Read the latest DIT newsletter

Conferencing at CSU • Engineering Topic Tree
No. 2, Summer 2016
Division of Information Technology
Welcome to the DIT Summer Newsletter
Welcome to 2016 and our summer
newsletter updating you on what’s
making news across DIT.
In this issue, we highlight some of the
system improvements completed in 2015
and major projects underway in 2016.
You’ll learn about:
The new innovative adaptive learning
and topic management system (Topic Tree) for Civil Engineering;
8 new initiatives to commence as
part of the Initiatives and Strategy
Implementation Plan (ISIP);
Service Improvement Program (SIP)
systems change progress to enable
the new 3 faculty model; and
Our new staff online ICT training
module (IT Fundamentals) that is
launching soon.
As part of our major infrastructure refresh
across CSU, there are also updates on:
our expanded Video Conferencing
capabilities, moving to new state-of-theart data centres and the complete refresh
and update of our wired and wireless
infrastructure in every building and
campus across CSU.
A number of significant projects were
completed in 2015 to improve the
functionality, health and capability of
ICT infrastructure and systems across
CSU. The student portal was launched in
July introducing a personalised, user
friendly platform for students led by
the Office for Students with input from all faculties and divisions.
Students also directly benefited from
the free Office 365 cloud service
enabled at the start of 2015 and
the introduction of new responsive
templates to all major areas across the
CSU website improving mobile device
access and usability. DIT also worked
closely with the Division of Facilities
Management in the delivery of IT/AV services for the new Port Macquarie
campus and Engineering building
in Bathurst which incorporate new
collaborative ways of working with
technology. Additionally, the Division
of Student Administration, Division
of Finance and DIT worked together
to migrate the Banner student
management system to a new highly
available system with greater disaster recovery capability. A new agile project methodology has
been adopted by DIT which focuses on improved testing, enabling early
functionality deployment and
securing project benefits faster and
more often. Another key component
of the new methodology is constant
and frequent engagement between
developers, project staff, product
custodians and end users at all project
stages. The new methodology is
currently being piloted as part of the
Academic Workload Management
project and we look forward to
working even more closely with all
areas across the University to ensure
the success of CSU’s strategic ICT
Tim Mannes,
• Welcome.......................................... 1
• What’s Been Happening in DIT.......................... 2
• The Engineering
Topic Tree......................................... 2
• Data Centre Relocation............... 3
• Network Refresh........................... 3
• Conferencing at CSU................... 3
• ISIP Update...................................... 4
• SIP Systems Change..................... 5
• Records Management Upgrade........................................... 5
• IT Fundamentals .......................... 5
• DIT Hot Tips ................................... 6
• Innovation in ICT........................... 6
• Spotlight on DIT............................ 7
• Public Access Computer
Replacements................................ 8
• Teaching Space Refurbishments............................. 8
• Events and Key Dates.................. 8
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Division of Information Technology Newsletter
The Engineering Topic
The CSU Engineering curriculum
launched in session 201630 with the
Civil Engineering Topic Tree at the
core of the curriculum.
What’s Been
Happening in DIT?
After finishing out a busy 2015, DIT
has hit the ground running in 2016! Towards the end of last year, some of
things we saw included:
DIT staff on the Wagga Wagga
campus moving into their new
home at the Jack Cross Centre;
A number of staff helping out at
graduation ceremonies; and
5 staff across Wagga Wagga;
Albury-Wodonga and Bathurst
receiving their 20 year service
We also hosted an Applications and
Integration Forum on the Bathurst
campus where the Applications and
Integration teams could get together
and talk about current priorities and
upcoming opportunities.
In 2016 so far, we’ve had a number
of staff undertake training on the
project methodology we are trialling
and have also seen some movement
in the Division.
With the creation of the Web
Strategy Office (WSO) in 2015, the
Web Applications team transitioned
over into the WSO in various roles
on 1 January; and some new faces
joined the team while others moved
into new roles across the Division
and wider University. Welcome and
congratulations to these staff!
Lastly, a huge congratulations goes
out to all DIT staff who graduated
from their post-graduate studies in
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
The new Topic Tree approach consists
of two multi-session subjects, a series
of project based learning subjects
and industry work placements. The
multi-session Topic Tree subjects
are ‘shell’ subjects comprised of a
collection of detailed learning topics
with their own learning objectives
and mini-syllabus. This approach
allows pre-requisite knowledge to be
mapped to a topic and more precise
understanding of what is required
from the student.
