~R 1992 ACC/WA4 A Frequency Domairn Based Dynamic Simulatioun pacika¶je I or Continuous Distillation Urts Ch. Durgaprasadaj Rao Dept. of Chemiv al Engineering, Indian Institute of Technol,ogy Madras - CAW, 036 and P.S.V. Nataraj Systems & Conitrol Group Dept. of Electrical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - 400 076 ABSTRACT this paper will dencribe the package that computes frequency responses; the. discussed is package domain time elsewhere r3]. A digital simulation package for dynami c simulation of continuous distillation uni-ts, in the frequency domain, is presented- The package is based on a rigorous dynamic model that can account for all dynamic phenomena known to be Two important for control studies. industrial scale problem are taken up tco demonstrate the developed software: a fictitious but representative 64 tray deisobutanizer and an actual 91 tray Simulation ethane-ethylene splitter. results reveal the power of the package in computing a wide variety of frequency responses with sufficient accuracy. 1. In The paper is organized as follows. Section 2. we list the significant assumptions li-near dynamic of the model. The dynamic simulation package for frequency responses of distillation units (FRODXJ) is described next in Section 3. In Section 4, we demonstrate the capabilities of the package on two a problems: scale industrial hypothetical but representative 64 tray 91 actual an and deisobutanizer ethane-ethylene tray turbogrid splitter- The conclusions are drawn in Section 5. INTRODUCTION Despite intensive research 2. investigations in distillation dynamics, few papers describe dynamic models that THE LI HEAR DYNAMIC MODEL A conventional distillation unit is shown in Figure 1. The column is assmed to separate a binary feed into two liquid products and to be equipped with a natural circulation thermosyphon reboiler and a total condensing system. A schtic of an ordinary stage of the column is given in Figure 2. all phenomena known to be most The important for control. significant contribution to this area from the Royal Dutch/She 1l has co group which proposed and extensively verified a rigorous linear dynamic model for continuous distillation units in 1975 [1]. Though now rather dated, it is our opinion that it still is the most comprehensive linear model to appear in the distillation literature. All other linear dynamic models suffer from some limitation or the other, and are of limited usefulness in the synthesis of controllers. Exactly which aspects play a crucial role in determining the colum's transient behavior has been discussed elsewhere [1142]. We will content ourselves by mentioning one such aspect which other models lack: the bulk for account to ability condensation/evaporation phenomena on every stage. capture 2.1 Basic Assumptions of the Model Equimlal overflow concept is 1) appllcable. 2) Feed is a binary mixture. Vapor-liquid equilibrium relation 3) is linear: y t 4) Density 5) Loading constant. constant. - E, L of X I the factor ( liquid is 7 V-< i; a a to Resistance 6) condensati.on (evaporation) can be approximated as The purpose of the present paper is to present a digital simulation package developed for dynamic simulation of continuous distillation units, based on But the rigorous linear model of rI. certain issues have to be resolved before one embarks on such ventures. There is the dilema of whether to compute responses in the t ie or As analysis and frequency domain. synthesis techniques in either domain have their proponents, we aimed to provide a more complete answer to the software undertaking by question developments in both domains. However, J 7) = p Heat losses through the column to the surroundings are negligible. waL1l The liquid and vapor Phases are 8) ideally mixed. 8.8 The Model Equations The liquid flow, pressure drop and vapor holdup equations, together with flow mass total and the partial of set the constitute balances, 127 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on June 8, 2009 at 06:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. equjationsi variables- usedi to find the stage switch auxiliaries, we kept these routines separate from the rest of the package- The advantage in doing so lies The responses of pressure, vapor and liquid flows, and compositions, for a section of the column (stripping or rectifying ), are derived by combining the respective response equations for a single stage. In our package, all the mentioned model equations are from IlIl. :3. in the ease with which the user can modify just these routines to suit his problem, and link this compiled code with that of the rest of the package. The current version of FROIX deals with vertical thermosyphon reboilers and horizontal condensers- above The third level modules compute the 3 overall responses which relate {p. vi, taken Ii, xiI PACKAGE DESCRIPTION The computing package frequency responses of distillation units (FRODU) is one of a suite of distillation packages developed at the Indian Institute of Technology for simulation, analysis, and control of continuous distillation units. The suite is written in FORTRAN 77 to achieve a high degree of portability across a range of to access and cmputers, state-of-the-art numerical subroutine libraries. FRDIXI can be run in a stand-alone mode in an interactive to any are The input data required by FROT The problem given in Table 3.a file description is read from state the steady generated by distillation simulation program SADY belonging to the suite of distillation programs. Following this, the user responds to a series of questions to define the respoes. 