Canada (Trent University)

School of Nursing, Midwifery
& Indigenous Health
International Student Exchange
In this exchange, students studying nursing at CSU replace one session of study in Australia with an equivalent
session of study in Canada. Financial help is offered by CSU to help facilitate the exchange, but students will
also need some financial reserves to study in this country.
The aim of the exchange is to support and facilitate increasing international understanding and enhance
exposure to learning in another country/culture and to extend the students view of the world.
The university in Canada which is partnered for student exchanges is Trent University (Ontario).
recognized nationally for leadership in
and student
satisfaction, Trent attracts excellent
students from across the country and
around the world.
Program: Students will undertake one session of study at Trent University replacing one session of study at
CSU. Subjects taken will be determined with individual students, but are likely to correlate with subjects in the
first or second part of second year and possibly the first session of third year.
Financial assistance is available from CSU and can be explored with an expression of interest from the student.
Accommodation: Usually provided by the host institution.
Life and Health Sciences Building at Trent University
Contact: SNMIH International Coordinator for more information on the exchange and how to