Electron spin resonance and electron nuclear double resonance studies in single crystals of Nmethylurea oxalic acid (2:1) M. Ravi Kumar, K. V. Lingam, and T. K. Gundu Rao Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 97, 900 (1992); doi: 10.1063/1.463194 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.463194 View Table of Contents: http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/JCPSA6/v97/i2 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jcp.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jcp.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jcp.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jcp.aip.org/authors Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Electron spin resonance and electron nuclear double resonance studies in single crystals of N-methylurea oxalic acid (2:1) M. Ravi Kumar and K. V. Lingam Physics Department, Indian Institute a/Technology, Bombay 400 076, India T. K. Gundu Rao Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre, Indian Institute a/Technology, Bombay 400 076, India (Received 9 September 1991; accepted 23 March 1992) Radicals trapped in a y-irradiated single crystal of N-methylurea oxalic acid have been investigated using the techniques of electron spin resonance (ESR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). Detailed ENDOR studies have been carried out on the two initially observed radicals. One of these radicals has been assigned to a protonated anion. Two protons, belonging to neighboring molecules, have been identified as transferred protons. The other radical is formed at the urea molecule by hydrogen abstraction from the methyl group. The observed completely transferred proton exhibits very small isotropic coupling. The third radical seen, only in aged crystals, after prolonged duration has been assigned to a R-CHOH type of radical. These results are compared to those from the urea oxalic acid systems. INTRODUCTION Extensive studies of radicals in systems containing carboxylic groups have been carried out partly because of their biological significance. 1.2 In these systems, ~t is well known than an electron ejected by ionizing radiation is trapped by molecules to form molecular radical anion. In several cases, a proton is transferred to the anion through the intermolecular hydrogen bond. The resulting protonated species decays subsequently to give stable secondary radicals. Oxalates, the simplest of the dicarboxylic acid systems, form convenient hosts for the study of carboxyl anion radicals and their transformations. In particular, addition compounds of urea with oxalic acid have some attractive features. According to Harkema et al., 3 urea forms 2: 1 and 1: 1 addition compounds with oxalic acid. Their crystal structure studies showed that the acidic protons are attached to oxalic acid molecule, and the molecules are held together by two dimensional hydrogen bonding network. Urea oxalic acid (UOA) 2:1 (Ref. 4) and 1:1 (Ref. 5) addition compounds have been investigated earlier. The initial radical formed immediately after irradiation at room temperature was identified as the protonated carboxyl anion in both these compounds. This radical subsequently transformed to a stable final radical R-CHOH. In both cases, protons belonging to neighboring groups located in the molecular plane protonate the anion. However, detailed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies showed some differences in the stereospecific nature of the proton transfer. As the crystal structures of the compounds are different, it was suggested that environmental factors could also play an important role in the proton transfer process. With a view to obtain further information, studies on the addition compound N-methylurea-oxalic acid (2: 1 ) (MUO) were undertaken. The crystal structure ofMUO is similar to that ofUOA (2:1). A radical transformation, similar to the one observed in urea oxalic acid systems, is also observed in the present 900 J. Chern. Phys. 97 (2). 