E-6-6 EVAPORATOR CONTROL DESIGN : A QUANTITATIVE FEEDBACK THEORY APPROACH Rahul Kundergi and P.S.V.Nataraj Systems and Control Croup Department of Electrical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400076 India Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT: In this paper, a robust multivariable 2.2 DERIVATION OF THE SINGLE-LOOP STRUCTURES The set of equivalent singleloop StNctureS are derived. as given in Fig2. From above Fs),the 'plants' in the rows of Fig 2 respectively are: kle- I f e-0.027s 3 '1 I = (00032r+ 1)(0.0687s+ I ) '22 = f w matrix ~ degree of freedom feedback structure is designed for an evaporator example. The evaporator is described by a 2x2 transfer matrix having uncertain time-delays and gains. The desired trachng properties of the closed loop system are a priori given. and these are to be achieved despite the large parametric uncertdintj.1 The third MIMO quantitative feedback technique (QFT) of Horowitz is used for the design. The obtained results are verified in both frequency and time domains through simulations. and found to be acceptable over the range of uncemnty considered. ' Mth the Lsturbances d l 1,..d22as -k,k,(O 0042r + 1)(0.142+ l)e(-'I+OO'S'J 2(00032s+ 1)(0.0687s+ 1)(0.16%+ 1) 1. INTRODUCTION: The traditional process of evaporation has been very popular in the chemical industry. e.g in desalination plants and sugar industry. The process is characterized by very complex dynamic behavior : time-delays. asymmetry in output responses due to non-linearity. timevarying nature due to drifting of heat-transfer coe5cients. etc. As such . it is a complex task to obtain even a satisfactory model of the single-effa plant.: it is more so for multiple-effect evaporator arrangements that are heavily used in sea water plants for economizing on energy consumption. The problem is aggravated due to large ignorance of the values of key model parameters. For example, most of the heat transfer data reported in the literature were obtained with water or very dilute solutions: the heat t d e r mefficients in actual practice therefore usually varies widely from these estimates Hence. in order to effectively control such plants. the control designer needs to come up with a feedback system that is robust with respect to the parametric uncertainties i.e he needs to synthesize a feedback system that achieves the desired tracking and regulation properties, and is stable over the entire range of possible parameter variations. c 6%; ;j I) .S---+I) 0.75 Finally. the bounds Flu. Fll on the prefilter magnitude are derived @'ko and HouDis. 1988) and a urefilter s 9 (- 0.67 + I)(- 2.5* ') is synthesized using stmght line approximations on a Bode plot Channel 2 : The design frequencies are RE (0 5 , I , 5. IO) The shifted bounds B2(o) on Lm20(10) are &splayed in Fig 4 A controller gz(s) is synthesized by hand so that the resulting L d o o o ) obeys the correspondng B2(u) 2. DESIGN PROBLEM: 2.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT: The apple juice evaporator example considered in this work is similar to that demibed in (Figueroa et al., 1991). This is a triple-effect evaporator with counter-current pre-heating and parameters tuned to fit real &ta. The Controlled Mriables are : the concentration (y1) and level (y2) both in the third effect. %vhik the manipulated variables are inlet steam pressure and Output flow (9). The 2 x 2 plant transfer matrix is i + g,(s)=? In this paper. w apply the third multi-input multisutput (MIMO)quantitative feedback theory (QFT') technique of Horowitz (1979) to design a robust feedback system for a an industrial-wale triple-effect (apple juice) evaporator example . The plant transfer function is a multivariable one with 2 inputs and 2 outputs. and has significant t i m d l a y s in all elements except one . For the p u r p ~ e sof design. we shall assume that there is large uncertainty ( i IO %) in four key model parameters: three gains and one-time-delay. A similar example but with different uncertainty and performance requirements has been solved wing the structured singular-value approach by Figueraa et al. (1991). i . 2.3 DESIGN EXECUTION: At the outset. since a basically non-interacting system is desired. it is best to set fI2(s)=f2l(s)=O. The obligations on LI and L2 are known by refemng to Table 1 We consider the first row of Table 1 in the first step of the design Channel 1: The deslgn frequencies are RE (0 The templates of q1 lare computed at o E R d . and used to derive the bounds on LloCjo). as described in Horowitz's paper. Due to the NMP character of 411. the bounds are shifted to the right in Nichols chart. The shifted bounds El(") are displayed in Fig. 3 A controller gl(s) is designed so that the resulting L,~oCjo) satidies the corresponding Bl(u) : Lastly. hand a prefilter f22(s) satisfylng its bounds FzU(s).F21(s) is designed by I k,e-'is --,- P ( s ) = (0.0032s+ IXO.0687~+ I) k2e4.0szr I (0.0042s+ IXO.1422~+ I ) (0.116% + 1) Suppose there is the followng considerable uncewnty in the plant parameters kl.tl.kZ.andk3 klE [0 58.1 OS]. k2 E [-02.-0 261. k3 E [-I 86.-2 0461.11 E [0 069.0 0851 The above gven parametnc uncemnty generates the set of plants P The nominal values are taken as k l = O 8 3 . t l = O O 7 7 . k 2 = - 0 2 3 , k 3 = - l 953 Further suppose that. despite the parametnc uncemnty. the time doman uaclung specifications gven in Table 2 are to be acheved The equivalent frequency domam specs can be generated by using appropnate transfer functlon models 2.4 DESIGN VERIFICATION: Using the above obmned controller and prefilter matrices. the MIMO structure of Fig 1 w simulated in the frequency and time domans The time doman results for a unrt step in the setpoint are shown in F i g 5 and 6 The Figures show that the all the time d o m n specs are satisfactonly met. over P 3. CONCLUSIONS: Using the third MIMO QFT' technique. h r l y simple controller and prefilter matnces have been designed Through simulations, these have been found effective in achiewng the gven specs. despite the large uncemnt). in four model parameters, including a time-delay It may be noted that in the present work. sophisticated techniques such as design optimmtion and channel tradeoffs have no: been attempted These may be pursued in future applications 1473 0-7803-1872-2/94/$4.000 1994 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on February 12, 2009 at 05:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. REFERENCES: Horowitz. I., 1979. Quantitative synthesis of uncerrain multiple input-outplt feedback systems.lnt. J . (bnrrol. 30, 81-106. Horowitz. I and Sidi. M . 1972. Synthesis of feedback systems with large plant ignorance for prescribed time-domain tolerances. lnf. J. Conrrol. 16, 287-309. Figueroa J.L.. Agamennoni. O.E.. m e s . A.C.. and Romagnoli. J. A.. 1991, Robust multivariable controller design m a h o d o l w spbiliry and performance requirements. Chem. Engng. Sci.. 46, 1299-1310. Table 1 : IM", Specification types to b e satisfied b y Li Fqg 5 ( b ) : Closed loop stcp r r s e Channel I of y, to * , z 0.ogs. YO 1,,",,I ::: 2 -... A,, spec A- lo -170 Chmnel 2- TO".. Fbg S l a 1 : C i o s r a 09 1000 s t e p rrsponsc y , t o r, ;t , z 0.069 Table 2: Tracking performance specs. Unit step in rl : y, Upper bound : Overshoot is 16.3%. t, 4 . 5 . 1 Fig 1 ' The two maQu-degree-of freedom structure Fig 2 The four equivalent ~rgle-loopShlldures to fig 1 1474 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on February 12, 2009 at 05:03 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. r, , t , :0
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