, J. Magn. Reson. 10, 7 (1973). 5M. V. V. S. Reddy, K. V. Lingam, and T. K. Gundu Rao, Mol. Phys. (in press). sM. V. V. S. Reddy, K. V. Lingam, and T. K. Gundu Rao, Mol. Phys. 41, 1493 (1980). 1S. Harkema, J. W. Bats, A. M. Weyenberg, and D. Feil, Acta Crystallogr. 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