15 July 1992 study. An additional radical associated with the urea molecule was also analyzed. Arguments leading to the assignment of the above radicals together with the observed proton transfer processes in these systems will be discussed. EXPERIMENTAL Single crystals ofMUO were grown by slow evaporation of an aqueous solution of N-methylurea and oxalic acid in the stoichiometric ratio. 6 The monoclinic crystals belonging to the space group P2 1/C have pronounced micalike cleavage plane (102). They were irradiated with y rays from a 6OCO source (-1000 Ci) at room temperature and an irradiation time of about 8 h was found to be optimum for the present studies. The electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments were performed on a Varian E-line Century series X-band spectrometer. TCNE (g = 2.002 77) was used as a reference for the g-factor measurements. The ENDOR experiments were performed with a Varian E-1700 accessory. According to Harkema et al.,6 MUO undergoes an irreversible phase transformation at 180 K. During the experiments, the ESR signal strength suddenly decreased with lowering of temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature. On examination, the MUO crystals were found to be shattered. Hence, ENDOR experiments were performed at 243 K using a variable temperature controller. ENDOR measurements were made under the following conditions. The width of the modulation was 2-6 G; the microwave power was 2 mW; the rfpower was set at about 60% of the maximum output, and the rf duty cycle was 10%. For the anisotropy studies, the chosen three orthogonal axes are labeled as a', b, and c', the b axis being the crystallographic axis. The c' axis is perpendicular to the (102) plane and the third mutually perpendicular axis is a'. This choice of axes is found to be convenient for mounting the crystals and also in identifying the interacting protons lying in the molecular (102) plane. 0021-9606/92/140900-08$06.00 @ 1992 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid 901 RESULTS Figure I shows the ESR spectrum ofMUO immediately after irradiation. Initially, two radicals labeled I and II were observed. For most of the orientations, the ESR spectrum of radical I consists of a broad single line (linewidth -0.55 mT). Radical II is characterized by four broad lines of equal intensity. These four broad lines showed additional complex hyperfine pattern for the magnetic field along the b axis (Fig. I). As the site splittings for the radicals could not be followed in the three orthogonal planes, the ESR tensors of radicals I and II could not be determined. However, it was established that their gmin directions lie approximately along the c' axis. A number of well resolved ENDOR lines were observed for both radicals. For radicals I and II, the ENDOR spectra are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The angular variations of the ENDOR lines of radical I in the three orthogonal planes are shown in Fig. 4. Figures 5 (lines a and b), 6 (lines c, d, e, f, g, and 3), and 7 (line I ) show the angular variations of the ENDOR lines of radical II in the three orthogonal planes. The experimental ENDOR tensors of radical I and II are given in Tables I and II, respectively. Figure 8 shows the ESR spectrum recorded for the magnetic field along the b axis of irradiated MUO after a period of 9 months. This radical, labeled III, was observed only in aged crystals. Due to poor signal strength, no ENDOR studies on radical III could be carried out. g and hyperfine tensors were determined from the ESR analysis and are given in Table III. Figures 9 and 10 show the anisotropy of g and hyperfine tensors of radical III in the three orthogonal planes. Figure II shows the projection of the crystal structure of MUO on the (102) plane. The structure consists of planar N-methylurea and oxalic acid molecules held together by two dimensional hydrogen bonding network. The