BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSIO) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 RECEIV~[) ,11170 ,,I ~')' ‘0 iu 43 1,. ., , IH ‘47 PoSrAk RATE C%SSioH OFFICE Oi THE ~~~~~~~~~ No. R97-1 Docket POST= RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 FLORIDA GIFT FRUIT SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS: PHILIP A HATFIELD FGFSA,/USPS-T16-l-15 July Flo:rida interrogatories Gift Fruit 28, Shippers to USPS Witness 1997 Association hereby submits Hatfield. c Attorney Florida Gift Association Fruit Shippers INTERROGATORIES TO WITNESS HATFIELD FGFSA/USPS-T16-1 Is the total various purchased classes described transportation and subclasses in your cost of mail not, explain (b) If not, do you recommend that the using to the the methodology testimony? (a) If for attributed how such costs attribution of total are attributed. your methodology transportation be used costs? FGFSA/USPS-T16-2 Provide class and identify and subclass transportation the of source of the number transported mail (intraSCF, inter in SCF, intra of each pieces type of of each highway BMC, and interBMC) FGFSA/USPS-T-16-3 Provide and identify subclass of mail (intraSCF, the source transported in each type intraBlYC interSCF, of the cubic and inter feet of each class of highway and transportation BMC). FGFSA/USPS-T-16-4 Provide class and identify and subclass transportation the of (intra source mail. of the transported SCF, inter cubic in SCF, intra foot each for miles type of BMC and inter each highway BMC). FGFSA/USPS-T-16-5 Confirm that a P&DC served you treat the transportation by that BMC as "intermediate costs between transportation a BMC and costs". If you do not confirm, please explain fully. FGFSA/USPS-T-16-6 Are the cube-weight testimony (beginning total purchased to parcel which you describe at page 11) used to determined highway transportation costs in your the portion which of is attributable post? If not, account relationships do you recommend that in determining such relationships the attribution be taken into of such costs? FGFSA/USPS-T-16-7 For a machinable delivery parcel in Dalton, intra that Beach, Florida, the parcel will for receive: Beach to the Jacksonville, the Atlanta, IGa BMC to Dalton, Fl BMC Ga. BMC transportation from the Jacksonville If you do not If you do confirm, this Daytona BMC transportation from for at confirm Georgia, from Daytona inter mailed parcel confirm, BMC to the Atlanta please explain is unrelated originating/destinating fully how the to the BMC explain. intra BMC transportation GCD between each BMC and the facilities. FGFSA/USPS-T-16-8 Assume a 20# machinable City, Florida, Tampa, F:Lorida, parcel SCF for SCF. is placed delivery Confirm to that in the mail an addressee this parcel will at the Panama served receive by the intra BMC transportation from Panama City, and from the Jacksonville, In this example, FL to the Jacksonville, Fl BMC Fl BMC to Tampa, Fl. Panama City is BMC and from Tampa, and Tampa is also Zone 3 from the Jacksonville Zone 3 from the Jacksonville BMC. What will be the actual is provided? Will What will this be the the determination for highway transportation miles transportation mileage taken service or GCD miles? into account for costs? be the transportation the methodology which be actual of attributable What will using miles explained miles in your to be taken into account testimony? FGFSA/USPS-T-16-9 Assume a 20 lb. Jacksonville, address mail Florida served machinable for by the parcel delivery BMC on the on the Tampa, Florida as parcel mail for delivery SCF, and an identical at the Jacksonville, are received post Florida served at the to an 20 lb. BMC as DBMC by the Tampa, Florida and processed at the Jacksonville parcels be transported parcels receive from the BMC to the SCF same vehicle? jErom both the (c) Will basis SCF as Intra-BMC to the same address both (b) Will the entered day. same (a) Will parcel entered Both parcels SCF. service machinable BMC to the Jacksonville the amount SCF for of the cubic feet the same highway BMC to the Tampa SCF? of the highway the transportation .Intra transportation BMC parcel of the parcel, costs be determined regardless from on the of the distance? If how will not, (d) Will the the BMC to the of the the cubic cost amount of the SCF for foot be determined? be determined? transportation the DBMC parcel miles If highway be determined of the parcel? is so, costs If the mileage not, actual from on the basis how will highway the cost miles or the GCD distance? (e) If why the parcels, will the amounts under amount (c) and (d) are not the same, explain of transportation costs when the transportation service be the are different for utilized the two by each parcel same. FGFSA/USPS-T-16-10 Assume a machinable SCF for delivery SCF. Confirm will that the the served transportation at the Tallahassee, Florida by the Thomasville, Georgia to be proved from Tallahassee Jacksonville from the Atlanta explain is entered to an addres:aee be: intra-BMC BMC from parcel for to the Jacksonville BMC to the Atlanta If BMC to Thomasville. this parcel BMC, inter- BMC, and intra you do not confirm, BMC please fully. (a) Is this circuitous route determined for the convenience of the USPS? (b) rate making originating __.--_-.--._-- Is ~.