The Topic Tree will contain around
1,000 topics covering different
specialties within Civil Engineering, as
well as accounting for different levels
of preparation from commencing
students. Topics will be scaled to
require an average of three hours of
work (for example - to complete the
two multi-session subjects, students
will be required to acquire a total of
approximately 600 topics) with both
mandatory and optional topics in
Students will be required to plan
and monitor their progress through
the Tree using a custom-built online
interface, identifying what they need to learn and when they need to learn it.
Using the Tree, students will also be able to pursue knowledge at the time they need it using a “justin-time” approach to learning. For
example - while on placement,
students will be able to delve into the Topic Tree as they encounter new tasks in the workplace. This also allows students to progress when they have acquired
the knowledge to a required standard meaning they can advance quicker than expected or take more time if needed.
With the introduction of the Topic
Tree, the role of academic also
changes. Rather than teaching
subjects, academics support groups
of topics within the Topic Tree with
supported topics considered “in
season” and students encouraged
(but not obliged) to attempt these
topics at the time.
In addition to this, data analytics
from automated assessments will
help academics identify students
(or groups of students) that are
struggling with particular concepts,
allowing academic support to be
targeted where it is most helpful.
While not all tasks can be assessed in
this way for those that can, this will
free up student-academic contact
time for more complex and valuable
learning interactions. CSU recognises that an engineering
degree is more than just a series of
topics - it requires integration and
application of theory and practice.
Project based learning activities
and industry placements will
provide students with the context
and the challenges to bring the
pieces together with the Topic Tree
providing the building blocks of
Example Topic Tree representation - topics with
interdependencies displayed through arrows
showing pre-requisite links
Charles Sturt University
Data Centre
Conferencing at CSU
CSU is establishing new world class high
availability Data Centres in Sydney to
replace aging legacy Data Centres in
Bathurst and Wagga. The new Data Centres will provide
production and disaster recovery sites
geographically separated and integrated
into CSU’s network. The project is being delivered over 12
months with Wagga scheduled to move
by June 2016 and Bathurst at the end of
November 2016. Some of the benefits of the new Data
Centres include improved reliability and
scalability, lower operational and capital
costs, 100% certified uptime, 24/7 facility
and security monitoring and efficient
energy management with a reduced
carbon footprint (reduction of 67.5% from
current CSU levels).
Network Refresh
CSU has embarked on upgrading and
renewing its University wide data network
to improve performance, reliability and
user experience. The existing network infrastructure is
distributed over eleven campuses and
has been running for up to ten years. The
environment is rapidly approaching end of
life for support on many of the deployed
components and has issues with scalability
and performance.
The network upgrade will refresh the entire
network infrastructure and replace over
650 network switches/routers and rollout
1,300 new high performance wireless
access points.
The new wireless network will also provide
gigabit capable connectivity for mobile
platforms and improved network coverage
and roaming capability throughout the
CSU is currently working with network
vendor partner, Cisco, in designing and
building the pilot environment. Extensive testing will take place before the
solution is implemented and rolled out to
the University.
In December 2015, CSU’s new Video
Conferencing (VC) infrastructure
went live giving the University an
integrated, single platform (Video
and Audio) conferencing solution.
The upgrade has meant a
significant increase in VC capability
with up to 25,000 conferencing
ports now available. Compared
to the previous system (only
150 conferencing ports with
a maximum of 40 available
connections for a single VC), this
represents a major increase in the
number of individuals able to join a
VC at any one time.
The solution has also introduced
Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMRs) at
CSU. All staff have been assigned
their own VMR for both Audio and
Video Conferencing which can be
used at any time. If you aren’t sure
of your staff VMR ID, try either your
5 digit phone extension number or
CSU email address when accessing
your VMR.
133 VC rooms spread across
all campuses have also been
migrated to the new solution which
includes upgraded technology to
support and manage the system. Additionally, access to these room
based VCs are no longer restricted
to only those on the CSU internal
For the first time, no matter where
you are in the world and as long
as you have a high speed Internet
connection, you will be able to
connect to a VC held on-campus via
Video, Audio or using a telephone
You are now also able to connect
to a VC via a standard web browser
(Chrome being the recommended
browser), or connect using the
Skype for Business or Pexip
application on a mobile device.