unit cell contains four N-methylurea and two oxalic acid molecules. This corresponds to two molecules of the addition compound viz. N-methylurea oxalic acid (2: I). According to the x-ray crystallographic data,6 oxalic acid molecules lie on centers of inversion and N-methylurea molecules are 10- 9 14 15 Frequency/MHz FIG. 2. ENDOR spectrum of radical I (-243 K) in MUO with the magnetic field along the c' axis. b a ~ 39 40 41 19 38 FIG. 3. ENDOR spectrum of radical II (-243 K) in MUO with the magnetic field along the c' axis. a' 30' b ·· · 30 60 , c 30 60 a' 8 9 20 21 FIG. 4. The angular variation of the ENDOR frequencies in the three orthogonal planes for radical!. o· 3d 6d b I 1.0mT 30 60 C 3 6 a' 25 FIG. 1. Room temperature ESR spectrum of radical I and II in MUO for the magnetic field along the b-axis. a 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency/MHz 55 60 FIG. 5. The angular variations in the three orthogonal planes for the ENDOR lines a and b (Fig. 3) of radical II. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 97, No.2, 15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid 902 dr-------------------------~~_, 0' 30 3 60 6 b b~~--~~=-------------------~ 30 60' 30 c' 60 30 c'l----------'I;,---------------------i 60 3 0' 8 9 10 Frl'qul'ncy I MHz Qli---'F-------i~--__;';;,__--.,,;:;_-----;>E_~___;;: 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency/MHz FIG. 6. The angular variations in the three orthogonal planes for the ENDOR lines c, d, e,f, g, and 3 (Fig. 3) of radical II. FIG. 7. The angular variations in the three orthogonal planes for the ENDOR line 1 (Fig. 3) of radical II. cated in a general position of the space group P2,IC' The positional parameters of hydrogen atoms were also determined, except the ones belonging to the methyl group. The methyl hydrogens' parameters could not be determined accurately due to disorder in their positions. The final parameters given by Harkema et al. 6 were used in the present work assuming one possible orientation for the methyl group. The structure ofMUO and UOA (2: I) have many similarities. In UOA (2: 1), the primary radical was identified as a protonated carboxyl anion. In MUO, the possibility of radical I to be such a protonated anion was initially considered. Since the acidic protons HI and H2 were known to be attached to oxalic acid molecule, it was convenient to identify their tensors. Tensors 1 and 2 could be readily assigned to HI and H 2 , respectively, following the normal procedure of locating the interacting protons by the direction cosines of Bmax. The magnitudes of the principal components of these tensors indicated that the major part of the spin density resides in one of the carboxyl group of the oxalic acid molecule. This carboxyl group is labeled as C 3 0 3 O 2 in Fig. 11. The DISCUSSION The assignment of radical I will be considered first. As stated earlier, the only information that could be obtained from ESR experiments on radical I was that the direction of gmin (2.0022) to be along the c' axis. Hence, its identification was based on the interpretation of the proton ENDOR tensors. Seven distinguishable proton coupling tensors (Table I) were analyzed. TABLE I. Experimental ENDOR tensors of radical I in MUO. Tensor Assigned to H, 2 H2 3 H3 4 H. 5 H, 6 H. 7 H7 A(MHz) 10.84 - 8.59 - 11.61 3.58 - 5.72 -6.32 14.71 -0.24 - 2.75 7.75 -7.33 - 8.46 5.25 - 2.01 - 3.43 4.31 - 1.15 - 1.20 1.50 - 3.62 - 5.17 a(MHz) - 3.12 - 2.82 3.91 - 2.68 -0.06 0.65 - 2.43 B(MHz) 13.96 - 5.47 - 8.49 6.40 -2.90 - 3.50 10.80 -4.15 - 6.66 10.43 - 4.65 - 5.78 5.31 - 1.95 - 3.37 3.66 - 1.80 - 1.85 3.93 - 1.19 -2.74 a' Direction cosines b c' 0.3592 0.3495 0.8654 - 0.1710 0.2653 - 0.9489 0.6658 0.6251 0.4073 - 0.9913 - 0.0961 0.0896 -0.8960 -0.4441 - 0.0011 - 0.1474 0.0239 - 0.9888 0.9286 - 0.0892 - 0.3601 0.1526 - 0.9368 0.3149 - 0.0979 - 0.9629 -0.2515 - 0.3394 - 0.2324 0.9115 0.0930 - 0.9949 - 0.0382 - 0.0269 0.0519 0.9983 0.9888 -0.0204 -0.1479 