Cross Layer Routing for Multihop Cellular Networks G. Kannan, S. N. Merchant and U. B. Desai SPANN Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay, India Email: {gkannan, merchant, ubdesai} Abstract— We propose a unified cross layer routing protocol with multiple constraints for CDMA multihop cellular networks (MCN). Multiple constraints are imposed on intermediate relay node selection and source to destination path selection. The relay node constraints for routing protocol design are cooperation, interference caused to other nodes and suf f icient neighborhood connectivity. Path constraints for routing are end-to-end throughput and end-to-end delay. We do not assume full cooperation for call forwarding and present a facile incentive mechanism to motivate the cooperation for call forwarding. We incorporate a realistic mobility model and dynamic call dropping notion in our system. Flat fading i.i.d Rayleigh channel is assumed between mobile nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces intracell interference by more than 70% as compared to nearest neighbour routing algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm achieves better throughput and maintains the delay at tolerable level. We also demonstrate that the proposed routing algorithm is superior to many standard routing protocols. 2) 3) 4) I. I NTRODUCTION In conventional cellular networks (2G, 2.5G, 3G), all communication go through a base station in single hop fashion. However, recent studies [1], [2], [3] have indicated that there is indeed an improvement in performance, especially in terms of the capacity, coverage enhancement and power utilization, by using MCN. Though MCN leads to performance enhancement, there are a number of issues that have to be addressed to make MCN an effective technology [1]. We address one such important issue known as routing. Most of the protocols currently are designed to optimize one or more of the following metrics: energy, delay, distance, end-to-end throughput and interference [4], [5], [6], [7]. Nevertheless, we believe that there is a need to design a global optimal routing protocol for MCNs by taking all necessary issues into considerations to maximize the utility. We propose a cross layer routing protocol with multiple constraints for CDMA multihop cellular networks. The multiple constraints are divided into node constraints and path constraints. The node constraints are cooperation, interference level and suf f icient neighborhood connectivity. The constraints for path selection are end-to-end throughput and endto-end delay. Our work considerably differs from most of the existing work on routing protocols in the following ways: 1) We introduce suf f icient neighborhood connectivity as a new routing metric. In other words, the nodes which This work was supported by Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Research India under the Microsoft Research India PhD Fellowship Award. 5) have sufficient surrounding neighbors are selected as relay nodes rather than isolated nodes. This new metric will be highly beneficial when the call is dropped due to various reasons in between communication. We incorporate the notion of dynamic call dropping in our model. We allow the participating nodes in routing to drop the call in between communication. Call dropping may be due to the mobility of relay nodes or the urgency of a relay node to make its own call, etc. Hence, when the call is dropped at any particular node, one of the neighbor around that particular node will be selected as relay node. We do not assume full cooperation from nodes for call forwarding and propose a novel incentive mechanism to encourage the cooperation. We formulate the end-to-end throughput by assuming i.i.d Rayleigh flat fading propagation channel between nodes instead of the commonly followed distance-decay law in literature. We combine multiple metrics in a meaningful way to find an optimal cross layer routing protocol in MCNs. We design the routing protocols by taking into account the propagation channel conditions and MAC protocol interference levels. II. R ELATED WORK MCN architecture introduced in [1] uses shortest path algorithm for routing. Routing protocol for hybrid networks based on spanning tree algorithm is proposed in [2]. A relay node selection based on a route that has the lowest bottleneck in a two-hop relaying network is proposed in [3]. However, both [2] and [3] do not guarantee a sufficient quality of service (QoS) and assume fully cooperating nodes. A charging and rewarding policy in routing for MCN is proposed in [8] but the routing protocol used is DSR. A routing selection based on call status, signal strength, battery power and round trip time has been proposed in [9]. Many power-aware routing protocols that consider energy as the metric have been proposed in literature for ad hoc networks [4], [10], [11], [12]. All the above references assume distance-decay law as a network model which is highly impractical in MCN because fading factor is prevalent. Routing for ad-hoc networks with transmission energy as criterion for Rayleigh fading channel is proposed in [13], but this model assumes zero interference and full cooperation. To the best of authors’ knowledge, there is no 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) 0-7695-2847-3/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IV. N ODE METRICS FORMULATION The following are the metrics in selecting the relay nodes from the set of n nodes 1) Cooperation of the nodes. 