3.1 Organization of FRODU FRTDU is organized into a three level hierarchy of program modules, shown schematically in Figure 3, and is detailed below: Output is in the form of tailor-made the objects convenient as inputs to NFD toolbox 141, namely MVfR matricesFW)W also has a provision to display the simiulation output in graphic form l.Within the first level, all basic function subprograms extensively used by higher level routines are incorporated, see Table 1I on the screen. 3.3 Numerical Method FIDX achieves the solution by adopting represents the basic (pi, vi, 1., x., Yis to .P. r, f, xF. b, ti l1b' dL-Through qualitative arguments, some of these pairingEs can be shown to be inconsequential, and are ignored in FRODLI These Ignored transfer functions are given in Table 2. kId t 3.2 Inputs and Outputs fashion. 2 .The second level responses: those of Y1, combtnation of fh. c, r, f, xF, b, di. These together provide an additional feature of JEIX) and permit the usr to investigate dynamic behav'iour under s t mu I tdaneous perturbat ions numerical conceptually procedure that is and quite simple straightforward. We note that the model equations basically involve the complex variable s. To compute the frequency responses, s is set to jo, and the problem naturally gets transformed to evaluation of complex expressions. For FORTRAN to perform the required complex algebra, we declare the appropriate The variables as of type CXMPLEX. inherent feature of FORTRAN for complex is then evaluation expression a {Iv0 In most cases in practice, h and c are the independent variables in place of v and Pn, respectively. Therefore, we have also imbedded here routines that facilitate switching independent variables, from v to h and Pn to cThis provides the usner with further options of obtaisning responses of (p., , Y lip xi y. . ti YIi 1dI to {h.cl also, except for the ignored ones given Note that the 'switch' in Table 2. the routines compute essentially dynamics of the column auxiliaries - the reboiling and condensing equipment. Keeping in mind the wide, variety in types and arrangement of these colimn automatically triggered to compute frequency responses aoothly over a selected range of variation in frequency (.3 - We may nmrrical vi upon the alternative strategy proposed in 11]. remark That strategy involves inverting a 20x20 complex matrix at each frequency, and The all the responses are obtained. proposed procedure avoids any matrix the inversion besides producing onty desired responses4. APPLICATIONS 128 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on June 8, 2009 at 06:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. I dea l ly, val idation of distillation models should be done on industrial problems. Successful simulations (o such problems enhances the confidernce of indistry in the softWare and encourages in control usage subsequent anid endeavours. automation related Considering industrial scale problems, A we focus specially on two examples. deisobutanizer and an ethane -ethylene splitter. Some details of these columns are given in Table 4 For further details of the column, see [1]. two industrial scale ccoluimn:sz;*nd the results illustrate the versatili ty of FRODU in computing a wide variety of It is responses fairly accuratelyemphasized that FROXDJ possesses certain unique features as it is based on the most comprehensive linear model existing in literature and that ;hese features are crucial for obtaining results that allow meaningful anaiysis and controller arc, Such features synthesis. necessarily absent in other packages (lue to the inherent deficiencies of the Another models they are based on. noteworthy feature, i3 that the package simulates responses quickly. easily an.: accurately in the form of MVFR matriecs that can serve directly as inputs to the --based Multivariable frequency MATLAB domain toolbox for subsequent analysis, and controller synthesis. 4.1 Deiscobutarazer Exanqpl e Though fictitious, this deisobutanizer had been devised very carefully in [1-1 so as to be representative of a range of pressure industrial columns. high Basically, one of the main obstacles for a potential user of simulation software for industrial problems seems to be the difficulty in collecting key physical, chemical, and stage data. Fortunately, in this case, all the required principal data are given in [1], together with an extensive analysis of this example As through analog simulation. anticipated, this case turned out to be a good diagnostic exercise, prompting us make effective a time to many alterations or remove difficult bugs in the program routines. Ref erences O Rademaker, J..E. I. Rijnsdorp and nc Orr A.Maarleveld, Dyn-.-wanc Ltr7t-. E t oa Cort trinuats Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1975. 