0.3518 - 0.0967 0.9331 0.9207 0.0190 - 0.3893 - 0.9804 0.0499 0.1906 0.6645 - 0.7451 0.0574 0.0928 - 0.0295 0.9952 - 0.4433 0.8945 - 0.0585 0.0237 0.9995 0.0206 -0.1178 - 0.9913 - 0.0584 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 97, No.2, 15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid 903 TABLE II. Experimental ENDOR tensors of radical II in MUO. Tensor Assigned to a H. b Hb c He 3 H, d H" e H, f HI g H. H, A(MHz) - 24.20 - 52.38 - 86.46 - 23.94 -49.14 - 84.76 6.82 -7.29 - 8.49 1.44 -4.22 - 6.33 1.19 - 3.65 -4.34 1.34 - 1.42 - 2.32 3.84 - 1.21 - 1.53 3.93 - 1.24 - 2.10 26.90 - 8.86 - 21.06 a(MHz) - 54.35 - 52.61 -2.99 -3.04 -2.27 -0.80 0.37 0.20 -1.01 B(MHz) 30.15 1.97 - 32.11 28.67 3.47 - 32.15 9.81 -4.30 - 5.50 4.48 - 1.18 - 3.29 3.46 - 1.38 -2.07 2.14 -0.62 - 1.52 3.47 - 1.58 - 1.90 3.73 -1.44 -2.30 27.91 -7.85 - 20.05 a' - - - - Direction cosines b c' 0.3549 - 0.0338 0.9433 - 0.9509 0.1263 - 0.2827 0.9947 0.0845 - 0.0586 0.0492 0.1843 0.9816 0.9667 - 0.1080 0.2320 - 0.1352 0.2152 - 0.9672 - 0.5715 0.8135 - 0.1077 - 0.2783 - 0.8902 0.3607 - 0.3031 - 0.0473 - 0.9518 - 0.0608 - 0.9981 - 0.0130 0.1121 0.9915 0.0658 - 0.0969 0.9607 - 0.2602 -0.0297 - 0.9827 0.1830 -0.2070 0.2027 0.9571 - 0.0434 0.9739 0.2228 - 0.0232 - 0.1472 - 0.9888 0.9598 - 0.2723 0.0678 - 0.0420 - 0.9971 0.0629 0.9329 0.0522 0.3563 0.2886 0.0308 0.9569 0.0343 0.2645 0.9638 0.9983 0.0201 0.0533 0.1504 0.9733 0.1736 0.9899 0.0721 0.1223 0.8203 0.5625 0.1030 0.0370 0.3654 0.9301 0.9520 0.0591 0.3002 other group is denoted by C3 0 3O 2, The Bmu values of the OHp protons usually lie in the range of 17 to 21 MHz.7 The observed lower values, in the present case (Table I), could arise from delocalization of the unpaired electron density. The above arguments lead to the conclusion that major part of the unpaired electron density is in 2pz orbital ofC3 atom. The observed direction of gmin is in accordance with the above conclusion. The dipolar tensors of H3 and H4 were calculated for various 0 3H3 and O 2 H4 distances assuming these protons to be transferred along the hydrogen bridge. Assuming the undamaged crystal structure, the relevant proton unit vectors were calculated and are given in Table IV. The rest of the tensors were assigned to various matrix protons belonging to neighboring symmetry related molecules on the basis of the direction cosines. The final assignments are given in Table I. Tensors 5 and 6 are dipolar protons and have been assigned to protons Hs and H6 (upper layer), respectively. Tensor 7 is assigned to one of the methyl protons H7 from the neighboring molecule. To confirm these assignments, the dipolar tensors were calculated based on the methods developed by McConnell and Strathdee. 8 Corrected formulas involving Slater orbitals were utilized for these calcula- TABLE III. g and hyperfine tensors of radical III in MUO. Direction cosines Proton I 1.0mT a proton OH ton FIG. 8. Room temperature ESR spectrum of radical III with the magnetic field along the b axis. A(mT) -0.78 - 1.64 -2.70 0.21 a(mT) -1.71 B(mT) a' b 0.93 0.07 -0.99 0.57 0.1000 0.0953 - 0.9904 0.9915 - - 0.19 - 0.37 - 0.0788 - 0.4090 0.1039 0.9036 c' 0.9947 0.0235 0.0139 - 0.9953 0.1018 - 0.0935 0.1272 0.0287 pro- 0.55 -0.36 - 0.73 gvalues 2.00167 2.00390 2.00538 0.3100 0.4618 - 0.8311 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 97, No.2, 15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 0.9091 0.4155 0.1934 - 0.9309 0.8252 0.3252 0.5307 - 0.1665 904 Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid a",------------""7"r---, 60 b~---------~---~ d.~~~=-~~~~=-~~~~=-~. 2.000 2.001 2.002 2.003 2.004 2.005 2.006 FIG. 11. Projection of the crystal structure of MUO onto the 102 plane. FIG. 9. Angular variation in the three orthogonal planes of the g tensor of radical III. tions. 