2) The interference caused by the call forwarding nodes. 3) Connectivity of the nodes. Mobile terminals A. Cooperation metric and Proposed Incentive Mechanism Base station Single hop control messages Multihop Voice/ Data messages Fig. 1. Proposed routing architecture literature available on optimum routing with multiple QoS constrains which maximizes the throughput in Rayleigh fading channel model without assuming full cooperation. Moreover, there is no analysis done on dynamic call dropping. III. S YSTEM MODEL AND A SSUMPTIONS We consider a single cell with single base station at the center and n nodes distributed according to two dimensional Poisson point process. We assume that the base station and nodes use CDMA as access technique for their interconnections [6]. Perfect power control is assumed for this CDMA network, so that all the transmitters use just the transmission power level that is required to let the receiver decode the signal with proper quality. However the nodes are assumed to transmit a minimal power pmin when its intended receiver is at a very less distance. The communication is assumed to be in the form of packets. We assume that nodes do not transmit and receive at the same time slot to avoid collision at nodes. The relay nodes are assumed to be of despread and forward type: i.e relay nodes despread the CDMA packet and spread them again with the different PN code and forward it to the next node in the path. We assume that each node independently decides to participate in call forwarding or otherwise. The logical channel is divided into control channel (CCH) and traffic channel (TCH). Note that the logical channel is different from propagation channel. CCH handles only signaling, while TCH carries speech and data traffic. Control messages containing the source ID and the destination ID, will be exchanged between the nodes and base station using CCH. Control messages follow single hop communication as they are very short and occur, only at the time of call initialization. TCH follows multihop communication. The route for TCH from source to destination will be found out by base station using the proposed routing protocol. This route map will be conveyed to source using single hop communication through CCH. We select nodes which can cooperate for call forwarding as relay nodes. We propose an incentive mechanism to stimulate the node cooperations as follows: whenever a node wants to initiate a communication, it will send a call initiation request to the base station through CCH. Upon receiving the call initiation request, base station will broadcast a cooperation request to the whole network through broadcast CCH. The cooperation request contains source ID, destination ID and the incentive amount per node that will be paid after communication. Now those nodes which are interested in incentives reply back to the base station using CCH. Let us assume Φ(n̄) is the network of cooperating nodes. There are many solutions available in the mode of paying incentives to the user [14], [15]. The incentives amount can also be chosen adaptively until Φ(n̄) reaches sufficient density. The incentives for multihop routing will be paid by service provider as the service provider is beneficiary in MCN. B. Interference metric Interference reduction will be achieved by controlling the transmitted power. For a particular node i, we shall find the next intermediate node j such that the communication between them causes minimal interference in the network. Let us consider the communication between a particular node i and any other node j as shown in Fig. 2. The average interference received at some node r due to transmission from ρ2 p node i to node j is given by irdγ ij where ρir is the timeir correlation between the signature waveforms of nodes i and r, γ is the path loss coefficient, dir is the distance between node i and node r and pij is the transmitted power from node i to node j. Note that average received power in fading channel always follows distance-decay law [16]. Let us assume G is the DS-CDMA modulation processing gain, sum of the interference received in all neighbor nodes in the network due to the transmission from i to j is given by I= 1 G n r=1,r={i,j} ρ2ir pij dγir Assume that the transmitted power levels at and node i is adjusted such that the destination node j receives a power of pref i.e pij = pref dγij Now the interference received at neighbor nodes as a function of dij