Access Mechanism for Multihop Cellular Networks G. Kannan, S. N. Merchant and U. B. Desai SPANN Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, India Email: {gkannan, merchant, ubdesai} Abstract— We propose a CDMA-OFDM access mechanism for Multihop Cellular Networks (MCN). We construct groups within the MCN, where each group comprises of a source node, a destination node, their intermediate relay nodes and assign a correlated PN sequence to each such group. Within a particular group, a single carrier is assigned to each intermediate hop. The sub carriers assigned to the intermediate hops in a given group are mutually orthogonal. Hence the proposed OFDM is FDMA in nature. The sub carriers and transmit power levels to the relay nodes are assigned in such a way as to maximize the end-to-end throughput. The end-to-end throughput is formulated by assuming a Rayleigh flat fading channel between nodes. We present a method to reuse the PN codes assigned to the groups in a particular cell. We also introduce a novel architecture for MCN. Simulation results show that the proposed access mechanism achieves better end-to-end throughput and bit error rate (BER) performance as compared to standard access mechanisms like CDMA and OFDM-FDMA. Furthermore the proposed access mechanism has considerably higher BER performance in the presence of multiple transmit sources. Control messages Base station Mobile station Multihop Voice/ Data messages Fig. 1. Proposed System Architecture I. I NTRODUCTION Multihop cellular network is the integration of cellular network and adhoc network. Consequently, nodes in MCN can communicate with each other or access the base station through multiple hops. Such an architecture promises the advantages of increase in coverage and improvement in throughput for cellular communications. Though MCN leads to performance enhancement, there are a number of issues that have to be addressed to make MCN an effective technology. We address one such important issue, namely access mechanism. The primary objectives of the MCN access mechanism are efficient bandwidth utilization, low implementation complexity and higher data rates. To achieve these objectives, the two primary contending technologies are • Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which has higher spectral efficiency and very low implementation complexity. • Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), which promises higher data rate. The combination of CDMA and OFDM is a promising candidate for MCN. We will derive the mechanisms for using OFDM-CDMA in MCN in the subsequent sections of this paper. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) We propose a strategy to use CDMA-OFDM access mechanism in MCN. Our proposed OFDM is FDMA This work was supported by Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Research India under the Microsoft Research India PhD Fellowship Award. in nature. We propose a sub carrier and transmit power allocation scheme to the intermediate hops such that the end-to-end throughput is maximized with the constraint that the interference is maintained below a threshold. 2) We formulate the end-to-end throughput by assuming an i.i.d Rayleigh flat fading propagation channel between nodes instead of the commonly encountered distancedecay law in literature. 3) We propose a code allocation scheme and a method of reusing the PN code and OFDM spectrum in MCN. 4) We also present a novel architecture for MCN. II. R ELATED WORK There is a significant amount of research work going on in access mechanism design for MCN. MC-CDMA access mechanism is proposed for MCN in [1]; however the system model assumes fixed relays and the proposed algorithm is only for downlink communication. Sub carrier allocation scheme to maximize the information theoretic capacity of an OFDM based multihop network is proposed in [2]. An OFDM relaying scheme by taking into account the propagation channel is proposed in [3]. Optimal number of subcarriers into which the bandwidth should be split in order to maximize the throughput of the OFDM based MCN is analyzed in [4]. Fair amount of work has also been done on CDMA based MCN [5], [6], [7]. However to the best of authors’ knowledge, there is no literature available on CDMA-OFDM for MCN with generic 1-4244-0264-6/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 31, 2009 at 04:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 279 OFDM Sub Carrier 3 OFDM Sub Carrier 1 OFDM Sub Carrier 1 Group 1, Spreading code c 1 Group n, Spreading code c n Group 2, Spreading code c 2 OFDM Sub Carrier 2 OFDM Sub Carrier 1 Fig. 2. Proposed Access Mechanism system model and Rayleigh fading channel to maximize the end-to-end throughput. III. P ROPOSED A RCHITECTURE We consider a single cell with a