A Comprehensive Call Management Strategy for Congestion Control in Cellular Networks N. V. Marathe, G. S. Biradar, U. B. Desai, S. N. Merchant Electrical Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai, INDIA 400 076 {nvmarathe,gsbiradar,ubdesai,merchant} @ee.iitb.ac.in Abstract Congestion in cellular networks during peak hours and at hot spots is a major problem being faced today almost everywhere especially in metro cities. Even though capacity dependent phenomenon this solution proves to be inadequate. Another solution is 'Dynamic Pricing Scheme' where the tariff is decided based on the traffic conditions in the cell area economically viable due to heavy infrastructure costs involved. As the traffic demand is continuously increasing the problem of congestion is going to remain forever and therefore needs to be effectively addressed. Our proposed scheme tries to address the problem of congestion in cellular networks by introducing a new concept of call duration control coupled with dynamic pricing and the major reasons for congestion in the network. We propose to restrict the duration of such calls depending upon traffic conditions. At heavy traffic conditions the network restricts the duration of ongoing calls upto a specific time beyond which the user has to pay at a higher tariff. At the same time a principle of call-on-hold is also implemented so that if a newly generated call [1], [2]. Though this scheme overcomes the shortcomings of 'Time Based Differential Tariff Scheme', it puts financial burden on users because higher tariff is charged for the entire duration of the call to all the users who enter the network under heavy traffic conditions. A thinning algorithm is presented by Y. Fang in [3] which smoothly reduces the traffic by Y.eFanmino[3]owhchtsmoothlyreducespth trf presented admission rates at the time of congestion depending upon the type andpriority ofthe service. Wewouldlike to propose here a new comprehensive call management scheme, which tries to address the problem of congestion in cellular networks by introducing a concept of call duration control coupled with dynamic pricing and the principle of call-on-hold. In our hold in a queue hoping to get a channel soon. Our scheme reduces the level of congestion substantially without any compromise with system utilization and at the same time it also marginally proposed scheme every user gets an almost guaranteed access to the network for a specified time at the normal tariff irrespective of the traffic conditions. Keywords- congestion; call duration control; dynamic pricing; It is very clear that the problem of congestion can be solved with two approaches. One of the natural solutions appears to be an increase in the network capacity with more base stations, but it requires huge infrastructure investment and is not immediately possible everywhere. This solution is also not economically viable because the capacity of the system is not then fully utilized at times other than peak hours. It is therefore very obvious to work for another solution. The congestion can also be reduced if the traffic demand is reduced by some means. The traffic demand is proportional to the call arrival rate as well as average call duration. Therefore if we are able to reduce the average call duration then it will naturally reduce the traffic demand and will solve the problem of congestion to a satisfactory level. Our proposed solution tries to adopt this approach and the simulations carried out show a remarkable improvement in call blocking probability. The scheme can be in the base station setups of the easily serviceimplemented providers. Also any existing such solution should not adversely generation. affect the system utilization and revenue Our r t ofe segendition. solution as utilizsaio increase seems to be a natural solution to this problem, it is not call-on-hold principle. Long duration calls in the network is one of does not get a traffic channel then it is not blocked but is put on increases the revenue per unit time. I. INTRODUCTION As the subscriber base of cellular phones is increasing at a rapid rate the problem of network congestion is becoming more and more critical. Since the infrastructure capacity is not increased to that proportion, it is giving rise to intolerably high value of call blocking probability especially