Another new feature includes the
ability to initiate VCs on demand
and invite participants via email
to join your VMR, with Microsoft
Outlook 2013 required to schedule
room based VCs. For those using
earlier versions of Outlook, please
update to Microsoft Office 2013
and ensure the VC scheduling
plugin is installed. For those using
Outlook for Mac, stay tuned as
your scheduling solution is under
For further information on the
new VC solution, please contact
Brendon Shiels (Associate Project
Manager) at [email protected] or
on 19785.
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Division of Information Technology Newsletter
Initiatives and Strategy Implementation
Plan Update
The Initiatives and Strategy Implementation Plan
(ISIP) Governance Committee met in November
2015 to review 12 new initiative proposals. These initiatives focused on the implementation of
new systems or processes (incorporating a major
ICT component) that contribute to delivery of the
outputs of the University Strategic Sub Plans.
The table below details the initiatives successful
in securing funding with some projects (e.g.
eProcurement Phase 2 project) having already
commenced. The eProcurement Phase 2 project is driven by the
Division of Finance and strongly aligns with the
Financial Management Sub Plan. There are a
number of elements to the project, including
CSU’s participation in a Procurement Consortium
consisting of approximately 20 Australian Universities.
The Consortium is developing an eProcurement
Hub which should provide significant purchasing
power and potentially lead to considerable savings
(estimated initially at $1m per year).
The current ISIP schedule highlights which projects
are currently in progress along with key information
(such as the Sponsor, Project Manager and funding
provided). It also illustrates the intended start date of
approved projects yet to commence.
Further information regarding any of these projects
can be provided by the relevant Project Manager. For
information about the ISIP portfolio in general, please
contact John Smith (Manager, Technology Projects) on
[email protected] or 19783.
Funding Source
CRM Investigation
Sarah Ansell
Enterprise Space Integration Phase 1
Stephen Butt
eProcurement Phase 2
Darrell Martin
Faculty Structure Changes within
CSU Systems - SIP
Phil Roy
SIP Levy
Prospective Student Identities
Tim Mannes
Research Master Update
Mary Kelly
Smart Learning - CourseSpace
Sandra Wills/Dawn Calvert
University Recruitment
Performance Reporting Solution
Nina Clemson
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Charles Sturt University
Service Improvement Program
Systems Change
The Service Improvement
Program (SIP) Systems
Change project is tasked with
coordinating the systems
changes necessary to implement
the SIP changes from four to
three faculties at CSU.
Changing systems to
accommodate the revised
faculty structure is a complex
task, with administrative and
student facing data changes
required across an array of
integrated systems. 92 systems have been identified
as containing data that will
change as a result of the
restructure, with 36 integrated
systems receiving updated data
from feeder systems, and around
45 systems requiring manual
data changes. 32 primary data sets have been
confirmed as requiring change
including CLEVEL codes, AOU
Codes, finance ledger and
organisation codes, and many
more. In addition to structured
systems changes, there is
also a lot of work to be done
restructuring and updating web
content to reflect the faculty
changes. The Web Strategy
Office is analysing, designing
and coordinating this work. Next steps in the project
including reviewing a detailed
schedule of changes which
need to occur throughout
the first half of 2016 and
beyond to implement the new
faculty structure with CSU
systems officers and faculty
representatives. The SIP Systems Change
Project is being managed by
Phil Costello and supported
by systems officers across the
University and a small dedicated
team within DIT.
Records Management Upgrade
The CSU TRIM upgrade occurred
earlier this month with the
system being upgraded from
TRIM v7.2 to HPE Records
Manager v8.3.
This upgrade sees CSU move
to a fully supported version
of the product with a modern
web user interface and desktop
client upgrade. The new version
also allows better management
of CSU agreements/contracts
through automated notification
functionality. HPE Records Manager also
features a fully functional
application programming
interface (API) which enables
integration with other CSU
systems. Work is currently being
done to investigate how the
system can be integrated with
Alesco to automate access to HR
records for supervisors and staff.