base station at the center and mobile nodes distributed according to a two dimensional Poisson point process, as shown in Fig. 1. The communication is assumed to be in the form of packets. We assume that nodes do not transmit and receive in the same time slot to avoid primary collision at nodes [8]. We also assume that the propagation channel between the mobile nodes follows an i.i.d Rayleigh distribution. The logical channel is divided into Control Channels (CCH) and a Traffic Channels (TCH). Note that the logical channel is different from the propagation channel. CCH handles only signaling, while TCH carries speech and data traffic. Control messages containing the source ID and the destination ID, will be exchanged between the nodes and base station using CCH. Control messages follow Dijkstra shortest path routing as they are very short and occur, only at the time of call initialization. TCH follow multihop communication. Fig. 1 shows such a routing strategy with dashed lines for control messages and continuous lines for voice/data communications. We follow the unified routing strategy proposed in [9] to determine the routing path from source to destination. Whenever a node wants to initiate a communication, it will send a call initiation request to the base station through CCH. Base station will find the route by using the algorithm proposed in [9] and will convey the route information to source and destination through CCH. Hereafter we assume that definite path exists for TCH and CCH from source to destination. be many such groups in a cell. Each group is assigned a single PN spreading sequence. The PN sequences assigned to different groups are correlated. In a particular group each node uses a single OFDM sub carrier to forward the call. Hence the proposed OFDM is FDMA in nature. Moreover, FDMA based OFDM has higher throughput than TDMA based OFDM [2]. To reduce the receiver complexity a simple matched filter receiver is considered. The message packets are CDMA spreaded and OFDM modulated at the source node. The relay nodes are assumed to be of demodulate and forward type; i.e., relay nodes demodulate the OFDM packet and modulate them again with a different OFDM carrier and forward it to the next node in the path. Note that CDMA spreading/despreading will be done only at the source node and/or destination node (end nodes) not at relay nodes (intermediate nodes). B. System Model We consider a CDMA-OFDM system with G groups transmitting at a given instant. Assume Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) constellation for generating the input bits with equal probability for symbols +1 and -1. Let us consider a group g consisting of a source node u, a destination node d and a set of intermediate relay nodes. Assume that the group g is assigned a spreading waveform cg (.) whose support is [0, Tbit ] and sg = [sg0 , sg1 , . . . , sgN −1 ] denotes the corresponding spreading sequence with spreading gain N . Then, cg (t) = A. Proposed Access Mechanism The underlying system model is shown in Fig. 2. Let us construct a group with source node, destination node and intermediate relay nodes as shown in Fig. 2. There could sgn rect[t − nTc ] n=0 where rect(t) is a rectangular waveform with unit amplitude in [0, Tc ] and Tc is the chip period. Let us assume bg (i) is the transmitted bit in group g. The kth relay node in group g transmits bit bg (i) with amplitude Akg in ith bit interval and the length of signaling interval for each user is Tbit . The baseband signal of the kth transmitting node in gth group can now be expressed as j2πkt cg (t − iTbit ), xkg (t) = Akg bg (i)exp Tbit iTbit ≤ t < (i + 1)Tbit 1) Processing at relay nodes: Assume perfect synchronization at the relay nodes in the underlying CDMA-OFDM model. The received signal at any relay node l from any other node k in group g at any instant t is given by ŷkl (t) = Akg bg (i)cg (t − iTbit ) + G AνG bG (i)cG (t − iTbit ) G=1 G=g where IV. P ROPOSED ACCESS M ECHANISM AND S YSTEM M ODEL N −1 G=1 (.) G=g + η(t) is the signal received at node l from some node ν of group G which uses same carrier as that of node k and η(t) is zero mean Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Once the OFDM demodulation is complete the signals are again OFDM modulated with a different carrier and transmitted to the next relay node. 280 Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 31, 2009 at 04:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2) Processing at end nodes: The processing at the end node consists of OFDM demodulation and CDMA despreading. Let us assume that the end node d receives signal from node m. The OFDM demodulated signal ŷmd (t) at node d can also be derived in a similar fashion as ŷkl (t). After matched filtering and despreading of