during peak hours and at hot spots. Some solutions have already been suggested to this problem. Also it has been observed that the network becomes almost inaccessible due to exceptionally high traffic at critical times of either natural or manmade disasters. Therefore there is an urgent need to find out a scheme which will reduce call blocking probability without compromising with system utilization and the revenue generated. One of the suggested solutions is 'Time Based Differential Tariff Scheme' where call rates are higher than the normal rates during peak hours. But this scheme is not flexible and may sometimes result in underutilization of the system resulting in the loss of revenue. As the congestion is also a location II. on as PROPOSED SCHEME explained later satisfies both of these conditions. The problem of congestion is observed at certain places called as hot spots and at certain times called as peak hours and 1-4244-06 14-5/07/$20.00 ©)2007 IEEE. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. the system is not fully utilized at other times. It is therefore needed to flatten the traffic demand curve. A scheme needs to be worked out such that the users are discouraged to continue the non-urgent communication beyond certain duration at the time of heavy traffic demand. They instead can continue with such communication at other times. This can be achieved by effective call management strategy proposed by us. In our proposed scheme we try to address the problem of congestion with the following approach. A new concept of call duration control is introduced here and then it is coupled with dynamic pricing making the system flexible. We also introduce the principle of call-on-hold which has been discussed in [4], [5], [6] so that when a newly generated call finds that all the traffic channels are occupied, then the call is not blocked but is kept on hold in a queue hoping some channel to become available shortly. In our scheme when a newly generated call finds that all the traffic channels are occupied, then the system decides to issue an advance termination notice of 15 seconds to the currently longest duration call in the network. The newly arrived call is then kept on hold in a queue. The traffic channel becoming free because of termination of any of the ongoing call in the network is assigned to the newly arrived call, which was kept on hold at the top of the queue. The caller of currently longest call to whom termination notice of 15 seconds is issued has an option to extend the call beyond this limit for which he has to pay at a higher rate than the normal rate. If this option is not exercised during the notice period, then the system terminates the call after the notice period is over. Ideally in this system call blocking probability becomes zero irrespective of traffic conditions if no limits are put on the minimum duration of the ongoing call selected for termination and the maximum waiting time in the queue for a call put on hold. But to make the system practical some reasonable limits are required to be put on both of these quantities. In the proposed system the longest ongoing call in the network is selected for termination only if it has completed a certain minimum time. Also when a call which has been put on hold does not get a traffic channel within the specified maximum waiting time after its arrival then it is discarded. We have implemented our scheme for a single cell environment and obtained the results. We have not considered the handoff issue here because there will not be any significant changes in the results due to the handoff management schemes as they operate independently and will not have any effect on our call management strategy. III. SIMULATION MODEL We have considered a single cell environment for simulation and number of traffic channels available in each cell is taken to be equal to 40. The average call duration is considered to be 180 seconds with an exponential distribution. The call arrival rate distribution is considered to be Poisson distribution and the mean call arrival rate is varied in between 600 to 1200 calls per hour for consideration of different traffic conditions. This is a typical model for a practical cellular system. In our scheme, at the time of the arrival of the call if a traffic channel is available then it is