BEFORE THE REWED POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, INSTITUTIONAL Qp \Q DC 20268-0001 DocKE.~~~~~~~~~~~~‘~~~, 1997 INTERROGATORIES 2 11 PO’ OF DAVID 6. POPKIN TO THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND MOTION TO FILE ALL FOLLOWUP INTERR’OGATORIES /MOTIONS TO COMPEL IN A SINGLE PLEADING David H. Popkin hereby requests the United States Postal Service to answer, fully and completely, the following Commission’s encouraging pursuant Rules of Practice and Procedure. cooperation liberally interpreting information. interrogatories from the interveners, to Rules Particularly 25 and 26 of the since the Postal Service is I request that similar cooperation the requests made by my interrogatories in and provide the desired To reduce the volume of paper, I have combined related requests into a single numbered interrogatory, however, I am requesting made to each separate question asked. responses to a Library Reference, since II am lociated at a distance that a specific response To the extent that a reference I would appreciate be is made in the receiving a copy of the reference from Washington, DC. All responses should be complete without reference to any previous Postal Rate Commission dockets. In the event that the Postal Service does not respond so tha,t they are received required ta all of my interrogatories on the same date or does not file responses time or files an objection to any of my interrogatories, I request of the filing time rules which will allow me file all of my follow-lup that may be interrogatories calculated required or file a response at the same time in a single for all of the USPS separate to mailing responses Septernber 6, 1,997 1 any USPS within a waiver interrogatorises objection made on the latest and pleadings. the to my date as DAVID B. POPKIN, POST OFFICE BOX 528, ENGLEWOOD, DBPIUSPS-53 Request In the response to Question 1 in Presiding No. 2, it was stated that, “Our conclusion Ciassroom, suffer Irom some insiabiiiiy IOCS sampling procedures.” NJ 07631-0528 Officer’s is that Library lnformatioln rate costs, like due to the smaii volume and rhe nature of the [a] Describe the IOCS method of obtailning cost data. [b] Quantify and explain the words “some instability” as they were utilized in that response. [c] Explain and quantify procedure.” [d] what is the meant by the “nature What other classes or subclasses of rates have similar or greater levels of instability and quantify and explain the amount. instability existed in the data for Special Handling, stamped envelopes, Certified Mail, Registered of the IOCS sampling [e] Specifically what level of Return Receipt for Merchandisis, Mail, and Return Receipt service. For each of the different classes and subclasses of rates [including those mentioned [fl in subpad e] for which the IOCS is utilized to provide cost data, furnlish a listing of the class atr subclass, the IOCS results for that class or subclass, the conversion of the IOCS clata to actual costs, the reliability of the data, and the range of actual costs and cost coverage percents that would result based on the reliability of the IOCS data. The reliability candidate accurate should be expressed in a manner similar to a political poll when it states A is leading candidate B by a 50 to 40 percent margin and the data is to plus or minus 4 percentage points. [g] Explain the method utilized to calculate the reliability. DBPIUSPSS4 Refer to interrogatory DBPIUSPS-27. [a] With respect to the new Return Receipt service showing the new address of delivery has Headquarters or any Area prepared a training course or other training material to explain the new service? [b] If so, provide copies of the training material. response to subpart f of DBPIUSPS-27. [c] If not,. add that reason into your DBPIUSPS65 Refer to interrogatory DBPIUSPS-35 and in your responses !:o subparts b and c specify the locations of the facilities that presently do not have 100% capability to “trap” Certified Mail. DBPIUSPS-66 envelopes. Refer to interrogatory DBPIUSPS-54 which [a] If you arrive at a price for any of the following response to the following subparts of DBP/USPS-54, is provided relates to stampe!d types of envelopes ,in explain how that price was arrived at utilizing the data which in the specific Fee Schedule envelopes: subparts d, e, k, and w. [b] Confirm, or explain if you are unable to do so, that the Postal Service issued a “G” rate stamped envelope which was prepared advance of the last case and was sold with a postage value of 32 cents. be an “H” rate, or other designation, for stamped stamped envelope prepared in [c] Will there iI1 advance for use with the rate approved in the current case? [d] How many colors will be utilized to print the envelopes referred to in subpart c? DBPIUSPS-67 With respect to undeliverable-as-addressed First-Class Mail, [a] are there any service standards for the time taken to markup and rei:urn the mail to the sender’? [b] If so, what are they? DBPILEPS-68 Confirm, or explain if you are unable to do so, that the following types or categories of stamps have been issued by the United States; Postal Service, ‘or any of its predecessors government stamps, [a] postage stamps, [g] Postage Due stamps, stamps with service endorsements class mail categories, [n] [c] Special Delivery [e] Registration stamp, [h] Parcel Post stamps, [j] Parcel Post - Postage Due stamps, stamps with service endorsements stamps issued by oth,er [b] Air Mail stamps, [d] Air Mail - Special Delivery stamps, Mail stamp, stamps, agencies], [this does not include non-postage [i] Special Handling [k] Newspaper / Periodical stamps, for the various First-Class for the various Standard Mali1 categories, [m] by a means other only, [o] Official Mail or Penalty Mail stamps. 3 [I] Mail or the former third- stamps which have been precancelled than with a service endorsement [fl Certified [p] List any other types or categories each of the categories of stamps that have been issued. listed in subparts a through p, advise the use that may be made of these stamps by an individual mailer. possible, limit your response postage and fees, category to one or more of the following shown on the stamp, 4. domestic mail, so indicate. fee for a special service If there is any restriction If 1. for all 3. for only the fee for the for use by the USPS only, 15. for use by an If a permit is required to use in international and/or [r] If there is a stamp which may only be used to pay the and that service such as was done with Special is eliminated Delivery exchanlged for ordin,ary postage stamps? or reduc:ed by the Postal in a recent happens to indi’viduals who are holding those stamps? any postage or fee? responses: agency only, or 6. no use may be made. for their use, so indicate. Service, Only consider stamps issued since 1860. 2. for all postage but not for any fees, authorized government [q] With respect to PRC Docket, what [s] May they be redeemed or [t] May they be utilized for the payment of [VI If your response to subparts s and t is no, then explain why you feel that this would not be a taking of property by the Postal Service without compensation. CERTIFICATE I hereby participants certify that OF SERVICE I have this date served of record in this proceeding in accordance practice. David H. Popkin September 8, 1997 4 _.__---- the foregoing document upon all with section 12 of the rules Iof
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