~._---__ the transportation purposes cost limited and destinating to postal -~ assigned the to this GCD mileage parcel for between the facilities? _---- FGFSA/USPS-T16-11 In your autobiographical experiencfe and you includes l'have sketch "attributable worked YOU (a) cost Are you sponsoring 20? If not, (b) Please pertaining describe described for fully attributable state is best qualified library your with familiarity are ‘I’OU and answer, used mail volume you service familiar TRACS sample is from the container with for each class For selected? know how many TRACS samples are taken the BMC, and how many samples the BMC (including samples Intra-BMC are taken taken level, cubic the TRACS (i) to up to the foot about to (ii) level miles of of mail. the routes, of trucks state about and subclass and knowledgeable keys please by expand to compute answer distribution knowledgeable formulas and (iii) to the TRACS programs the In your costs. of these references? volume up to the container Are observed any part mail transportation and in LR-PCR-17 or LR-PCR- to each of these procedures or van, have YOU expand sampled whc#le truck your to parcels sponsoring witness whether sampled that in transportation" that witness highway methodology, stat related in LR-PCR-17 used to develop explicitly (c) analysis any o,f the material and which questions you ('IRACS) tests. is any other references, iii, projects also system page cost on various transportation." transportation at way the would outbound of trucks at the BMC itself)? inbound you from to (d) Have you ever used any of the data contained PCR-20 for please any kind describe of analysis, the nature in the CDs in LR- or any other purpose? If so, of such analysis. FGFSA/USPS-T16-12. In Docket No. Collection, since 96-3, stated Please collection b. C. that response "[tlhe to OCA/USPS-39(2), following ._.. under Data were added to TRACS FY 93: LL,- Fourth a. the Explain class define BSPS (Bulk Fourth-class in the TRACS data system. BSPS differs how Fourth-class collectors Provide to references collectors regarding data under TRACS instructions please Parcels) BSPS as used and how TRACS data entering Small all criteria from distinguish instructions third-class between given and definitions the code "LL - Fourth-class are not on file as a library to the BSPS, two. TRACS data pertinent BSPS." to If reference, provide. FGFSA/USPS-T16-13. Please refertoLR-H-82, the programTRACS.EXPAND.HWY.PQ*95.CNTL(HWY6). a. Expl.ain how measured and cubic propmortions" provide this utilization define language, "expands proportions." 25 percent term answer, In "utilization explain capacity of non-technical the cubic Explain fully the o:E the capacity up by a single the container cubic given subclass whether the truck or explanation feet to match of the what is meant by the feet of mail is not indicate in that additional Assume (i) that was taken up by two subclasses, mail in the three-fifths the expand 60 percent container the information cubic given is to an answer, information (ii) 2, and (iv) empty. of program If provide the in here is not sufficient please of an OTR container two-fifths (iii) of the the and the other each expand is required. By how much would mail of information that that 1, was remainder subclass? was Subclass feet and the of the capacity was Subclass container of mail, sufficient all of an OTR container By how much would this is empty. here provide of to "adjust[sl proportions." the In your refers a plain program Assume that taken d. program "expands." term , please this else. utilization c. match proportions something how to extent as used here. utilization Please what feet response, YOU= b. to 40 percent this subclass? to provide remaining program If the an answer, please provide indicate the rationale al .1 additional information that is required. e. What is containers in proportion container? main for That in not is, the assigning to the mail why is that is actually in a container mail container capacity empty in proportion to in in the charged mail in for the container? FGFSA/USPS-T16-14. a. b. Please list each of container, capacity, that Inter-BMC highway For each container type part a, indicate whether customarily is only C. type If any containers please can be put into uses for specified in the each Intra-BMC response loading of to one subclass, cubic and the to preceding container is even when the container full. are restricted customarily of whether explain Service with transportation. confined partially regardless the Postal along the the rationale a single container for is limiting to one subclass, only partially to one subclass full, what container. - -__ .FGFSA/USPS-T16-15. Explain the expanding the cubic asserted empty the cubic feet capacity of to exist capacity principles please as purpose, on accepted accounting rationale, please occupied the that truck, underlying mail If actually the underlie a causal relationship explain fully. purpose Finally, the if stated each one fully. 10 -..-_--__ for in the TRACS sample up to stated each one fully. and describe rationale, on a particular please underlie principles list by truck. mail and describe the as between of economics list well ~-_-. is truck and If any or rationale, any generally purpose or CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby been served accordance Dated certify on all that the foregoing participants with section this 28th of record 12 of the Rules day of July, document has this in this proceeding of Practice. 1997. M. W. Wells, Attorney 11 Jr. u date in
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