allotted to the caller and the call becomes operational otherwise the call is put on hold. Each time when a new call finds that no traffic channel is available to it then currently longest ongoing call is selected for termination -1 ., complete a certain minimum time 'Tmin ' in the network before such forced termination. Simulations are to be carried out for different values of 'Tmin'. Such call is to be marked as 'OVER' and hence it is not to be selected as the longest call for termination anymore in future. As the user has an option to continue beyond the prescribed time by paying at a higher rate certain random proportion of such calls continue even after the expiry of notice period of 15 seconds. The probability of such calls is taken as 'Pa'. The additional time of these continued calls is charged at a higher tariff which is 'k' times the normal rate. Naturally 'Pa' will be lower for higher value of 'k' and vice versa. Simulations are to be carried out for different combinations of 'k' and 'Pa'. Calls put on hold are kept in a queue and the traffic channels becoming free because of termination of an ongoing call in the network are assigned these calls in their order of arrival. A threshold waiting time 'Tw' is fixed and if a call in the queue does not get a channel in this much time after its arrival then it is discarded and such a call is marked as 'BLOCKED' call. Four important parameters are calculated from this simulation and these are call blocking probability, system utilization, total revenue generated per unit time and average delay. All these parameters are defined in the next section. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations were carried out for existing normal method with uniform tariff, unrestricted call duration and no provision of call-on-hold. Simulations were also carried out for the proposed scheme with different values of 'Tmin', 'Pf' and 'k'. In all we have considered total six cases for different combinations of these parameters. The minimum duration of the longest call to be terminated i. e. 'Tmin' is taken as 60, 120 and 180 seconds. The termination notice period is taken to be 15 seconds. The ratio of peak tariff rate to normal tariff rate i e 'k' is taken as 2 and 3. A reasonable assumption is made regarding the probability of continuation of the call after the expiry of termination notice period. For k 2, this probability is taken as 0.5 and for k 3 this probability P. is taken as 0.3. This is a quite reasonable assumption and in practice this probability may even be less. Actual tariff can be decided by studying the usage profile to ensure appropriate reduction in call blocking probability. The maximum waiting time 'Tw' is uniformly taken as 15 seconds and is again a reasonably good figure, which can also be varied by the operator depending upon the requirement. From the simulation six different parameters are found out which are listed below. 1 Call Blocking Probability (PB) T This is the most important parameter of merit and is defined as the ratio of successful calls to the total number of generated calls. This is expressed in percentage in our results. 2. System Utilization (q) This is the average occupancy of the system resources i. e. the traffic channels in this case expressed in percentage. 3. Revenue per Unit Time (S) This parameter corresponds to the total revenue generated b tthe service p by s provider per unit time. This iS calculated on the Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ParmetVlusU5. < .~ . . basis of the used airtime by the user multiplied by the tariff. In our case the normal tariff per second is considered as unity and tariff for extended time is 'k' units. 4. Average Delay (TD) As the concept of call-on-hold is introduced here, there can be some delay in arrival of the call and channel assignment to it. This parameter indicates the average of such delays for all successful calls. 5. Average Call Duration (Tav) This is the average time duration of all successful calls in the system. 