2. P.S.V.Nataraj and Ch.Durgaprasada model of Rao, "A rigorous nonlinear control for suitable distillation for publication. studies", Submitted 3. P.S.V.Natarai and Ch.Durgaprasada dynamic Rao, "A time domain based for distillation simulation package for publication. units", Submitted An extensive series of simulations were performed to test the effectiveness of the package.A typical response is shown in Figure 4. 4.2 Ethane-Ethylene Splitter Example M.P.Ford, J.M.Maciejowski and J.M. L. L ar t abLe Fr equenc y Do.¢ a L Boyle, .Nth Us er- ' s Too L box Cambridge: Guwt de. and Ltd. GEC Control Cambridge Engineering Research Centre, 1988. 4. Unlike the deisobutanizer, the splitter is an actual industrial column. Its dynamic behaviour has been extensively investigated to verify the theory behind the linear model of E1]. Our simulation study is somewhat hampered by the fact that little principal data are provided in the reference, and has to therefore be guestimated. Table of Symbols Only selected symbols For others, see El]. A mall selection of results obtained using FRODIJ for the splitter is shown in Figures 5 and 6. In these figures, the experiemental data given in [11] are Considering represented as circles. that key data were guest imated, the simulations are validated, i.e. FRQDU has succeeded in the simulation quite well. Similar performance trends were observed for other responses (omitted to save space) B C D E F H L '3. N n p R R Lb Ld NF CONCLUSIONS We have presented a powerful digital simulation package FRODU for computing the open loop frequiency responses of continuous distillation units. Th-e package has been successfully opplied to p T V are listed below. Bottom product rate Cooling water rate Top product rate Stripping factor Feed rate Heating medium (reboiler) rate Flow rate of liquid Level in the column bottom Level in the accumulator Location of feed stage Number of actual stages Number of theoretical stages Pressure Ref lux rate Interphase resistance to bulk condensation/evaporation Temperature Vapor rate 129 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on June 8, 2009 at 06:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. .w =S Rate of condensation Concentration of liquid Concentration of vapor Ve X Y Table 2E Transfer Functions Ignored in ROiKAO Pressure flow Deviation from steady state value Suhacrinta b d Column bottom Accumulator Feed tray At stage i F i 1 Liquid phase e p iF /x , v p./d v./b Liquid It'. l .x., Ii I /d ! Table 1: Some Quantities Calculated at Level 1 i xl/d .-I/P d/Pn I | describing vapor/liquid flow and concentration respoeses IbFd 1~~~~/d tue (bottom)i Ib"o' ld//V /b Roots of characteristic eqns. Modified Level Level (top) Composition Steady state value Equilibriua value V flow v/d rsc.r±ptn - flow Top of the column Vapor phase n v Liquid Vapor constant id/XF ib/ZFI 1d Fs / of 51 composition responsesShort and long, pressure and vapor flow functions. C",C.It Frequency dependent effective p p-A vapor capacity of stage andi its heating term 0 dependent time const. v of vapor f low and pressure Tabl e 3 Typical Input Data for FROIJ From the Steady State Operating Data Frequieny I~~ ~~~~~~~~sw.._ __ Des igni Program Data and Coefficients __, responses- tcPtH Transfer fns of condenser FI and reboiler, respectively, with constant process side temperatures Admittance of the column L 1' L_ 1. Ethane- Ethylene splitter __ No. of actual. aT 3. Iocation of feed tray Feed !'low rat (Ko Is) e 4. Feed Composition 91 64 33 32 0.G1%-5 0.1e0T 5. 6. 47/5i3 Ref lux rate (KmoI/s) 0.00of c ~~~~c . Miscellaneous i T User- Suppl ied * of stages at which the frequency responz3es ire- t be comp-utecd. Number The stages at which the responses 50/50 * ' * (%) Column pressure 25-6 (atm) vr Deisobutanizer stage s 2. Md3Q Thermedynamic Tabl e 4 Some Principal Data for Columns Simulated Variable 'EMb 0.426 are to which frequency computed? which frequency frequency te computed. responses to responses saved in files (as MVVRZ 130 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on June 8, 2009 at 06:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. to mnLr be, be e. 10 Ti !~!! 0 m ......... -10 -201 ..... .......... .... Feed Tray NF Feed F , XF .......... _-nn -qn 10-3 First Tray Boa. .. Vapor V0_ FREQUENCY Heatir di1 Fig 4 :Response of deisobutanizer Reboiler Bottomi for 12/v )-2 L Prodct B, 0o-1 10-2 r .- XB 0 9- Fig 'a4 10-31 1: Schematic of a conventional dis1tillation colun Li I1 -t- - ------ t I~~ , 0 \\ -J 0. 4 -^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 0 \ 0 \ 1 --..... ------ I I A _ Li , Vi1il Yi_i Xi 3 1 a A I 1 I LI FREQUENCY cls : Response of P spliter Fig- 5 Fig. 2 : Schmtic of an ordinary stage. TEVETL b - L- Vi Y. , itt _ 0 1 _-1 10 for E-E 10 1 hverall Respo Routinesj lVtL-2 0 PIIVi,*LiX Yi v,T V0to H Phto c | Routines I I N N N,."N 0 -1 10 1e Fig. 6 Problem Description J ~~~ 0 1~0N' 119 1~~~~~ ................... USERK N . ~ stage .Basic stage Coefficients- Reust< - 4t rpara_tersModified 0 - I LEVEL1 1 LEVEL _- 'a Q. Basic 10° : ido 10 FREQUENCY c/s Response of t./r spliter Steady I Distillation state Si.. ProgramI Fig 3 : Organizational Structure Of FROLAE 131 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on June 8, 2009 at 06:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. X 1 for E-E
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