ŷmd (t), the received symbol yd [i] in bit interval i at node d can be written as, yd [i] = Amg bg (i) + G h AνG bG (i)ρGg + ηh ν=1 G=1 G=g (1) Tbit where ρGg = t=0 cG (t−iTbit )cg (t−iTbit )dt is the correlation factor between group g and group G, h is the number of hops and ηh is the noise added to the symbol over one bit interval at all nodes. Note that Amg will be sufficiently h G higher than G=1 (.) and ηh due to the power and ν=1 G=g envelope still follows Rayleigh distribution [10]. Using the fact that if Y is Rayleigh distributed and X=Y2 , then X will follow exponential distribution, we can conclude that rlm follows exponential distribution as given below lm 1 −r e Rlm P(rlm ) = (2) Rlm where Rlm denotes the average received power Rlm = dplm γ , lm plm is the transmitted power from node l to node m, dlm is the distance between node l and node m and γ is the path loss coefficient [11]. Let χm = {1, 2, 3, . . . , h} be the path selected to relay the communication from source node 1 to the destination node h in group g, with h − 1 number of hops. The probability P(C1h ) that the message is successfully transmitted from source 1 to destination h is given by h−1 P(C1h ) = P( bandwidth allocation strategy as will be explained in the following section. h−1 Cii+1 ) = 1 − P( i=1 ≥1− V. A LLOCATION OF R ESOURCES A. Sub carrier and power allocation We allocate the sub carriers and transmit powers to the intermediate nodes such that the end-to-end throughput is maximized with the condition that the interference caused to other nodes is bounded. We define end-to-end throughput as probability of successful transmission of packets from source to destination. Successful transmission from source to destination involves successful transmission at each and every intermediate node. The successful single hop transmission from node l to its neighbor node m occurs when the received power at node m from node l (rlm ) is stronger than interference plus noise power by a factor of β (i.e SIN R ≥ β). The probability of successful transmission from node l to node m is rlm ≥ β) P(Clm ) = P(SIN Rlm ≥ β) = P( (Ilm + φ) = P(rlm ≥ β.(Ilm + φ)) where Ilm is the interference at node m from other communicating nodes, SIN Rlm is the signal to interference plus noise ratio at the link between l and m and φ is the noise power. Let rGm , G = 1, . . . , G (G = g) be the received power at node m from the interferer in group G. The total interference at node m from the interferers in all G − 1 groups which use the same carrier as that of the hop between l and m is given by Ilm 1 = N G ρ2Gg rGm G=1,G=g Erroneous detection occurs when SIN Rlm < β, and this probability P(Elm ) is given by P(Elm ) = P(rlm < β.(Ilm + φ)) The propagation channel between mobile to mobile is different from the conventional wireless channel. However channel Eii+1 ) i=1 h−1 (3) P(Eii+1 ) i=1 where the last inequality is obtained by using the union bound. Note that P(Cii+1 ) is dependent on correct detection of all its previous nodes. Let us consider the communication between node i and i + 1 in group g. P(Eii+1 ) = P(SIN Rii+1 < β) = P(rii+1 < β.(Iii+1 + φ)) β.(Iii+1 +φ) r 1 − ii+1 = (e Rii+1 )drii+1 Rii+1 0 = 1 − (e −β(Iii+1 +φ) Rii+1 ) where Iii+1 itself is a random variable, therefore, by analyzing along similar lines of [11], P(Eii+1 ) can be written as G β 1 ρ2 rGi+1 +φ Gg N G=1 P(Eii+1 ) = ∞ ∞ ... 0 0 G=g − 1− e Rii+1 × G P (rGm )drGm G=1 G=g By substituting P(rGi+1 ) from (2) and by invoking independence of P(rGi+1 ) the above equation can be written as − βφ G −γ 1 P(Eii+1 ) = 1 − e pii+1 dii+1 . 2 β ρGi+1 pGi+1 dii+1 γ ( dGi+1 ) G=1 1 + N pii+1 G=g (4) Using (3) and (4), the end-to-end throughput can be written as − βφ h−1 −γ 1 − e pii+1 dii+1 . P(C1h ) ≥ 1 − i=1 . G G=1,G=g 1 1+ 2 β ρGi+1 pGi+1 dii+1 γ ( dGi+1 ) N pii+1 (5) 281 Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 31, 2009 at 04:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0 10 CDMA OFDM−FDMA −1 CDMA−OFDM 10 −2 BER 10 Rc Rc −3 10 Node i Node j −4 10 Ri Ri −5 10 Fig. 3. Proposed code reuse scheme Now the sub carriers (ci , ∀i ∈ χm − {h}) and transmit power levels are obtained from f (c1 , c2 , . . . , ch−1 , p12 , p23 , . . . , ph−1h ) = M ax Pl (c1h ) (6) such that Iij < Imax ∀i, j ∈ χm , where Pl (C1h ) is the lower bound of P(C1h ). B. PN code and bandwidth scheduling We propose CDMA PN code and OFDM sub carrier reuse in this subsection. Consider communication between node i and node j as shown in Fig. 3. We draw two types of circles i.e., a communication circle with radius Rc and an interference circle with radius Ri around each node. The radius Rc is equal to the distance between node i and node j (dij ). Let us assume βI to be the tolerable interference level at any node from any other