9.!O Initially, computations were done to determine an acceptable spin density distribution that gave good agreement with tensors 1 and 2. However, the calculated Bmax values for tensors 3 and 4 were found to be much smaller compared to the experimental values. Hence, it was concluded that the interacting protons associated with tensors 3 and 4 are not located in their crystallographic positions. The dipolar tensors ofH 3 and H4 were calculated for various OH distances. It was assumed that these protons are transferred along the hydrogen bridge. The results showed that OH{3 distances in the range of 1.2 to 1.3 A (from 0 3 and O 2 atoms) could account for the observed Bmax for both these protons. The OH{3 distances for acidic protons (HI and H2 ) are of the order of 1 A in this crystal. Hence, it is concluded that the transfer ofH3 and H4 protons should be considered as partial. The calculated tensors together with the assumed spin densities are given in Table V. Comparison with the TABLE IV. The relevant unit vectors along with the direction cosines with respect to Q', b, and c' axes. Vector Q' Direction cosines b c' For radical I C3H, 02 H, C3H2 °i H2 C;H2 C3H3 03 H3 C3H. 02 H• C,H 7 03 H7 C3H, O;H, C;H, C3H. 0.9890 0.8803 0.9873 0.8803 0.9890 0.5575 0.8980 0.5491 0.1859 0.2962 0.4335 0.7455 0.8980 0.6707 0.2319 - 0.1439 0.4610 -0.1436 - 0.4610 0.1439 0.8299 0.4331 - 0.8356 - 0.9825 0.9538 0.9010 - 0.6658 -0.4331 - 0.7417 - 0.1511 0.9605 - 0.2410 - 0.3485 0.3073 - 0.9407 - 0.9749 - 0.7043 0.3123 0.8303 0.5998 -0.0191 - 0.9752 - 0.9257 0.2636 - 0.9645 0.9374 0.9500 0.3390 - 0.2224 0.7088 0.9353 - 0.4829 - 0.7944 - 0.2518 - 0.2169 - 0.3659 - 0.0890 0.1084 - 0.0402 - 0.0553 0.0102 0.0081 - 0.0404 - 0.1664 - 0.2785 - 0.0959 0.9676 0.0449 -0.0961 0.0172 0.0412 - 0.9989 0.9890 0.9925 0.1200 0.0220 - 0.1439 0.1209 - 0.9919 - 0.0388 0.0339 - - - - 0.0340 0.1121 0.0680 0.1121 0.0340 0.0216 0.0777 0.0141 0.0130 0.0507 0.0156 0.0325 0.0777 0.0060 0.9609 For radical II C,H C,H b C,Hc N,Hc C,H, N2H, C,H d N2 Hd C,H. C,HJ C,Hg C,H, O,H, Q 0',--,,--------------:>\"--, cit Proton d~~~~-~-~~-~~-~~-~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Hyperfine Coupl!ni I mT For radical III C3O, 02C3 XC,03 (02 C3XC30 3) XC30 3 C3H, FIG. 10. Angular variation of the hyperfine couplings of radical III. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 97, No.2, 15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid TABLE V. Calculated dipolar components of the proton tensors of radical I in MUO. The assumed spin densities on C 3 , O2 , 0 3 are 0.6, 0.06, 0.05, and on q, Oi, 0;, are 0.2,0.02,0.05, respectively. Proton H, H, H3 H4 Hs H. H7 B(MHz) 13.64 -4.18 - 9.46 6.87 - 2.33 -4.53 10.73 - 4.15 - 6.58 9.94 - 3.21 - 6.73 3.14 - 1.42 -1.72 4.62 - 2.27 - 2.34 2.66 - 1.20 - 1.46 a' Direction cosines b c' 0.9981 0.0518 - 0.0325 - 0.9967 0.0561 0.0595 0.6041 0.7936 0.0733 0.4674 -0.0181 0.8839 - 0.7637 0.6409 -0.0776 0.2543 0.7900 0.5573 - 0.2536 - 0.9665 -0.0403 0.0291 0.0643 0.9975 - 0.0558 0.0644 - 0.9964 0.7969 - 0.6020 - 0.0498 - 0.8825 0.0504 0.4676 - 0.6454 - 0.7554 0.1133 -0.1272 - 0.5445 0.8291 0.9660 - 0.2509 - 0.0619 0.0537 - 0.9966 0.0627 - 0.0597 - 0.9963 - 0.0610 -0.0046 -0.0885 0.9961 0.0530 0.9986 -0.0076 - 0.0140 - 0.1366 - 0.9905 0.9587 - 0.2818 - 0.0380 0.0497 - 0.0546 0.9973 corresponding experimental tensors (Table I) shows that the assignments of the tensors should be considered as reasonable justifying the identification of the radical as a protonated anion. Earlier proton transfer studies revealed that the selective proton transfer to the molecular radical anion in carboxylic and amino acid crystals is stereospecific. 