6. Call Termination Ratio (RT) As our system terminates some ongoing calls in the event of congestion, the ratio of such terminated calls by the system to the total number of successful calls is determined. Again this is expressed in percentage in our results. Six different cases have been considered for different combinations of the parameters Tmin, k and P, as shown in Table I. Graphs are plotted for various parameters against the call arrival rate as shown in figures 1 to 7. Figures 1 and 2 show the graph of the critical parameter i. e. call blocking probability (PB) against the call arrival rate for the existing normal method and different cases of proposed scheme. Figures 3 to 5 show the comparison of other parameters for normal method and proposed scheme. The graphs shown are for existing normal method and for the proposed scheme with Tmin = 120 seconds, k = 3 and P,= 0.3 (Case III). As the parameters average delay and termination ratio are not defined for the normal method figures 6 & 7 show graphs of these parameters against the call arrival rate for the proposed scheme only (Case III). As the results for different cases of the proposed scheme are very close to each other those are listed in a tabular form in Tables II to VII. In the proposed scheme there will be a reduction in the duration of some calls as compared to the normal method. The change in the nature of traffic is reflected in the distribution of the call duration. Histogram shown in Figure 8 indicates the exponential distribution of the call duration in normal method. Histograms in Figures 9 and 10 show the change in the distribution of call duration for the proposed scheme Case I and Case III respectively. All the histograms are plotted for the highest level of traffic with the call arrival rate of 1200 calls per hour. TABLE I. Case No. CASE PARAMETER DETAILS Parameter Values 60 kP. 3 Case II 60 2 Case III Case IV Case V 120 3 120 2 180 3 Case VI 180 2 Case I T.j. (in seconds) 0.3 0.5 Call Blocking Probability for Cases. I V 3 NbNorrnal lethod -. - Case (Proposed) -, | Case III (Proposed) -e--- ase (Posed) 2< 20 ii. . ... s15 5 0 : -.. . .* - s 700 80 900 1666 11W0 Call Arrival Rate (Number of calls per hour) I0 666 Figure 1. Call Blocking Probability (PB) for Cases I, III &V Call Blocking Probability for Cases 30 Normal Mdethod --Case 1:(Proposed) - ; . 6660 (Proposed) Case VI (Proposed) - o..6. 0 CCase IV * 2.2 II, TV & VI .. 7 700 .. W .. 9 900 16 l00 ..c .. W 1100 Call Arrival Rate (Number of calls per hour) 0.3 0.5 10 Figure 2. Call Blocking Probability (PB) for Cases II, IV &VI 0.3 0.5 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 200 System Utilization in 00 for Case III 166 Normal Method Proposed Scheme 90~ ~ ~ ~ Call Duration in Seconds for Case HIl Average Normal Method 190 ---Proposed Scherme 66 ~ ~ ~ ~ 166 166 146 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 666 766 966 666 Figure 3. System Utilization 126666 76 6606066 --- Average Delay in Seconds for Case III Normal Method sed Schem e .0 2.6 16 Figure 5. Average Call Duration (Tav) (%) ~Propo H ...... 16 Call Arrival Rate (Nu~mber of calls per hour) I4 46 38 1166 Total Reveniue per Unit Time for Case II 42 ~~ 161]i Call Arrival Rate (Numrber of calls per hour) .................................. ~~~~~~~.......... a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26 34 P432 666 1 766 666 966 1666 1166 Call Arrival Rate (Number of calls per hour) Figure 4. Total Revenue per Unit Time (S) 1266 ~ 666 ~ ~ 766 666 Call Arrival Rate 966 1666 1166 (Numtber of calls per hour) Figure 6. Average Delay (TD) Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1266 Histogram of Call Duration for Case I Call Teninination Ratio in 00 for Case III r03 .50 45~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~0 0~ 40 30 .. c056 o04 ~~~~~30...... ..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............05.... ... .. 210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~03 0 3...... rJ2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~5~ 07 u a 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 5 C Cu 03 0- L 50 10 I 10 20 20 30 30 0 5 Call Duration in ...........Seconds..... Figue 8.HisograofCall 0 0 10 10 20 5 0 5 0 5 Call.. Dur in....... tio Second.............. Duration for NeormlMtonFgrd0sHsormo Call Durattonion feor CseI Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0 TABLE II. Call Arrival Rate 600 Normal Method 0.17 CALL BLOCKING PROBABILITY Call Blocking Probability ( PB) in % Case Case II 0.01 I 0.01 Case III 0.01 Case IV 0.01 AVERAGE DELAY TABLE V. Case V 0.01 Case VI 0.02 Call Arrival Rate 600 Normal Method Average Delay in