node. To avoid secondary collision ([8]) the radius Ri is chosen as 1 2 ρij pij γ Ri = and Ri > Rc βI Now the OFDM carrier of the hop between i and j can be reused at any node beyond the interference circles of both node i and node j. PN code is reused in some other group which is beyond the interference circle of all nodes in the group. VI. S IMULATION AND R ESULTS We simulate a single cell system with the simulation parameters presented in table below: Parameters Cell radius Number of nodes in the cell Propagation loss exponent (γ) SINR threshold (β) Interference threshold (Imax ) Correlation coefficient between spreading codes (ρGg ) Spreading factor (N ) Thermal noise at receiver Antenna Gain in MT Value 1 Km 1000 4 3 dB -80 dB 0.1 32 -90 dB 0 dB (Omni directional) 0 2 4 Fig. 4. 6 8 10 12 SNR in dB 14 16 18 20 BER performance comparison To validate the performance of the proposed model, a MonteCarlo simulation was carried out by randomly selecting the source and destination nodes, and the results were averaged over at least 100 realizations of the nodes distribution. We employ genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the constrained optimization of (6) [12]. Chromosome values of GA are generated from a uniformly distributed random number generator. Maximum transmit power (maximum value of chromosomes) from any node is assumed to be 1 watt. We use 0.95 as Pl (c1h ) threshold. The square of the error between the value of Pl (c1h ) (obtained by substituting chromosomes’ values of GA) and 0.95 is taken as the fitness function. Cross over probability is assumed to be 0.5 while mutation probability is 0.01. A. BER performance BER performances of various access mechanisms is compared in Fig. 4. For comparison purpose we consider a CDMA access mechanism which has similar PN correlation coefficient as that of our proposed CDMA-OFDM mechanism. We also consider an OFDM-FDMA access mechanism proposed in [2]. We allow 50 randomly placed groups to transmit at the same time. We examine a single group communication and assume a matched filter receiver at the end node as explained in (1). From Fig. 4 we can infer that the proposed CDMA-OFDM access mechanism has better BER performance as compared to CDMA and OFDM-FDMA algorithms. B. Multiple access interference analysis The effect of increasing the number of active groups (transmitting groups) in the system for SNR of 20 dB at each node is shown in Fig. 5. It is evident that more the number of active groups, more the interference in the system. Therefore as the number of active groups increases the BER performances of the access mechanisms reduce as shown in Fig. 5. However in the proposed algorithm due to the interference constraint and reuse scheme, interference at the nodes will be at tolerable levels. Hence the performance is significantly better in the proposed algorithm compared to CDMA and OFDM-FDMA algorithms. 282 Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 31, 2009 at 04:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. −1 10 CDMA OFDM−FDMA CDMA−OFDM Mean square error in 100 realizations 1.4 −2 BER 10 −3 10 −4 10 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 20 40 60 80 100 Number of active groups 120 140 5 Fig. 5. BER performance against number of active groups for a fixed SNR of 20 dB 15 20 25 30 Number of generations 35 40 45 50 Fig. 7. Convergence of Genetic algorithm in power and subcarrier allocations constrained optimization of power and sub carrier allocation. Our proposed algorithm is simple in implementation and has better BER and throughput performance compared to the CDMA and OFDM-FDMA. Analytical study of spatial reuse of the proposed algorithm has been taken up as future work. 0.96 Lower bound on end−to−end throughput 10 0.94 0.92 0.9 R EFERENCES 0.88 [1] T. Ohseki, N. Fuke, O. Maeshima, H. Iwai, K. Sugiyama, and M. Nohara, “Multihop mobile communications system using MC-CDMA in forward links,” in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC-2005, vol. 1, 13-17 March 2005, pp. 189–194. [2] J. Shi, G. Yu, Z. Zhang, and P. 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Moreover as the number of active group increases the end-to-end throughput reduces for the reason stated in Section VI. B. D. Convergence analysis The mean square convergence of GA in power and sub carrier optimization of (6) is shown in Fig. 7. We can deduce that the GA converges to a mean square error of about 10−3 within 50 generations. VII. C ONCLUSION We have proposed a novel CDMA-OFDM access mechanism for MCN. We used a simple genetic algorithm for the 283 Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on January 31, 2009 at 04:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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