7 ,11-13 The following factors were found to control the proton transfer: (1) the proton located in the direction of the unpaired electron orbital ofthe anion is more easily transferred than the others, and (2) the hydrogen bond distance which is shorter than the others is favorable for transfer. In this context, some observed differences in MUO in relation to the earlier studies may be pointed out. It was assumed that the location of the proton after transfer is indicated by its Bma. axis. ( 1) In MUO, protons H3 and H4 located in the molecular plane (Fig. 11) are partially transferred. (2) For these protons, the transfer is not taking place across the intermolecular hydrogen bond. (3) The final location of proton H3 is found to be out of the molecular plane. Its Bma. axis makes an angle of 70° with c' axis. Similar out-of-plane proton transfer was also observed in UOA (2:1)4 and the corresponding angle was found to be 65°. ( 4) In the case of proton H 4, the final location after transfer was found to be in the molecular plane. Similar in-plane transfer was observed in UOA (1:1).5 From the above, the following general observations may be made with the three addition compounds viz. MUO, UOA 905 (2:1), and (1:1). ( 1) Hydrogen bonded proton which is nearest to the major spin density center is invariably involved in proton transfer as observed in previous studies. (2) Contrary to earlier observations, protons in the direction of the unpaired spin orbital of the anion are not transferred. (3) The proton transfer is not necessarily through the intermolecular hydrogen bond. In UOA (2:1)4 and UOA (1:1)5 crystals, it was observed that the protonated anion radicals decay giving rise to secondary radicals of the form R--CHOH. This would mean that one of the oxygen atoms of the oxalic acid molecule is replaced by a hydrogen atom. Similar transformation is also noted in MUO as discussed below. The general behavior of radical III (Table III) indicates that it is a R-CHOH type of radical. The components of the large hyperfine tensor (Table III) are characteristic of an a proton. This implies that the unpaired electron resides mainly in the 2pz orbital on carbon perpendicular to the molecular plane. The observed gmin direction is in accordance with the above. Assuming negative isotropic coupling, the a-proton direction was found to be approximately along the C 3-0 3 bond. The angle between these two directions is 7.3°. Hence, it is concluded that 0 3 atom is replaced by an hydrogen atom. In MUO the protonated anion (radical I) is, presumably, transforming to radical III as observed in UOA (2: 1) crystal. The fragmentation path, which leads to the formation of radical III, can be understood within the framework of the mechanism proposed in the earlier studies. It was suggested 14•15 that the scission of the C-O bond might be the main path for the molecular radical anions to form RCH0 H kind of radicals. The observed features of radical III are accounted for by the breakage of the C-O bond and the subsequent replacement of oxygen by a proton. Thus it appears that radical III is a R-CHOH type of radical formed by the scission of the C 3-0 3 bond. In UOA (2:1), it was established that a common proton is involved in the protonation of the anion and the subsequent transformation to RCHOH radical. The absence of END OR signals in radical III makes it difficult to conclude the involvement of a common proton in the transformation process in MUO. The ESR spectrum of radical II consists of four broad lines of approximately equal intensities for most of the orientations (Fig. 1). This spectrum could result from the interaction of the unpaired electron with two inequivalent strongly coupled protons. Additional small couplings were seen for the magnetic field along the b axis (Fig. 1). The superhyperfine pattern was found to be complex and the site splittings could not be followed in the three planes. Hence, the ESR tensors could not be determined. However, the minimum gfactor (2.0018) direction was found to be along the c' axis. The identification of radical II is also based on the interpretation of proton ENDOR analysis. This additional radical was absent in UOA (2: 1) and ( 1: 1) systems. Earlier studies on irradiated urea compounds 16 showed no detectable radicals associated with the urea molecules. However, in methyl urea, the observed radical was identified as