Seconds (TD) Case Case Case Case Case Case 0 I 0.01 II 0.02 III 0.01 IV 0.01 V 0.01 VI 0.01 700 1.87 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.13 0.03 0.08 700 0 0.14 0.19 0.13 0.21 0.17 0.16 800 6.52 0.06 0.39 0.06 0.32 0.13 0.30 800 0 0.50 0.72 0.51 0.79 0.56 0.71 900 13.73 0.11 0.60 0.15 0.58 0.28 1.38 900 0 1.05 1.57 1.09 1.62 1.17 1.82 1000 20.46 0.22 1.33 0.32 2.20 1.13 4.54 1000 0 1.62 2.78 1.66 2.86 2.12 3.70 1100 27.80 0.49 2.12 0.72 4.79 4.37 10.25 1100 0 2.32 3.63 2.52 4.52 4.22 6.13 1200 32.74 0.80 3.27 1.92 9.49 9.42 16.50 1200 0 2.84 4.61 3.76 6.49 6.53 7.94 SYSTEM UTILIZATION TABLE III. System Utilization (r) in % 74.23 I 74.21 II 74.01 III 74.22 IV 73.96 V 73.61 VI 74.23 Call Arrival Rate 600 700 83.68 84.17 84.11 83.61 84.62 84.12 83.75 800 90.38 90.23 90.83 90.26 90.95 90.15 900 94.03 93.67 94.38 93.76 94.49 93.96 1000 95.69 95.33 96.34 95.43 96.72 96.00 Call Arrival Rate 600 Method Normal Case Case Case Case AVERAGE CALL DURATION TABLE VI. Case Case Normal Average Call Duration in Seconds (T,,) Case Case Case Case Case Case 180 I 180 700 180 176.5 176.8 175.6 178.0 176.8 176.1 90.85 800 180 166.5 168.1 166.4 168.1 156.6 167.8 94.63 900 180 154.3 155.8 154.3 156.3 154.8 157.8 97.27 1000 180 141.3 145.0 141.6 146.5 143.6 150.7 Method II 180 III 180 IV 180 V 180 VI 180 1100 96.91 96.57 97.70 96.85 98.07 97.94 98.85 1100 180 131.3 135.0 131.9 139.3 138.5 148.6 1200 97.46 97.31 98.44 97.83 99.08 99.01 99.41 1200 180 121.5 126.5 123.9 135.8 135.8 147.9 TABLE IV. Call Arrival Rate 600 REVENUE GENERATION Call Revenue per Unit Time (S) Normal Method Case Case 29.73 I 29.73 II 29.65 Case III 29.74 Case CALL TERMINATION RATIO TABLE VII. Case Case Arrival IV 29.62 V 29.48 VI 29.74 Rate 600 Normal Method 0 Call Termination Ratio (RT) in % I 0.26 Case II 0.42 Case III 0.29 Case IV 0.14 Case V 0.21 Case VI 0.32 700 33.52 33.79 33.80 33.57 34.02 33.78 33.65 700 0 3.02 3.77 2.77 4.17 3.52 3.35 800 36.20 36.48 36.88 36.52 36.99 36.49 36.88 800 0 10.70 13.54 10.78 14.89 11.31 13.49 900 37.66 38.33 38.90 38.32 38.96 38.46 38.93 900 0 21.34 27.44 21.46 27.53 21.48 25.17 1000 38.34 39.43 40.51 39.50 40.62 39.63 40.44 1000 0 31.51 42.83 31.54 40.61 29.29 31.92 1100 38.84 40.57 41.86 40.73 41.60 40.80 41.26 1100 0 44.14 54.65 41.82 46.38 33.76 32.97 1200 39.06 41.41 42.75 41.50 42.23 41.41 41.71 1200 0 50.16 61.91 47.47 47.20 34.61 33.31 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 01:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. V. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION From the results shown in graphs and tables it is very much clear that our proposed scheme shows a substantial reduction in call blocking probability without comprising with the system utilization. In fact there is a marginal rise in the revenue generated per unit time as compared with existing method. Thus it takes into consideration the service provider's viewpoint as well. This is a very important feature of the proposed scheme making it commercially viable for implementation. Average delay in establishment of a call is also within a tolerable range and always user will prefer a scheme having a delayed connection than a total rejection. Even though some users may not like the concept of call termination by the network, users at large will prefer this scheme once they find that there is a substantial reduction in call blocking probability. Thus in this paper we have presented a new comprehensive call management strategy, which tries to distribute the available resources in a more equitable manner ensuring fair treatment to all the users. At the same time the scheme is also flexible and allows a user to utilize the resources without any limit by paying at a higher tariff. Selection of a particular case of the proposed scheme is to be decided by the service provider. The cellular traffic is continuously increasing and despite corresponding expansion of the infrastructure to increase the capacity, some such situations are always bound to occur when the traffic demand temporarily increases than the capacity of the system. In such situations there will be a need of an effective strategy to deal with this situation and our proposed scheme provides an effective solution, which can be easily implemented with the existing setup. 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