is 1 I(dij ) = G n p dγ 2 ref ij ρir dγir r=1,r={i,j} 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) 0-7695-2847-3/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. number of connected neighbors (connectivity criterion), whenever one or more of the above stated situation(s) arise, the corresponding intermediate node (depleted node) informs the base station through the CCH. Base station will pickup one of the neighbors of the depleted node as a substitute such that the constraints on all the metrics are satisfied. The depleted node will be relieved subsequently. Such a route finding occurs without breaking the ongoing call. r q Interferences djr Interferences diq Intended signal (Forwarded call) dij i Interferences dis Fig. 2. nodes j s Interference at other nodes due to communication between any two where pref and dir are fixed quantities and the only variable is dij . The interference caused at other nodes due to communication from j to i can also be derived in the similar way. Let us construct a subset Φ(n̂) from Φ(n̄) such that the communication between any two nodes in Φ(n̂) causes minimal interference in the network. C. Connectivity metric and Dynamic call dropping 1) Connectivity: We define connected neighbor as follows. For a particular node i, any node j (i, j ∈ Φ(n̂)) which lies γ1 is said to be a at a distance dij such that dij < ppmin ref connected neighbor of i. In [17] it is shown that in a network of n randomly placed nodes, each node should be connected to Θ(log(n)) neighbors. If a node has less than 0.074(log(n)) connected neighbors, then the network is asymptotically disconnected with probability one as n increases. Furthermore, if each node is connected to more than 5.1774(log(n)) neighbors, then the network is asymptotically connected with probability approaching one as n increases. Hence, connectivity is an important criterion to establish communication. We define suf f icient neighborhood connectivity of nodes as follows: Suppose node m ∈ Φ(n̂) has k number of neighbors and if k > Θ(log(n)) (1) then node m satisfies suf f icient neighborhood connectivity criterion and consequently, it is eligible for being a relay node. Let us construct a sub set Φ(n̈) from Φ(n̂) with all such ms.We call the nodes in Φ(n̈) as potential relay nodes. 2) Dynamic Call Dropping: The forced termination of the call against the will of the subscriber is called dynamic call dropping. Dynamic call dropping may be due to various reasons. The mobility of the intermediate nodes is the major reason for call dropping in multihop cellular networks. Moreover, there can arise an emergency situation that, the intermediate node may break the ongoing communication and try to make its own emergency call. The proposed solution for dynamic call dropping is as follows: Since every selected intermediate node has sufficient V. PATH METRICS FORMULATION Let X = χ1 , χ2 , χ3 , . . . , χM denote the set of paths available between source node and destination node along the potential relay nodes. The following are the metrics in choosing a particular path χm from the set X 1) End-to-end throughput 2) End-to-end delay A. End-to-end throughput metric End-to-end throughput is defined as the probability of successful transmission from source node to destination node which involves successful transmission at each and every intermediate node. The successful single hop transmission from node i to its neighbor node j (∀i, j ∈ Φ(n̈)) occurs when the received power at node j from node i is stronger than interference plus noise power by a factor of β (i.e SIN R ≥ β). The probability of successful transmission from node i to node j is P(Cij ) = P(SIN Rij ≥ β) = P(rij ≥ β.(Iij + N )) where rij is the received power at node j from the intended node i and Iij is the interference at node j due to other communications. Let rkj , k = 1, . . . , K (k = i, j) be the received power at node j from kth interferer. The interference at node j from all interferers is given by K 1 ρ2kj rkj Iij = G k=1,k={i,j} Erroneous detection occurs when SIN Rij < β, this probability P(Eij ) is given by P(Eij ) = P(rij < β.(Iij + N )) The propagation channel between mobile to mobile is different from the conventional wireless channel. However the envelope still follows Rayleigh distribution [18]. By the fact that if Y is Rayleigh distributed and X=Y2 , then X will follow exponential −rij distribution as follows: P(rij ) = R1ij e Rij where Rij denotes p the average received power Rij = dij γ [13], [16] . ij Let us say χm = {1, 2, 3, . . . , h} is the path selected to relay the communication from source node 1 to the destination node h and number of hops in the communication is h − 1. The probability P(C1h ) that the message is successfully transmitted from source 1 to destination h is given by h−1 P(C1h ) = P( h−1 Cii+1 ) =1 − P( i=1 ≥1− Eii+1 ) i=1 h−1 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) 0-7695-2847-3/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. i=1 