Since the upgrade, work has also
begun on reviewing the current
agreement/contract process
in HPE Records Manager to
ensure CSU meets not only State
Records NSW but also Auditor
NSW requirements.
For access or training on the
new HPE Records Manager
system, please contact Shelley
McMenamin (University Records
Manager) on either x19910 or
[email protected]
IT Fundamentals
Did you know…there is an IT
Fundamentals module staff (new
and existing, professional/general
and academic – everyone!) that
you’ll be able to access on the new
ELMO online learning platform
once it goes live.
While an online CSU IT induction
for new staff has existed for a
number of years, DIT wanted to
create a revised comprehensive
and relevant general IT module
for all staff. IT Fundamentals
does this by giving new staff the
right IT information they need as
a new starter, as well as provide
a refresher for those of us who’ve
been around for a while.
IT Fundamentals should take you
around 30 minutes to complete
and will cover:
Access and Logins (including
your CSU account and remote
Collaboration and
Communications (including
email and conferencing at CSU);
Desktop Computing and
Network and Internet (including
Internet access and WiFi);
Software and Online
Teaching Technology and
Support (including CSU Replay
and Interactive Video Teaching);
Help and Support
You’ll also have the opportunity to
provide feedback towards the end
of the module and test your CSU IT
knowledge in a short quiz.
Stay tuned for more information
about the launch of the new ELMO
online learning platform and
remember to set aside some time
to learn more about IT at CSU.
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Division of Information Technology Newsletter
DIT Hot Tips
Printing at CSU
DIT is helping work towards a ‘greener CSU’ through our
involvement in many innovative sustainability-related
Printing is an environmental focus area for DIT and we are
working hard to minimise our carbon footprint through
various recycling, and energy and paper-saving measures.
Microsoft Office 2016 is now available for CSU staff MAC
Microsoft Office 2016 is compatible for use with MAC OS
10.10 (Yosemite) and MAC OS 10.11 (El Capitan) and can
be installed via Self Service on your CSU MAC.
The CSU Computer Shop are now installing Microsoft
Office 2016 on all new MAC computers.
Some interesting facts and figures:
Office for Mac 2016
CSU saved over 120 Trees in the 14/15 financial year
through the use of Duplex (double-sided) printing;
Every 8,333 sheets of paper saved equates to 1 Tree
saved; and
CSU recycled 58.72kgs of used printing consumables
across the Bathurst, Orange and Wagga Wagga
campuses in October to December 2015
Creating Video Conferencing Bookings
Please refer to the Microsoft Quick Start Guides for
information on the features and use of Microsoft Office
Skype for Business
Once you have added your meeting participants and
desired rooms, you need to click the Video Meeting
button located in the ribbon menu at the top of the
appointment window. Interested in upgrading to Skype for Business?
Before you can install and use CSU’s new desktop
messaging application, you’ll need to upgrade your
account using the Skype for Business self-service page.
The page can be found at
aspx. Simply click on the Migrate button to update your
account. This will populate your meeting into the new VC system
and generate the information required for telephone,
Skype for Business and web-based participants to connect
to the meeting.
After completing the account migration, you should be
able to sign into Skype for Business within approximately
10 minutes.
Did you know that there is an additional step that must
be completed each time you book a VC in Microsoft
Outlook 2013? Innovation in ICT
The Polycom RealPresence Trio 8800 voice, video and
content sharing system is currently being ‘road-tested’
by DIT in Building 1294 on the Bathurst campus to assess
suitability for the CSU environment.
On the surface, the Polycom Trio looks like a newer
version of the Polycom SoundStation IP7000 Conference
Telephone (which you may have seen in some VC
meeting spaces across various campuses) with some new
functionality including a touch screen interface. 6
HD content sharing and real-time video for enhanced
visual collaboration.
The HDMI out interface can also be connected to a room
display for local or remote content sharing allowing
content from devices to be shared wirelessly via Bluetooth,
Near Field Communication, or over the CSU wireless
With recent enhancements to the CSU VC solution, the
Polycom Trio registers directly to the new solution and
also supports Power over Ethernet thereby requiring an
available data port to install the system.
On top of this however lies triple microphone, 20-foot
pickup range technology providing outstanding sound
quality, with a USB compression camera enabling powerful Stay tuned for the results of this road-test.
