
17 August 15
Bathurst Campus - Site Specific Safety Information for Contractors
Contractor Sign-in: All Contractors must report to the Division of Facilities Management (DFM) Office to
sign-in prior to commencing works on the Campus, and sign out prior to leaving the Campus. The Bathurst
Campus DFM office is located in Building 3017. See map below.
Contractor identification: All contractors must wear in clear view their CSU Contractor ID card OR CSU
temporary identification. This ID must be presented to authorised CSU Staff on request.
Restricted Areas: The Bathurst Campus contains a number of restricted areas that include laboratories,
childcare facilities and other areas with access restrictions. Prior to entry to these areas, contractors must
undertake a specific induction conducted by the Faculty or Unit Staff. Contact a DFM representative to
arrange the induction and for access.
Please report all hazards, accidents or incidents to your DFM contact at the earliest opportunity
Bathurst Campus Contacts
Campus Services Manager
Peter Scott 0409 604 945
Client Services Coordinator
Alistair Robinson 0447 363 554
Campus Security
02 – 633 84999
Manager, Infrastructure and Building
Les Klein 0418 204 297
Campus Address
Panorama Ave, Bathurst NSW