P(Eii+1 ) where I12 itself is a random quantity, therefore, by analyzing along the similar lines of [16], P(E12 ) can be written as ∞ ∞ 2 β[ G1 K k=3 ρk2 rk2 +N ] R12 P(E12 ) = 1 − e− ... × 0 K 0 1000 88 59 79 92 39 97 700 83 600 500 8 24 0 0 72 15 44 31 99 87 98 67 55 94 32 43 70 18 34 64 54 58 200 22 1 82 45 38 28 40 96 69 300 60 66 14 16 71 63 Source node 73 100 29 52 Base station 25 84 7 78 36 50 56 10 5 65 49 62 74 75 11 47 P (rk2 )drk2 26 85 30 35 91 2 51 42 61 89 41 9 46 77 48 90 200 76 4 33 300 6 27 93 3 400 100 19 23 Destination node 100 17 80 95 81 86 68 800 57 37 12 900 y coordinates of nodes in meter where the last inequality is obtained by using the property of union bound. Note that here P(Cii+1 ), i ∈ Φ(n̈) is dependent on correct detection of all its previous nodes, hence independence assumption does not hold here. Let us consider communication between node 1 and 2. β.(I12 +N ) r12 −β(I12 +N ) 1 (e− R12 )dr12 = 1 − (e R12 ) P(E12 ) = R12 0 400 500 600 700 x coordinates of nodes in meter 20 800 13 5321 900 1000 k=3 By substituting P(rij ) and by invoking independence of P(rij ) the above equation can be written as K − βN−γ 1 p12 d12 . P(E12 ) = 1 − e β ρ2k2 pk2 d12 γ k=3 1 + G p12 ( dk2 ) Hence the end-to-end throughput can be written as − βN h−1 −γ 1 − e pii+1 dii+1 . P(C1h ) ≥ 1 − i=1 K . k=1,k={i,i+1} 1 1+ 2 β ρki+1 pki+1 dii+1 γ ( dki+1 ) G pii+1 (2) B. End-to-end delay The major contributions for the end-to-end delay result from the transmission delay induced by the relay nodes and the propagation delay over the multihop communications. In our routing algorithm, we ensure that end-to-end delay is minimum by involving additional path constraint. VI. ROUTING P ROTOCOL FOR DATA / VOICE MESSAGES 1) From n nodes, select a set of cooperative nodes and construct a set Φ(n̄). 2) From Φ(n̄) form a set Φ(n̂) consisting of nodes which satisfy interference criterion. 3) From Φ(n̂) choose a set of nodes which have suf f icient neighborhood connectivity and build a set Φ(n̈). 4) From Φ(n̈) select source to destination paths X such that the lower bound on P (C1h ) is above a certain threshold. 5) From X choose a source to destination path which has minimal end-to-end delay. VII. S IMULATIONS AND R ESULTS We simulate a single-cell DS-CDMA system. The simulation parameters are presented in table below: Fig. 3. Various routing algorithms: Green- proposed algorithm, RedInterference aware routing, Gold- Optimum hop size routing, Black- Nearest neighbor algorithm, Pink- Conventional communication Parameters Cell radius Propagation loss exponent SINR threshold (β) Cooperation level End-to-end delay threshold Correlation coefficient between spreading codes Spreading factor Thermal noise at receiver pref Antenna Gain in MT Value 1 Km 4 3 dB 70 % 100 msec 0.1 32 -90 dB 10−7 watt 0 dB (Omni directional) Interference threshold (Imax ) and end-to-end throughput threshold, have been chosen empirically as function of number of nodes. To validate the performance of the proposed model, Monte-Carlo simulation was carried out by randomly selecting the source, destination nodes and the results were averaged over at least 500 realizations of the nodes distribution. We compared our proposed algorithm with interference aware routing proposed in [5], optimum hop size routing proposed in [6] and nearest neighbor routing in underling simulation environment. Fig. 3 gives the route map of various routing protocols. A. Total power analysis The transmission power model used for analysis is pij = αd4ij + pmin , where α is the normalization constant. For simulation purpose, let us assume pmin = 0.1 and the maximum transmitted power from mobile handset is 2 watts. By substituting these values, we can rewrite the above equation as pij = 1.9 × 10−12 × d4ij + 0.1 . Apart from the transmission power, we also consider receive power in our power analysis. We assume a constant receive power of 50 mwatts per packet per node in our simulations. Fig. 4 compares the total power spent per packet transmission in various algorithms. 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) 0-7695-2847-3/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Nearest neighbor algorithm Interference aware algorithm Optimum hop size algorithm Proposed algorithm 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Fig. 4. 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of nodes 2500 3000 Total power spent per packet transmission versus number of nodes 25 Nearest neighbor algorithm Interference aware algorithm Optimum hop size algorithm Proposed algorithm 0.8 Dynamic call droping probability Total power spent per packet transmission in watt 2 500 Fig. 6. 