J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 97. No. 2.15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 906 Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid It ~as assumed that the above radical was formed by abstractIOn of one of the methyl protons. It is expected to have hyperfine interaction with the other two strongly coupled methyl protons. Additional weaker interactions are also anticipated from adjacent NH groups giving rise to broadening .of the resonance lines. In view of the broadening, this radIcal was not clearly characterized in the earlier studies. The observed ESR spectrum of radical II in MUO is in qualitative agreement with the above expectation. The multiplet structure for the magnetic field along the b axis could not be analyzed. Even though interaction with three protons was suspected, the relative intensities could not be accounted for. An examination of the ENDOR spectrum for the magnetic field along the b axis showed that the hyperfine couplings associated with lines 1,3, and c are approximately in the expected range of the multiplet splittings. Using the ENDOR couplings, the multiplet pattern was simulated for two of the four lines of radical II. The simulated spectrum is shown in Fig. 12. It is seen that the agreement is reasonable. Hence, it was concluded that the complex multiplet pattern was due to a single radical II with three distinct proton couplings. Further justification for the assumed model for the radical II is provided by the interpretation of its ENDOR tensors. Nine distinguishable proton tensors were analyzed (Table II). Tensors a and b could readily be identified as the strongly coupled protons (Ha and Hb ) giving rise to the prominent four line pattern of the ESR spectrum. Both of them have characteristics of a protons. The radical was assumed to be formed by abstraction of one of the three methyl protons. There is some uncertainty regarding which of the three protons was abstracted. As mentioned earlier, the position parameters of hydrogen atoms belonging to methyl group were not uniquely determined due to disorder. From one of the possible orientation of the methyl group given by the x-ray crystallographic data,6 it was found that none of the methyl protons lie in the molecular plane. Examination of the direction cosines of Bmax of tensors a and b shows that the associated a protons must lie approximately in the radical plane. These results can be understood if we make a reasonable assumption that after the abstraction of one of the methyl protons hybridization of C I atom changes from Sp3 to Sp2. The final assignments of tensors a and b are given in Table II. Assuming least possible rearrangement, the abstracted hydrogen atom is identified as H* (Fig. 11). The rest of the tensors were assigned to various protons in the crystal as indicated by the direction cosines of their respective Bmax. Tensors c, 3, and d with small but finite negative isotropic couplings are assigned to intramolecular NH protons H H 3 , and Hd and the tensors e,J, and g to the matrix proto~~ He' HI' and Hg (upper layer), respectively. The assignment of tensor 1 requires explanation. This tensor shows small isotropic but large dipolar components. It may be mentioned that the associated line in one of the planes (a' b) could not be followed due to poor signal strength. Hence, the tensor was determined from limited available data. From the direction cosines of B max , the tensor has been assigned to HI. To confirm the above assignments, the dipolar tensors were calculated as described earlier. The position coordinates of Ha and Hb were transformed by an appropriate rotation about N I C I bond direction such that they lie in the radical plane. The results showed that the calculated values of the dipolar components for proton HI were too low compared with those of tensor 1. Hence, it is concluded that HI proton must be considered as a transferred proton. Assuming the proton transfer to be along the hydrogen bridge, the calculated OH distance for good a&reement with the experimental tensor was found to be 1 A. This corresponds to a complete transfer. The small isotropic coupling ( - 1.01 MHz) for such a proton has not been understood. The assumed spin densities and the calculated tensors are given in Table VI. It may be noted that appreciable spin density (0.2) is assumed on the oxygen atom (0 1 ). Comparison of the calculated results with the experimental values shows that the assignment and hence the radical identification should be considered as reasonable. CONCLUSIONS , 1mT . ~ ~ A.