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Charles Sturt University
Spotlight on DIT
Daffy: The official Applications Team mascot
The DIT Applications team is a multidisciplinary team
comprised of 18 staff spread across the Albury-Wodonga
(6), Bathurst (7) and Wagga Wagga (4) campuses and
a casual working from Sunny Queensland. Our main
role is to work with colleagues, clients and application
custodians to design, develop, implement and maintain
Our other functions include:
Designing, developing and maintaining the CSU
applications and systems portfolio;
Modernising and rationalising our application
Resourcing and delivering on projects and business
as usual (BAU) operations;
Assisting clients with DIT processes;
IT vendor management; and
Working to design and build the application
development patterns for the future
The Integration team partners with the Applications
team to support the multitude of applications and
solutions used within CSU. We do this by providing
integration and workflow services between various
solutions (internal and external) to improve data sharing
as well as system useability and efficiency to deliver
better services and experiences to our staff and students.
We are also responsible for providing and managing
Enterprise Data services. Colleen Middleton (Enterprise
Architect, Information) works closely with the University,
in particular the Office of Strategic Planning and
Information (SPI), in overseeing our information assets
and providing leadership in the use and management of
data at CSU. In addition, the team has 10 developers located on the
Bathurst (3), Wagga Wagga (1) and Albury-Wodonga
(5) campuses with another developer working out
of Sydney. The team is overseen by the Integration
Manager, Shane Jeffries who is also located on the
Wagga Wagga campus. For general consulting or advice around integration,
data services or workflow, please contact Shane Jeffries
(Manager) directly. For specific issues or maintenance tasks, all queries
should be directed to the IT Service Desk.
We are always happy to be contacted to discuss
requirements and ways we can assist. You can get in
touch with us through online self service or via email
to either Mark Duffy (Manager); or Kelli Edwards (Team
Congratulations to Binumon Krishna Pillai
and Heather Fielding who recently became
Australian citizens at the 2016 Australia Day
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Division of Information Technology Newsletter
Public Access Computer
During 2015, a total
of 374 student access
computers were
replaced across multiple
CSU campuses. This
work was carried out
by CSU Computer Shop
in close consultation
with the DIT Personal
Computing team who
provide support for
the computers after New student access computers in
installation. the Bathurst Library Commons area
Of the 374 student computer replacements:
18 were replaced in the Indigenous studies
units across the Bathurst, Wagga Wagga, AlburyWodonga and Goulburn campuses;
10 were replaced and 10 newly installed on the
Goulburn campus;
6 were replaced on the Canberra campus; and
330 were replaced across the Dubbo, Orange,
Bathurst, Wagga Wagga and Albury-Wodonga
These computers will be due for replacement at end
of warranty in November 2019.
Teaching Space
Work is currently underway to refurbish 11 teaching
spaces in the Wal Fife Theatre (Building 14) and CD
Blake Lecture Theatre (Building 751) on the Wagga
Wagga and Albury-Wodonga campuses. This CSU Teaching and Learning Space Improvements
Team project is being undertaken as a joint
venture between DIT and the Division of Facilities
Management. Some of the new features being installed include:
Energy efficient lighting;
Motorised blinds;
Ducted heating/cooling systems;
New ceiling panels and carpeting; and
Hearing augmentation systems (allow hearing
impaired students to hear audio from all sources)
This project is due for completion later in 2016.
DIT Newsletter, Summer 2016
Events and
Key Dates
29 February
2016 Session 1 Commences
Minor Updates to DIT 2016
Roadmaps Due
6 March
Online Learning Environment
Change Moratorium Ends
23 March
2016 Census Date for Session 1
25 March
Good Friday
26 March
Easter Saturday
27 March
Easter Sunday
28 March
Easter Monday
11 April
2016 Mid-Session Break Commences
2016 April Residential School
14 April
Quarterly Patching (4am to 8am)
22 April
2016 Mid-Session Break Ends
2016 April Residential School Ends
25 April
Anzac Day
Thank you for reading!
If you have any feedback you’d like
to share about the newsletter, we’d
love to hear it at [email protected] Stay tuned for the next edition and
keep up to date with DIT in the
meantime through our
DIT Announcements Yammer page.