1000 1500 2000 Number of nodes 2500 3000 Call dropping probability versus number of nodes C. Call dropping analysis Nearest neighbor algorithm Number of nodes bathed with interference Interference aware algorithm Optimum hop size algorithm 20 Proposed algorithm 15 10 5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of nodes 2500 3000 Fig. 5. Number of nodes affected with interference due to communication between nodes against number of nodes To visualize the effect of call dropping in multihop communication, we have implemented a model as given below: 1) A simple mobility model wherein at each time instant, a user is randomly located within a circle of diameter 50 m with the center of this circle being the user’s previous location. 2) A model in which there is a need for an intermediate node to initiate its own communication with probability less than 0.01. We have chosen Θ in (1) as a linear function of nodes with slope of 0.0025. The results are shown in Fig. 6. We can infer that the dynamic call dropping probability is very less in the case of proposed algorithm because of connectivity criterion. D. Incentives and end-to-end delay analysis From Fig. 4 we can infer that the proposed routing algorithm decreases the required overall power to a larger extent as compared to other algorithms. An interesting observation is that, the total power spent on the nearest neighbor algorithm and interference aware algorithm are considerably higher. This is because, though the single hop transmission power in both the algorithms is less, these algorithms result in many intermediate nodes; hence the total transmitted power spent will be significantly higher. B. Interference analysis Due to the reasons stated above the number of nodes affected with significant interference because of communication from a source to destination is considerably lesser in the proposed algorithm as shown in Fig. 5. The nodes which receive interference more than 0 dB from any other communication is assumed to have significant interference. From Fig. 5 we can also infer that the reduction in interference in the case of proposed algorithm compared to nearest neighbor algorithm is about 70 %. In the end-to-end delay, transmission delay in the intermediate nodes constitutes major component. Therefore, as the number of intermediate nodes increases the end-to-end delay and the incentives paid also increase. We assume equal distribution of incentives for all intermediate nodes and constant transmission delay of 30 msec per node. Fig. 7 compares end-to-end delay and Fig. 8 compares the incentives paid in various algorithms. From Fig. 7 we can infer that the endto-end delay in case of interference aware routing is at the intolerable level for voice communication, while the end-toend delay in the proposed approach is around 100 msec which is insensitive to human ears. From Fig. 8 we can conclude that the proposed algorithm costs much less compared to other algorithms. This is because interference aware and nearest neighbor algorithms always selects the neighbor which is closer. Hence such algorithms are prone to have larger number of intermediate hops resulting in high end-to-end delay and incentives paid. E. End-to-end throughput analysis We have plotted minimum guaranteed end-to-end throughput by varying the number of nodes in Fig. 9. From Fig. 9 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07) 0-7695-2847-3/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0.45 1.05 Proposed algorithm Optimum hop size routing Interference aware routing Nearest neighbor routing Nearest neighbor algorithm 0.4 Intereference aware algorithm 1 Optimum hop size algorithm Proposed algorithm 0.95 End−to−end throughput End−to−end delay in sec 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.15 0.65 0.1 0.6 0.05 500 1000 Fig. 7. 1500 2000 Number of nodes 2500 3000 End-to-end delay versus number of nodes Fig. 9. 12 11 Total incentives paid in units 10 Nearest neighbor algorithm Interference aware algorithm Optimum hop size algorithm Proposed algorithm 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 500 Fig. 8. 1000 1500 2000 Number of nodes 2500 0.55 500 3000 Incentives spent per communication against number of nodes we can deduce that the minimum guaranteed throughput in the case of proposed algorithm is considerably higher. This is because from (2) it is clear that end-to-end throughput is function of number of hops. As the number of hops increases the end-to-end throughput reduces. VIII. C ONCLUSION In our work, we have proposed a unified routing algorithm for MCN by taking several QoS metrics into consideration. The proposed algorithm has been compared with the existing MCN routing algorithms such as; interference aware algorithm, nearest neighbor algorithm and optimum hop size algorithm. We conclude that the proposed algorithm is superior in terms of incentives paid, interference, total power spent, call dropping, end-to-end throughput and end-to-end delay compared to other algorithms. R EFERENCES [1] Y. Lin and Y. Hsu, “Multi-hop cellular: A new architecture for wireless communications,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2000, vol. 3, 26-30 March 2000, pp. 1273–1282. [2] I. Ioannidis and B. 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