-... ~ v v _ ~erimentally ~ recorded FIG. 12. Comparison of the computer simulated spectrum of radical III (only h~lfth: spec.trum) with the experimentally recorded spectrum along the b aXIs. A lme Width of 0.15 mT and four proton couplings with the values 1.13, 0.42, 0.24, and 0.22 mT have been used for simulation of the ESR spectrum. The present study illustrates that the protonated anion radical has a strong possibility of being trapped in hydrogen bonded oxalic acid systems. The precursor of the protonated anion viz. anion resulting from an electron capture by the carboxyl group is not observed in the present study where t~e ~rradiation is being carried out at room temperature. SImIlar results were observed in (2: 1) and (1: 1) urea oxalic acid crystals. In situ low temperature irradiation and ENDOR studies are required to establish the proton transfer mechanism. Unfortunately, such studies are not possible with a Varian E-1700 ENDOR accessory due to experimental limitations. Moreover, these studies are difficult in the present case as MUO crystals are shattering with lowering of temperature. The excess negative charge on the carboxyl oxygen of J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 97, No.2, 15 July 1992 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Kumar, Lingam, and Rao: N-methylurea oxalic acid TABLE VI. Calculated dipolar components of the proton tensors of radical II. The assumed spin densities on C I , C2 , N I' N 2 , and 01 are 0.65, 0.05, 0.05,0.05, and 0.2, respectively. Proton H. H. H, H, Hd H, HI H. HI B(MHz) a' Direction cosines b c' 31.19 -0.03 - 31.16 29.35 2.22 - 31.57 10.30 - 1.55 - 8.74 4.92 -0.17 - 4.75 4.25 - 0.83 - 3.42 3.78 - 1.85 - 1.93 3.95 - 1.91 -2.04 3.12 - 1.40 -1.72 25.64 -7.90 - 17.74 0.9661 -0.0844 - 0.2441 - 0.2205 0.0313 0.9749 - 0.1130 -0.0264 - 0.9935 - 0.9763 - 0.0225 0.2154 - 0.1743 - 0.9832 0.0547 0.8672 - 0.0331 0.4969 0.6335 0.7648 -0.1172 0.0656 - 0.0764 0.9949 - 0.8157 0.2048 0.5410 0.2429 - 0.0242 0.9697 - 0.9694 0.1037 - 0.2226 0.9935 - 0.0316 - 0.1094 0.2164 - 0.0584 0.9746 0.9727 - 0.1633 0.1646 - 0.4537 0.3591 0.8156 - 0.7546 0.6442 0.1249 - 0.2559 - 0.9651 - 0.0572 - 0.5452 0.0404 - 0.8373 - 0.0877 - 0.9961 - 0.0029 0.1081 0.9941 - 0.0074 - 0.0285 - 0.9992 0.0297 0.0094 - 0.9980 - 0.0618 - 0.1529 0.0819 0.9848 - 0.2054 - 0.9327 0.2964 - 0.1710 - 0.0093 - 0.9852 0.9645 - 0.2607 - 0.0828 - 0.1934 - 0.9780 0.0787 the anion disturbs the potential minima associated with the nearest neighbor hydrogen bonded protons. In favorable cases, a complete transfer of a proton to the molecular anion can take place through the intermolecular hydrogen bond. Present results in MUO together with the previous observa- 907 tions show that the environmental factors also play a key role in deciding the nature of proton transfer. The urea centered radical II has not been observed in previous studies of similar systems. The interesting feature of this radical is the observation of a complete proton transfer. However, the reasons for the very small isotropic value for this transferred proton are not clear. Radical III is a R-CHOH type ofradical. Unlike in (2: 1) and (1: 1) urea oxalic acid systems, this radical is observed in MUO only after about 9 months. ENDOR signals are not observed for radical III due to poor signal strength. 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